Star Empire

Fate Sky Blue Chapter 32 Determination

The two-month training is over.

In the camp, Luo Lin and the three looked at the group of brilliant students in front of them and smiled with satisfaction. The hard training not only sharpened the spirit of these people, but also tempered their perseverance and confidence.

The 17 students standing in front of us now are the most elite beings in the Sky Academy. Of course, fat people are not considered.

"These are a few bottles of top-quality Peixing potion. I hope you can break through the shackles and go further on this last day." As Rowling spoke, he handed over a bottle of orange potion to everyone.

Peixing potion is very beneficial to comets and starry practitioners. It can nourish Dantian, further concentrate stars and enhance the strength of practitioners without side effects. As for breaking through several bottlenecks, it depends on everyone's potential.

However, the medicine has always been very expensive in the universe. It seems that Luo Lin has also paid enough money for this exchange meeting between the two hospitals.

Now, among the 17 people, the highest level is Dormus, the third level of the planet, followed by a boy named Tigo, the second level of the planet, and then Chi Feifei, the first level of the planet. As for Chi Rape, after two months of practice, his "Yunluo Hua Xing" has tended to become small, and his spiritual power has also made a certain breakthrough, but it is a little unsatisfactory. And his realm has only reached the peak of the comet level.

Thinking of the pressure brought by Xuanchen that day, he clenched his fists. I'm afraid that these dozens of people in the sky may not be the opponent of the monster. The two months of intensive training seem to have achieved remarkable results, but in fact, it has no effect on the next exchange meeting.

Everyone drank the medicine in turn and began to practice on the spot.

The three Luo Lin also looked at everyone with burning eyes. They all urgently hoped that every student could maximize their strength. These bottles of potions were made by the college and used countless relationships. They are precious and can be imagined.

A little, a student stood up with a depressed face and said, "Failed." There is also a certain chance that Peixing medicine can concentrate the star element to improve the realm, not 100%.

"Failed..." Another person looked at the dean and the two mentors with apology.


One frustrating voice after another, most of the people present did not break through the bottleneck, and I don't know whether the effect is too weak or they are too back. In short, these drugs seem to be in vain.

"Wow haha, I broke through!!!" Suddenly, an exciting shout sounded, and everyone's eardrums were numb. When everyone heard the sound, they looked at this person in an instant, and then looked contemptuous. The person who broke through was none other than Eric. After two months of intensive training, his strength has been staying at the fourth level of the comet. At this time, he drank the potion and finally rushed to the fifth level of the comet, which is also a miracle.

However, after two months, the fat on the fat man's body has been consumed a lot, and his body shows such a trace of strength. Although he is still fat, he can at least see some human appearance.

"Shit luck." Seeing his arrogant appearance, all the boys present raised their middle fingers at him.

Although most of the potions have no effect, the three of Luo Lin and others are most nervous about Chi rap. They only give the potions with rules and patterns to Chi rapist, hoping that the realm of Chi rapist will be improved again, so that they will have a better chance of winning in the battle with Kaidi.

In Luo Lin's expectant eyes, he slowly opened his eyes and shook his head apologetically. The potion did improve his cultivation a little, but it was not obvious. It just let him step on half a star. He has not been fully promoted to the star level and still stays at the peak of the comet level.

However, there are good and bad things. Among the dozen people, several of them have increased their cultivation. Among them, the boy named Tigo also entered the third level of the planet and was the same as Dormus.

It was difficult to hide the disappointment on the faces of the three Rowlings, but they still said slowly to everyone with a smile, "At the end of the training, I can see your efforts. You will become the elite seeds in the college and receive the best education and training. My tutors and I hope that each of you will live in the future life. , carry forward the core spirit of my Changkong College as much as possible, and don't humiliate my reputation.

"Yes." Everyone shouted in unison.

"Very good, I will now announce the list of participants in the exchange meeting with Kaidi three days later." Rowling nodded happily, glanced at each student's face, and said, "Dolemuse, Tigo, Chi Feifei, Doug, Chijian, Eric."

There are a total of six contestants, and the names mentioned by Rowling are also unanimously agreed by everyone. Only one of them is like fly shit in the list, trying to hide it from the world. But those three words were so harsh for everyone that even he was stunned after hearing it.

The fat man opened his eyes wide and pointed to himself with an unbelievable expression.

"Dean, I'm not convinced! How can this fat pig compete? I can hit him all over the ground looking for his teeth. If he participates in the exchange conference, wouldn't it lose my face?

"That's right, Dean, did you say it wrong for a moment?"

More than a dozen students looked at the fat man with angrily, looked at the dean with a mysterious smile, and shouted. However, no matter how they shouted, Rowling did not explain. Who made him the dean? He said whatever he said...

