Star Dragonkui

Chapter 59 Battlefield

This time, Duan Fei's physical strength and internal power consumption is very large, so when the team safely came to the other side, Duan Fei immediately sat down cross-legged. Now the internal force is almost exhausted. If you don't make up for it quickly, you may not be able to cope with the next test. As for lunch, you can't count on it.

Little Tiger is the least hungry of the four people. He thought that even if it was not a rich lunch, he should have at least two cold steamed buns waiting for him after running to the opposite side!

Greta is really a scolding guy. Let's say yesterday, he was so tired that his bones fell off during the day, and he had to dig the war hero overnight. He gritted his teeth and worked hard to dig for his life. It was hard to dig a trench, and it was already full of stars. It is said that many people finished their work under the supervision of the whip, and the fastest person is also It was not finished until 10:30 p.m. As for the slowest person, I guess he ran out with the team before he could lie down. In this way, he was not fed during the day and was not allowed to sleep at night. He had to grit his teeth and insist. Everyone didn't have time to think that this was the first few days of the devil's diary.

It's dirty, tired and hungry. I've been tossing around for most of the day. Everyone is only given a glass of water. Other than that, I came out to be trained and not abused. As soon as I saw the thousands of poisonous snakes, more than a dozen students didn't say a word. The flying tiger badge on my arm was torn. Damn it, can't you if you don't play?

Seeing that more than a dozen students quit, the leaders of the staff office and the propaganda department were anxious. If it goes on like this, the Casa training camp will have to be closed in less than half a year. Several slightly higher-ranked people came up to argue with the chief instructor, hoping that he could try the strategy. At present, this set of things is too devilish. If not, it will really kill people.

The dead on the training ground are not saying that it's okay. For example, if there is any accidental injury, it's okay. It's ridiculous to be thrown into a poisonous snake pit and bitten into pieces. A senior staff officer even threatened to report what happened here to the Star Military Law. This training method of serious human rights should be punished by the military. The arrest and punishment of the court.

As the saying goes, the current official is not as good as the current officer. As for the efficiency of the Star Military Law Office, there will be no result in a year and a half. Let's think about how to end it now and let more than 200 exhausted recruits cross thousands of snake pits and rush across the 500-meter-long single-long single-plank bridge. In case dozens of people really fall down, this card Saji became famous overnight.

After all, Greta is also a human. After all, his heart still grew out of flesh. Seeing that the first group was in danger and all the following groups were watching. Greta finally put down her figure and decided to discuss it with more than 30 team leaders.

The Blue Eagle team worked hard to pass the test, but now it's good that Greta has changed her mind, and this inhumane training subject is likely to be cancelled.

More than 30 team leaders raised their votes by hand. The whole voting process and results will be sent to Golmud, the headquarters of the Alliance on Planet as important pieces. It is not so much the victory that several senior staff officers strive for as the disappointment and compromise of Greta to the whole student group.

The result of the vote is that everyone can imagine. Few people are willing to gamble with their lives. It is not difficult to cross the single-plank bridge in 3 minutes. As an excellent young man carefully selected from all over the world, he has quite good physical fitness. His strength, speed and bounce are quite high, and can Everyone who enters Casa Camp has passed a strict test and crossed a cable bridge. Not to mention martial arts masters, even extremely ordinary middle school students are also a sure thing. This level is difficult under the bridge. If there is river or mud and sand under the bridge, no one will think that this can also become one. Isn't it just a bridge? It's just 500 meters away, and it's such a big move that I have to report it to the headquarters of the Golmud Planet Alliance. Isn't it too exaggerated?

But in the face of thousands of poisonous snakes walking under their feet, no one can calm down. Everyone knows the terrible consequences of falling from the small wooden bridge, so it is very difficult to overcome fear. Greta is very disappointed with his students, as a martial arts elite selected around the world. Ying dares not face a group of poisonous snakes that are actually not a threat at all. With such a psychological quality, how can he become a Superman warrior and how to face the powerful Set warrior?

