Star Dragonkui

Chapter 68 Decrypted Information

The soldiers gradually calmed down, and the whole hall returned to its former solemnity. Greta said, "I believe you already know that our army has been driven out of Norton, and the enemy is much stronger than we thought." He paused. Maybe the military uniform was too heavy, and the strong collar made him a little tight. Greta straightened his collar, put his hands on the podium, took a short breath and looked back at the big screen.

The picture gradually faded, and a few lines of text floated up: We still have hope, because we are still fighting! We will continue to fight until the final victory! Zhang Hongyu, July 11, 38.

Then Greta raised his big hands. At this time, the whole hall was silent. Some people stood up silently, and then more people stood up. This was not only a ceremony, but also a determination. From the depths of everyone's heart.

Greta looked at everyone affectionately and said slowly, "We lost this battle, lost hundreds of thousands of troops and an entire planet, but we have to continue to fight. Remember, the final victory belongs to us, and we will finally defeat the evil Setters."

All the soldiers salute solemnly!

Greta nodded firmly and then said, "Yes, we will definitely defeat the Set, but--" His words turned around: "Just determination can't defeat the Setters. We need to make more and stronger weapons, and we need to train more and stronger Superman warriors. From now on, the whole planet alliance After entering the state of emergency, everyone is a soldier, and everyone should participate in the battle with their own actions. Next, I want to talk about the strategic deployment of Golmud. The most elite troops will all be transferred to the front-line war zone. Around the Golmud region, the two highest areas on earth will concentrate the world's elite forces. Quantity, and important strategic materials, where our alliance has built a fairly complete defense system, which will be the last strategic base of mankind, and then in the five continents and four oceans, our alliance will deploy a large number of elite troops to wait for the arrival of the enemy at any time. At Casa Base, as an instructor, I hope you can Grow up quickly and go to the battlefield as soon as possible.

Then Colonel Parker announced an exciting good news: "The ultimate weapon developed by Golmud S-9 Super* has been successfully tested. This new super* will become a nightmare for the Setters. In addition to Sky Wrath Super*, Golmud has also developed a photoelectric E5 speed fighter. It can be far beyond human imagination. In the future battlefield, this new fighter will definitely beat the Sett Flying Man.

Then Colonel Crean was sent to briefly introduce the enemy's information to everyone. This information was collected by the alliance. Yesterday, this information was still confidential. Due to the rapid development of the war, the military decided to release these information to these young soldiers in advance. Of course, everyone present There is an obligation to keep confidential.

According to the information provided by Golmud, the Set people have a similar appearance to that of earth humans, with a height and weight slightly less than that of earth humans. The adult Set people are about 14.5 meters tall and weigh about 40 to 50 kilograms. Their facial features are roughly the same as that of earth humans. The biggest difference is that they all have a pair of wings. Arm, able to fly, some strictly trained high-level Setter warriors are quite strong in flight ability and dare to compete with Earthling fighters. The other point is their ears. Sett's ears are high and sharp, standing on both sides of their heads. Their ears are quite powerful and more powerful than bats. The echo positioning function has a wide range of sound waves that can be emitted and received. The frequency range of sound waves that can be received by human beings on earth is 20Hz-20KHz, which is lower than this value called secondary acoustic waves, and higher than this value is called ultrasound. According to scientists, the range of sound waves that the Set people can receive is quite wide, for 20Hz-5MHz, even a small number of high-level Setlites can emit subsound waves. Many people do not know about incimal waves, which is a rather terrible killing weapon.

In 1890, a sailboat named "Marbolo" suddenly mysteriously disappeared on the way from New Zealand to England. 20 years later, people found it on the coast of Fire Island. Strangely, the objects on the ship were intact and intact. It is strange that the crew members who have died for many years are still "in their respective positions" and maintain their "posture" when they were on duty. This suspicion has puzzled people for many years.

In 1948, when a Dutch cargo ship was passing through the Strait of Malacca, after a storm, all the sailors died in their posts inexplicably, which also puzzled people for many years.

