Star Empire

Fate Sky Blue Chapter 25 Negotiation

The next day, after breakfast, he took a bus to Changkong College.

A huge stone gate more than 20 meters high rises from the ground, magnificently. Several thick or thin grooves are carved on the pale stone rock, like a sharp sword. The pen is full of strength and straight to the heart. It is the huge sky, and there is no lack of the meaning of dust in the elegance.

In front of the door, the endless stream of students shuttle back and forth, forming a thriving scenery with the shade of the trees next to the road.

After walking around the courtyard several times, he entered the teaching building and entered the lecture hall of the actual combat department. Today's first class is about how to survive after being left in the barren star, which is a kind of field training. As soon as he entered the classroom, there were several people sitting scattered on hundreds of seats, leaning around and listless, with a total of less than 50 people.

These people are either rich or noble to study in Changkong College. They have been growing up with a problem of eating and laziness. Even if the teacher is teaching on the stage, they don't care about it, fall asleep, or play games. It is no wonder that Kaidi has been overpowering the sky in recent years.

"Oh, come on, come on!" As soon as Chijian entered the room, a fat man with glasses waved to him not far away. This person can be regarded as a traitorous best friend named Eric, nicknamed Invincible Little Steel Cannon. The two have always been in the same class since primary school. They are quite predestined, and the fat man's family is also a little *. They are a typical rich second generation. However, his personality is a little unsatisfactory, and he rarely hooks up with him when there are many people, so as to avoid being attacked by some deeply resentful women.

Although Eric's body has developed rapidly and is not favored by girls in the college, he is very open outside the hospital. He often goes to the hotel with some young women or mature women in pairs, intends to abduct other people's wives, and take it as a pleasure. The people he interacts with every day are also different, more frequently than changing clothes, and I don't know. How did Dao do this with his face?

However, the nickname of Invincible Little Steel Cannon has definitely lived up to him. According to his own words, he is doing piston movement 24 hours a day, because he has a large number of graceful bodies in his mind, which can be imagined anytime and anywhere.

"What's the matter?" Seeing his mysterious face, Chi Jian was aroused curiosity and asked.

"According to the reliable information I have received, in a few days, the college will select a group of strong students for training to improve everyone's overall strength in response to the exchange meeting two months later. I heard that the school leaders have lost confidence in this conference. The other party has a legendary demon hunting apprentice. The main purpose of this training is to hope that Changkong will not lose too ugly in the next game with Kaidi.

"Oh." He nodded indifferently.

"Alas? Why are you not excited at all? The fat man looked at the treacherous and indifferent expression, stared at his little eyes and said anxiously.

"What's so happy about this? Isn't it just a training?" Chijian opened the imager and previewed the materials for the opening of the meeting, and was absent-minded.

"Please, the goddess Chi and the Dole witch must be on the list in this training. If you and I can get this opportunity, I will have the opportunity to get close contact with the two beauties. Such a good opportunity is simply a blessing that many of our male compatriots have once in a lifetime." Eric spit and said, vividly, and a fat face was full of obscene light. It seemed that he had been immersive, playing with two beautiful women in the water and overturned the clouds and rain.

"I'm not interested." Chi Traitor continued to look at the content of the information and did not want to participate in the former's plan at all.

"Dear rape! Chi Shuai! Boss Chi! My buddy's happiness depends on you. You can't be so cruel to me. Although I have three thousand beauties in the harem, that's only for women's world. Recently, your brother is going to change shape and focus on the pure girl world. How can you bear to watch it collapse? You have to help me, and you have to help me get a place anyway." Eric's heavy body kept shaking, and a pair of big hands clutched Chi's arm tightly. If you don't agree, I won't let go.

"Let go." Chi rapper really couldn't stand his noise. He frowned and his tone became a little cold.

The fat man trebled when he heard the sound and let go of his hands. Others did not know the horror of late rape, but as a late rape, his understanding of late rape is not limited to the surface, especially the earth-shaking changes of late rape in the past three years.

"Chi traitor, if you don't agree today, do you believe that I will turn around and tear down a bloody storm in the women's world of the sky and blue star, making you the most wanted criminal in the women's world!" But the fat man didn't know which one was wrong today, and his attitude became 'hard' for the first time.

Chijian was about to put away the textbook and walk to the seat in the distance. After hearing the former finish speaking, he turned around and looked at his only best friend for a moment. His wrinkled eyebrows gradually relaxed. "I'll try." He knows very well the obsession of those women with fat men. With the fat man's treacherous and shameless character, he is really afraid that he will make some kind of moths to make trouble for himself.

