Star Dragonkui

Chapter 272 Ziwu or Ziwu?

Duan Fei returned to the planet with Su Qin's people. The reform movement of the dynasty is proceeding nervously. Due to the lack of due iron-handed wisdom, the empress dowager and several imperial concubines in charge of the regency have failed to calm down the wave of opposition in various places. The only one with * politics, Solan, is about to give birth and she has no energy to take care of it at all, and the empress dowager does not Allow her to be more careful.

Fortunately, Duan Fei came back.

For the leading aristocrats, Duan Fei only used one method to kill them all, and it was done by himself. He directly led the Lingshewei into the mansions of these nobles. In less than half a month, more than 300 large and small officials moved their heads.

The bloody fact frightened those opponents.

The reform of scientific research has been implemented rapidly.

It's about winter, and the palace courtyard is very busy. The two imperial concubines, Solan and Ouyang, are about to give birth, and four concubines are also pregnant. In a blink of an eye, Duan Fei is about to be a father. Psychologically, he is really not psychologically prepared in this regard.

In addition to three days in the early morning, he occasionally handles some state affairs with his courtiers in the imperial study, and at other times he still hides in the secret room to practice.

The first thing to break through is to break time and space. If you can't even deal with the gifts given by the magic snake, it is too far from the level of Yuan.

Fragmented space-time, to put it simply, is the operation of switching space. The space we can see is three-dimensional space, and countless three-dimensional spaces make up four-dimensional space. If you can easily enter three-dimensional space from one three-dimensional space to another, it will become quite easy to escape. You only need to flash your body. In another world, the opponent can't see or chase it. Of course, if the opponent also has the ability to switch between time and space, it is another matter.

How to switch from one space to another?

Time and space are a relative concept, and the basic condition for realizing space-time switching is superluminal speed. Now that Duanfei has the condition of superluminal speed, it is feasible to try space-time switching.

The first step is to send yourself back to another time and space. This kind of test is relatively risky. If you send yourself to another time and space and the results can't come back, it will be miserable. You can only stay in that dark era forever and live alone.

Usually, the one move that the gods usually use for those stubborn and demons is to seal him into a psychedelic world so that they can't get out. The method used by the ancestral wolf to clean up the magic snake is this move, and the nine-tailed Elvis also uses this move. According to Su Qin, the nine-tailed Elvis first sealed the magic snake into a far away. From the magical world of the galaxy, it took this guy many years to slip out, ran back to the galaxy and hit the ancestral wolf, and sealed it into Shenhepi again. He was accidentally saved by Duan Fei.

By the way, is this all set up by someone?

The underground palace of Qinglong is near Shenhepi. Did the ancestral wolf deliberately throw the bastard Magic Snake near Qinglong? Qinglong sent the old turtle to guard the Shenhepi. These were deliberately arranged, but the old turtle did not know that the magic snake had been stolen from the Shenhepi for a long time, and the level of this character who can steal things under the skin of Qinglong's eyes is naturally quite high, Murong Gui? Impossible.

Who will it be?

Ziwu? By the way, this is Ziwu.

In those years, the nine-tailed Elvis cleaned up the magic snake. Ziwu and Xuyu hid into the Douglas galaxy. The nine-tailed Elvis chased the Douglas galaxy again. Ziwu and the virtual fled to the Tang star. The nine-tailed Elvis chased all the way. Finally, in the Tang star, the nine-tailed Elvis sealed the false, but Ziwu escaped. For so many years, this guy has been It is very low-key, so the universe has to give up its pursuit of him.

As soon as he thought of this, Duan Fei was shivering. From the beginning, he fell into a scam. If he could confirm that the Taoist priest of Ziwu was Ziwu, then all this would be easily explained: "One of Ziwu's two accomplices was sealed in the Tang Dynasty by the nine-tailed Elvis, and the other was sealed by the ancestral wolf. Ziwu's plan is to save his two accomplices first, and then make a comeback. It is not known how to rescue Xu Yue, but the plan to rescue the magic snake revolves around Duan Fei.

