Star Soul Road

Chapter 64 Yuwan up the mountain

Chapter 64 Yuwan up the mountain

A group of red-robed bodyguards below heard the cold voice of cold weather with a trace of anger. Although it was not very big, it clearly came into their ears. Everyone did not dare to violate it and immediately went to follow the cold weather's order.

"Ha ha, the Xiao family, let's see what you fight with me. I kindly invited you to naturalize the Star Soul Hall, and actually killed all the people in the Star Soul Hall. Except for the sentry, there is almost no one left. If I don't shovel the Qianshan altar today, I won't be cold!" The cold sky's eyes were a little distorted, and the bloody air began to permeate the air of Zixiu Mountain.

In the cold day, he walked to the Qianshan altar, which represents the spiritual pillar of the Xiao family, pointed gently and said coldly, as if it was a chill that could not be dispelled in June: "Open the Qianshan altar, give me a whip, and finally poke the bones and ashes for me!"

The red-robed bodyguards present collectively stopped their movements, and a kind of coldness that fell into the cold pool began to spread slowly in the bottom of their hearts. Looking at the cold weather in disbelief, the burning of the ancestral land of others has been punished by God, and they have to poke the bones of their ancestors. Who dares to do it? Although they are also murderous, but It's digging human bones, and I really don't dare to do it.

"You don't do it, do you? Are you afraid of God's punishment? I'll do it!" Leng Tian looked at the group of bodyguards who didn't dare to do anything in front of him, snorted coldly, grabbed the iron in the hand of a bodyguard, and slowly walked to the ancient and simple green tomb.

In the cold weather, he slowly raised the iron and shoveled the stone tablet fiercely. Anger in his heart concentrated on this iron handle.

When, when, when...

Only a few sounds were heard of the collision between the iron and the stone tablet. There was no unexpected broken stone tablet, but the edge of the iron knife had been broken. The mouth of the white flower was so dazzling, and the reflected sun shone through the eyes of the cold sky, so that the bodyguard in red beside him did not know whether it was a good relief or still hanging the heart. .

The anger in Leng Tian's eyes was even better, and then he grabbed a handful of iron, and the faint blue light on his body appeared from time to time. Obviously, he had used his soul power, raised the iron again and hit the tombstone.



The blow of the cold day condensed soul power did not have any effect at all. Instead, it was rebounded by the soul power, which shook him out and fell to the ground and retreated repeatedly. His face finally changed.

"Dig out this tomb for me. I want to see what kind of stone it is at this time. Even my attack has not been damaged at all." The cold weather stopped retreating and ordered the guards to say.

"Yes, son." The red-robed bodyguard immediately went to act. Anyway, even the prince couldn't do anything about the grave. They were a little perfunctory.

When, when, when...

When several irons were broken, the guards immediately understood that the tomb was integrated with the mountain, so they hurriedly reported to the cold weather. They were also relieved. After all, there was no need to dig other people's graves.

"Sir, this tomb is connected to Zixiu Mountain. We can't dig it up." A bodyguard said cautiously.

"Humph, burn it here for me!" The cold sky said hatefully, and the anger in his eyes did not diminish.

"Yes, son." The bodyguard in red will go down immediately, because as long as you don't dig someone's grave, just set the fire casually.

"Oh! Are you Xiao Yuwan?!" The old man was shocked, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He asked carefully, "You are the daughter of Xiao Qintian's nephew."

"Ah! Old man, you know my father!" Xiao Yuwan said in surprise.

"Ha ha, your father followed your grandfather to Yuhua Mountain once. At that time, you were still a baby. I had seen you. I didn't expect you to be so old and about to get married." The old man's eyebrows trembled gently and seemed to be very happy.

"Yuwan should call you grandpa. This is my sister-in-law and second sister-in-law." Xiao Yuwan saluted again, but she held the younger generation's salute, and also introduced Nanqin and Zhao Caihuan to Mr. Zhong.