"Haha." As soon as Eric heard this, he suddenly smiled and wanted to hug the late traitor, but he was kicked to the ground mercilessly by the latter.

The morning passed quickly. During the lunch break, Chi Jian lay on the green lawn of the college, closed his eyes and quietly enjoyed the quietness. Listening to the rustle of the breeze passing through the leaves and the sometimes laughter, his heart was peaceful, as if all his troubles had been thrown out of the sky. .

Suddenly, a shadow covered his face, breaking the pleasant atmosphere.

Chi Gan opened his eyes, and a delicate face jumped into the sight. The other party's face was only a few centimeters away from his cheek, and it was about to stick together.

Chi Jian's eyes stared, and a murderous atmosphere burst out in an instant. The other party jumped on the ground like a frightened rabbit, and kept a distance of 20 meters away from him in an instant.

Obviously, the momentum of late rape just now brought her a great sense of horror.

Chijian slowly got up, looked at the other party, and finally saw the whole picture of this person.

A pair of slender legs, bright red lips, long golden hair like a waterfall, healthy wheat-colored skin, a black fishing net coat, a particularly eye-catching beauty is standing in the distance, looking at the late adultery with a smile, wild, like a female leopard, exuding strange charm.

Especially the two groups on their chests held up their clothes as if they would burst at any time, and even the self-supporting traitors subconsciously took a look.

"Dolmus." The late rapist said.

Dolmus, a third-grade student, has a planetary first-class cultivation. He is the same two courtyard flowers in the sky as Chi Feifei. The realm is second only to Wim, and there are countless supporters around him. However, because his personality has always been hot and unrestrained, and he often speaks provocative words to seduce the desire and fire in the hearts of some male students. One of the typical witches and Chi Feifei are two extremes.

"Little brother, you are really a dangerous person." Dormus smiled and came over while fiddling with his hair. There was no doubt about the amorous feelings in his posture.

"Little brother." When Chi heard the sound, his face turned black, "You and I should have no intersection. What's the matter with me?"

"What? If it's okay, they can't find you?" Dolmus walked to Chijian and exhaled like orchi. His slender fingertips gently drew a circle in front of Chijian's chest, with a charming face. However, a trace of cunning flashed in a pair of beautiful eyes, like a treacherous fox.

Seeing this, his expression became colder and colder, and then he turned around and left without saying a word.

"I'm just informing you that the dean is waiting for you in the office." Seeing that the traitor went further and further, Dormus finally shouted.

After listening, he looked back at her and turned around and walked in the other direction.

"Interesting." Dormus looked at Chi's back, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and a strange color burst out in his eyes, as if he had found his beloved toy.


For a moment, Chijian stood at the door of the dean's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." There was a low voice in the room. After listening, he opened the door and walked in.

In a room of more than ten square meters, there was a desk across. A middle-aged man in a Tang suit was sitting behind the table, bowing his head and reviewing some documents. When the traitor came in, he raised his head, rubbed his astringent eyes, smiled slightly, and motioned the traitor to sit casually.

The earth people in the ancient era had a great influence on the universe, which not only included the powerful power and legendary deeds of the earth people, but also included some earth culture, such as food, clothing, housing and transportation, which were once popular in the universe. A large number of earth-style clothes attracted countless races to follow suit. It is still deeply infected by everyone living in the universe.

The Tang clothes worn by middle-aged people are the oldest and most traditional clothes in China. Obviously, the other party has a certain love and understanding of the heritage of China, which also makes him have a good impression on him. This middle-aged man is the dean of Sky Academy, one of the few star-level strongmen, Rowling.

After Chijian sat down, Dean Luo Lin put down the document in his hand and smiled, "Chijian, 20 years old, a second-grade student, has just become a perfect demon hunting apprentice and has great potential to enter the legendary level. He likes to use guns. A few days ago, he met Kaidi's Xuanchen."

Chi Rape listened to him expounding his information without changing his expression at all, quietly waiting for the following.

"I really didn't expect that I would have a good seedling like you in the sky. If the Chi girl hadn't told me, I would have almost missed a trump card. I had no hope of victory for the exchange meeting in the near future, but your appearance gave me a glimmer of hope. Looking at Chijian Gujing Wubo's expression, Luo Lin slowly stood up, personally drank a cup of tea for Chijian, put it in front of him, and said, "In addition to the representatives of countless large and small colleges watching the battle, there are also some forces in the galaxy participating in this exchange meeting, in order to select some qualified seeds for cultivation. I hope you can attend this conference for Changkong.