Star Soul Road

Chapter 150 The News of the Monster Sky Group Next

Chapter 150 News of Monster Sky Group (Part 2)

"Ha ha, it's always like this. It's useless for you to threaten me. I'm just bringing words to you. As long as you receive it, I will leave. You can take as many things as you want, which has nothing to do with me!" The man in white smiled and was not afraid of the threat of Capricorn.

Capricorn stared at the man in white with a gloomy face. Unexpectedly, someone dared to say these words to the Capricorn like this. Unless he is a friend, the Capricorn will kill him at the first time.

Xiao Jingnan was a little surprised when he heard this. Maybe he felt that the white man was indeed a little different. Unlike the outer valley guard, he was afraid of Capricorn and wanted to secretly attack and kill the Capricorn at any time, and the guardian of the inner valley was even more so, almost putting his life in danger.

"Then why do you bring words? If you don't say it, I don't know!" Xiao Jingnan put his hands back and took a few steps. He looked at the man in white still smiling, but he didn't have any sense of fear.

"Ha ha, I think they are all the same people, affectionate and righteous, and they all say the same meaning. When the first person with words appeared, I didn't mean to talk to you, but a series of talented young star masters were like this, so I still should Come down." The white man shook the paper fan and said slowly.

When Xiao Jingnan heard this, he looked at the calm Capricorn beside him without saying a word, and then said, "Well, they are all my good friends. What they said, they are not in danger."

The white man smiled and put away the paper fan, and the Capricorn next to Xiao Jingnan really couldn't see the slow appearance of the white man, but it was also about Xiao Jingnan. He had to attack the white man, so he had to roar twice, bow his head, and walk to the shelf beside him to see these ancient treasures.

"They are not dangerous. They all said a sentence, and there is almost no difference in a word." The scholar in white said, looked at Xiao Jingnan, shook his head, and then said, "They said, say to the people behind, "I'll wait for you in the outer valley!"

"What! In just one sentence, they are in the outer valley!" Xiao Jingnan's heart was suddenly nervous, excited and expectant. Anyway, he was finally going to see his partner. Xiao Jingnan's mood seemed to be thrown into a nihilistic world, and he couldn't come to his senses for a long time.

The man in white looked at Xiao Jingnan's surprised appearance, smiled, and did not remind Xiao Jingnan. He carried his hands on his back and walked out along the path between the shelves.

The Capricorn poked his head out of a shelf and said, "You are a little mysterious, but you didn't hurt Xiaonan in front of me, otherwise I wouldn't let you go!" After saying that, a pair of murderous eyes stared at the white man.

The man in white was not afraid of the murderous spirit of Capricorn. He smiled faintly and said, "What's mysterious? I'm just a teleporter. I'm guarding a teleportation array, and I can't leave. Now that you kill them, I can leave. Why not do it, hehe!"

The man in white laughed twice and stepped away, while the murderous spirit in the Capricorn's eyes behind him took a long time to restrain himself and continue to check the treasures that deserved the Capricorn's surprise.

And Xiao Jingnan, who was next to the big pool, couldn't believe that his partner was finally waiting for him in Waigu. In the past two years, he has missed them very much. After all, only friends who have sweated, suffered and laughed together are the most true.

"Ha ha, I can finally see you. Now we can go back to Yuhua Mountain. After calculation, we have been in the Yuhua Mountain forest for four years. I don't know how the dean and aunt are doing." Xiao Jingnan fantasized about seeing several partners of the Monster Sky Group and returning to Yuhua Mountain.

After a long time, Xiao Jingnan woke up from his fantasy and sighed. Looking back around, he did not find the figure of Capricorn, so he walked to the rows of shelves.

"Old goat, what are you looking at!" Xiao Jingnan found the Capricorn by a shelf in the middle. At this time, the Capricorn was immersed in reading an ancient secret book, and did not seem to notice Xiao Jingnan's approach.

Xiao Jingnan looked at the Capricorn's indulgence and was a little surprised. Capricorn has always been a lazy style. Unless it is a battle, you can only lift your spirit. There are few things that move Capricorns. Is this book that looks like an ancient book so attractive?

Xiao Jingnan leaned over and looked at the ancient books where Capricorn stepped under the hooves. A line of strange fonts appeared in Xiao Jingnan's eyes. Xiao Jingnan, suddenly, Xiao Jingnan felt that the head was extremely big, and it was a font he did not know. There were really countless fonts in ancient times. I really can't understand. How could Capricorn understand it!

"Old goat!! What the hell is this!" Xiao Jingnan roared at the Capricorn's ear.

"Ah! Who is it? I'm scared to death. The sudden roar made Capricorn's eardrums seem to have been stabbed by a wooden stick, and immediately woke up from the state of addiction. When Capricorn saw Xiao Jingnan standing beside him, he stared angrily and said, "You can't keep your voice down. It's deafening."

"I called you and I couldn't hear you, so I made it louder. What the hell is this? It makes you addicted!" Xiao Jingnan scratched his head and pointed to the quaint book under the cocoon's hoof.

