Star Dragonkui

Chapter 270 Light Grade Master

Duan Fei repeated several times: "Nine-tailed Cat God, light grade!"

"Yes, it is said that the light-grade figure is the highest level in large space, and the flight speed is a multiple of light years."

"That's right. Only multiples of light years can achieve rampant universe. It will take thousands or hundreds of millions of years to travel to the universe, and that's still rampant."

"The magic snake has reached the level of tness."

"I understand." Duan Fei has actually thought that above the speed of light, there should be two levels, the Yuan level, which should be 10,000 times the speed of light, and the light grade should be a multiple of light years.

The light grade is not at the same level, so the nine-tailed cat god can easily clean up the big demons that are rampant in the K7 universe. Now Duan Fei has a new direction of struggle. At the round level, the movement speed must reach 10,000 times the speed of light.

"I have recorded the coordinates parameters of Tianxiang Valley here, which is quite complicated. Do you want to record it with a pen?"

"No, there is a special memory hard disk in my genh, and important data will never be lost there."

"Well, I'll read it to you. There are four sets of data, X, Y, Z (3215, 2436, 387). This is the first set of data, remember?"

"Recorded, X, Y, Z (3215, 2436, 387)."

"Okay, the second set of data, X, Y (786, 561)."

"The third data is 1.75."

"The fourth set of data X, Y (7245, 1561)."

Duan Fei wrote down these four sets of data. Frankly speaking, it is really complicated. In the huge universe, it is quite difficult to define a point, because you define a large distance in kilometers. That data can make you dizzy and move millions of kilometers. The fraction behind the number can dazzle you. The pre-emer of the universe is not so stupid. They must have found a more convenient spatial positioning method. First of all, it is the direction. Not to mention the large space, let's take the K7 universe as an example. Assuming that Longkui is the origin of the three-dimensional axis system of X, Y and Z, that is, zero, then what are the three directions marked by?

When we stand on the surface of the earth, we can use the sun in the sky as the definition coordinates, because the sun is a star and it is motionless. Of course, in theory, except for some stars that will collapse into white dwarfs or neutron stars, most of the stars will not move.

As the definition direction of cosmic space, it is impossible to use the sun as a coordinates. This thing is sacred and inviolable to the eyes of earthling.

The antecedent of the universe must have a spatial positioning system, and there are so many space. It is impossible for them to manage a different spatial positioning system in each space. If all cosmic spaces are distributed in hollow spheres, then there must be a spatial center. If the large universe space is cylindrically distributed, then the direction The definition is relatively simple. If you want to understand the space definition system of the predefined elements of the universe, you need to understand the space form of the whole universe.

How far away is this? Now the small universe can't break through. Just think about the things of the outer universe. What kind of world is 100 million light years away?

Only people in the light grade know.

"Afei, what are you stunned about?"

"I'm wondering what these four sets of data mean."

"Yes, this data is so complicated that I haven't understood it for a long time."

"In the vast universe, it is very difficult to define the position of a point. I think the first group of data in these four sets is the most important. It should be the K7 coordinates of the White Fox Galaxy. Other parameters are to help find Tianxiang Valley, which is of little significance and can pass the coordinates of the White Fox Galaxy. At least we can know How far is Longkuixing from us?

X, Y, Z (3215, 2436, 387). Is this the coordinates parameter of the White Fox Galaxy in the small universe?

"Yes, the unit behind the data should be 10,000 light years."

"That means that Longkui Star is tens of millions of light years away from here?"

"Yes, we don't have the ability to reach that place for the time being."

After Duan Fei got these parameters, he was ready to leave. Su Qin stopped him: "Be careful and take care."

After a brief chaos, Tianxiang Valley quickly regained its calmness under the patient explanation of the staff. However, several stewids have a good idea. Someone secretly sneaked into the underground palace and the palace owner disappeared. This is a very terrible incident. The palace owner, that is, the boss's wife of Tianxiang Valley, is the second person, who has the ability to rob and kill the palace owner, is unimaginable.

The big boss came back soon. He looked weak and weak. A face is quite sickly white. Just looking at that face, it is difficult to tell whether it is a man or a woman. In fact, even those senior executives who have followed the big boss for many years dare not remember whether their big boss is a man or a woman.

These are not very important things. The only important thing now is who is the murderer?

"Have you checked it out? Who did it?" The seriously sick big boss is weak when he speaks. But several of his general manager were horrified when they heard this.

Several general managements looked at the leader among them: an old woman with a magic wand, and the silver silk on her head were dyed purple. Her name happened to be A Zi, A Zi's mother-in-law.

As soon as Grandma Zi saw that everyone's eyes fell on her, this group of people would escape at the critical moment. She took half a step and knelt on the ground, shaking the wand in her hand.

"Azi, how many years have you been following me?"

"It has been more than 8,000 years since I returned to the valley owner."

"What kind of storm have you not seen for more than 8,000 years?" The sick owner coughed gently. He took out a white handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth. It seemed that he was really getting worse and worse.

"Azi, do you have any clues?"

"Lord Huigu, a prince named Wang Kui has disappeared. It is said that his disappearance is related to Su Qin."

"Asu?" The sick valley owner stood up, and the sick face on his face was swept away in an instant: "Asu? Is she back?"

"No." A Zi shook her head.

"I knew she wouldn't come back. It's all my fault. Forget it. Go and find the prince. I want to live."

"Lord Gu, the surname Wang is missing."

"Missing?" Lord Gu's hand stopped in mid-air, and A Zi's mother-in-law trembled like an electric shock.

"Forget it, you can't be blamed. Even Qianqian can't do anything about him. What can you do?" Lord Gu put down his hand, and A Zi's mother-in-law raised her hand to wipe the sweat on her forehead.

"Go down. Since he has the ability to defeat Qianqian, let him come."

"Yes, Lord Valley."

A Zi's mother-in-law led a group of executives to retreat in a hurry. It was rare for Master Gu to show mercy today. If she didn't leave, it would be stupid.

As soon as several executives withdrew, they immediately rushed in.

"It's not good, Valley Lord, it's not a big deal."

"What's the panic? The soldiers came to block it, and the water came to cover the earth, and arrayed them to prepare to meet the enemy.

"It turns out that the valley owner already knows."

"Nonsense, meet the enemy quickly."

A Zi's mother immediately led everyone to organize people to prepare for the war. This invasion of Tianxiang Valley was not one person, but hundreds of people. What's more, she is more prepared to say that there are hundreds of gods. There is an essential difference between gods and people. As far as combat effectiveness is concerned, there is a world of difference.

The seven empires of the Milky Way joined hands, and hundreds of the top gods of the Milky Way, like meteors, cut through the sky and fell into the boundary of Tianxiang Valley. The scene was quite spectacular, like bursts of meteor showers.

Duan Fei is not in a hurry to leave. How can he miss such a magnificent meteor shower? He hid all the people handed over by Su Qin in the magic ring and hid in the clouds to watch the battle. He is a curious person, and all the masters of the whole galaxy have come. This kind of scene should not be missed.

"Dead mouse! Come out and die." An ancient bull-headed beast with a height of more than 30 meters stood on the ground of Tianxiang Valley with a few meters of rusty iron tomahawks and shouted.

Standing behind the ancient bull-headed beast are dozens of good hands from the two empires of the East Galaxy.

Duan Fei stood in the clouds and saw it. This is the number one general of the East Galactic Fire Dragon Empire. The thin man standing side by side with him is the number one general of the East Galactic Black Snake Empire. His iconic feature is that he has only seven fingers, born with seven fingers, and seven fingers in one hand.