Star Dragonkui

Chapter 107 Sea of Swords

Sanes and Capov, Bonn Rick, Duan Fei, and the two pairs of horses did not win or lose. Li Muyu pulled them away in time. The method he used was simple and effective. He knocked down Sainz with one punch and kicked down Capov. As for Bonn and Duan Fei, a flying leg, kicked the two sides to the ground and lay down.

"With this little effort, are you still qualified to show off here?" Li Muyu looked at them coldly. Sainz and Capov left grimly. Bon Rick looked very unconvinced. He got up from the ground and opened his eyes angrily. Duan Fei did not bow his head and leave. He was very helpless and innocent. Maybe the instructors could not believe that this matter would be picked up by Bonn Rick. He really wanted to understand Li Muyu. To explain this matter, it has nothing to do with him. His fight is quite inexplicable.

Li Muyu did not stop to listen to his explanation. It may really matter who is right and who is wrong. Bonn tilted his head and left, leaving Duan Fei alone on the field looking at the hard land helplessly. No one cares who provoked this matter. Anyway, Bonnrick is a winner, Duan Fei... Anyway, no one cares about this kind of thing, so forget it. It doesn't matter who provokes the incident for no reason.

Murong Xian didn't know where to hide. He didn't see him at the meeting. He had to put down when it was time to keep a low profile. This guy still has a lot of experience. However, he did not appear at the scene. It was really not a matter of tone. He had something very important to do. After the captains' meeting, he hurried to the girls' building.

He wants to see Ouyang. The military sister-in-law of the girl building did not intend to stop him, but Ouyang did not want to see him. He could only stand downstairs stupidly. When the other two excellent students were fighting, he was looking at the building and sighed.

Duan Fei's depression only lasted for an hour and a half. It was his privilege that Greta was willing to recommend anyone to go to Golmud, and no one had the right to interfere. It was understandable that the coalition headquarters launched such a policy. It was impossible to trap these high-level martial arts figures in a desolate island to teach and educate people. If you don't give any privileges, there are several awesome people who are willing to work hard in education.

Duan Fei returned to the sea, which is his world. The sea has a broader connotation than land, and it is easier to absorb the nutrients it needs from the sea. In addition to the oxygen concentration is not as good as the land, the ocean is much richer than the land in many aspects. For example, minerals. Compared with the land air, the mineral content in the ocean is an astronomical multiple value and is not born. In the life information field, the biological species in the ocean far exceeds that of the land. From small to the invisible plankton to the huge whales, the number of marine fish is definitely more than the stars in the sky.

A good practice place is easier to improve in performance. Duan Fei's swordsman integration is very smoothly. The achievement itself is the greatest joy, just like finding a priceless treasure. His recognition of the bone-piercing sword has risen to a new height.

Due to the recommendation of admission places at Superman Military Academy, Casa Base is full of wind and rain, but life on the island has to continue after the storm. The students quickly recovered. They can practice as they should practice. At least Samoya is very right. It is good for everyone to announce the list earlier. Controversy And disputes are inevitable. No matter what the outcome of this list is, there will always be people who stand up against it. People are selfish.

Greta's handling of this problem is correct. If this list is dragged on, there will only be more shields and fights. In the face of fame and fortune, comrades-in-arms will also turn against each other.

Samoa directly took away three excellent students when he returned to Golmud. Although the school will not start until next month, entering the school early can make them adapt to the new teaching environment faster.

Grita's fourth training program has begun, and he has given his own action plan a very personal name: inhumane.

This is a real cruel test. For the vast majority of students, perhaps he already knows that most of the students are actually muddled through. At least half of the students in the first three levels can't pass the second level, not to mention the third level. Even Duan Fei's group is discounted. As for the latecomers, it is very Many assistant instructors are too lazy to take risks and give points directly.

The inhumanity requires them to accept the difficult environment that human beings can't bear. Of course, they can apply for the next batch. This is the old rule.

