Star Dragonkui

Chapter 31 Calculation

Yunnan, Tengchong.

Duan Fei and Xiaohu revisited the old place. At the base, they met Lieutenant Colonel Li Delong of the 503 regiment. They are all old acquaintances, and it is easier to go through the formalities.

With manpower, Duan Fei only needs a professional sniper named Ferdinand from Eastern Europe. His Chinese is not very good, but Li Delong said that maybe this person in the whole base meets Duan Fei's requirements, with good psychological quality and stable performance. He will never miss the goal within 3 kilometers.

In terms of equipment, Duan Fei's requirements are a little strange. In addition to submachine guns, automatic rifles, flamethrowers, grenades and so on, Duan Fei asked for ten advanced electronic torches that can burn for 48 hours, as well as a large amount of wood carbon, solid alcohol, and a transport helicopter that can be used at any time.

"Is that all?"

"Yes, that's all."

Li Delong sincerely wishes them good luck. Of course, they still have to wait for a few days. The regiment hopes that more bounty hunters can participate. This mountain tiger has made a lot of noise here. The base hopes to get rid of this big guy as soon as possible. Before that, seven groups of people had been killed or fled. Li Delong shook his head when he saw this group. He said bluntly, "Holy, you guys look the weakest. Everything should take care of yourself." After waiting for three days in the group, finally waited for another group of people, also from China, seven people, like A group of old rivers and lakes, one by one, looked at this group of people in the distance. At a glance, he recognized Lao Jin, the Jin hero who fought with him in the Savage Mountain and almost drew a gun. He and Hu stepped forward to say hello to Lao Jin. The three talked to the three of them. Lao Jin didn't say anything about the last fight and the later Duan Fei saved his life. The boss of their group was Hong Kuan, with a thin and tall man, big mouth, thick lips, small eyes and small nose. He looked a little uncoordinated and sharp eyes. , the face is gloomy.

The two groups are ready, and now we set off. Duan Fei, a junior sergeant, the leader of the 801st assault group of the 503 Regiment, He Xiaohu, a third-class soldier, a third-class soldier Xiaopang, a nail, and Ferdinand, a superior sergeant. Ouyang Qianqian had just turned 16 years old. The regiment's headquarters hesitated repeatedly, but still refused to accept it. There was nothing he could do. It could only be regarded as a self-guided tour, following a few mercenaries without disability protection. Insurance, no accident insurance.

The 801 assault team took a helicopter and left first. Hong Kuan's small eyes of the 802 group suddenly stared at Ouyang. "This girl is so refreshing, so fucking beautiful..."

" boss, if this girl doesn't come and play with our brother..." A black-faced man next to him lowered his voice and said, his turbid eyes were full of evil.

"Lao Jin, come here." Hong Kuan summoned Lao Jin. Of course, he had to inquire about the origin of the little sister.

Lao Jin is not used to Duan Fei. Of course, he is energetic when he sees that the boss intends to deal with 801. As for Duan Fei's desperate efforts to save his life, I'm afraid this boy won't remember it for a long time. He didn't think that if Duan Fei hadn't worked so hard to get the colorful rooster, he would have gone into the rooster's stomach and turned into meat dregs. Now, he began to plan with the gang of hooligans to design and kill them.

"Except for Duan Fei, everyone else is decorated. As long as Duan Fei is removed, the other straw bags will be cleaned up."

A group of scum followed Duan Fei with weapons and ammunition issued by the Star Alliance.

For three years, the Savage Mountain is still the same. The tall weed, the tall trees are full of dead vines, and all kinds of strange little reptiles crawl everywhere. It's really thanks to Ouyang Qianqian. The 16-year-old girl wears a black tight sportswear, deep combat boots over her knees, sweats like rain on her forehead, and has been following Duan Fei. Behind him, Duan Fei had finished practicing the first layer of Taiyijing. As long as he occasionally raised his true spirit a little, he was relaxed and energetic. While swinging a firewood knife to open the road in front of him, he looked around to see if there was any danger approaching.

