Star Dragonkui

Chapter 45 Casa Training Camp

The competition is about to begin. The nails are really unlucky. They drew the first group and the inner 1st track. The first batch often can't run in the best state. The nails felt very helpless and had no confidence at all. Duan Fei, Xiaohu and Ouyang surrounded him to encourage him. In addition, Duan Fei also came up with a move, and he quickly ran to be responsible. The staff of the venue stuffed a big red envelope for him. The requirements are very simple. Ask him to help clean up the inner side of the track. Duan Fei intends to lead in the inner circle. This is a more effective way. If you follow the turtle, you will definitely not get good results. If you want to break through your own limits, you have to follow the master. Now you have a nail The method of warfare is very simple, just bite Duan Fei.

"Bum." As soon as the starting gun sounded, Duan Fei rushed out like an arrow from the string. The nail was really desperate. He ran so bitterly that he grinned, and his mind was afraid that his mind was blank.

3 seconds 98, just crossed the line, that's enough.

Duan Fei rested for a round, and then in the third group, he did the same and led Xiaohu. Xiaohu's performance was good, running 3 seconds 65, and also passed.

Ouyang is not very worried. What she is worried about is Duan Fei. After two leading runs, he has a lot of physical exhaustion. Can he talk to the officials about tomorrow in the subsequent test?

Duan Fei has a careless expression. He seems to be very confident in himself. Didn't he run 200 meters more? It's okay.

Duan Fei's self-confidence is confident. Light kung fu is his strength. Of course, speed is needless to say. It's not a piece of cake to run 2 seconds.

The last test was carried out immediately after the next day, bouncing high and passing 5 meters.

Needless to say, Duan Fei in this project, light bounce is his specialty. Any jump is seven or eight meters. Ouyang is also good. The first round is over, 63 meters.

Xiaohu didn't pass the first round, 49 meters. Perhaps influenced by him, Ding Peng also hit a nail, 4.7 meters.

In the second round, Xiaohu's level finally came out. 53 meters. After that, the nail was encouraged by him, and his achievements also improved. 49 meters, and the progress was still not enough.

In the third round, the last chance, it would be the most depressing to fall in this place. If the first project has not passed, no one will be expected. Now the first three projects have passed. This is stuck in the last project and has been hard for several months. It is not worth it to fall in the last level.

The pressure of the nail seemed to be very high. Duan Fei pulled him aside and slowly guided him: "Inhale, run, exhale, inhale, exhale - jump, you must master the rhythm well and practice a few more times."

The nail practiced with Duan Fei several times, and it seemed that he had a little feeling.

"No. 7 Ding Peng, the third time."

As the voice of the informant sounded, the nail slowly walked to the starting line, and Duan Fei gave him a gesture, "Don't worry, adjust your breathing first."

"Inhale, run, exhale, inhale, exhale - take off!"

"5 meters."

Just 5 meters, four people jumped up at the same time. All four of them passed. They were so happy. Everyone jumped and shouted happily, and the whole gym was full of laughter.

In June, Duan Fei, He Xiaohu, Ding Peng and Ouyang Qianqian completed the relevant procedures and arrived at the island of terror belonging to the Casa Islands in the South Pacific by a large transport plane of the Star Alliance.

This island got its name because someone discovered the prehistoric creature fear lizard in the last century. The name of the fear lizard is horrible. The actual physique is not large. The adult fear lizard is about 50 centimeters long. Compared with those fierce tigers and lions, this physique is really not good, but in the lizard family, This thing is moderate, especially the lizard has sharp and curved teeth, and its attack power is still very strong, and it can often attack animals larger than its size.

There were hundreds of thousands of residents in the Casa Islands, where the Terror Lizard Island is located. When the Sett attacked the earth three years ago, it became a subsidence area. Most of the residents were killed and a few people fled to a foreign country. Three years later, it is still defined as a no man's land. The Set army withdrew and a large number of interstellar monsters were left behind. The coalition has been trying to restore order here, but those monsters obviously don't understand what the coalition say and still do their own way. It took more than two years to clean up the fear island. As for other islands, they are still a paradise for monsters for the time being.

