Star Dragonkui

Chapter 226 The Devil of Black-haired Zombie

"Qiu Yu, do you remember that black-haired zombie?"

When it comes to the black-haired monster, the girl's whole body trembles. The monster left her with a deep memory that it's horrible to think about it.

"How about we kill it?"

The girl shook her head desperately.

"Well, I'll go alone. I must kill it, but not now." Duan Fei said resolutely, and he didn't forget to ask a question: "You know that there are people around here who buy monsters. I want to kill a few monsters to make some money."

"Monster Mall, right? Yes, I know them very well. Do you want me to help you introduce them?"

"There is no need for referral. Can you do me a small favor and talk to them well? Let them* help me collect the monster. I'll pay the service fee."

"No problem, it's up to me."

"That's the best. Please find them tomorrow."

In the next three days, Duan Fei was busy practicing, just combining the book of destroyed spirits with the earth system devouring, that is, floating sandstorms and dust, killing monsters to make money, devouring cultivation, destroying spirits to practice, and sucking souls.

In three days, the monsters in the whole mountain were basically cleaned up by him, and the rest were all retail investors. He was too lazy to find, finish work and settle accounts. These three days, plus the previous day, should have an income of 78 billion yuan.

Responsible for the acquisition is a gang organization called Orthodoxy. Duan Fei doesn't know much about this planet. The currency of this planet is actually a kind of leaf. Whether it is a leaf-shaped currency or a real leaf. Duan Fei studied for a long time and did not figure out what the material of this leaf is, according to Qiu Yu said. Fa, this snow-white shining silver leaf is called the Seven Saints, which is a kind of leaf on the divine tree called the Seven Saints. Duan Fei has worked hard for four days and harvested three Seven Saints.

Duan Fei's expression was very funny. He exchanged three leaves for seven or eight billion planetary coins. He shook his head with a bitter smile and asked, "Why have I never seen this kind of leaf before? Can I buy a steamed bun for this leaf?"

Qiu Yu smiled and trembled in front of his smile, "You are too funny. Don't you know that the Seven Holy Sons is a very expensive thing?"

Duan Fei shook his head and suddenly remembered that he was now a fake citizen of the mountain and sea planet. He quickly explained, "I grew up in the mountains and have never seen the world. I really don't know this seven holy sons."

Qiu Yu covered his mouth, smiled tiredly, and said, "Have you seen Jin Ye?"

Duan Fei shook his head. Whether in the mountain star or the earth, he had never seen golden leaves or gold bars.

Qiu Yu grabbed a piece of the Seven Holy Son and shook in front of Duan Fei: "You are now a super rich man. The person who can afford the Seven Holy Son is not an ordinary person. In our bank, this Seven Holy Son can be exchanged for 50,000 gold leaves, while a golden leaf can be exchanged for 5,000 silver coins, and a silver coin can be bought. 50 steamed buns, think about it, how many steamed buns can you buy with these three leaves?

Duan Fei smiled and smiled more brilliantly than Chaoxia. With these three leaves, it was no problem to eat all the mountain and sea stars.

The monster also killed and made money. Duan Fei felt that his ability should be able to compete head-on with the black-haired zombie.

Black-haired zombie is a shadow in Qiu Yu's heart, but she bravely follows Duan Fei. After all, she is a person who has practiced martial arts, just like there is a shadow in her heart, and she still has to go up for a help.

Duan Fei and Xiaopi found the black-haired zombie in more than three hours. He was getting out of a cave and wandering around nearby.

"How dare you come to me." The black-haired zombies looked at Duan Fei and smiled.

"Your mother is now taken care of by villagers, so don't worry about dying." Duan Fei motioned Qiu Yu to retreat a little, and he planned to single-handedly challenge the black-haired zombies.

"Let's show your shabby things."

"I don't need to use those shabby things to deal with you." Duan Fei stretched out his left hand and pressed his thumb on the magic snake wand. Last time, two small flying knives were accepted by this guy, and Duan Fei did not intend to ask him to come back. That kind of small flying knife is basically a self-comfort now and can't hurt a master at the same level at all.

