Star Dragonkui

Chapter 24 One Palm to determine the universe

Of course, Duan Fei doesn't want to lose. If he wants to lose the game, he will not appear on the field. In the last round, he finally launched a segmental attack. As soon as the gong sounded, he made a strong punch and went straight to He San's cheek. At this time, He San had two choices. He dodged, or reached out to his fist. Duan Fei didn't care which method he used, and then turned his fist into a palm. He San chose to dodge. Just after avoiding Duan Fei's boxing wind, he suddenly turned his fist into a palm and patted his back. Duan Fei practiced internal kung fu, and his internal strength was quite strong. Now most martial artists practice external skills. Internal strength cultivation is poor. Cultivation of internal strength is the most difficult thing. Few people can persist. Practice foreign skills quickly, boxing and kicking, talking about strength, and speed. Du, if he wants to fight with Duan Fei, He San is not an opponent at all, so he can't leave the empty door behind Duan Fei and struggle to turn his legs straight on Duan Fei's shoulder. He also turns passive into active, attacking instead of defending, and trying to bring back the passive situation.

Of course, he is not Duan Fei's opponent. After eight rounds of passive avoidance, Duan Fei's internal strength has been accumulated. Naturally, his ability is faster than He San. Seeing He San rollover, he was not polite and came to Duan Fei's patent catty in the air.


"Okay, okay!" After two dull rounds, another round of ** was finally played on the ninth round of the stage. Duan Fei turned over and flew up and turned down to He San's shoulder. He San struggled to push away Duan Fei's right hand. Soon he found that he had something more important to do. Duan Fei's left palm hit him directly with ten times. The top of the head.

"Ah!" I don't know who screamed under the stage. A little knowledgeable person could see it at a glance. With Duan Fei's internal force, if this palm hit He San's head, He San had only one ending and died on the spot.

This is a rather vicious killing move. Such a vicious move should not have been used in this kind of martial arts competition, but Duan Fei obviously can't take care of much. If He San died on the spot today, it can only be blamed for not knowing how to restrain. In terms of his and Duan Fei's martial arts skills, the boy went crazy. The fierce attack made Duan Fei quite embarrassed. Now it's all right. Duan Fei is in a hurry and uses the killer mace.

Duan Feijin is his signature dish. After countless drills, he is quite skilled. How can He San avoid it?

If he can't avoid it, he can only carry it hard. At this moment, he still has no time to control Duan Fei's right hand on his shoulder. He San tried his internal force to take this palm hard. Duan Fei took the opportunity to slap down ten successfully with the force of falling down his body. He San had to carry Duan Fei's right hand on his shoulder, which had already divided part of the internal force. Now although It is to try its best, but the loss is quite obvious.

The masters compete with each other, and one move is the winner.

This is Duan Fei's style. With a slap, He Sanzhi felt dizzy and bloody in his chest. A smell of blood surged into his throat. He pressed it down hard, but his huge body knelt on the ground, and his knees seemed to bear the weight of Mount Tai. Duan Fei's left palm pressed his right palm, and he could not be too domineering. Duan Fei could have taken this opportunity to slap him again. In the martial arts ring, as long as the opponent did not fall to the ground, it is allowed by the rules to continue to attack. Death happens from time to time, but the police will not intervene in sports games. In sports, it is the insurance company that should intervene in the event of accidental death, not Police.

But Duan Fei did not intend to kill him. He turned over and fell to the opposite side of He Sanqiu and looked coldly at his opponent. The referee ran over to ask He San if he could continue the game. At this time, He San had two choices. It took time to kneel on the ground, because he was obviously superior in points, as long as he He won at the end of the nine rounds, and the second choice is to surrender.

He San chose the latter. He surrendered. The person who couldn't accept this fact was Zhao Kai. "Fuck, I'm really angry with you. You can't even drag the time. You will win after two minutes. You fucking stupid pig, you fucking stupid!"