Capricorn looked at Xiao Jingnan and finally understood something. He smiled and said, "This is an ancient diary about mainland rumors and some strange things. Why, you can't understand it!"

Capricorn's smile was a little shameless, but Xiao Jingnan looked at Capricorn carelessly and said, "It turned out to be a storybook. Such a big person still believes in the story. It's really boring. I'll go and see something else."

Xiao Jingnan's indifferent eyes made Capricorn grit his teeth with hatred. Capricorn roared, "Look at your baby. I'll read my story book." Xiao Jingnan, who had turned around, shrugged helplessly at this time, with the idea of killing the Capricorn and making a coat.

"By the way, I don't have a single dress, and I have swaggered for so long. It's really like a monkey. Let's see if there are any good clothes here." Xiao Jingnan saw that he only had a few pieces of cloth blocking his crotch, and the other parts were already revealing the wheat-colored skin, so he could only sigh helplessly.

After searching for a while, Xiao Jingnan found a few well-made clothes on several shelves far away from the big pool, so he began to observe the explanation one by one to see which one was more suitable for him.

"Huh!? Yunxiang Fengling clothes, the speed has been improved by 200 percent, fireproof and fireproof, and the weight is 74 grams. Xiao Jingnan looked at a snow-white cloud in front of him in surprise. Only the hand embroidery and hem had a collar, and the flap was inlaid with beautiful yellow feathers. "It's so precious. It's so beautiful. It's 200 percent speed-up, pervert!"

"This one is to enhance strength. It is called: Dizang Qianlong Robe, and the strength increase is 25%!" Xiao Jingnan looked at a dark red robe beside him and was immediately shocked by the introduction data above.

"And this one, Jinling Yidu, used by space tasters, can increase the space body skills by one level!" Xiao Jingnan's mouth could no longer be closed.

Pieces of equipment, first clothes, coats, robes, gloves, rings, shoes, etc. The introduction above simply makes Xiao Jingnan feel that the world is too crazy. There is such a powerful refiner, otherwise how could these artifact-level equipment exist?


After a long time, maybe one day, maybe more than ten days, Xiao Jingnan and Capricorn finally came out of the stone house and saw the clothes of the two. If there were people who knew the goods, they would make them crazy to death.

Xiao Jingnan, dressed in a light blue robe, is an artifact-level equipment called: Tibetan blue snow moon robe, which can increase the speed by 25% and reduce the consumption of soul power by 25%. Each ring is worn on the ring finger of both hands, one is a super space ring, and the other is a ring that stores soul power. On the foot is a pair of boots that increase the strength, which can increase the strength by 35%.

And Capricorn is equipped with some red in the dim gold, which is a little low-key, but the ferocious appearance of the armor can scare many people. If you know the attributes of the equipment on Capricorn, it is estimated that some people will faint directly, power, speed, soul power, increase of 300 percent, and soul power consumption is reduced. Thirty percent.

The equipment on Xiao Jingnan and Capricorn, one word: strong! Two words: strong! Three words: speechless!! However, behind them, there was only an empty stone house left. There were still a few spider webs left in it, and there were insects on it that dried their bodies. The rest were bare shelves one by one. Those treasures were put into the super space ring by Xiao Jingnan.

"Old goat, let's go down the mountain. This time I can finally meet my partners. I believe you also want to see my friends." Xiao Jingnan patted the Capricorn on the neck.

"Ha ha, I really want to see if your partner has a pervert like you. I don't understand. There is a group of perverts similar to you. The world is really crazy, but this time we have harvested these things, which is worth the saying of madness." Capricorn raised Xiao Jingnan's body, backed up, and Xiao Jingnan sat firmly on it.

"Haha, let's go!" Xiao Jingnan laughed happily, and Capricorn's steps also stepped out quickly, and the lightning-like speed suddenly unfolded, three times faster than before, just like the wind and thunder, extremely fast.

"So fast, I was shocked!" The Capricorn's figure paused under the mountain, accelerated again, and disappeared, leaving only the faint breath, indicating that there were his footprints here.


Inner valley, in a valley with birds and flowers, thousands of red-eyed blood wolves walk around casually outside the valley, whispering from time to time, chasing back and forth, playing, very leisurely and happy, without the smell of bloody fighting of red-eyed blood wolves.

Walking along the valley, the number of red-eyed blood wolves is gradually decreasing, but the level is indeed getting higher and higher. Almost dozens of fourth-level red-eyed blood wolves appear together. Going in, the number of red-eyed blood wolves decreases again. You can't see a few at a distance of almost one or two miles, but they all have the level of five-level star beasts. .

After walking about ten miles along the valley, I saw a small lake. The lake was not big, about a hundred feet long. The water of the lake was extremely clear. In a shallower place, you could also see beautiful white pebbles. The fish in the water swam freely, wild flowers bloomed on the shore, and unknown birds. A few tweets, it's really a scenery of a paradise.