Star Soul Road

Chapter 106 Hidden Dragon Valley Up

Chapter 106 Hidden Dragon Valley (Part I)

The old savage nodded, respectfully took the monster Tiantuan and others out of the cave, came to the side of the broken mountain just now, and quietly and respectfully waited for the words of King Mori and others. I saw several slightly stronger savages standing beside the old wild people, with a trace of simplicity and piousness in their eyes.

King Mori took a deep breath. After a long time, he spit it out and said in harmony, "Old man, no matter what happened in the past, now you still live in seclusion at ease. You don't have to eat stones anymore. Meat, fruits and vegetables are easy for you to get. The order ten thousand years ago was invalid from now on." After saying that, King Mori took the lead and deeply respected this group of adherents, this group of devout races, with the most sincere respect.

A trace of confusion floated in the eyes of the old savage. Is it doubtful or understanding whether to give up the work for thousands of years? Is this a relief or abandoned again?

The old savage bent down respectfully and went forward to help the six monsters who bowed, but the six had already straightened up and stood quietly aside. The old savage was silent for a long time and said, "God! Are you abandoning us again or letting us live according to God's tradition of food, clothing, housing and transportation like you?

"Live according to our tradition, but it's still messy outside, so we... We order you to live a good life and not condense stones except for breeding races. King Mori can only use the devout belief of the mountain clan as the tone of his order.

The old savage seemed to tremble in his heart, and his voice was obviously very excited: "Thank God! The ten-thousand-year task is finally completed. We can live like a god. After all, we will become a race like a god. Thank God!"

The old savage led all the people to kneel on the ground one by one, kowtowing with great reverence. King Sen looked at the scene in front of him. He couldn't say much, and didn't do much, but this kneeling was not something that others could stand, so he had to step aside and stand aside.

"God, our family will give you all the crystals, otherwise we can't thank you for your forgiveness." The old savage said excitedly, and then pulled the king of Sen to the cave, and Xiao Jingnan and others came up one by one.

"Sir, this is the crystal obtained by your family at the cost of their lives. We must not want it. You'd better keep it." King Sen shook his head repeatedly. Does he dare to take these crystals? This is a racial sacrifice to mankind, and anyone with a conscience will not want it.

"No, no, no, if God doesn't want it, we will collectively condense the crystals to show our piety, but you don't trust us." The old savage said stubbornly, regardless of King Sen's bitter face.

The king of Sen sighed and knew how persistent this group of people were to the hypocritical belief, so there was today's result. However, this crystal stone must not be needed, but if you don't take it, the pious mentality of the old savage will really lead everyone to condense the stone. At that time, King Sen will be a sinner.

"Sen Wang, how to deal with it, or..." Xiao Jingnan whispered in Sen Wang's ears. Sen Wang nodded repeatedly, looked at his friends, and smiled, which made everyone know that Xiaonan must have a good idea.

The night is so vast, cloudless sky. How many people are as miserable and desolate as the mountain-gnawing family? Xiao Jingnan dare not think about it, King Sen dare not think, Rong Shao dare not think, and all the little monsters dare not think. This night, they didn't have a condensation. They just looked at the sky quietly, looking for the comfort and answer in their hearts.

"Xiao Nan, let's go overnight. This clan is not how much we can compensate or help. At least none of them can hurt them in the jungle. When we go out, what ability do we have to protect them?" King Sen sighed and said.

"Well, let's go on the road all night, use the star soul, and don't be caught up by them." Xiao Jingnan nodded and knew that this was the best way to deal with it. Several friends beside him also nodded and agreed with King Sen's point of view.

The night is still so quiet, but in the mountain forest, the six yellow spots can't help moving quickly and running far away, regardless of the danger of the mountain forest. I don't know how many dangers or uneasy factors their actions have caused. However, the king of the forest doesn't care so much, leaving the mountain tribe is the best choice, let them Giving up the crystalline stone is what you can do by yourself, and let the rest be submerged in the mountains and forests. Don't appear in human history.

Next to the broken mountain, all the people of the mountain clan quietly looked at the direction of the disappearance of the monster group, slowly knelt down, and prayed devoutly.

I haven't slept all night, and the Monster Sky Group has run for hundreds of miles. Even the ordinary Huang Yao can't stand such consumption, but the young girl of the Monster Sky Group has done it. Here, it is far away from the broken mountain.

The fog gradually became heavy, and the morning was coming. The monster group sat quietly in a secret place. With the help of the sunshine of the morning, they began to calm down. After running all night, they consumed a lot of energy and soul power. Therefore, they are very tired now, but they must stick to it, because this is a rain and forest, which is dangerous. Difficult to detect.

Deep in the mountain forest, about a hundred miles away from the monster sky group, there is a valley. Looking inside from the mouth of the valley, it is not like the fog outside, but dark. There is no sunshine in the past. Only in the middle of the night, when the stars are shining and the moonlight is shining, can you faintly see the clear situation in the valley. .

I saw giant dragons formed by red fog, constantly tumbling and roaring in the valley. It seemed that they wanted to rush out of the valley, but there seemed to be a force to imprison them. Except for the roar that went deep into the heart, there was no superfluous action.

Walking more than a thousand steps along the turbuling red dragon fog, you will see a huge monument that seems to fall from the sky, engraved with three bloody characters: Hidden Dragon Valley. There is also a row of small words below: The hidden dragon is divided into nine valleys, which depends on the level of the star master. You can't cross the level at will. If you are a little careless, your life will not be saved. Remember, remember!

In fact, this Hidden Dragon Valley was discovered thousands of years ago by a god shining star king, set a ban, suppressed the red dragon fog in the valley, and made it a real place for cultivation, but it went deep into the rain and forests, so there were indeed not many people who came in to practice, so it was gradually forgotten by the star master and soon disappeared. It's in the mouth.

At night, Liu Ran came to find the way according to the map, and the target was the Hidden Dragon Valley recorded in the diary. If the monster group wants to find out what to do, to understand the physical skills and soul skills is to fight!

"Xiaonan, how's it going? How much has the soul power recovered?" King Sen opened his eyes and saw that Xiao Jingnan had finished his health and sat quietly aside.

"About 30% like this, the speed is very fast, and two hours is 30%. Under our waterfall training, the potential of the body is well released." Xiao Jingnan said with a faint smile.

"Well, this time, our goal is Hidden Dragon Valley. I must understand the physical skills, otherwise how can I go back to meet Master Hu and Lord Iron Claw, and we are still only Huang Yao, not to the level of Zi Yao." King Sen clenched his fist and said, with a strong sense of self-confidence in his heart.

"Well, me too. We try our best to understand the soul skills and physical skills from Chi Yao to Huang Yao, but we need to put physical skills at the first point. We don't want soul skills." Xiao Jingnan smiled freely, as if he believed that what he understood was physical skills.

"Well, it's true. Although it's difficult to understand the sports skills, every Shenyao is a perfect physical skill. Soul skills are just a transitional thing." King Mori nodded and said.