Star Dragonkui

Chapter 37 Very Powerful Purchase List

Duan Fei's assault team was ready to embark on the journey again. Xiaohu, Nail, Xiao Pang and the wild girl Ouyang Qianqian soon forgot the unpleasant plots of Christmas and were busy with Zhang Luo's battle in Malacca.

All the groups that signed up for the hunting of the Crocodile King received an invitation to the business party of Fadiano Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd. Of course, as a low-level Duan Fei group only received one ticket. He didn't want to go, but the staff of the Star Alliance suggested that he still go. Fadoano relies on A multinational group that makes money is not the kind of money by fooling with concepts. As the fastest-growing biotechnology company in the world, Fadiano has been committed to the development and research of various strange potions. Headquartered in Shanghai, China, is an authentic Chinese-funded company. Because this company is not listed, the public does not Knowing who its shareholders are, it is rumored that behind it is the huge Murong family.

The Murong family, which has made its fortune in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, China, is now gaining momentum and is involved in aerospace, arms, energy, biotechnology, communications, electronics and other fields. It is said that the family's total financial resources are as high as 1800 billion, and its latest ranking is the third in the world, second only to the Li family and the Rick family.

This is the first time that Duan Fei has participated in such a high-level business party. The whole Moon Lake Resort has been wrapped up. There are Fadiano's promotional advertisements everywhere, most of which are three-dimensional projections. If you are interested in a certain content, just need to point, or enter the corresponding keywords in the search bar, corresponding Part of the catalogue will be listed in front of you. Duan Fei wandered casually and clicked on some content, such as magical rehabilitation water. With a finger, a three-dimensional picture appeared in front of him. It was a bottle of about 50ml of potion, which was packed in a dark blue bottle. The appearance of the bottle was particularly beautiful. It is also particularly exquisite. The scientific name of this potion is very long. It is called human immune-related and genetic mutation damage and lesion complete repair agent. According to its instructions, all human immune defects or disorders and various diseases related to genetic mutations such as AIDS, cancer, hepatitis, cirrhosis, nephritis, uremia Wait, it only takes one bottle, 100% cure.

Is it so magical? Duan Fei expressed doubts. Of course, he is not the only person with such a skeptical attitude. Many people have left messages to raise their own questions. Fadiano's reply was very angry: "If it is invalid, ten times the refund."

Technology has really progressed, actually to the extent that a bottle of potion can cure all diseases. Duan Fei casually looked at the price of the potion: 700 million planet coins.

Although technology has progressed, many things have nothing to do with ordinary people. What is the concept of 700 million? The total annual income of the ordinary salary is only 50,000 to 60,000, and even 10,000 to 200 million in many places. 700 million is not enough money to save so much money in ten lifetimes. The poor can only die by themselves after suffering from terminal illness.

Duan Fei saw the most expensive potion called 100 years old. Its instructions are even better. No matter how many diseases the user suffers from, he only needs one bottle to ensure that he can live 100 years, except for deaths caused by accidental injuries. It's awesome. People who are dying from a terminal illness drink a bottle. Not only can they recover from all diseases, but they can also guarantee to live to 100 years old. This is not be an ordinary cow. Where did they get this potion? Taishang Laojun doesn't have such a strong elixir! Guess what the price is: 12.6 billion. How many people in the world can afford it?

There was such a person beside Duan Fei, who cursed the female customer service angrily: "You guys must be playing tricks. At the business party that started at 2 p.m., I came in at 1:30 and spent 500,000 yuan to buy a VIP ticket to enter half an hour in advance. This potion It's sold out before it's put up. I want to sue you, and I want to sue your company!"

There are really people who can afford this price. According to the manufacturer's instructions, this kind of long-lived only three bottles a year. This gentleman must have made a special trip to ask for this thing. 12.6 billion yuan. How many factories do you have to sell to get so much cash!

"I'm sorry, sir, our counter starts to accept * at two o'clock on time. Look at the records here. Your order time is three minutes after 2 p.m. There are already seven people before you, but only the first three buyers can get the contract." The tall and beautiful customer service explained patiently.