Chi Gan also felt amazed. He didn't know what medicine was sold in the old fox gourd. He looked at the fat man with a blue face and said lightly, "What's going on? ..." There was a trace of panic and anger on the fat man's face. Hearing the treachery, he stared at the smiling Luo Lin in front of him and said, "This old man is taking revenge on me, damn it!"

"Oh?" Chi raised his eyebrows. Is there any enmity between the fat man and Luo Lin?

"You also know that our family is in the clothing business. This exchange conference between the two colleges will not only be watched by hundreds of colleges, but also attract some bigwigs in the galaxy. This is undoubtedly a good publicity platform for us businessmen. Therefore, the dean and I discussed whether we can let the contestants in the sky wear our new season's clothes, so as to attract enough attention in the competition, thus creating a chain effect, which will definitely sell well. The fat man pouted and said bitterly, "No one thought that the dean would agree..."

Chi Zai felt that there was something wrong, "You are not the only one who makes clothes on the sky and blue star, and in addition to blackmailing you with a sum of money, you should also sign some unequal treaties with the dean's dark personality. Otherwise, how can you give this endorsement to a small group like your family..."

The fat man tried his best to open a pair of big watery eyes and looked at Chi Traitor pitifully: "I told him that I have a way for you to do your best in the game."

"Tell me about it." With a smile, he had already guessed that this man had sold himself.

"As long as you win Kaidi, the profit of clothing sales in the new season will give you 30%. With my position in the family, this is the maximum amount I can make." As soon as he talked about business, Eric's expression was gone without his usual hippie smile and a solemn face.

"Yes." Chi Yan thought the deal was good and believed that even if he couldn't win in the end, the fat man's family would still give an endorsement fee.

"You must win, or your brother's small body will be put on the competition stage and compete with you demons, which is simply looking for abuse. Fortunately, I was the last one to play. If you can knock down all Kaidi's people before I play, brother, I won't have to splash blood three feet. The fat man made a look of fear and looked treacherous.

Then, the students' displeaguation calmed down, and Luo Lin said a few simple words, mostly telling some things that he had to pay attention to at the conference. Immediately, under the murderous eyes of the students, the fat man followed behind the traitor and boarded the spaceship.

A few minutes later, the spacecraft left the canyon with more than a dozen people and flew to the direction of the college.


After getting off the spacecraft, Luo Lin urged Chi and others to have a good rest, raise money and accumulate sharpness, and strive to achieve a good result at the conference. However, several people know that Kaidi has a legendary demon hunting apprentice, and his cultivation is at least planetary level 5. Such a power gap is like a big stone, pressing on everyone's heart.

After saying goodbye to the crowd, Chi rap got on the train to the Mayan district, and Chi Feifei got on the bus with him. After all, both of them were going back to Chi's house.

"Chi rapist..." Chi Feifei sat in the opposite seat and looked at the rapist who closed her eyes and her body swinged with the train. She hesitated for a long time and whispered.

"Hmm?" Chijian opened his eyes.

"You and Dormus..." After a moment of hesitation, Chi Feifei finally said what was in her heart.

"I don't like troublesome women." Chi rapist frowned slightly and said lightly. Although his face was expressionless, he was a little surprised. Is Chi Feifei really moved by himself?

Thinking about the scene of Chi Feifei and Dolmus fighting secretly in the past month, Chi's treacherous mood suddenly appeared.

But it's a pity that he doesn't want to waste time on women now.

"Oh." Chi Feifei responded gently, her cheeks red, and she dared not look at Chi Rape again. Especially the words of Chi rap, which made her secretly guess that women who don't like trouble also include themselves...

After several months of contact, Chi Feifei found that the closer she got to this man, the more she couldn't figure out what the man was thinking, like a fan...

Half an hour, they slowly passed in a speechless atmosphere.

After the bus arrived at the station, the two of them got off the bus one after the other and went to the station of the Chi family.

Chi Rape is in the front, and Chi Feifei is in the back.

"Chi traitor, do you think we will win the conference in three days?" I really can't stand the silent awkward atmosphere. Chi Feifei behind her took the lead in opening her, hoping to ease the atmosphere between herself and the late traitor.

After listening, he stopped. In a hurry, even Chi Feifei stopped his figure.

Chijian turned his head and quietly stared into Chi Feifei's eyes. After nearly ten seconds, he said, "It's not a matter of winning and losing, but life and death."

"No matter what, I will try my best to survive. Then, there is only one choice to let the enemy die!"

Chi Feifei's cheeks were hot by Chi's treacherous eyes and subconsciously lowered her head. However, when she heard this and looked up, Chijian's not-t-told back had disappeared at the end of the road under the reflection of the sunset.