Li Pohai was also scolding. It was too depressing to lose this battle. Most of the audience stood up. This sudden change was difficult for everyone to understand. He Sanqiu, who had the advantage, actually surrendered after an inexplicable attack by Duan Fei.

"Fightball, black whistle, fake ball, black whistle..." I don't know who got up, and the audience shouted the slogans often used on the Chinese football field in unison, and the whole stadium suddenly became lively.

The staff has come up to help He Sanqiu from the ring. He resisted a mass of blood on his chest and did not spit it out in front of the camera. He doesn't want the audience to see his embarrassing failure. I don't know if the next time he will face the Rick family's boxer, his luck is better than now. May God bless him.

Duan Fei won but didn't look like a hero at all. He quietly walked down the ring and ignored the strange boos under the stage. He was also tired and just wanted to go home early to rest.

When he walked down the ring, he accidentally saw a group of girls not far from Zhao Kai's group. Several of them seemed to be from the old No. 1 Middle School, and some seemed to be from the South School. The very dazzling primary school girl seemed to be incomprehensible about the result of the game and stared at him with a hostile look. He really Unlike heroes, he seems to have won the game in a very unorthodox way. This victory will bring Duan Fei a prize of 2,000 yuan. Of course, if he can go further in the next game, his bonus will be more generous.

Not all the audience are laymen. A man in a black shirt and sunglasses came to the locker room. He found Duan Fei and handed over a gold-plated business card: Cai Dongfeng, assistant manager of Hefeng Sports Culture Development Co., Ltd.

"Manager Cai," Duan Fei looked at the business card and looked at the face hiding behind the sunglasses. "What can I do for you?"

"It's nothing. I just want to introduce you to a chance to make a fortune."

"Thank you, I'm not free now." Duan Fei closed the door.

When he changes his clothes and comes out, the guy is still there. Duan Fei didn't want to provoke him. He put his backpack on his shoulder and was ready to go back to school.

"Do you want to go back to the south school? I have a car. Let me take you back."

"No need." Duan Fei left without looking back. He only heard the man behind him shouting, "You will take the initiative to come to us in a couple of days. See you then."

Duan Fei ignored this boy, stopped a TAXI and went back to school.

Xiaohu has been busy running to the hospital these days. I don't know whether he is busy taking care of Xiaopang or taking care of He Yu. Duan Fei is not in the mood to pay attention to this kind of thing. On the one hand, he has to step up his practice too much. The first layer of breeze has no eyebrows so far. He is a little anxious. As for the animal bone bracelet, he is estimated to avoid evil. Xi is of little use. What he is more interested in is the leaf, which should have a quite magical function, but since it played a role on the last full moon night, he has never seen it shine, a full moon night? Duan Fei suddenly remembered the full moon night. Does this have anything to do with the moon?

Duan Fei began to consult relevant information. There are many statements about the full moon night on the Internet, such as temperament changes, mad seizures, serious criminal impulses, etc. It seems that only Western werewolf legends and vampires are related to the full moon night. Fang Wuxue has little to do with the moon. As for things such as Yue Laohongniang and other things, he obviously have nothing to do with this strange leaf. He really doesn't understand how this thing is related to the moon.

Anyway, there are still a few days left, which is another full moon night. He hopes not to encounter rainy days. At that time, he will see what kind of strange effect this strange leaves will have on the full moon night.

One thing is certain. The symptoms of dizziness and chest tightness have not appeared again, at least this thing suppresses something wrong in the body. Duan Fei planned to go back to Meigongshan after a two-day rest in the school dormitory. Suddenly, she received a phone call from her mother. She said that a gentleman who claimed to be Duan Fei's friend sent 20,000 yuan to his home, saying that Duan Fei deserved the money. Duan Fei was stunned when he received this call. His first reaction was the ghost manager surnamed Cai, who must be his father-in-law. Si is playing tricks.

What do they want to do? Let me join their company?