Only two of the more than 30 team leaders are in favor of continuing this subject. Of course, Duan Fei did not participate in the voting. He was thrown on the other side of Snake Valley as an alternative, but Casa Camp still did not forget the Blue Eagle Group. The live video team made many close-ups for the Blue Eagle Group on the other side of Snake Valley. The scene of Fei leading four team members across the single-plank bridge and resting on the other side of Snake Valley was transmitted directly to Golmud. The senior generals of the General Staff of the Superman Force directly under the General Command of the Star Alliance saw the name Duan Fei for the first time.

"At least he is a very brave and intelligent battlefield commander." A general with four small stars on his epaulettes expressed high praise for him.

"Yes, this child performs well and has a bright future. What's his name, Duan Fei? We should cultivate him well in the future.

It is not easy to get the favor of Golmud. This unexpected debate about human rights made Casa training camp directly famous, among which Duan Fei's name is particularly high.

Duan Fei did not participate in the vote by show of hands, because he has expressed his will with his actions. The two captains in favor of continuing the subject are Murong Xian from China and Bonnrick from the United States, the two major super shareholders of the Planet Alliance, and the two most prominent families on earth, the Murong family and the Rick family. It ranks third and second in the world respectively.

Golmud also has a strong interest in these two confident captains. What tactics will they use to lead their teams across Snake Valley?

Bohn Rick and Murong Xian appeared at the bridge almost at the same time. Facing the camera, the desire for performance naturally became stronger.

"Okay, you come first." Bonnrick stepped back a few steps and looked at the same young but resolute face. More than 200 students are watching. They envy and respect. Those who dare to sweep the stubborn enemies in front of the battlefield will naturally win the respect of their comrades-in-arms. They are heroes and monuments. If an army lacks heroes, there is no combat effectiveness. The army needs monuments, and human beings need a combat effectiveness army. In the war with the Set people In the middle, human beings are retreating. The human army has lost the moon and Mars. In Norton and Tang Star, the war is developing in a direction that is not conducive to mankind.

Murong Xian is a smart man. At a glance, he saw through the tactics used just by Duan Fei. His internal power was no worse than Duan Fei. As soon as he came up, he carried ten layers of internal force. He clenched two large iron cables in his hands. The strong internal force was transmitted to the other side through two iron cables, and then his team members held two tight iron rods. He rushed to the other side in one breath. As for himself, he only waited for the last team member to get close to the finish line. He showed excellent light skills and flew directly to the other side with a big iron rope like a water dragonfly.

"Okay, okay!" Hundreds of officers and soldiers present gave fierce applause, and even the Golmud Flying Tiger headquarters received warm applause.

"That's great, this young man is amazing!"

"Murong, his name is Murong!" Several generals at the Flying Tiger headquarters praised him.

Murong Xian, who was in the limelight, came to the other side of Snake Valley and did not sit down to medit and rest. His internal force was also consumed a lot, but he only wanted the camera to leave him with more pride and confidence. He faced the camera with full enthusiasm and made the camera that was originally aimed at Duan Fei completely fall on himself. He had to take his own actions. Everyone shows that he is the best.

Next, everyone's eyes naturally fell on Bonn Rick. What kind of tactics will this young man from the first family in the United States use to rush through Snake Valley?

He did not use tactics. He did not rush up and grasp the big iron rope to stabilize the single-plank bridge, nor did he perform wonderful light skills to step on the big iron rope and fly over it. He chose the most primitive and simplest way to pass the single-plank bridge and rushed directly from the wooden bridge, 500 meters, 9 seconds, just a few In the blink of an eye, before the bridge could shake, he had rushed to the other side, and there was also warm applause from behind him.

"That's great. It's like a whirlwind, and he rushed over." In addition to the hundreds of officers and soldiers on the edge of Snake Valley, Golmud's Flying Tiger headquarters also has his movements, which are simple, practical and clean.

Then his six team members, all burly and vigorously, like a whirlwind, rushed directly from the board. No one exceeded 30 seconds, and the slowest one took only 27 seconds. The wooden bridge was just gently shaken. The speed itself is a very effective tactic, and the speed is sometimes It is a very effective weapon in itself.

Bonerick explains the role of speed and power very well.

Murong and Bonn, their teams are more and more wonderful, which makes the Blue Eagle group who stepped on the front somewhat gloomy.