"Don't mess with me with these things," the arrogant man pushed the weak girl away. Duan Fei was a little unhappy in his eyes, but this was a company matter, and he could not get involved. At this time, a woman who looked like a supervisor came over and began to negotiate with these gentlemen. Several explanations did not work, so the supervisor had to take the gentleman to the manager's office. His requirement is that the company can give him a long life next year. Money is not a problem. Whether the manager can agree that this is not a matter of Duan Fei's concern. Fadiano is too profitable, and a few bottles of potions will make the richest man in the world. Let's go on. It's amazing.

At 5 p.m., before the dinner, the most important topic began, and each participant received a beautiful small gift and a USB flash drive.

The host on the stage enthusiastically invited a senior manager. He first made a brief self-introduction, and then entered today's topic: "Guys, I believe you have just walked around and understood our business. Our company is committed to the research and development of life potions and vowed to completely eliminate it. In addition to disease and aging, everyone has just seen that it will not be long before the hospital will disappear from the earth, and people will no longer have to endure injections and medicine. The two professions of doctors and nurses will be permanently deleted. Today, I have gathered you because there is something important to entrust to all martial arts elites. The reason why various life potions are expensive is mainly due to the shortage of raw materials. There is a detailed raw material acquisition quotation on the USB flash drive just sent to you by the company. For the health and longevity of human beings, I urge you to vigorously search for all kinds of Paranormal grass, monster raptors... Our company will provide the best service, especially VIP customers..."

Fadano's acquisition list is quite detailed, divided into 13 categories. The first category, ordinary plants, are all garbage prices, the lowest unit price, and the highest is more than 200 yuan. For Duan Fei, this category is negligible. The second category, ordinary animals, he only looked at the highest quotation and turned over. The highest price is only more than 500 yuan. At this price, I don't bother to pick it up. Duan Fei directly turned to the end. Category 13, good boy, this is fierce. The lowest quotation is 600 million, and most of the things are only written more than 3 billion, and the price is negotiable. At present, these things are still unaffordable. All of them are fierce and evil. Basically, they don't live on the earth. He turned to the fifth category, which should be relatively easy to deal with at this level. If you don't look at them, you don't know. You will be shocked. The first of the fifth type of material is the king-level wolf-tooth crocodile. Good boy, this thing is not his Duan Fei. It has to be bargained. The price is only 30 million. Compared with the huge bonus of 600 million, this 30 million is really nothing.

Forget it, it's still the third category. The black-skinned wild boar, colorful rooster and green-haired monster dog are all here, almost 50,000 to 60,000 yuan each, and three or two can be done a day. Duan Fei put away the USB flash drive and was ready to fight in Malacca.

The team that fought in Malacca this time is huge. The Chinese military sent two aircraft carrier brigades, eight aircraft carriers and seven special forces, and the planetary coalition also sent two aircraft carriers and three special forces. As for the mercenaries, there are many names, and there are countless strange special forces. It is said that half of the fire cloud knights of the whole earth have come to Malacca, 600 million. Who doesn't want to make a profit? Besides, how many media pay attention to this battle? It is basically a global live broadcast. If you kill this huge thing, you will become famous overnight. In the future, you will get a famous star endorsement or something. Sitting at home and count more money.

This is not killing monsters in the whole world war. More than 200,000 horses hunted an animal. As a result, there were twists and turns. The first round-up failed. Four helicopter gunships were responsible for seducing the crocodile king to dock. At the end, this guy was not deceived. He ran a few kilometers after the helicopter, and then turned around and didn't do it. France, the military could only send warships as bait. Two light battleships wandered around it. As a result, this guy suddenly rushed out of the sea and overturned one. The other warship ran away without saying anything. This guy really chased him. He actually swam 150 kilometers per hour and almost caught up with him. When he was about to reach the shore, this big guy was diving again, and I don't know which army did it first. There was a roar of fighter jets and armed helicopters. The sea rose several degrees, and the crocodile king ran away, and the battle ended hastily.