Star Dragonkui

Chapter 74 Seed Player

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Three people were locked in a large oven at 70 degrees Celsius. This time, it was Duan Fei and Murong Xian's turn to sit down and deal with it seriously. To fight against such a fierce high temperature, they can't deal with it carelessly. On the contrary, Bonn Rick looked relaxed, walked leisurely with his arms in his arms, and kept making fun of two comrades-in-arms and classmates from China.

"Two, how about this? Is this air conditioner a little too powerful?"

Duan Fei frowned and didn't have time to talk to him. This big man is not afraid of the heat. Why? Duan Fei was not in the mood to think about this problem. He had to concentrate on fighting the impact of high temperature on him. The impact of high temperature on the human body is all-round, mainly in the following aspects: First, the most direct and easiest to understand is that the skin temperature is too high, and the human skin is an organ connected to the outside world, which bears the heavy responsibility of protecting the internal organs of the human body. First of all, this high temperature will be transmitted to the skin. If the temperature cannot dissipate the temperature in time. Go, high temperature will continue to conduct in. Once the temperature of human tissue cells rises, the direct consequence is protein degeneration. A more popular example is boiled eggs. After encountering high temperature, viable proteins will become inactive substances. The most common is the solidification and necrosis that occurs in eggs, which is active. Things become inactive solid matter. In addition to solidification and necrosis, there is also liquefaction necrosis. In short, necrosis, after tissue cells necrosis, the corresponding organ function of the body will stop, and the final result is the whole human body to stop; the second aspect is that the body accelerates blood flow and sweats a lot in order to dissipate heat, through Sweating to lower the temperature of the body, continuous sweating will soon cause collapse of the human body, followed by shock and death. The third aspect of damage is relatively difficult to understand, called thermal radiation. Thermal energy itself has radiation damage, especially the human nervous system and cardiovascular system, to this kind of thermal radiation. The damage comparison**; the fourth aspect is multi-system functional disorder, and the principle in this is more complicated, not to mention it in detail. In short, this high temperature is absolutely fatal.

So how to fight against this high temperature? As internal martial artists, Duan Fei and Murong Xian certainly chose the same method to avoid the damage of high temperature to themselves. Cooling is obviously unrealistic. There are usually three ways to cool down the human body. Radiation, sweating, and the use of cooling items. Don't mention the last method. The rules do not allow it. The first is also impossible. When the ambient temperature is higher than the body's temperature, radiation is ineffective. Radiation can only dissipate heat from high temperatures to low temperatures. Three methods are also not advisable. Such a large temperature difference depends on sweating. Even if it comes out of yin and yang, it may not drop, so it can't cool down, so you can only write on yourself.

To make your body able to withstand such a high temperature, you have to mobilize the cells of the whole body to try to let them operate at such a high temperature. First, it is too risky to do so, and secondly, it will inevitably leave sequelae, because there will always be some tissue cells that cannot operate normally under such a high temperature. After all, it is not Having done such training, it is difficult for many cells in the body to adapt to such a temperature in a short time. As for Bonn Rick, his expression is so relaxed. Obviously, his body cells have practiced before and can adapt to such a high temperature. As for why this big guy wants to exercise his body to adapt to such a high temperature, it is very It's a puzzling question.

It takes a long time to exercise for the body's cells to withstand such high temperatures. There is no need for a martial artist to spend a lot of time on this problem. After all, there are many ways to solve similar problems in actual combat, such as combat uniforms and even Hailei. Combat uniforms can withstand high temperatures, not to mention those high-level combat uniforms. This 70-degree high temperature does not pose a threat in front of combat uniforms, and it is not necessary to spend time on this problem.

Bonerick is a smart man and should know this truth. Greta is an American martial artist. He doesn't know much about internal skills and doesn't seem to know much magic. He takes the route of bravery, so there is a simple way to improve his body's tolerance to high temperatures, otherwise he won't take this subject as an assessment subject. All assessment subjects should be subjects that most students can pass after training. Otherwise, such a subject will be meaningless.

Of course, Duan Fei does not need to deal with high temperature. The reason why he chose to be cautious is completely a way to prevent accidents. If this test is done again, he can also easily deal with it. Because it is the first time to face such a test, he has to be more careful. In fact, he and Murong Xian deal with high temperatures. The method is very simple.

