Star Soul Road

Chapter 80 Secrets and Divine Stars

Chapter 80 Secret and God-level Star (middle)

Maybe they didn't notice that the hand 500 years ago had been seriously rotten, and the rotten breath began to drift slowly around with water vapor. I don't know if Xiao Jingnan and others had smelled it, or ignored the secret of the diary.

It is said that an unknown hand five hundred years ago touched the air five hundred years later, just like sulfuric acid touching water, but the reaction was not so violent.

Six young girls immersed in the diary of an unknown star adventurer five hundred years ago were shocked by many of the geographical features, star beasts and mythical beasts, and indulged in the thrilling and strange stories described in the diary. Originally, there was a little resentment for this wet mountain forest. It has already been thrown out of the sky.

"Zizi" the black and disgusting fluid substance, in the wet mountain forest, is even more presumptuous to complete its mission. From time to time, his hands emit a stench, which is extremely unpleasant. It gradually drifts around. There are some black traces in the water vapor, but the ring finger is the ring. However, the fingers became more and more strange on the black rotten hands, and the red taste was a little strange.

"Hmm! Why is it so stinky? The rotten hand on his back was King Sen. This was ** with his nose. He felt that there was a smell that made him sick in the water vapor. His mind gradually broke away from the diary and looked for the source of the smell.

"Well, it stinks so bad, it smells like a dead mouse." Liu Ran leaned against King Sen's side. At this time, he also frowned, pinched his nose, and looked at the stinky place unpleasantly.

A black hand, mixed with water vapor, "sizzling" completed the great feat of turning everything into mud, making the people present stare at a pair of slightly angry eyes and look at Ling Yihuang.

"Lao Ling, why didn't you finish it? No wonder it's so stinky. Why don't you burn it?" Xiao Jingnan covered his nose and said complainingly.

"That's right, Lao Ling, why don't you solve it? It's disgusting." Lin Fengxi also stared at Ling Yihuang and said dissatisfiedly.

Ling Yihuang innocently looked at everyone, spread out his hands, took a deep breath with his mouth, and said lightly, "It's so wet here. What's there to cause fire? There's not even anything dry."

"This... Well, why is there no place to do it here? How can we make a fire at night!" King Mori didn't believe Ling Yihuang's words and thought it was an excuse.

Then he turned his head and searched around. As a result, he found that there was really nothing to dry here, let alone something that could ignite.

"Anyway, there is nothing dry. I came over when I saw you were fascinated. Anyway, it doesn't stink after it rots. Just put up with it." Ling Yihuang said with a smile, but there seemed to be a sense of prank in front of everyone, but he couldn't get angry, which was annoying.

King Sen looked at Liu Ran and seemed to let her make up his mind, but Liu Ran also shook his head. There was nothing he could do. The thing that caused the fire was not in the scope of consideration at all. One was too heavy, and the other was to take local materials. But it is wet here, and there are no dead branches owned by ordinary mountain forests, but a lot of rotten wood.

"There's nothing we can do. Let's go away. When it rots, it won't stink. Just come back." Liu Ran looked at the diary in King Sen's hand and said what he thought in his heart. Don't need to say too much. Everyone acquiesced, because the story on the diary is really wonderful. The most important thing is that he has never experienced it at all and has never heard anyone tell it, so it is not appropriate to attract flowers and red clothes for women. Introduction.

"Let's go that side. The record here is really wonderful." King Sen picked up the diary and walked to the small open space made of a large stone in the distance.

Xiao Jingnan and others didn't say anything. They followed the King of Sen one by one and left this stinky place to enjoy the story in the diary.

The leaves moisten the water vapor, and there is no noisy and naughty, and there is no complicated dewdrops that are too ticking. Instead, a group of teenagers and girls, gently lean on a big stone, looking at a black-painted book with relish, sighing from time to time and reciting it repeatedly. Some sentences.

If it is outside, this scene may not be rare, but in a dangerous and inaccessible mountain forest, there is indeed some bold smell.

If it is a star master who runs around all year round, he is not as bold as this group of teenagers. It can only be said that the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. Whether it is a mountain of knives or a sea of fire, his interest is coming, and he is too lazy to take care of it.

