Star Dragonkui

Chapter 28 Gamble

In the face of the aggressive Muay Thai, Duan Fei really can't stand it. If he doesn't mention the truth, he can't do his internal skills. I'm afraid it's impossible to win with his fists alone.

Duan Fei decided to take the risk of insisting on fighting with him. Anyway, the worst case is to lose one game. It doesn't matter. It's really not worth exposing his inner cultivation for such a small scene.

The two have played six rounds. Generally speaking, the Thais have an advantage. Duan Fei is basically on the defensive. The score of the competition depends on the attack. If you don't attack, you can only rely on your opponent's fouls to score points. However, this is a cross-professional game, which is freer than free combat. There are almost no restrictions, except for the help of weapons. Tool, as long as the opponent attacks with his own body parts, it is not a foul, so Duan Fei has only one way to win back the points, attack and launch a tide-like attack.

In the seventh round, Duan Fei began to launch some offensives, but overall, he didn't score much and couldn't make up for the first six rounds at all. In the eighth round, Duan Fei had to try to use the sticky formula, using his own method to react no slower than him but heavier than him, and cling to him and wrestling with him.

The audience who came to watch the station were very satisfied with the momentum of the attack and defense in front of them. They didn't want to come to the end. Duan Fei suddenly changed his style and wrestled with him. This sudden change made Thais a little uncomfortable for fear of being hugged by Duan Fei and blindly dodging and forgetting to attack. This is good. Duan Fei's body movement was also quite elegant. He chased the Thai like a shadow. Duan Fei really caught him. He hugged the little man and fell down. After the fall, he jumped up and rode on him.

According to the rules of the game, as long as the player does not use weapons and tools and attacks with his body alone, any move is effective. Duan Fei rode on the small man and punched and beat him randomly. Now the referee is in trouble. Duan Fei's fists are like rain. It can't calculate the points, so it can only be estimated. Several rounds have been made up.

At the end of the round, the Thai got up. Although he was not seriously injured, he lost too many points. In the ninth round, he had no choice but to use KO.

Duan Fei must be knocked down to the ground for more than ten seconds, otherwise he would lose this game. Duan Fei won the score back in a very strange way, and now he has forced the Thai to the cliff.

In the last round, Duan Fei had only one task to avoid a fatal blow. As soon as he came up, he circled around the guardrail like a spirit snake. The Thai grinned and chased Duan Fei like crazy. The two played hide-and-seek on the side of the field. Outside the court, there was a lot of boos. Duan Fei's play was too bad. It was just chasing the rules. Many spectators stood up and shouted.

Anyway, Duan Fei persisted until the end. The Thais looked at him hatefully, but there was nothing they could do. He fell to the ground and made Duan Fei earn enough points. Who can be blamed?

Li Tianyi's face on the stands remained gloomy until the last moment of the game. Duan Fei's victory made him shake his head. It seemed that in the boss's heart, Duan Fei's position fell rapidly.

This is playing with Thais and wrestling. What if you play with Russians, what if you are Brazilians and Americans? I'm afraid that others will wrestle with you. Alas, such a hand has ruined the painstaking efforts of the company.

Chinese martial arts have won two games in a row. Needless to say, Muay Thai will definitely lose. Fools can see it. In this way, there will be no suspense at all. Now Hualian* is going to be unlucky. Before the new market has come out, the influx of gamblers have squeezed through Hualian's agencies, Hualian's The manager shouted with a sad face one by one, "Why doesn't the new market come out? If it doesn't come out, I'm going to jump off the building."

He wants to jump off the building, and those who are squeezed behind the team are going to jump off the building. Looking at the 0.9-1.2 handicap, everyone is anxious. Everyone knows that as soon as the result of the second game comes out, the market of the middle owner will definitely decline rapidly. Maybe 0.3 or 0.4 are possible. I heard that the organizing committee of the game has intervened. Well, this kind of close game must not lower the market to below 0.5, which is already an unwritten rule in the industry. Hualian can't break the rules because of its own selfishness.

