Star Dragonkui

Chapter 252 The Glacier in the Heart

The earth delegation came to the royal palace and admired the extraordinary style of the royal palace.

First of all, the gate is quite scary. It is five meters wide and 20 meters wide, with three-open copper and red paint. A pair of stone lions squatting at the door are three meters high. Next to the stone lion stands four pairs of fierce generals, all of them are human-faced ox-bore. They are estimated to be two and a half meters tall, the weight is estimated to be about one ton, and there are three big knives on their shoulders. The meter is long and one foot wide, not to mention how high this group of martial arts is, this momentum is really scary.

turned out to be the guest of His Majesty the Emperor. Of course, he opened the door to welcome the guests. The thick Zhuqi gate opened and looked over at a glance. It was a three-meter-deep outer courtyard. Each floor was garrisoned by heavy soldiers, stone tower arrow whistles, strong bows and strong crossbows. It is estimated that there are no team of thousands of people who can't kill into the inner courtyard.

After the outer courtyard, there is a long tree-like walkway, which is very wide and has a width of eight lanes. On both sides are particularly dense century-old trees, with crisscrossed branches and shade the sun. Next to the treeway, there are mountains on one side and lakes on the other.

Cross this 1-kilometer-long grove walkway and turn right to see the inner courtyard, not several houses, but a large area of scattered low houses.

Standing on the lawn in front of the inner courtyard, it seems to walk into a small village like a paradise, but this is not a village. There is only one family living here, with about a large number of staggered houses, at least 30 or 50, and the tallest building is only three rooms. Except for the surrounding arrow towers, there are no high-rise facilities.

The earth delegation was arranged in a three-story building, with more than a dozen servants waiting all the way, and life was quite enjoyable.

Ding Weiran looked at everyone's stunned faces and smiled faintly: "This prince seems to be quite awesome. If he can build such a big manor in the capital, the land price is an astronomical figure."

"It goesless to say that such a large site is bigger than the three stone landscape parks, but it is a prime location in the capital. For such a large project, there is no way to calculate the money invested."

"Why didn't the emperor entertain us in the palace?"

"I heard that the palace was seriously damaged during the war and is being renovated."

"The palace should be bigger than here, right?"

"Of course, I heard that it takes a whole day to ride around the palace. There are also racecourses and hunting grounds in the palace. How horrible it is."

"This place feels more feudal than feudal society."

"In feudal society, I heard that the Kingdom of Set is still in the slave society."

"Shing up, it can't be called the Set Kingdom now, but the Set Dynasty."

The earth delegation rested for a day in the Xinwang Mansion, and the servant of the Ministry of Ceremonies led several people to entertain them. Duan Fei arrived at the Xinwang Mansion on the third day.

As soon as he arrived at the Wangfu, he directly summoned the head and deputy head of the Earth delegation.

"I was really surprised that I didn't expect to meet you here." Duan Fei retreated and personally pulled tea for the two old friends.

Liu Qing didn't feel anything wrong. Ding Weiran stood up and said with a smile, "How dare you let your majesty do it yourself? Let's do it ourselves."

Master said so, Liu Qing naturally couldn't sit down and stood up to help.

"It doesn't matter." Duan Fei said with a smile.

"Your Majesty should be doing quite well here, right?" Ding Weiran leaned over and asked.

"Where, the emperor is not so good. Every day is a mess, and he is always busy and dizzy."

"It's also difficult for you to take on such a big responsibility at such a young age."

"Mr. Ding led the earth to come here. I don't know what's going on?"

"Oh, that's right. I want to ask your Majesty to raise your hand."

"I don't know what Mr. Ding means?"

"It was when King Set captured many compatriots on earth as prisoners or hard work. We hope that we can let them go home to reunite with their families for the sake of being compatriots before."

Duan Fei thought about it. Of course, this condition can be agreed.

"This is the right one. I'll tell them to do it as soon as possible."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. On behalf of more than 10 billion compatriots of the Earth Alliance, I am here to thank Your Majesty."

"You're welcome. This is what I vowed to do at the beginning, but now it's natural."

"There is another thing, which is to hope to sign a peace treaty with your country."

"This is natural."

"Your Majesty is really cheerful. It seems that our trip is very successful."

"Exexpectedly, Mr. Ding came all the way from the earth to the planet Set, so he invited everyone to walk around. There are still many places worth seeing here."

"Thank you for your majesty's beauty, but you are old and can't stand the hard work of the long boat. Xiaoqing, you can walk around on behalf of your majesty."


"Go ahead, I'm a little tired these two days as a teacher. Go back to your room to rest first, and you can accompany your majesty around this planet."

I didn't expect Ding Weiran to be so reasonable now, but Duan Fei was a little surprised.

It's only been a few years, and how much has changed. A few years ago, he was still an ignorant young student. Now Duan Fei has squeezed into the ranks of Luo Jinxian and sat on the throne of the emperor of the planet Set. Life is really like a dream.

In Duan Fei's view, the most beautiful scenery on the planet is Silver Beach.

The soft silver-white sand beach can't be seen at a glance. Behind the beach is a staggered tropical plant, holding a handful of seawater in both hands, which is clear and transparent.

Liu Qing actually likes the blue sky and blue sea very much. He took off his shoes, stepped on the soft white sand, ran on the shore, and ran in the shallow sea. He was particularly free and free.

In addition to them, there are hundreds of people on the beach. Although they are not familiar with each other, they get together, talk and laugh, and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

"Xiaoqing, will you stay?"

Liu Qing sat barefoot on the grass, looked at the beach below, looked at the sea in the distance, and shook her head.


"You and I belong to two different worlds."

"Then shall we go back to the earth together?"

Liu Qing still shook her head.


"I said that we belong to different worlds."


Duan Fei looked at the distant sky. He could change many things and determine the life and death of hundreds of millions of people, but he could not change a person's stubbornness and prejudice.

He is helpless.

"Take Ouyang here. She will definitely like this planet. She is a simple and stupid girl. Take her over and take good care of her."

"She is a simple and stupid girl, so what about you?"

"Me?" Liu Qing raised her eyebrows and said, "I'm a big child who is too complicated to understand."

"You don't need someone to take care of you?"

"No need."

"So what are you going to do next?"

"I'm still very young, only 19 years old, and it will take me at least ten years to consider these issues."

"Okay, I'll wait for you for ten years."

"Even if you wait for me for a hundred years, I said that we belong to different worlds."

"In half a year, after the things here are straightened out, I will resign as king. We are on earth, okay to start all over again?"

Liu Qing squeezed her lips and shook her head with a smile.

You're right, we are still young, maybe we need more time. Ten years, twenty years, I will make you feel the love in my heart.

"Don't be stupid, okay?"

Duan Fei smiled calmly and said, "Life is rare and free. If you lose this crown, I will win a more wonderful world."

"You are stupider than me!"

Two people looked at each other and smiled.

Liu Qing especially emphasized: "There are 1 billion people waiting for people to govern. Be your emperor. I will come back to the planet Seth in a few years. At that time, I don't want the people here to live in deep trouble.

"Emperor?" Duan Fei raised his face and whispered, "Emperor? I won't stay in this position for too long. After I complete the things here, I will go back to the earth, hoping to find a way to your spiritual world.

"I advise you not to be delusional in this regard."


"The most important thing is to cherish the present, do you understand?"

"You are my present and future."

"You are a born hero. Take on your responsibility. I'm just a passer-by in your life."

In her heart, there is a huge glacier at an altitude of more than 10,000. Duan Fei can easily climb the Beiwu glacier, but there is no way to melt the iceberg in her heart.

This made him confused and painful.