Star Dragonkui

Chapter 125 Set Maniac

Duan Fei's heart was in chaos. He didn't care about Ye Zi first. First of all, think about what Murong Gui, the old bastard, wants to do? Judging from Zhao Zheng's actions, it seems that he is not looking for treasure at all. What is directly related to the Book of the Dead is the resurrection and awakening. Does Murong Gui intend to awaken those ancient regiments that have been sleeping for thousands of years? Revival of Dayan? How dare you make such a creative idea?

Murong Gui is really a madman. Duan Fei has checked the ancient pit burial. In 395 AD, Tuoba Gui of the Northern Wei Dynasty defeated Murong Bao, the prince of Yan, and killed more than 40,000 soldiers. There is a record of the crying of Shenhepi in the history books. It is about the story that when Murong Chui, the hero of the later Yanxiong, passed by, he seemed to hear tens of thousands of soldiers crying under the nine springs. He said that Murong Chui personally led an army to fight against Tuoba Gui for the shame left by Yixue's son. This guy is relatively thief. Murong Chui fought more than 70 battles in his life. With defeat, Tuoba Gui saw that this guy was really awesome. He took people and horses to avoid his sharpness and played hide-and-seek with him in the desert. Murong Chui was a strong man in his old age, and finally returned without success. He passed by Shenhepi and heard tens of thousands of heroes crying, and he could only look up to the sky and sigh. This battle was not be fought, and Murong Chui died of his way home from illness.

Is it resentment? Thousands of years of resentment are prone to ghosts.

Is it possible that Murong Gui really intends to summon the resentful Yan army? Crazy! Really crazy! They play crazier than Murong Bo and Murong Fu.

Duan Fei thought of this layer and didn't dare to go to Liangcheng next time.

At 8 p.m., Duan Fei was hiding in the subsound training room and practicing swords. There was only one way to survive under Murong Gui's hands. Before he killed himself, he raised his martial arts to a higher level than him, which seemed to be an impossible task. I heard that this old monster reached 100 years ago. At the level of the God of War, there is no hope to work hard.

Duan Fei practiced very hard. In front of the powerful subsound waves, his body was as crisp as thin paper. The continuous damage for 7 hours made him unable to hear or even see. The remaining idea supported him and his sword.

The staff interrupted his practice not because he felt sorry for his life. Here, the suicide was judged to be reasonable. The staff interrupted him only because the club had an emergency meeting.

When Duan Fei rushed to the venue, it was already full of people, with more than 100 people off the stage and more than 20 people on the stage.

Duan Fei was not the last to come in. His eyesight had not fully recovered. He vaguely saw another seven people coming in one after another. His hearing recovered faster and he could already hear people around him whispering.

Waited for about 10 minutes, and the meeting began. First of all, Liang Jun, the administrative inspector, broadcast a video, which was an emergency that happened on Tang Xingxing early this morning Earth time.

Gerard, the largest city in the Western Hemisphere, has a 370-meter-high Fron Tower in the central square. There is a man standing on the top of the tower, about 1.5 meters tall. His two ears indicate that he is from the planet Set. The onlookers blocked the bustling St. George's Avenue.

The thin Sett's voice was extremely strong. The commentator told people that his voice could be heard clearly even in the suburbs 50 kilometers away. He spoke English, and Duan Fei's English level was just enough to understand his speech.

"Stupid earthman, I, Gerselamu, from the great Sett Star, today I will officially announce to you that when I give you a month, either surrender to the great King Set or die! Ha, ha, ha!"

He laughed very crazily. Even Duan Fei in front of the TV felt a little stuffy and panicked, and even the recording was thorny. Of course, this guy's martial arts skills were not weak.

The picture switched, and the crowd on the ground was seriously chaotic, and the elderly and children fell to the ground one after another. 90% of ordinary people could not tolerate this super sound wave. Fortunately, this guy only laughed for more than ten seconds and then stopped.

The ground was in a mess, and the camera was close again, which was unbearable. Many people had fallen to the ground and been trampled on. There were many fights and robberies in the chaos. A large number of police arrived at the scene and could not control the scene for half an hour.

