Star Soul Road

Chapter 37 Mysterious Stone Monument

Chapter 37 Mysterious Stone Monument (Please collect)

Xiao Jingnan and others followed Mr. Zhong, bypassed the main hall, and walked to a small yard on the right side of the college. It is still blue brick and stone tiles, and the mos shows the vicissitudes of the years here. A small dark door sways slightly on the door. Everything is so old, not like a college, but a historic site.

"Ms. Zhong, we just... Here!?" Lin Fengxi looked at the ancient small yard in front of him and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Hehe, don't look at it old and old here, but the inheritors of the rain flower lineage come from here, which contains the diaries and cultivation experience left by each ancestor. There are many things worth learning." Mr. Zhong pushed open the small door that made the sound of sour people's teeth and went in first.

Xiao Jingnan was the first to come in. When he crossed the shallow threshold, there was a stone table, several stone chairs, and a pear tree in the yard, but it had been defeated. Looking up, what I saw was a small hall with the word "Tao" written on it. The brushwork was vigorous and straight, and the writing place was not procrastinating, clean and neat. On the left side of the yard is a slightly smaller house. The book "Pick up in the morning" should be the collection of books mentioned by Mr. Zhong. The houses on the right are exactly the same. There are about ten rooms in a row, which are one-third smaller than Taoyuan Village under the mountain. It should be the room you live in.

"Well, you can sort it out here. I'll go to work first." Mr. Zhong said with a smile.

"Good way, Mr. Zhong." Mr. Zhong, who walked out of the door, said Xiao Jingnan and others, and began to choose his own room.

"There are quite a lot of rooms here, but aren't there very few people living here?" Lin Fengxi was very curious why there were ten rooms here.

"Maybe it will be needed from time to time." Xiao Jingnan nodded, but his eyes were staring at the place on the left side.

"We are still like Taoyuan Village. King Sen is in the front, and Xiao Nan is at the end." Lin Fengxi pointed to the room near the courtyard door and the middle room and said.

Xiao Jingnan and others did not have any opinions, and soon went into their room.

Xiao Jingnan looked at the room and found that it was similar to Taoyuan Village. It was simple and clean, and there was no extra decoration, which made Xiao Jingnan feel very comfortable.

The first day of Xiao Jingnan's enrollment passed like this. There is nothing special, and it is still not much different from Taoyuan Village. The only difference is that there is a large library, but Xiao Jingnan knows the deeds of Xu Xu Xu Xu's ancestors and the things on the way to cultivation.

The next day, early in the morning, Xiao Jingnan and others had already got up. After a little exercise, they walked to the main hall and found that the dean and Mr. Zhong were waiting for them and others.

"Hellow the dean, Mr. Zhong, and the senior." Xiao Jingnan and others saluted one by one to the few in front of them.

"Okay, Laughing Cat, Leng Jian, you take the King of Sen over, Xiao Jingnan, come with us." Yan Shiyu waved her hand and arranged today's course.

So, King Sen and others gave Xiao Jingnan an encouraging look, and followed Xiao Mao Leng Jian and others away, as if they had gone to the other side of the top of the mountain for training.

"Xiaonan, let's go, follow us." Yan Jianhua waved to Xiao Jingnan.

"I have no choice but to come." Xiao Jingnan answered repeatedly and followed.

Yan Jianhua and Yan Shiyu were in front, and Xiao Jingnan walked in the back. In a blink of an eye, a few twists and turns came to the front of a yard in the depths of the college.

It is still a slightly old yard, similar to the one where Xiao Jingnan lives, but there is a trace of a different atmosphere here, which seems to be a little different, but Xiao Jingnan can't say it.

"Okay, come in." Yan Shiyu gently pushed the wooden door, and the wooden door opened, and a golden light shot out of it, and the "shaking" enveloped Xiao Jingnan.

"Ah!? What is this?" Xiao Jingnan was shocked by the sudden golden light.

"Xiao Nan, are you all right? Is there anything wrong with your body?" Yan Shiyu said with a serious face.

"Well... Not yet, but the blood flow has accelerated a little. Xiao Jingnan felt that the blood suddenly accelerated the speed of circulation, but it did not cause an accident, and he couldn't help but feel relieved.

"Xiao Nan, this stone tablet has a lot to do with your fainting. Go in, it won't hurt you." Yan Jianhua sighed and looked at Xiao Jingnan, who was surrounded by golden light.

"Hmm." When Xiao Jingnan walked in, he saw a stone tablet nearly a foot high shining with mysterious golden light, constantly hesitating on the stone tablet. There were also some dense fonts engraved on the stone tablet. I don't know what it was.

"Xiao Nan, let me tell you why you fainted on the day of ancestor worship." Yan Shiyu looked at Xiao Jingnan calmly.

"Well, I also want to know why, but grandpa and they don't say anything." Xiao Jingnan remembered that after fainting, his grandfather was stunned.