The entire Casa Islands are more than 1,000 kilometers, with more than 600 islands of large and small, including more than 30 islands of more than 300,000 square kilometers and 7 large islands of more than 5,000 square kilometers, 4 of which were inhabited before the war, namely Samo Island, Garandoah Island, Papaya Island, Fudi Island, and other The other three were no man's land before the war, not to mention poison lizard island, snake island and fog island.

The Lizard Island is not big. The coalition has established a defense line along the coast. The plain area in the center of the island is the barracks. Opposite the barracks is a large commercial area. Maybe you can't imagine how there can be a large commercial area in such a place where birds don't want to stay? As long as you make money, the figure of the merchant will appear.

Of course, the consumption of military supplies and military consumption here is a large piece, but this is not the main business opportunity. The main business opportunity is monsters. There are countless monsters living in the whole Casa Islands. In the eyes of ordinary people, these monsters are the disciples of death, but in the eyes of those special merchants, these things are not the gold mines and oil underground. What's the same? Some monsters are full of treasures. The merchants cooperate with the military quite tacitly. The army destroys the monsters, and merchants buy body parts. The soldiers work hard, and the army is also happy to see the success.

Duan Fei applied for a membership card of Fadiano Company. Because there were no points, white cards or any privileges before, it doesn't matter. Points will be available soon.

The previous week was theoretical learning, queue practice, and then practical training began.

According to the regulations, all students form their own teams, with 6 to 9 people in each team. Duan Fei pulled two foreign aids, Indian Belang, British Greens, and Ouyang also recruited a foreign aid. The American girl Ruili, plus Xiaohu and Nail, the group is seven people. The team name is Ouyang Qi, Blue Eagle Assault Team.

Seven days of food rations, ten days of survival in the wild. A total of seven assault teams were sent to an unnamed island about 70 kilometers away from Terror Island, marked 912 on the map.

After rushing down from the helicopter, Duan Fei immediately scanned the surrounding 3 kilometers with a telescope. Except for some small animals and ordinary birds, no threatening fierce monsters were found. He ordered nails and Greens to be on guard, and the others gathered together to study the map.

According to the map provided by the base, the island covers a total area of 11 square kilometers, with a spoon outside. The long axis is east-west, and the east is relatively wide. Going west is the spoon handle, with a maximum diameter of 5 kilometers and a maximum width of 3 kilometers. The Blue Eagle Group is currently located. It is probably placed at the end of the westernmost spoon handle, and the location of the other six groups is unknown.

According to the gossip provided by Xiaohu, Zhao Kai also organized a group called Xiongfeng Group, with 8 people and Murong Xian, who also pulled a team of 6 people. The team was called Yangtian Group.

There are seven assault teams distributed in a radius of a few kilometers. It is estimated that the animals on the island must be unlucky. It is said that when the Xiongfeng group set out, they had threatened to take over all the monsters on the island. If other groups dared to rob them, they would have said harsh words and kill them without mercy.

Zhao Kai, who didn't fight for three days and went to the house to unveil the tiles, forgot the pain in just a few months, and now he jumps up again.

"Afei, I don't understand why you threw us on this desert island? Seven days of food rations, ten days of survival, let's save some food, eat two meals a day, and sleep the rest of the time. Isn't it over? What's the effort? Xiaohu asked.

Duan Fei closed the electronic map and said to everyone, "This is the first practical training we entered the Casa training camp. The purpose of the base is not to see whether we can survive for ten days, but to give us ten days to learn how to survive in the wild. If we count on marching rations to solve the problem, then in the future What should I do? The next training is likely to only bring three days of rations, and the next time it may not bring rations. How can we survive? In order to complete the task smoothly in the future, we must try our best not to move on rations and find ways to find food in the wild.

"I completely agree with Captain Duan Fei." The blonde Ruili can speak fluent Chinese.

"Yes, we should go to the wild to find food as much as possible to achieve the purpose of training." Belang also raised his hands in favor of the captain's view.