Star Soul Road

Chapter 127 Inheritance On

Chapter 127 Inheritance (Part I)

Xiao Jingnan walked around the pattern, but did not go deeper into the 72 pillars. He felt the intimate atmosphere in the array, and there was more confusion in his heart.

"What kind of place is this, deep in the forest!? How can I feel a very cordial atmosphere from this array, familiar and strange, familiar, familiar, but I don't have any impression at all, isn't it..." Xiao Jingnan couldn't help recalling his previous experience, but he didn't think of anything about the big array. He could only speculate what happened after he fell.

Xiao Jingnan recalled that at that time, the Monkey King did not take action again after his blow, but quietly watched himself step by step to the depths of the deep forest, and even the monkeys did not roar again. It seemed that they had been watching themselves, or watching themselves die step by step.

And I endured the pain of yin and murderous erosion. I walked step by step and knew that I couldn't support it, so I fell down. After that, it was not until I woke up that I found that I was really not dead, but in this array, mysterious and kind.

Xiao Jingnan moved away and looked at the round pattern on the ground. On the blue pattern, eleven strange animals kept spinning and changing, but they did not run out of the pattern.

"Huh!? What kind of animal is this? It's amazing. I've never seen it. Xiao Jingnan stared at the eleven animals on the pattern. The changes of the eleven animals glowed with a kind of kind vitality, as if they were summoning him, just like the summoning of his partner when he was playing.

Xiao Jingnan smiled faintly and did not further explore what the central pattern of this large array was, because first of all, he had to go out, otherwise he would be trapped in the array. Even if he felt that the array emitted a kind taste, he was not necessarily not dangerous to himself.

Xiao Jingnan turned around, stepped into the 72 stone pillars, and walked towards the nearest stone pillar beside him. Xiao Jingnan wanted to see what these strange and kind stone pillars were and how to get out of the array.

Rebirth, Xiao Jingnan unconsciously, his mentality was close to a very high level, much closer to the first trick of Qiqiao Linglong's heart. Those bright and deep eyes look at things with an emotional mentality, not cold and irrelevant.

Xiao Jingnan did not feel that his own change was so great, but he knew that when he woke up, he felt that everything was different, although he had the same bone and flesh, and a persistent heart.

However, Xiao Jingnan felt that his bones were not only much stronger, but also his soul power seemed to be not only the original level seven of Lvyao, but also seemed to have crossed Lvyao and reached Qingyao. However, after Xiao Jingnan woke up, he had not used the soul power. Xiao Jingnan just felt that the soul power in his body was surging, and there was an endless energy, and he wanted to release the impulse of a star soul war.

Xiao Jingnan's footsteps stopped next to the stone pillar closest to him. Looking up, he saw the stone pillar towering into the canopy of the deep forest, but he could not see the top. Moreover, the radius of the stone pillar is also very large, which is twice as large as Xiao Jingnan's waist circumference, which is the huge size of the stone pillar.

"Wow! This stone pillar is really tall and thick. I really don't know who has the strength to bring these stone pillars here, and there is also a large array. Presumably that person must be a peerless master. Xiao Jingnan looked at the stone pillar that could not see the top, and suddenly sighed.

"Ha ha, this stone pillar feels quite good!" Xiao Jingnan gently put his hand on the stone pillar. Suddenly, a soft force gently entrusted the place where Xiao Jingnan touched the stone pillar, making Xiao Jingnan feel like holding cotton.

Xiao Jingnan carefully felt how familiar and intimate it was. The scenes of childhood appeared in Xiao Jingnan's mind: in the big house of the Xiao family, the young Xiao Jingnan, accompanied by several cousins, playing happily. Slowly, I grew up. Under the guidance of my grandfather, I diligently practiced enlightenment skills every day, rain or shine. Later, after going to Yuhua Mountain, several friends of the Monster Sky Group trained hard together every day, but they were very happy.

All of this is the most unforgettable thing for Xiao Jingnan. Everything is beautiful and happy. Therefore, Xiao Jingnan felt a very cordial feeling, but this feeling was that the breath of the stone pillar aroused his memories.

"Why does the stone pillar make me feel nostalgic? I don't wonder. I really want to know what happened to me, but who can tell me!?" Xiao Jingnan took away the hand touching the stone pillar and couldn't help sighing.

Xiao Jingnan recalled that after entering the deep forest, he stepped into difficulties step by step. Although he always thought that he would not die easily, it was not until the angry attack of the Monkey King that he really approached death, even when he was attacked by the wolf in the outer valley.

This time, without the escort of two brothers, it is a real challenge to face life and death. No one can save himself. Only one person moves forward silently. Only by himself and constantly improving his cultivation can he really survive. Death is not so close to Xiao Jingnan.

