Star Dragonkui

Chapter 136 The Girl Who can't Push

Duan Fei had no choice but to hold the Set girl and live in the small shop. At least he had to wait for the girl's family to wake up before making plans. When the girl woke up, it was already dark.

On the first night of Planet Set, a beautiful alien girl waited for a generous shoulder. She had the same sadness as a river to cry. Just like the high-speed rail imposed on those wanderers who couldn't buy tickets, there are some things that are difficult for you to refuse.

Duan Fei can ignore the girl's tears or her charming face, but he can't throw her down. In the night full of perverts, he has to at least do the minimum morality of a knight. To be honest, on this ghost planet, he doesn't know how long he can live and has to spread such a A weak alien girl.

His sympathy is not more than others. He just can't find a suitable excuse. He can only lend her a shoulder so that she can rely on for the time being. This thing can't be rented out and collect much money. Duan Fei can't make a dime from this girl. He must lose money. The only relief is that this girl is really Beautiful.

He stroked her shoulder and stroked her hair. From now on, from the moment Duan Fei saw her, she became an orphan.

Just before meeting Duan Fei, her family died one after another, a bitter girl.

What is more bitter than the people on earth are the Set people, the lowest Set people, and more specifically: slaves.

According to Xiaopi's introduction, the citizens of the Kingdom of Set are divided into five levels. The largest base is the above category. They are bullied and stripped. Those who are slightly better than them are civilians. Generally speaking, these two classes are basically not protected by law, and the people above them can kill these low-level people at will. Public, of course, there is no complete price. A middle-aged slave is 1,000 yuan. By analogy, the cheapest is an old slave over 70 years old. It costs 10 yuan to kill an old slave. It's only 10 yuan. The owner of the slave will be compensated. The lives of civilians is slightly more expensive, and the most expensive one is 5,000 yuan. A civilian who compensates his family for a few small pieces of money will be settled. This is the rule of the Kingdom of Set.

In this country, the law only protects three classes. The royal family is supreme, and there is an extremely precious titanium and tungsten identity card hanging around the waist, and no one dares to provoke it. Going down is the nobleman, with a platinum and tungsten identity card on his body, which is basically the kind of rampage. Next, there are officers and soldiers. Officials and soldiers are also a privileged class in this country. Regardless of their previous origin, as long as they put on military uniforms, they can immediately kill civilians and slaves, and then lose money. Soldiers can also carry cards and tungsten gold identity cards. Don't underestimate these identity cards. That's It's a high-tech thing. Don't think that if Seth doesn't make a car, it's a bun. People don't want to build cars. Bee ostbits and eagles are obviously more useful than cars, and they also save energy. These three identity cards are implanted with complex high-tech chips, which are quite powerful.

It's really a desolate country. If you prepare 100,000 yuan, you can rush into a valley. If you kill a village, you may not lose 100,000 yuan. Living in such a place, I don't know whether it's happiness or sadness.

The girl's name is Urika. She lives in the distant Gron Valley, which is a mining area. The family of four are all slaves. The owner is a small mine owner, who is kind, and the slaves under her opponent are also very polite. In this way, the family lived a good life in the Gron Valley, but the war broke out, and the Marquis Arise, who controlled the Gron vein, died. The war for minerals broke out between the three forces. In the war, many people died, and no one would take responsibility. Her parents and kind little miners died. Death is also in vain, and the army has never had the concept of compensation.

Until now, there is still a war there, a hegemony has not yet emerged, and the war around the mineral veins is about to continue. This is a country that advocates metals. Metals are seen as a symbol of identity. Unlike the earth, the noble thing in the eyes of the Set people is alloys. For example, titanium tungsten alloy is a valuable alloy. , refined by five metal elements, it is hard and gorgeous, and will show double colors such as silver and black at different angles.