He has not yet practiced the second layer of Taiyijing to be pleasing to the eyes, but in fact, he has made great progress. Without binoculars, his vision has been able to cross the strange forest and lush jungle, and his powerful sixth sense can clearly sense the danger within hundreds of meters.

Every once in a while, he will sit down and shut down. In this wild mountain, if there is only a tiger that travels through the mountain, as long as it appears within a kilometer, his sixth sense can sense it, so for a person with quite profound internal skill, it is not valid to be suddenly attacked, because of the sixth sense It can help them feel that danger is approaching.

This is a special ability, just like some animals will escape inexplicably before the earthquake. There are many unknown forces wandering between heaven and earth. If you have the ability to capture and obtain this information, you can become a prophet.

Physical Duan Fei walked around the deep mountains and old forest with his own assault team, and Hong Kuan followed him with his own horse. His evil eyes were covered with blood. "Duan Fei, I want you to die tonight."

"Brothers, work harder and kill all 801 men tonight." 802's black-faced man greeted his accomplice loudly. As soon as he heard that there was a program tonight, the group suddenly came to strength under their feet and soon caught up with the 801 group that had been walking in front of him.

"Liang, it's up to you later. Remember to hide it better and don't let Ferdinand find out. That boy is very difficult to deal with. I heard that the shooting is very good."

"Within three kilometers, that boy is not easy to deal with." A guy with a scar on his face said uneasily.

"Don't worry, as long as we kill Duan Fei unconsciously, we can swagger close to them, and then, while they are rest, we will kill them in one fell swoop, leaving a little girl. At that time, this desolate mountain..."

"Lao Jin is right. After all, we are still comrades-in-arms. Their group has no choice but to listen to the boss's command. At that time, hum!"

At dusk, Duan Fei found an open space to sit down to replenish his internal strength. Ferdinand was a sniper and hid in the grass to guard. This guy was really professional playing sniper guns. As soon as he lay down into the grass and disappeared, he disappeared. Even He Xiaohu, who looked at his past, could not find where this guy suddenly disappeared.

Little tiger led Xiao Pang, nails and Ouyang and sat on another open space to rest.

The danger is approaching step by step. Now Duan Fei is busy supplementing internal forces, and his perception of the outside world is worse than that of ordinary people. The guy named A Liang approaches carefully with a sniper rifle.

Three kilometers, he dare not get too close. Within three kilometers, it is Ferdinand's defense circle. A Liang has never found Ferdinand's shadow in the scope, and there is a shadow in his heart. Duan Fei is busy closing his eyes to refresh himself. Several other people sit around and chatting. Only this Ferdinand, what did he do? Is it convenient to go, or wait and see? It's not too late to do it after he shows up.

A Liang did not dare to act rashly. After all, compared with Ferdinand, that guy is too powerful. If Ferdinand's big sniper is aiming at this side, Shit, A Liang moved his body back again and can't get too close to him. This boy's shooting is too amazing.

"Dip, D" watch rang. It was Hong Kuan. He was looking at this side with a telescope a kilometer away. With such a good opportunity, Duan Fei stayed alone. If he was killed at this time, he was really unconscious. Hong Kuan didn't see A Liang take action for a long time and was anxious.

"A Liang, do it quickly."

"Okay." Unexpectedly, the boss ordered it, just do it.

"Bum." The sniper gun equipped with * made an extremely slight sound, and the bullets traveled through the trees at a speed of 2100 meters per second.

Three kilometers, the bullet needs to fly for about a second and a half.

A Liang played too conservatively. In a second and a half, Duan Fei could just avoid it. Although he was busy making up for his internal strength, the basic reaction speed was still there. He suddenly waved his head and flew into the trunk of the tree in front of him against his ear.

A Liang turned around and ran away, and Hong Kuan beat his chest fiercely.

"His grandmother's, he actually failed."