Star Dragonkui

Chapter 144 Interesting Spirit Destroyer

The two people on the field have fought for more than 30 rounds, both of which are playing their own small calculations. The one-eyed dragon wants to end the battle as soon as possible. Duan Fei is still thinking about the soul attack and thinking about things, and the movements of the two people's hands slowed down.

The one-eyed dragon first jumped out of the battle circle. Anyway, I am the head of the city. Let's come down and rest for a while. Anyway, there are hundreds of subordinates waiting to be called.

"Listen to me and give me all of them!" As soon as the one-eyed dragon jumped out of the field, it roared at a group of men.

This one made the younger brother suffer. Duan Fei was thinking about destroying the Lingtian Book. With a grasp of the void with his left hand, a powerful and mysterious force rose from the soles of his feet, just in time for three big soldiers with waist knives to rush up, just to test the powerful power of a black wind.

Duan Fei looked up at the direction and said, "What is" is a sword - this one is done!

The piercing sword swept over the three people with a strange black arc, just like the Monkey King's strange caterpillar. The three suddenly stopped, and then their bodies lost their balance and fell down together.

Good boy! What kind of move is this? The brains of the two brothers walking in the second group are not made of wood. Seeing that the front three fell to the ground together, they shouted that it was not good. They quickly closed their feet. A sharp brake did not stop. What did you say? Behind, there were hundreds of people rushing forward and directly knocked out the second wave of them. Go, this will tell you not to hit anyone, play brakes on the highway and kill you.

It was okay to be hit by the team behind. The three living dead under their feet did not dare to rush in front of them. The more panicked they became, the more they were. They directly stepped on their companions' bodies, tripped their feet, and even rolled and climbed out. In this way, wrestling was better than the dead. This emergency traffic accident came a little suddenly, and the whole team They were all unprepared, but after all, this was an army. Soon someone came from both sides and surrounded Duan Fei tightly.

Duan Fei looked at it. It was just the free sword target. He practiced well today. He grabbed the void with his left hand and his right hand--

Before Duan Fei made a move, those frontal soldiers ran to both sides with a loud voice. Duan Fei took his left hand, "Hey," not to mention that the mysterious force was still rolling in his body. Duan Fei's right hand shrank, the long sword stood in the air, and a circle of black light flowed on the sword. After all, those soldiers There were a large number of people, and the front row flashed on both sides. Before the situation was clear, the four spearmen rushed up with guns.

came at the right time. Duan Fei saw a black streamer on the edge of the sword. The four soldiers were miserable. Suddenly, their minds were blank. Four pairs of eyes looked straight at Duan Fei, and the long gun in his hand stabbed him. The brothers on both sides could see the most clearly. "One, Two, three, four gunmen fell down.

Big guys have never seen such evil skills. They can kill four tough men with a black light. This is not a drama team. There is only one in their head. It is the nature of all things to be greedy and afraid of death. Although that group of troops are called 600 hundred, they were tossed around by Duan Fei. Everyone was really afraid. They gathered around and shouted and retreated back. There are a large number of people. If you want to eat meat, you have to think about whether the guy who eats can play with it.

The one-eyed dragon was tired just now and stood on the side with a big knife to rest. He was thinking about hundreds of people surrounding him, stabbing the boy to death, cutting the knife to pieces, and then going home to take the girl. Who has the time to work with you wild boy? His ideas are very wise, and his future is hopeless. Duan Fei's eyes swept away, and any place gave up a big gap. Hundreds of people were blocked on the road and played the game of eagles catching chickens.

Why don't you brush him a few more soldiers? This idea flashed in Duan Fei's mind. It's meaningless to brush a few soldiers. It's more interesting to play with a few one-eyed dragons.

He glanced over there, and everyone immediately made way. The one-eyed dragon was staring at his men with white eyes and loudly scolding him. Duan flew over, and his sharp sword stepped into the air with a sharp black cold light.