"Little girl, wait a minute, I'll clean up this little white face first, and then come to be happy with you." Two breaths of black gas spewed out of the black-haired zombie's nose and swaggered over.

Qiu Yu stood two meters behind Duan Fei, and she was so scared that she retreated four or five meters. Fortunately, there was a little monkey accompanying her. Otherwise, she really couldn't control herself and might be scared away. The little monkey raised his head, took her hand and said, "Don't be afraid of him. Afei will deal with him later."

That's what I said. Thinking about it, Qiu Yu's body still trembled. What if Duan Fei can't beat him?

"Haha, haha" The three-meter-high black-haired zombie suddenly accelerated and rushed over. Duan Fei stood still. Just as the black-haired zombie was about to arrive in front of him, Duan Fei took action. His left hand turned his wrist, and the magic snake pin directly plunged into the black-haired zombie's chest. His huge body immediately slowed down. Although the black-haired zombie However, he has a strong physique, but although his IQ is not directly proportional to his physique, he doesn't even take this small pin seriously and let it pierce his chest.

Duan Fei rose in the air, flew to the sky, then turned around and leaned down, pressing his palm on the monster's head.

The black-haired zombie now found that the little pin just now is actually a very powerful killing trick. As soon as this little thing pricked his own body, hundreds of small bugs bit him. The zombie's nervous system has deleted the pain, but his soul, a tearing pain made him three meters tall. Trembling.

Even if it is a demon king, it is not so easy to remove, not to mention that this black-haired zombie is still quite a long distance away from the corpse king.

Proud soldiers are easy to defeat, not to mention that in the face of such a horrible opponent as Duan Fei, Duan Fei wants this effect. With one move, the spiritual power of black-haired zombies has not been consumed, and it has been directly sucked by themselves. This thing is a demon spirit, which is different from the beast spirit, and it will definitely greatly improve its soul capacity.

The most important thing now is not soul power, but soul capacity. It is easy to replenish soul power, and increasing soul capacity is a difficult problem. Even if it is easy to charge, it is difficult to improve the battery capacity.

Of course, there is also a certain risk of sucking demons, that is, the risk of falling into the devil's way. Of course, Duan Fei doesn't want to fall into the devil, but a monster is not enough to pull him down the sewage, which is still confident.

The three-meter-high body gradually shrank. Qiu Yu looked at the scene in front of him and didn't know whether it should be happy or sad. What was happy was that Duan Fei defeated the big devil. The sad thing was that Duan Fei used was clearly evil.

Not only was the physique of the big devil shrinking, but also the black hair all over his body faded away and gradually turned into a very ordinary dry corpse. The dry tiger. When Duan Fei's toes returned to the ground, the tiger's body had returned to human form. Duan Fei gently pushed him down to the ground, and then hit him with a fire dance with his right hand and directly Burned the tiger's mummified body.

Looking at the burning corpse fire, the autumn rain shrank her pupils, and the shadow at the bottom of her heart was burned out, and the horrible black-haired monster disappeared forever, dispersing with smoke and dust. Duan Fei did things too simply. He killed people and buried them. He directly burned them into ashes with fire dance, and then buried them in the wind.

Duan Fei sucked a lot of demons and realized that his soul capacity had been greatly improved. There was an indescribable pleasure in his heart. One day, if King Seth was refined, he would be happy. That guy's body should also be equipped with demons. I heard that demons are more effective than beasts.

Duan Fei was proud of his work. Qiu Yu came forward and asked timidly, "Duan Fei, what magic did you use just now? It doesn't seem to be a decent move?"

Why is this tone so familiar? As soon as he turned his head, he remembered Liu Qing. Yes, Liu Qing is also in this tone. What is a decent move? Is the move used by a famous family different from the gold used by the devil?

Duan Fei was originally very proud, but Qiu Yu suddenly said such a sentence, which was quite disappointing. After Duan Fei shook his head and sucked the demon spirit, he was indeed a little confused. Over the years, he had to find a place to clean up quickly, pull out the spiritual power and remove the magic. This is a quite difficult task.