The elder brother took his sister to escape from the war. Originally, he planned to redeem a civilian identity for the brother and sister with the wealth accumulated by the whole family. Because the mine owner was dead, the procedures could only be handled in the royal city. Unexpectedly, in broad daylight, at the feet of the emperor, a group of gangsters openly robbed, even all the people and silver. The elder brother was killed by them on the spot. The sister , fell into the hands of Duan Fei.

Duan Fei is not a bad person. He decided to take the girl to the household registration officer to redeem a civilian body for her. But what's the point of having a civilian body? The ruffian robbed her, but she still had no place to reason.

"I won't redeem any civilians!" The girl pushed Duan Fei away.

"What are you going to do? Sooner or later, you will fall into the fire when you wander around on the street. Duan Fei had to worry about this leisure for others.

"Enter the army and join the army." Urika firmly shed tears and watched her brother being killed. There was not even a place to complain. She saw through the world. As long as she put on a military uniform, at least she had a small card protected by law. If she was bullied, as long as she picked up the card and called, someone would come out to manage it.

"The method is good," Xiaopi walked like an old man and said in a low voice, "But the problem is that you can't even deal with a rooster. Will the army accept you?"

This is really a problem. The army can recruit female soldiers, which also has to pass the quality test. If you don't have any martial arts skills and want to join the army, do you think the Set army can support idle people? The combat effectiveness of the Set army has always been very good, and the quality of the soldiers is of course very important. Although King Sett's governance is not good, he still has a way to manage the army.

"There is a place to recruit female soldiers, and I plan to go." There were no tears in Urika's big eyes, and a force rose on her face.

Duan Fei turned his head and looked at Xiaopi. He didn't understand the Set Kingdom. The little monkey shrugged his shoulders and led Duan Fei's eyes to Urika.

"From here, about 800 kilometers, go forward, through 100,000 forests, and then walk forward, you can reach Hongyu City, where the army only recruits female soldiers."

Duan Fei is about to faint. This journey is really not short. The earth delegation can't stay too long in Set. As long as the negotiations come to fruition, they will withdraw to the earth. At that time, without a spaceship, Duan Fei will become a drifter. Space exile is one level lower than slaves.

I can endure hardships, but I can't bear this kind of suffering. I will throw it on this broken planet all my life and be a blind stream of space that is not even better than slaves. Good boy, you can't do this.

Duan Fei decided to be wise. There is still a lot to suffer in his life, but not in this place, let alone in this way, what is it? Daughter country, is there really such a good place on this planet? Bah, I thought I was a Tang monk in Dongtu. You are beautiful, a group of female tigers who eat people without spitting bones.

"Brother Duan, are you really going to let me, a weak woman wander around and be bullied?" Urika hugged the man's waist.

When encountering this incident, Duan Fei is really a big head. Originally, he thought he was a future elite, but now he is in trouble. If he may not, he can't return to the earth. If he dies, he doesn't know where to be reincarnated. Will he return to the earth or stay in the next life? If you still stay in this ghost place, it will be useless. Being a ghost is a bitter master. In this ghost place, no one will be buried. You know how many lonely ghosts there are in the world.

Duan Fei is leaving, but he is determined to leave. The girl will not let go, eat, drink and chat with her, and even threaten to *. It seems that this job can't be shirked, so let's go on the road quickly.

There is no taxi here. Niuying runs faster than a taxi. A man and a woman and a little monkey can run more than 300 kilometers in an hour in the basket of Niuying. At this speed, it will arrive in a day. Send the girl to Hongyu City, and Duan Fei's task will be completed. It seems that this trip is also easy. , flying around in the sky is like a two-day tour of Seth Planet, and you can also enjoy the exotic scenery.

Duan Fei's mood looks good. He stands in a basket like a car, holds the protective rope, and looks far into the distance. The scenery below is really good. There is no city with high-rise buildings, no black smoke direct industrial park, and there are green mountains and green water everywhere. He runs a tourism company. You can definitely earn by developing a few lines here. Big money.

Duan Fei is leisurely in the sky. How did he know that the journey was not so smooth? Trouble will come soon.