However, Xiao Jingnan has always had a doubt in his heart. He didn't know where his path was. Is he just blindly practicing!? In fact, it's not the case. Xiao Jingnan is very confused about the real purpose of the star master's cultivation. Does Shenyao really exist? Even if it exists, what will be after Shenyao?

Where is the meaning of life? The star master's practice is to hope that life can be shared with the world and live with the sky! However, Xiao Jingnan didn't know where his way was. He was very confused. He was so confused that he didn't know what it was like to enter the Yuhua Mountain Forest to practice. Is it enough to kill the star beast?

"Ha ha, what on earth am I going to do? Do I have to go deep into the big battle!?" Xiao Jingnan sighed, sat on the ground, looking at his tattered clothes, and there was a strong sense of loss in his heart.

The mud particles on the ground are scattered around, but the mud particles exist in order to eventually turn into soil. In the array, a kind breath kept rising and landing. Xiao Jingnan could not see them, but he could clearly feel the existence of the breath, which had their meaning.

"But what's the point of my existence? Do you cheer up a family!? Still looking for the traces of my parents. In the end, even if I finish it, what else can I get!? Xiao Jingnan sighed, stood up from the ground, and walked to a stone pillar on the other side, but there was a deep sense of loneliness in his eyes.

There is a kind of deep loneliness hidden in the path of the star master. Whenever and where, it will produce in the life of every star master, or the loneliness of the master, or the loneliness of silent cultivation, regardless of secularity, and the loneliness of no relatives or friends, all kinds of silence. Loneliness exists.

Therefore, the star master wants customer service to be lonely. One is ruthless. As long as you don't have feelings, loneliness will not have any impact. There are many star masters in this category. There is also a kind of people who are affectionate, although bitter, is better than ruthless. This is a kind of person with great wisdom and wisdom. If they can achieve such affectionate people, they must be people who resound all over the mainland.

However, how many people can reach this level? ruthlessness is a very effective way to serve all external emotions. Some are even cold-blooded and ruthless. There are many people who really do this.

However, Xiao Jingnan can't. He can't be a cold-blooded and ruthless person. He has a family with a large group of amiable family members. There are also Yuhuashan's partners and teachers, all of whom are kind to themselves. Is it impossible for Xiao Jingnan to practice ruthlessly and forget everything around him?

Xiao Jingnan thought for a long time and knew that his heart was always hot and warm. Whether it was a person or a star beast, he always maintained a point of harmony without hostility and was unwilling to destroy this harmonious scene. He would not really show his cold scene until his life was threatened.

This is Xiao Jingnan, a very real teenager. If there is no fight, he will always survive peacefully, instead of practicing diligently every day to reach a stage where he can protect himself.

"Ha ha, I think too much. In fact, as long as everyone is there, it is best to be happy together. I'm practicing now, in fact... In fact, it's to protect the person closest to you!" Xiao Jingnan sighed and smiled faintly. He had never regretted his journey as a star master. Now that he had stepped on it, he should let himself repay everyone who had helped him.

Xiao Jingnan's heart is very happy. After thinking about it for so long, he finally understands that the end of his practice is to be responsible for himself and to every family and friend. Only when he stubbornly stands at the highest end of the world can he truly live in a happy society and rely on his own strength to maintain his surroundings and Flat.

Suddenly, Xiao Jingnan found a phenomenon. Whenever he felt happy in his heart, the breath of the array became cheerful, and the flow spread a little faster. However, when I feel lost in my heart and depressed, the breath of the array will be low, and there will be a feeling of muffledness, which is very in line with your own psychology.

This is a strange place for Xiao Jingnan, but Xiao Jingnan doesn't know that he will always be safe, because he doesn't know what it is at all.

The array, even the two deans of Yuhuashan, don't know how can they know a little bit. They can only feel it by themselves. However, under their own feeling, this array is like their own home, and those breaths are like a naughty doll, feeling their happiness and unhappiness change.

"What a strange array. It's really like my home. It's very kind. Unlike the deep forest outside, there is a feeling of gloomy and indifferent, and even wants to kill people. It's so comfortable here!" Xiao Jingnan came to the second stone pillar again, which is one of the three stone pillars on the first floor.

Xiao Jingnan also looked up first. He still couldn't see the height of the top, and there was exactly the same huge. However, there seemed to be a layer of something on the stone pillar, which seemed to be old and blurred.

"Well, what is this? It seems to be... Pattern, oh, no, it should be text. Xiao Jingnan put his head close to the stone pillar, fixed his eyes, and finally saw some clues. There seemed to be a pattern-shaped text on it.

Xiao Jingnan was very curious. The text on the stone pillar was likely to introduce the array. There were ten ways to leave the array. Xiao Jingnan stretched out his hand and wanted to gently wipe the blurred layer of things.