Duan Fei's attention has always been focused on this self-proclaimed maniac. He is evaluating this guy's level. Death level is impossible. More than 10 seconds of sound waves can only hurt some old people and children, and the devil level is not counted. At the demon level, the power of subsound waves can kill ordinary people in seconds. Of course, the top of the tower is more than 300 meters away from the ground. In addition, the masses stand far away, and the actual distance may be 500 meters to 1 kilometer. If it is close-range damage, for example, within 10 meters, most ordinary people may not be able to tolerate this for more than 10 seconds. , either the demon level, or the more powerful horror level, the evil level should be more than that.

The army soon appeared, and two fighters and more than a dozen helicopter gunships roared. Gerceram stood at the top of the tower with his hands folded in front of his chest, purely as if nothing had happened.

The two anti-tank * dragged the tail line and passed. The guy made several grimaces to the camera. The two * exploded beside him. After the fireworks dispersed, he still made faces at the camera.

"sw, sw, sw, sw" and four more * shot from both directions, "bang, bang" huge sparks drowned him, and more than a dozen helicopters and two fighter jets circled around him.

Looking at the video screen, Duan Fei shook his head. If this kind of anti-tank* could kill this guy, the Setter would have been beaten away long ago. Let's do it. Isn't there a God of War on Tang Star? The world is known as the 26 gods of war, all in the hometown of the earth?

It's right that the God of War Garden is built for the God of War. But to put it bluntly, it is for the God of War family. The God of War is nestled in the God of War Garden. What else can he fight? Is it useful for these commanders to shoot anti-tank guns like fireworks?

Duan Fei shook his head desperately, and the commander's head was made of wood.

"Bang, bang, bang... bang, bang..." Fireworks were set off in the central square, anti-tank*, air-to-air*, air-to-ground*, which exploded sparsely. The Set people scratched their ears and laughed loudly: "Stupid earth people, have you played enough? Let me teach you two tricks!"

After saying this, the Sett casually pulled out a sword and cut it in the wind.

"Wow," the audience in front of the TV were all martial arts masters of the Phantom War League. When they saw the Set people's move, they marveled that this guy's 1-meter-long arm was like a spring. "sw" went out dozens of meters long, and his one-meter-long arm suddenly became dozens of meters long, and the sword was split next to an armed helicopter. The tragedy happened, and the newly developed Super Black Hawk combat helicopter was split in half, like a piece of paper, tearing, scattering, crashing, and smashing two thick smoke.

The little man was two knives. The camera showed that the blade was still a little far from the helicopter. The two helicopters fell in half like toy paper planes. "Peng, Peng," quickly black smoke rose from the ground.

The crowd in the square began to flee. Except for a few desperate old notes, all the moving living people in the square ran away. The police consciously hid behind the police car and squatted on the ground one by one. The officer grabbed the walker and shouted randomly, aiming symbolically at the sky with a small pistol.

Perhaps without receiving orders from the headquarters, the remaining fighters continued to hover over the Central Square. Gerselamu suddenly found that this was a very fun game. He held a war knife, one by one, and quickly split all the fighters, including the two F407 super fighters, at a cost of 15 The billion F407 is no different from the 26 million super black eagle in front of Gerselam. Anyway, it is a knife and directly split in half. Then, watching them fall down one by one, it's like a rain of plane. Thick smoke is rolling. Many cameramen' hands are shaking. The picture people see is not Stop shaking.

Duan Fei closed his eyes, and tears could only flow to his heart, because he wanted to be a strong man, stronger than Gerselamu, although this goal now seems far away.

The old voice of the commentator sounded: "The tragic picture lasted for more than an hour. The fire burned on the ground, and countless people's hearts were dripping blood. The once powerful planetary coalition became weak and was played with by an evil teenager..."

After a long vicissitudes of life, Duan Fei's eyelids suddenly shook, and the commentator reported a surprising news. Duan Fei opened his eyes wide and stared at the TV picture.

"Look," the commentator suddenly screamed and pulled everyone up from the boundless sadness, "Star Flying Wolf! Flying wolf in the starry sky!"

"Heroes appear, human heroes appear!" The commentator shouted loudly, and many people were full of tears.

Human beings are not desperate yet. We still have God of War and flying wolves.