The one-eyed dragon hates the steel frame. These wastes usually know how to eat and drink, and expose the nature of waste at the critical moment. There is nothing they can do. They have to rely on themselves for this kind of thing. I'm afraid they are really going to die.

"Ding," Duan Fei's long sword has pointed to his throat. Although the one-eyed dragon has only one eye, it can still be seen clearly. His brain has some problems. Structural problems are serious congenital deficiencies. He doesn't want to think about the hundreds of people around him. Isn't this group of people running around? Are you afraid of getting whipped?

Even if his brain is fine, he has no time to think about it. Duan Fei's black sword blade has been stabbed. This stab scared the city lord into a cold sweat. In just a few minutes, this boy's martial arts has improved rapidly. Is the murderous spirit of this sword too heavy?

Taiyi Sword is a murderous sword that has been hidden for thousands of years, and he doesn't pay attention to it. This one is more murderous than that Taiyi Sword - that's not a high-grade thing. The gap between the first layer of the Spirit Book and the first type of Taiyi Sword is in this cold sweat. As the saying goes, the mule is a horse to walk, and you don't play it. I know, it's not bad to be shocked by the play.

Duan Fei's sword blade hit the thick alloy knife, and the huge shock force generated by the collision made Duan Fei bounce back into the air again. He did not jump down. He wanted to collect some power hidden in the soles of his feet, and the one-eyed dragon, this attack worked. This guy was stunned, and his mind seemed to be blank. Although this process However, it is very short, but it confuses him. He is a veteran of the battlefield. Although the structure of his brain is not good and the pure concrete structure, the quality of the building can still stand the test of history. His parents still gave him a strong and durable brain with a responsible attitude towards history. Although the work is stupid, it is qualitative The amount is still trustworthy. There are often cases of nerve short circuit, but there should be no possibility of the collapse of the bridge. Parents are responsible for refuseing the tofu dregs project.

The nerve short circuit is only a few moments. Duan Fei only needs one moment. He draws a dark force from the soles of his feet and quietly waits for a certain sober time to come.

The one-eyed dragon shook its head vigorously. At the critical moment, how can it be short-circuited? In case the opponent kills with a sword, will it not die on the spot?

When he regained consciousness, Duan Fei felt that the game could continue to play. Before he could stand completely, the prince's body rose in the air and stabbed his throat. The poor one-eyed dragon had just had a little thought, and the black cold sword came again. Don't say anything. Raise a knife to stop it.

This brother is also really cooperative. He raised his knife against the bone-piercing sword and raised a grid file. "Ding" Duan Fei bounced back again. He had to wait for a while. Taking advantage of people's danger is Duan Fei's consistent style, but the long flow is also a style of his life. He must grasp the heat for everything. At this time, Duan Fei began to enjoy the great happiness brought by the Book of Destroying Spirits. It turned out that the city was named to commemorate this great day. Our wise and martial arts Mr. Duan suddenly entered a new deep level of martial arts: soul damage.

The soul of the one-eyed dragon is actually very strong. It is almost impossible for a heartless guy to be hurt. The word sadness has basically been returned to his teacher, but this time, Duan Fei played too hard to hurt the soul of this big bastard.

This guy was really injured this time. His mind seemed to have been washed by a storm. No line in the concrete skeleton was alive. This process lasted for almost 39 seconds. I don't know when the 300 catties of alloy knife fell to the ground and smashed several bluestone bricks. He patted his brain. Door, this is his mother's magic, which is more powerful than pyramid schemes. When he kills it, his brain is whiter than bleaching.

Duan Fei still has to wait. Sometimes he needs patience to play games. 39 seconds. After waking up, the one-eyed dragon twisted his arm and waist, and his head shook like a rattle drum. He finally understood that he was playing with people for his life today. How did the knife fall to the ground?

This is really a problem. He quickly bent down and picked up his long-handled knife. Seeing that he recovered well, Duan Fei smiled. After a while, he couldn't laugh. Knowing the serious consequences of this, he was afraid that even his intestines would be regretful.