"Well, this stone tablet was brought by a mysterious visitor more than a hundred years ago. It was said to be put here, waiting for the predestined person to appear, and also said, 'The golden light refers to the divine level will come out'. At that time, we tried to stop the mysterious visitor who broke into the rain and flower mountain, but it didn't succeed. His cultivation was better than ours. Both of them are much higher. If he hadn't left, we would have died long ago. Therefore, this stone tablet has been kept here in the backyard. I don't know that the fonts on it are the text of that generation, and we can't see it. After studying it for more than ten years, we can't see anything. I just know that the scriptures on this stone tablet are divided into three layers, and the rest don't understand, so I put them here and ignore it. " Yan Shiyu recalled the origin of this stone tablet.

"Until one day, this golden stone tablet suddenly emitted a frightening light and pointed directly to the Qianshan altar of Zixiu Mountain in the distance. At that time, your Xiao family was holding an ancestor worship ceremony. We asked Xiao Mao to inquire and found that you had fainted. Judging from the observation of the cold sword, you were the soul blockade. The soul that did not appear in the year was blocked, and your grandfather climbed the mountain at night and asked us for inquiry. We promised to let your grandfather send you over the next day, but for fear of an accident, we asked the laughing cat to pick you up with a cold sword. Yan Jianhua also told the situation of Xiao Jingnan.

"Soul blockade, what is it? Does it have something to do with my frequent fainting?" Xiao Jingnan had never heard of the word soul blockade. There was a lot of doubt in his heart. Is it serious? If not, his grandfather would not have asked the teacher on the night when he fainted.

"Soul blockade is a sudden external force or brain damage. The three veins of the brain are blocked, resulting in the gradual loss of soul power in the body, and eventually becoming an ordinary person. If it happens before the awakening of the star soul, it is a different choice. If the unblocking is successful, the awakening of the star soul will be much stronger than other people's natural awakening or drug awakening. If the unblocking is not successful, it will become an ordinary person. On the starry sky continent, there have been at least 10,000 people who have been blocked by the soul in history, but none of them have been successfully unblocked. Yan Shiyu explained in detail the quality of soul blockade.

"Then I... Is there any chance to unblock it? Xiao Jingnan was a little depressed and understood his situation. He knew why Grandpa didn't tell him, and his family didn't know that the soul blockade was really a big blow to him.

"Ha ha, you don't have to do this. Last time you fainted, your connections have been unsealed. Your body is flowing with the power of your parents, and it is the power of high-quality star souls. We didn't help you, so you succeeded in unblocking, leaving only the heavenly and earth." Yan Jianhua said with a smile.

"What, I have the power left by my parents in my body." When Xiao Jingnan heard this, he couldn't help regressing, and his missing for his parents did not diminish.

"Xiaonan, let go. Although we don't know exactly where your parents are going, it is impossible for such a strong star soul to die like this. You have to practice seriously to find your separated parents." Yan Shiyu inexplicably said comfortingly to Xiao Jingnan's head.

"Well, only when my soul blockade is lifted can the star soul awaken, practice, and find my parents." Xiao Jingnan's eyes were a little red, but his little hand clenched his fist tightly.

"Okay, from now on, you try to understand the inscription of the stone tablet. As your teacher, we have no way to start with these things that may be inherited. We can only guide you to practice after your star soul awakening. So, in the future, you can come here to practice. Anyway, you should be the first on the stone tablet. The layer of inscription has seen through the awakening of the talent star soul. I have a hunch that the first layer is very effective for you to unblock. Yan Jianhua said carefully.

"Well, I know. I will try my best to understand the first layer, unblock the blockade, and then awaken the star soul." Xiao Jingnan nodded and said affirmatively.

"Well, let's go. You can practice at ease here." Yan Jianhua said. After saying that, he went out with Yan Shiyu and gently took the door.

Xiao Jingnan gradually walked up to meet the glittering golden light. The little hand gently put it on the stone tablet, and a cold feeling immediately came from the palm of the hand.

"Well, it's so cold! What is this?" Xiao Jingnan leaned his head over and found that the golden light was not very dazzling. Through the golden light, he found that the material of the stone tablet turned out to be a very ordinary stone, but it was very familiar and seemed to have seen it somewhere.

"This, text, what the hell is it?" Xiao Jingnan touched the words above and found that those words were so strange that he was not familiar with one, which was very puzzled.

"I don't know. How can I understand these things?" Xiao Jingnan didn't know how to do with these unknown fonts, so he was inevitably a little impatient.

"Well, close your eyes and feel it." Xiao Jingnan's mind flashed, and he wanted to close his eyes to feel it.

"This, this, this..." A wonderful and strange feeling rose from Xiao Jingnan's mind.


I'm exhausted these days. I can't write well. Please forgive me.