"Fuck new market can't come down yet. What the hell is this broken computer?" The employees of Hualian scolded one by one. What a piece of thing. The game has long been over, and the market hasn't come yet come. This is lifeless. Everyone is sweating, but there is nothing we can do. Before the new market comes down, we can only press 0.9 to take over.

Isn't this a sure win? If you don't make money for nothing, thousands of Hualian's agents across the country have been crowded. I heard that they received more than 200 million plates in an hour, all of which were won by the Chinese side. 1 loss of 0.9, and 200 million yuan will lose 180 million yuan. Now Hualian is going to spit blood.

Many people put in the money before the new market comes out. Duan Fei is different. He has to wait for the new market to come down before betting. Others bet on the Chinese side to win, he bet on the Thai side to win, and the new market came out, 0.55 to 2.0. I heard that under the intervention of many leaders in the industry, Hualian did not lower the Chinese market to 0.5 Down.

He Xiaohu was stunned and didn't squeeze in. He invested 500 yuan and made a small bet. He bet on a new market. Even if he won, he would earn more than 200 yuan. It's a small matter. Duan Fei played relatively big and dropped 10,000 yuan. He bet that the Thai side won three games in a row. Isn't it impossible? Duan Fei is Duan Fei, playing with a heartbeat, 10,000 yuan, one loses two, and earns 20,000 yuan when he takes it back.

The only thing he feels unfair is that Muay Thai has obviously been defeated, and the market should be changed to 0.55 to 4.0. Anyway, Muay Thai is going to lose. In that case, he can earn 40,000 yuan at a time.

He thinks so, but only God knows whether the progress of the game will go according to his ideas.

"Brother Fei, I have always regarded you as the eldest brother, but this time, I'm not talking about you. China is obviously willing to win. You bet, I don't think you know how to gamble at all. Thais want to win three games in a row, and you are a Chinese martial artist."

Duan Fei smiled and said, "I never look at the process. The most important thing is the result. Just because everyone buys the Chinese side to win, the Chinese side will definitely lose, because some people can't afford to lose more than us."

In the third game, everyone bet the money and waited to count the silver. This Chinese martial arts will continue to work hard to win it. This can't be simpler.

The third player played Shaolin boxing. The boxing is strong and powerful, but the Thai man is like a jumping monkey. His boxing can basically only hit the air. The two of them have circled nine rounds, and the strong monk is seven points away in the end. Maybe he was injured than The Thais are lighter, but the result of the game is not to see who is more injured. He can't defeat the Thais in nine rounds, so he can only score points. In the third game, the Thai won back a game.

Chinese martial arts still have an advantage, and the market has been slightly adjusted to 0.7 to 1.6.

In the fourth game, many martial arts fans finished the celebration ceremony and waited for a victory. This game was quite anxious. The two fought a wonderful offensive one after another. The final ratio was quite tight, with a difference of only two points, and China lost another game.

He Xiaohu began to admire his brother Fei. Such a home advantage can make the Thai win two games in a row, which is incredible, but in the face of hundreds of millions of yuan, anything is possible.

However, the game in the fifth game was quite suspenseful. As soon as the Chinese players came up, they had the advantage and kept beating their opponents. It seemed that there were many other years. This year, when Duan Fei thought that 20,000 yuan was captured, he actually killed a Yang Qilang. When he saw this style, he was stunned and couldn't wait to play. Defeat the Thais.

Due to a problem with the clock in the gym, the game was held ten minutes earlier, and the * company's computer system is still loyal to the original game time, that is, there are still ten minutes to bet. This is lively. The audience quickly customized new bets through their mobile phones. In the first three games, the Chinese side chose The hand is so good that it is only a matter of time to win.

But the field was round, one by one unexpectedly. After five consecutive rounds, the Chinese players actually showed fatigue. The Thais seized the opportunity to hit a wave of attacks and hit the ninth round in one breath.

"Bing." At the end of the game, to be honest, the big guys really can't see who will win or lose. Even the on-site commentators have made it difficult. The first five Chinese players played quite well, but the Thai players in the next four rounds are chasing, and it is difficult to judge who is more dominant.

"It's only one point away. It's too mysterious. The Thai player defeated the Chinese player by one point."

As the commentator reported the final result, everyone fainted.