Many people are surprised that this super perverted training plan can get Golmud's approval. The first inhuman training subject is a sea of fire, which is completely different from the stall performances you see.

Nineteen rows of fine steel blades are brushed together, with a horizontal spacing of about half a meter and a longitudinal spacing of about 1 meter. The whole knife array is 50 meters long and about 10 meters wide. There is a blazing fire under the knife holder. In less than five minutes, all the blades will burn red. In this style, no one dares to go up and can't die like this. At most half an hour, it burned without even the ashes.

A sea of knives and fire, change the name to file and ashes.

The bolder student walked to the edge of the knife array, took his finger on the red-hot blade, and a burst of smoke came straight up. This temperature can't be tolerated for a second.

"Walking in this knife array for ten minutes will pass." The assistant instructor loudly announced the rules of the game, "Remember, it's walking, not running." The assistant instructor emphasized in particular.

"Has anyone tried it?" The assistant instructor shouted loudly.

"I have a problem." A student raised his hand.

"Say it."

"Can the instructor demonstrate it?" As soon as the student opened his mouth, everyone began to applaud. Greta likes to toss the students, right? It also embarrassed you.

"These projects are designed for you, not for instructors. If you can't even overcome this difficulty, don't talk about Superman plans in the future and go home as soon as possible."

After several bargainings, the assistant instructor decided to go up and let everyone see it. He took off his shoes and socks and shouted, "Listen, everyone, we must learn to do everything step by step. Let's start from the simplest and try to stay in the knife array for three seconds. This is the first step, and then train slowly in the future. Gradually improving, everyone is optimistic, three seconds.

Three seconds is three seconds. First, let's see how your instructor stayed in the sea of knife fire for three seconds.

Duan Fei put his hand on top of the blade and tried the temperature. It is estimated to be about 300 degrees, not to say that he walked slowly. Even if he rushed quickly, it is difficult. He not only has to withstand the high temperature of 300 degrees, but also has to withstand the sharp blade, which is a serious challenge for human skin. After hard training, the skin of the warrior is better than Stronger, but no one is sure about resisting the red-hot blade.

The assistant instructor is ready to go up, and the whole audience stopped breathing. The skin of the human foot has a thick cuticle, but it is really not easy to resist the fiery steel knife.

Everyone opened their eyes and stared at the assistant instructor's feet, which were also very ordinary feet. Duan Fei was also nervous. He really didn't try it. He wanted to see how the instructor, who was not a few years older, performed.

The first step is the most difficult.

The assistant instructor gently raised his left foot and put on the first blade. A burst of white smoke rose, and his right foot gently pedaled on the ground, like a machine pressing on the same blade. At the same time, his left foot was gently lifted away, and then the foot plate moved forward slightly to the blade, and his right foot was gently raised, and the foot plate was slightly raised. Moving back a little, he stood on the blade, alternating two feet, and adjusting the force point of the sole of the foot every time he fell. Three seconds passed quickly.

The strategy he used is not clever at all. He uses the different force points of his feet to withstand the fiery steel knives in turn. According to this method, it should be easy to persist for 30 seconds. Duan Fei is more confident in himself. He can persist in 30 seconds, and then think about it carefully. 10 minutes should not be difficult.

"Has anyone come up to have a try?" The assistant instructor who jumped off the knife array shouted with his head high.

"I'll do it." Japanese Matsumoto Jiro raised his hand.

"Okay, applause, Matsumoto students, please." The assistant instructor gave up his seat.

Matsumoto took off his shoes and socks, put on a POSE similar to horse steps, took three deep breaths in a row, and then went up with his cheeks.

"Wow--" As soon as he put his left foot on the flame steel knife, his cheeks were discouraged. "Wow" Matsumoto shouted and tried to take back his left foot and stuck it on. He didn't pull it out for two seconds. "Wow--" There was a burning smell in the white smoke.

The instructor also panicked, "Don't move," as soon as he shouted and found that it was wrong, he quickly changed his words: "Quickly, withdraw."