"Well, this paragraph is interesting. It actually refers to a magical place in the north of Xiangshui. There are many magical star beasts, and many of them are the original beasts of the star soul. It's amazing. Elder Zhebie Xuezang actually looked at the familiar star beast, but he couldn't do it." Lin Fengxi smiled and pointed to the diary and said.

If the star beast is the same species as the star soul appearing animal or plant, it belongs to the category of the original beast. Although there are many original beasts, the original beast will never kill too much, especially when it sees the same original beast as itself, it will cherish it more. If not, it will try its best to get it back and raise it. If it is No one will deliberately kill some rare original beasts, but although there are many original beasts in the star beasts, they are less than one-tenth, which is a pity.

"Phoenix, the sun swallows the tiger, the cloud-wearing golden flame roc bird, the purple gold Buddha hand emperor, the dark night golden flower, bloodthirsty moon god wolf... There are at least a hundred kinds of original beasts here, and we are all on the list. This senior can actually recognize them one by one. It's too profound!" Liu Ran gently covered his mouth and marveled in his heart.

The slightly yellow paper is not excessively oxidized, and the paper seems to be very good, but the story above is more wonderful, attracting this group of teenagers to sigh from time to time.

"Well, you look at a paragraph, as if it's about that hand!" Xiao Jingnan's browsing speed was a little faster and found that there was a very careful record of that hand in the diary. Xiao Jingnan looked down, and the surprise in his heart became bigger and bigger. He pulled Lin Fengxi beside him and said in shock.

Speaking of that hand, everyone's eyes first turned to the hand in the distance that seemed to have not turned into a ball of mud. They couldn't help but have some opinions in their hearts, so they turned around and stared at the diary.

"In July 1520, I crossed that very magical mountain. The original beast inside touched me so much that I felt that I should eat less original beasts and eat more other star beasts in the future. However, in front of the Xichuan River, I was attacked by a hypocritical old man in a white robe crown reading the Star Soul Hall with you, as if because he felt that he had some treasures on his body, but I explained several times, and he said that: The Star Soul Hall is with you. I was upset, so I fought with him. Finally, I was seriously injured and cut off one of his palms. There was also a divine star on his finger, a red ring. Although I also broke eight ribs in the end, I was still very happy to see him blowing his beard. Later, I don't know what happened. He actually escaped and didn't even want the ring. I also thought that the ring was useless. There were two top physical skills, and about half of the soul power of a Jinyao Star Master could be stored. I threw it in a leather bag and waited for him to pick it up..." Xiao Jingnan and others are used to the taste of teasing in the tone of the owner of the diary, but imagine that if anyone can be happy after breaking eight ribs, I guess there is only this old Zhebie Xuezang.

"Ring!? The red ring!" The king of Sen almost roared and got up and ran to the rotten hand over there. I don't know if it was a conditioned reflex. The speed of the king of Mori was much faster than others.

"God-level star!" Xiao Jingnan took the diary and stood up in a daze. He stared at the thick fog over the mountain forest. After a long time, he was distracted and ran to the rotten hand.

The rest of the people stayed where they were and savored the words just now, "Ring"! God-level star!", immediately seemed to understand and rushed to the rotten hand.

At this time, it seems that it is already afternoon to the evening, and there is a faint red light on the weapon. That hand has been rotting for a long time.

"It stinks!" King Sen pinched his nose vigorously and approached the black hand. After a long time of decay, the hand was gone. It was better to say that it was a pile of mud, dotted with a dark red ring.

Sen Wangqiang resisted the sent smell, found a stick, picked up the rotten hand meat rot, moved the ring in front of him, and threw away the stick, regardless of whether it was dirty or not. And the stench, he pulled a few blades of grass, picked up the ring, stood up, and ran outside to look at the divine star carefully. Get up.

"Oh! Is this a divine star? It's weird. Xiao Jingnan pinched his nose, blocked the stench on the ring, and said beside the king of forest.

"Well, it's true. I don't know how to use it. Do you want to recognize the Lord or something like that!" King Sen frowned, took a few deep breaths of air, and looked at it carefully.

The ring was stained with a few wisps of black things, emitting a stench, but in the eyes of King Sen and Xiao Jingnan, it could not defile its essence as a divine star, so the two endured the stench and observed it carefully.

Lin Fengxi and other people also reacted at this time. They ran to the king of the forest and looked at the divine star instrument called the ring in front of him with a similar pious look.