Of course, he still uses his internal work, because the skin's ability to withstand high temperatures through true qi concentration has been greatly enhanced. All he has to do now is to insulate the heat and block the high temperature at the skin level. As long as the high temperature is no longer transmitted to the inside, it doesn't matter how long it lasts. Duan Fei uses a little real air pressure to the inner layer of the skin. Let Zhenqi flow under the skin with high temperature, like a hot wind, blowing around. As long as you don't run in, the hot air flow is too heavy, forcing them to the palm of your hand. The heat accumulates more and more. When it reaches a high temperature of more than 100 degrees Celsius, it will gently spit it out as a palm of the flame.

If you play this move next time, it will be easy for Duan Fei to deal with it. He will absorb the heat and concentrate it into the palm of his hand. Every other period, it will be over. Many things require a process of proficiency and mastery.

After breaking through these five levels, even if the second-level studies are completed, because most of the students are still mixed in the first and second stages, Greta has to worry more things, so the three of them simply handed over to Li Muyu. In terms of martial arts, Li Muyu should be slightly inferior to Greta, but when it comes to the religious brothers, this Li Muyu is obviously relatively He is a person who has opened a martial arts school for many years. What should he do? That's his major.

In addition to Bonn Rick, Murong Xian and Duan Fei, Li Muyu also found six people. Obviously, the five players will be selected from these 9 people in next month's friendly match. Not to mention the first three. That is the first echelon of the Casa Islands. Bonn Rick and Murong Xian are known as the two heroes of Casa, and their strength is needless to say more. Duan Fei, alas, his position is a little awkward. Speaking of the first echelon, it seems to be worse than the two heroes of Casa. Speaking of the second echelon, it seems that he always feels a little awkward. But it is recognized that Casa training camp ranked third.

Li Muyu is a veteran martial arts coach. There is no need to doubt about his vision. Duan Fei is still a little puzzled. Five of the six masters of the second tiers are not known to him. There is nothing to comment on, but one of them is very familiar to him. Ruili, a blonde beauty from the United States, can also rank up. I heard that she can mix up. Entering the second semester is purely the result of Li Muyu's special care. Duan Fei still knows something about her. She comes from a civilian family in the United States and has no society*. Li Muyu can't hope for any benefits her family. Naturally, there is a reason for him to recruit her in. As a senior martial artist, she is also a special senior instructor of the military. He can't be fooling. Do you think he wants to play the unspoken rules? It seems unlikely. This is a military camp. First, they are closely watched. Second, these students are not humble. It is their specialty to fight and kill them. Unlike those beauty pageants, they live on their bodies and faces. These people live by playing with their lives. There is basically no market for unspoken rules. In this way, Rui Li naturally has her own excellence. Her little magic wand is very interesting and can breathe fire.

Li Muyu set up a small stove immediately after gathering everyone. He customized a preliminary training plan for these nine people overnight, and the game will start in 20 days. Time waits for no one. His goal is actually very simple. Just win one of the five games. This is a difficult task. Naturally, it fell on the two heroes of Casa. These two people are known as the two best in the Casa camp, and they are not expected to be able to count on them.

To put it bluntly, it is the matter of Casa Shuangxiong. What should others do? Li Muyu took Murong Xian and Bonn Rick into the training tower to train soldiers. Actual combat is the best training. The monsters, robots and trainers arranged in the training tower are enough for them to play for a few days. Li Muyu has to spend a lot of energy on practice. Tarry, then the other 7 people can only be handed over to the assistant coach. Of course, first of all, Li Muyu has to take them to the special arsenal.

As seed-level students of the Casa base, they will get their own special weapons in advance. The base will subsidize 200,000 yuan for each person. The weapons will be selected at will, and the excess part will be completely at their own expense. The weapons here are still very rich. More than 70 arms dealers from all over the world provide weapons samples to this arsenal, some of which are physical, most of which are three-dimensional simulated electronic data. On the fastest day, within the slowest week, the arms dealers will send the physical products after they are selected.

For protection, the price of Hailei combat suit here is the same as that of the mall outside. 7.5 million. The higher-level combat suit is called Nepian, with a quotation of 300 million planet coins. It is impossible for all middle-level monsters and most high-level monsters to tear it up. It is indeed a good thing, but they can't afford it. As for it His protective equipment is meaningless.