"Well, well, since you have called me grandpa, I'll take you to see Xiaonan first, and then talk to the dean if there is anything." Mr. Zhong nodded and said kindly.

"Thank you, Grandpa!" Xiao Yuwan took the lead in saluting and followed Mr. Zhong to Yuhua Mountain.

"Daughter, did something happen to the Xiao family when you came to Yuhua Mountain this time?" Mr. Zhong saw Xiao Yuwan, who had been frowning on the road, and Nanqin next to him, especially Zhao Caihuan, so he asked softly.

"Fell me the truth, our Xiao family has... No more, Dad and Big Brother..." The tears in Xiao Yuwan's eyes swayed and she couldn't bear to go on. Nanqin had already turned her head and sobbed in a low voice. Zhao Caihuan's face was also gloomy and comforted her.

"Ah!? What's going on?" When Mr. Zhong heard this, he was shocked at first. After thinking about it, he still didn't think of anything, so he asked softly.

"The Star Soul Hall asked our Xiao family to obey them, but Dad didn't obey, so... Fubo led us to escape and asked me to go to Yuhua Mountain to ask for help first. Xiao Yuwan rubbed her eyes and said sadly.

"Star Soul Hall! They actually came to the foot of Yuhua Mountain to make trouble. Daughter, don't be afraid. Grandpa will come out for you. Mr. Zhong comforted him.

"Thank you, Grandpa!" Xiao Yuwan said softly.

After a while, Mr. Zhong took Xiao Yuwan to Yuhua Academy, crossed the hall, turned the basic path, and came to the door of the dean's small courtyard. He flashed, and Mr. Zhong went in.

Soon, the two deans came out of the yard.

"You are the daughter of Qintian's nephew. If you are not mistaken, these two are the daughters-in-law of Yunlong and Yunhu." Yan Shiyu said softly.

"I've met two deans." Xiao Yuwan and the other three of them saluted one by one.

"Tell me carefully about the Xiao family. How can the Star Soul Hall have the ability to destroy the Xiao family?" Yan Shiyu said with a straight face, but he was very angry. The Star Soul Hall actually dared to come to the foot of Yuhua Mountain to make trouble, and also made Shangge City restless.

"If the Star Soul Hall wants to draw the Shangge generation with their power symbols, it requires all the families in Shangge City to obey him, otherwise it will use the excuse to copy the family and destroy the family, but the father and the eldest brother are not afraid of ** power. They drove out the threat of the Star Soul Hall several times. As a result, they were invited to the Yuanyuan Tower. So far, the life and death is unknown, Fu Bo I went to Zixiu Mountain with my second brother to bring Jingchuan out. It should be almost on the mountain now. Xiao Yuwan's voice was a little soarse.

"Humph, the Star Soul Hall are too presumptuous, thinking that this is Longteng Mountain!" Yan Jianhua heard about it and snorted coldly.

"I beg the dean to make the master for the Xiao family!" Xiao Yuwan slowly bent her knees and knelt down. Nanqin looked at Zhao Caihuan, and also slowly knelt down and was extremely respectful.

"Girl, get up quickly. It's not necessary." Mr. Zhong held on to his body and helped Xiao Yuwan up.

"Dodaughter, our Yuhua Mountain has been repaired with your Xiao family for generations. There is no possibility of death, and the Star Soul Hall is a chaotic business song. How can we stay out of the matter?" Yan Shiyu also helped the two up and said softly.

At this time, the smiling cat appeared from the aisle with a solemn face, and the smile on his face disappeared, followed by a cold cold sword.

"Dean, someone from the Xiao family is coming. It's the second young master of the Xiao family and the housekeeper Fubo, and a few teenagers. They said they wanted to see the dean. The situation was very serious, so I placed them in the hall." The smiling cat bowed and looked at Xiao Yuwan and the other two doubtfully.

"Go, go to the hall." Yan Shiyu waved her hand and motioned the group of people to go to the hall with her.