"Ziwu slipped into the Shenhepi god and stole the seal space of the magic snake unconsciously, that is, the strange grass. With the help of Duan Fei's soul understanding, the magic snake can quickly decipher the seal secret of the ancestral wolf, so as to escape from the seal of the ancestral wolf. From the beginning, Duan Fei was calculated."

Thinking of this, Duan Fei immediately had an idea. When he returned to the earth, he had to dig open the graves of Ziwu and Xiao Yuan to see if the two were really dead, but it was actually going to act in Ziwu. It was also easy to find two bodies to fool him Duan Fei. First, he had never seen Xiao Yuan. Even if he had seen it, he would kill the real Xiao Yuan. That's also easy. Second, it's not easy to get a little ashes at noon. He can't confirm whether the urn is really noon, but there is one thing that Duan Fei remembers that before he dies, he especially reminds him that he must be buried and quietly.

With the ability of meridian, it is indeed easy to act, but after all, he has to take a certain risk. Without absolute certainty, he is not willing to risk being sent to the incinerator. Although with his magic power, he is not afraid of the temperature of the incinerator at all, the problem is that a corpse that can't be burned at all will cause a lot of disturbance. Although he can easily kill the staff of the funeral home, it is easy to arouse the suspicion of others. For example, Tang Xiaofeng has always suspected the death of the meridian.

This shows that Murong Gui did not know about this group's plan and was very wary, but Murong Gui finally couldn't figure them out and died.

However, the body of Meridian was finally sent to the funeral home, but it was not immediately sent to the incinerator, which gave him time to commit the crime. At that time, Duan Fei could not think so far, and it was impossible to see the body of Meridian be cremated with his own eyes, which was the key point of the whole incident.

Now, Ziwu has succeeded.

If Ziwu had done it more successfully, he would have been saved now.

The three demons must be plotting how to control the galaxy and the whole small universe.

This time, they should learn the lesson from the last time, and their behavior will no longer be like a bandit, which will make the world full of complaints. In the end, a paper letter will be sent to the front of the universe, and someone will immediately come from the outer universe to clean them up.

The best way for them is to control the great empires of the Milky Way and control the Milky Way by a seemingly legal means. Yes, control the seven empires of the Milky Way, and then launch more wars. Such a thing will only be defined by the pre-universe elements as war within the galaxy. Usually, they will not interfere. Empires fight inside the galaxy. Because there are too many such things, they can't care about it at all. Unless there is a large-scale galaxy massacre, war is defined as a normal phenomenon in the process of civilization.

Pirates in the cloak of civilization are legal.

War and conquest can be tolerated in the interstellar law.

Now, Duan Fei can't do anything. He can't stop these actions. The Battle of Tianxiang Valley may be their first military operation. He has never heard of the cooperation of the seven galactic empires before. The relationship between these seven empires is quite bad, and they can sit together and act together. This kind of energy is quite strong.

If he can do anything else, it is to improve himself as soon as possible. Speaking in the universe depends on strength.

"Your Majesty, there is a Taoist priest outside the palace gate who asked to see you, saying that she is your majesty's old friend."

"Tao nun?" Duan Fei thought about the Taoist aunt he knew, Ding Weiran. Is it her? What did she do when she came to the Seth Palace? Is there something wrong with Liu Qing?

"Please bring her to the secret room."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

It's not Ding Weiran, it's Su Qin.

When Duan Fei saw Su Qin, he had an indescribable sense of intimacy. Frankly speaking, she was the kind of fairy that was particularly easy to leave memories.

"Long time no see, Your Majesty is so busy?" Su Qin turned around in his secret room: "The emperor is different. Even the secret room is so elegant."

"Miss Su laughed. In order to deal with the magic snake, I'm worried now."

"Forget it, deal with the magic snake. Why bother to embarrass yourself." Su Qin smiled and said, "There is a rumor that the magic snake has become the national master of the Shenwu Empire. Do you want to fight with the Shenwu Empire?"

"Susu, I caused this trouble, and I must make up for it."