Star Dragonkui

Chapter 268 Thousand Death

Duan Fei now knows that the so-called reputation is pure nonsense. As long as he can kill people invisibly, he will not kill people. This is the world.

"I'm about to die. Can you tell me something?"

"Say it."


"For the sake of your death, to tell you the truth, I'm thousands."

"It seems that I really went to Tianxiang Valley for nothing." Duan Fei shook his head helplessly. It was obviously impossible to expect the palace master to cooperate with him. It was hard to say whether this person's martial arts skills were too high to beat her. I'm afraid it would be difficult to force the palace master.

"Can you die now?" The palace owner asked with a sneer.

"I remember you said something."

"What are you talking about?"

"As long as there is no trace of killing, it is equivalent to no killing, right?"

The palace master can't understand Duan Fei's words.

"Who the hell are you?"

"You are about to die. You might as well tell you the truth. My name is Duan Fei."

"Ha, ha," the palace owner laughed with tears in his eyes: "This is the most ridiculous joke I've ever heard."

"I don't think it's funny." Duan Fei slowly took two steps forward.

"Are you sure you have the ability to kill me?"

"Yes." Duan Fei looked at her coldly.

"Can you tell me why you must kill me?"

"Like you, the dead are the most reliable." Duan Fei walked all the way to her, and the distance between the two was only about one meter.

"Don't you think it's dangerous to be so close?"

"I have heard your heart trembling." Duan Fei had a kind smile on his face.

"Go to hell!" The palace owner finally couldn't calm down. She tried her best to grab Duan Fei with ten fingers. At the moment she stretched out, countless black dragons grew in her ten fingers.

Duan Fei did not dodge and faced countless black dragons with both fists.

"Bomb." A loud noise.

The huge shock force came, countless walls collapsed violently, and countless black dragons were shattered in a blink of an eye.

"What happened?" Many luxury guests were busy working bare, and suddenly there was a huge shock. Many houses were immediately shaken away, many light men and women were shaken away on the spot, and the whole island became a mess.

"What a powerful boxing!" Qianqian wiped the blood stains from the corners of her mouth. She really didn't expect that the black dragon roaring day, which was destroyed by gods and Buddhas, was actually broken.

"Okay, okay." Qianqian dried the blood from the corners of his mouth and stood up. His clothes all over his body sneered. His black hair suddenly turned into countless black dragons, getting bigger and bigger.

"Do you really want to die?" Duan Fei looked at the black dragons warily, pulled away his bow steps, and clenched his fists on his chest.

"Do you really think you can beat me?" Thousands of fingers raised ten, and many blood-red silk threads came out of her fingers, and her tongue also stretched out, like a scarlet snake, dancing wildly in the air in the wind.

Duan Fei looked at this style. Good guy, he was going to work hard. He didn't dare to be careless. His body spiraled and rolled up a large sandstorm.


Two people roared at the same time, and countless black dragons and a blood snakes rushed over. Duan Fei saw that they really had to work hard this time. It didn't matter if they tried their best. There was no need to sink the whole island. Duan Fei thought about it was better to hide underground first. A sandstorm threw it and drilled into the ground. Down.

"Where to run!" Qianqian withdrew her long tongue, and ten fingers pricked the ground. Countless blood lines quickly penetrated into the ground, and her body also turned into blood and went into the ground.

When she arrived 500 meters underground, Duan Fei was not afraid of her, and he was not afraid of the noise in this world.

"Do you think I'm really afraid of you?" Duan Fei stopped 500 meters underground and said with a sneer.

"Do you think a few big words can scare me?"

"I don't need to scare you." Duan Fei was about to take it seriously this time. His body was a spiral, rolled up a large sandstorm in the underground world, and then pushed it with his fists.

"Rumble." A burst of power came, and one blood line after another broke and dissipated.

Finally, Qianqian's body was left with only a large pool of blood, hanging on a rock to survive.

"You are really good." Thousands of soul waves came from a faint voice.

"You are going to die. Are you interested in telling me something?"

"I'm dying. Why should I tell you?"

"Forget it. I'll give you another ride." Duan Fei punched again and directly scattered the blood stains.

Duan Fei scattered thousands of souls, and he was about to go. The soul wave detected that someone was coming underground. He had to wait to see which tall man was. In the underground world, he was not afraid of causing trouble. Anyway, it was far from the ground, and no matter how big the movement was, it would not hurt the innocent.

A girl floated down, still holding the guqin in her arms.

The girl fell down and ignored Duan Fei at all. She came to a rather broken song. Duan Fei didn't move. He kept watching and listening.

At the end of the song, the girl picked up.

"Is the girl Su Qin?"

"Who are you?"

"Fly in the next section."

"Why did you kill Qianqian?"

"Miss Su, you were wrong. I didn't kill Qianqian."

"Is there anyone else here?"

"She committed suicide."

"Hmm, ha, ha." Su Qin laughed worse than crying.

"She insisted on killing me. I couldn't escape here, and she chased me here again."

"Then you killed her."


"Then you just denied that you killed thousands of people."

"That's different." Duan Fei tried to explain, but found that there was no need to explain this matter.

"Do you know how hard Qianqian's life is?" Su Qin's eyes flashed with tears. Obviously, she had an extraordinary relationship with Qianqian.

"Maybe it's because she lives too hard that she is eager to commit suicide, and I can't help it." Duan Fei shook his head.

"So I should thank you?" Su Qin stared at him with a cold face, and her anger was self-evident.

"Maybe I think it's too simple, but if someone wants to kill you, you can't wait for him to kill you, can you?" Duan Fei also felt sorry. It was really too hasty to punch out just now. Maybe he should leave her a way to live, but no one can foresee what will happen later. How can he know who this Qianqian is? Can he blame me for setting up a desperate posture?

"People can't come back to life after death. It's useless to say anything. Tell me how to make up for your mistakes."

Duan Fei looked at Su Qin with a confused face.

"Well, you help us do something, just make up for it at that time."

Duan Fei nodded.

"Recently, several empires in the East Galaxy are plotting to attack Tianxiang Valley and Hongxiuzhuang."


"First, for wealth, Tianxiang Valley and Hongxiuzhuang have accumulated a lot of wealth. These empires look at slander. Second, in order to prevent more princes and grandchildren from falling down, these two places have become a good stage for many princes and grandchildren. The major empires can't control this place at all. Third, many senior imperial officials are It's expensive here. The consumption here is so high that it forces these senior officials to sharpen their heads and make money. Large-scale corruption breeds in the major empires, but this is not the most deadly. The most deadly is the fourth one. This is the most important mistake that Tianxiang Valley and Hongxiuzhuang should not have made. Many rebel forces secretly contacted and harassed through here. Senior officials of major empires, this is the most intolerable thing for major empires.

"So this time, the major empires are going to add fragrant valleys in one fell swoop."

"You don't think I have the ability to stop this operation, do you?"

"You look too highly of yourself." Su Qin said rudely.

If it hadn't been for a dynasty of more than one billion people behind him, Duan Fei could really let go, but even if he could fight against many empires alone, what would he do with more than one billion people?

Even if the major empires of the galaxy can't catch him, they have the ability to kill all his people. Now he knows why the masters don't need family affection.

The competition between Tianzun and Mozun has never stopped. If Tianzun has too many relatives, it is estimated that even if there are, it will be basically destroyed by the demons.

This kind of thing is really hard to say.

"My request is for you to retreat with the people of Tianxiang Valley."

"Where to retreat?"

"That's your business."

"All people?"

"Of course not. How can you save so many people? Besides, if so many people retreat at the same time, it's not too noisy. I guess no one will leave at that time."