Later, after repeated investigation, scientists finally figured out the culprit of the two tragedies, that is, the infrasound wave. The frequency of the infrasound is very low, but the wavelength is very long, and the propagation distance is long. For example, in 1960, when a major earthquake occurred in Chile, and the infrasound waves spread throughout the earth. In 1961, The former Soviet Union conducted a nuclear explosion test in the Arctic Circle, and the resulting insic waves rotated around the earth five times before disappearing. In addition to the long propagation distance, the insic waves also have strong penetrating characteristics. They can not only penetrate the atmosphere, sea water and soil, but also penetrate strong reinforced cement buildings, even if Soldiers hiding in tanks, warships, submarines and planes are not spared, so how did the sound wave kill them?

It turns out that the inherent vibration frequency of organs in the human body, including the heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, brain and other organs, is close to that of the insonic waves. When the secondary sound wave strongly invades the human body, the main organs of the human body have an involuntary resonance and completely lose their original functions. The whole body stops in an instant and dies suddenly. It is really killing Shape.

So the high-level Set flying man is quite abnormal. Where they fly by, the houses are intact and people are stopped. Fighters, tanks and warships are useless in front of the super abnormal incisic waves.

As for monsters, according to the information provided by Golmud, there are two categories, one is that the earth's creatures have mutated and evolved after being attacked by special viruses, and the other is alien creatures, which have basically been evolved by viruses. The offensive and defensive capabilities have been greatly improved, and some have reached extreme abnormal places. Step, there is one thing that confuses Golmud: these monsters basically do not attack the Set people, especially high-level monsters. On this point, scientists have given a bold speculation: the modification of species memory.

Species memory is a very interesting concept. For example, cats are born to eat mice, and mice are born to know that cats are their natural enemies. Some people say that this is instinct. Scientists have given a new concept: species memory.

In the process of biological evolution for hundreds of millions of years, some things have been taught and passed down from generation to generation. After thousands of generations, this information is rooted in the genetic composition of the species as a special fragment and passed down as a species feature. Sett technology does not seem to be developed, but in some areas their skills The technique is still very advanced, such as modifying species memory. They can change this mysterious thing. This is quite advanced genetic technology. It is possible for cats and mice to become friends. The Set people modified the species memory of many fierce animals to make them hate the earthlings and regard the Set people as friends. This move allows Earthlings are very injured, but they are unable to reverse it. Scientists in Golmud have still been unable to touch the edge of species memory, let alone modify it.

At night, this is a very special night, sad, angry, depressed and decadent. Everyone chooses their own way to get through this difficult night. Duan Fei's way is more unique. A cat goes to the bamboo forest to practice.

As far as it is concerned, it seems that the bamboo forest is more comfortable than the sea. Duan Fei is this kind of person. The world has not been extinguished. At least now there is a bamboo forest that can hide and practice. Such a good day is good.

Sit cross-legged, with chest and back, condensing energy. Most of the refined Dantian, Dantian Tibetan Jingyuan, which is endowed by their parents and stored in Dantian. On the one hand, practitioners should strengthen this congenital essence, and more importantly, use this congenital essence as a melting pot to attract the essence of heaven and earth to constantly melt into Dantian. In it, Dantian's vitality is naturally getting stronger and stronger. Alchemy is a cumulative process, ranging from ten years to 30 to 50 years to make a small progress. Taiyi's cultivation methods are different. They refine them.

The middle is the sea of qi, which connects to the heaven and the earth externally, and connects the blood veins internally. It is the hub of qi and blood. It refines the essence of qi and improves the true element. It is straightforward. After the true qi is refined, it is usually stored in the qi and used when it is used. If the understanding is good, the progress will be very fast. As soon as you inhale and inhale, the true qi comes. As soon as you inhale, the true qi returns to return to the sea of qi. .

Duan Fei likes this practice mode, which is simple and practical.