Star Soul Road

Chapter 32 Battle!!! The first battle

Chapter 32 Battle!!! The first battle (Part I) (Please collect)

The mountain wind blew violently, but it did not blow down Xiao Jingnan's confidence. Although it swayed like falling down, Xiao Jingnan and King Sen still persisted, because the top of the mountain was in front of them.

"Come on, Xiaonan, King Sen." Lin Fengxi worked hard for Xiao Jingnan and King Sen in the back. Their pressure in the back was much less, not as much pressured by the leader Xiao Jingnan and King Sen.

"Come on!" King Sen and Xiao Jingnan looked at each other, nodded affirmatively, didn't say anything, and tried to jump up.

There are still dozens of steps left. Xiao Jingnan and King Sen began to gasp, but the speed did not drop at all. They still jumped up against the fierce mountain wind. No matter how hard it was, they still did not stop, because they knew that if they stopped, they were likely to be blocked by the resistance of the mountain wind and wanted to do it again. It's hard to jump up.

At the last tenth level, Xiao Jingnan gasped with King Sen, but their eyes were full of joy, because they were about to reach the top of the mountain, and the appearance of the Yuhua Academy on the top of the mountain was clearly in sight.

"Huhu, third order, second order, first order, reach the top!" King Mori poured the last strength into his feet, against the roaring mountain wind, left the last stone step behind, and finally completed his second assessment. Then, he softened to the top of the mountain, because the leader of the last sprint exhausted his physical strength, and there was no power to support the heavy 100 catties of rattan armor on his body, and Lin Fengxi and others behind him also reached the top of the mountain one by one. Seeing King Mori fall, he hurried forward to help him and help him take off the 100 catties of rattan armor. Come down.

Xiao Jingnan was also beside the King of Sen. He took off his rattan armor and gasped hard. His feet trembled and he was about to fall down, but he finally stood firm. He was very happy because all of them had completed the assessment.

"Thank you, Xiaonan, Sen." Rong Shao held the hands of the two teenagers who had just led the team in the last sprint and said gratefully.

"Wow, wow, wow, thank you, we are partners!" King Mori said breathlessly, obviously he was exhausted.

"Wow, wow, hehe, we are partners, thank you is too much." Xiao Jingnan also gasped on his knees and said with a smile.

When Xiao Jingnan and King Sen rested at the top of the mountain, their performance was seen by the two deans at the foot of the mountain.

"Ha ha, it's time for us to go up!" Yan Shiyu's eyes were really far away, and he still saw the performance of Xiao Jingnan's group of people who had reached the top of the mountain.

"Well, let's go. Xiao Jingnan gave us another surprise." Yan Jianhua looked at the column with one-tenth of the incense left, nodded and said.

After saying that, Yan Jianhua first walked to the top of the mountain. The speed of each step was not very fast, but it sold a long distance. It seemed that this was related to space soul art again. Yan Shiyu gently touched the stone steps, walked away without touching the shoes, and followed Yan Jianhua. Mr. Zhong didn't go up. Laughing Cat, Leng Jian and Mr. Zhong returned to Shanyan Hall.

After a while, the two deans came to the top of the mountain and looked at the young girls lying on the ground resting in front of them. They shook their heads and stepped forward.

"Ah, Dean, you're here!" Lin Fengxi first found that the dean had quietly come up when they were resting, and shouted in surprise.

"He's, Dean!" Xiao Jingnan and others immediately took pictures from the ground and met the two deans one by one.

"Ha ha, you have passed the second assessment. That's good. It will be the third assessment in three days. At that time, I will take you to the place where you want to assess." Yan Shiyu said with a smile.

"Well, go inside and have a rest. After a rest, go down the mountain." Yan Jianhua pointed to the Yuhua Academy in front of him and said.

"Well, I see." Xiao Jingnan answered and followed the direction pointed by Yan Jianhua, and clearly saw the peripheral decoration of Yuhua Academy. Sen Wang and others also looked at Yuhua Academy like Xiao Jingnan.

Xiao Jingnan finally saw Yuhua Academy. There was no place to spit out, and even a little simple, but he felt very neat and tidy. There was no smell of luxury, but a trace of extraordinary dust.

King Sen also felt that the simple feeling of the Yuhua Academy brought her a trace of reverence, and Lin Fengxi and others also felt the same, but they didn't understand why such an ordinary college had a trace of saint's source.

"Hehe, go in." Yan Shiyu interrupted Xiao Jingnan and others to carefully look at Yuhua Academy and walked to Yuhua Academy, and Yan Jianhua also followed.

"Oh..." Xiao Jingnan and others came to their senses and walked with Yan Shiyu to the slightly mottled and faded scarlet gate of Yuhua Academy. The plaque was the four words "Yuhua Academy".

"Xiao Nan, it's so magical here. There is an indescribable feeling!" King Sen couldn't help looking around.

"Well, I'm the same. I don't know why." Xiao Jingnan also nodded and answered.

"Let's go in quickly." Although Lin Fengxi also felt a strange feeling, he urged to say that the two deans had crossed the threshold.

Xiao Jingnan followed King Sen and Lin Fengxi and others, crossed the threshold and entered the Yuhua Academy.

Several unknown flowers and plants were simply decorated in the yard, silently in the corner of the yard, and a cobbleded path leading to the main hall, next to it was an aisle leading to the depths of the college. Xiao Jingnan faintly saw some bookstores in the depths of the college, which was also very simple.

"Ha ha, come in. After a good rest, you can go down the mountain by yourself. Let's go back first." Yan Shiyu waved to the crowd and said.

"Well, I see. Let's go, dean." Xiao Jingnan and others said to the two deans.

"Ha ha, you should have a good rest and adjust your state. The assessment in three days is not so simple." Yan Jianhua simply warned him, and then walked from the aisle with Yan Shiyu to the inside of the college, leaving Xiao Jingnan and six others to rest in this main hall.

After seeing the dean leave, Xiao Jingnan and others kept looking around with curiosity. It seemed that everything here was so novel, and the child's heart was highlighted at this moment.

"Xiao Nan, it's quite good here, simple and not heavy." Rong Shao looked around the college and walked to the main hall and said.

"Well, it's really good. We passed the third assessment and will live here." Xiao Jingnan walked to the main hall and said to Rong Shao beside him.