Star Empire

Fest Sky Blue Chapter 36 Ancient Era

Yun Feiyang, the man in front of him is the eldest brother of Luo Tian, who once said in Luo Lin's mouth!

If he hadn't seen the other party standing in front of his bed, he would not have noticed the existence of others in the room. This is an extremely terrible way to restrain his spirit, and he can't feel the other party's cultivation realm, as if this cloud has merged with the whole room, not People are not things.

After a few days of communication, he knew that the very young man in front of him was over 1,000 years old. What is the concept of a thousand years? In the impression of late rape, this level of character can basically be regarded as an immortal old demon, and today's strength must be unimaginable

No one knows how nearly 200-year-old Rowling became a forgetful friendship with this old monster.

"What is inheritance?" Lying sick**, he looked at the clouds that had been standing at the window blowing the wind and said his doubts.

"Now is the 41st year of Sheng Liyuan. Ten thousand years ago, the universe was still in the last era, that is, the ancient era. At that time, the development of the universe was mainly dominated by scientific and technological power. Although there were also skills, because human beings had just come into contact with cosmic energy and the use of this power was relatively shallow, travelers were very rare. However, in the middle of the ancient times, a group of indigenous people who claimed to be earthlings began to travel in the universe. They had a strange cultivation method that could drive the terrible power of heaven and earth. Everyone had the power of heaven and earth. Their powerful power caused panic in the universe, making countless races strong and power. They launched attacks on them one after another. Yun Feiyang slowly told the ancient deeds, with a trace of yearning in his words: "The war has lasted for thousands of years. Although there are only a few billions of indigenous people on the earth, they are not afraid at all in the face of trillions of cosmic troops. In the battle, they show a one-sided situation and slaughter all the enemies one after another. . At this time, the major forces in the universe clearly understood that even if they have sophisticated and terrible technological weapons, they are simply a pile of scrap iron in front of this group of strange earthlings.

Yun Feiyang turned around and his eyes drifted to his black hair and pupils. "Finally, the vitality of the universe was greatly damaged, and many races were on the verge of destruction. In desperation, several forces and strong men representing the highest status of the universe signed a series of unequal treaties with the earthlings to seek a way to survive. Including establishing the earth as a noble race in the universe and so on. However, although the great war had a huge impact on the universe, it began to develop a new force in the universe from the other side. Under the guidance of earthlings, major forces and races began to create a variety of skills, which led to the current universe. It can be said that without the emergence of earthmen, now Today's universe is still immersed in the ridiculous mechanical world of science and technology.

"However, although the earthlings have given some cultivation methods to major forces and races, they are all sideways and less powerful wonders, and the core cultivation secrets are never revealed. At that time, the earth people dominated the whole starry sky, which itself was divided into several genres. For example, ancient Chinese people were good at ease and acted like clouds and smoke, just like immortals. Therefore, they were the highest representative of all genres, Honghuang, and the method they practiced was also the most unrestrained and amazing way. Ancient Western Europeans were easy to kill by nature, but they were thunderous and extremely fierce, belonging to the divine vein. And God itself is divided into three branches: heaven, hell and earth. There are several genres behind, which you will know when you return to the sect..."

"These core cultivation methods of the earth are now called the ancient scriptures. These ancient scriptures are the foundation of thousands of skills derived today. They can be said to be the most primitive part of all forces, and their value can be imagined. However, no one expected that the earthlings suddenly disappeared from the universe. Their departure cut off the clues of the ancient scriptures and cut off people's research on the energy of the universe. Although at the end of the ancient era, several forces claimed to have created skills comparable to the ancient scriptures, in my opinion, it is simply self-deception. Yun Feiyang's mouth hung with a trace of disdain, "However, because earth people have existed in the universe for a period of time, some ancient scriptures have also been passed down or passed down."

"Xuanchen, who fought with you a few days ago, should be the inheritor of the flood and famine, and the green lotus behind him is the best proof. And the inheritance you have obtained is incomplete. It is the vein of God's hell. Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "Luolin has told me that if I guess correctly, you should use the imperial jade to open the treasure house of the starry sky left by the earth's ancestors. Although the treasure house has not been opened, because you have pure earth blood, you can get some ancient scriptures for free."

Listening to the former's words, he was shocked. After living for 20 years, he never knew that his ancestors had had such a great impact on the whole universe.

"Since the universe entered a new era, the Star Alliance has blocked all information about people on earth from all citizens, so it is normal for you not to know. But for us sects, these are public information, and there is this information among all major forces. When you return to Luo Tianhou, you can have a look. Yun Feiyang's smile suddenly changed and became brighter. "You should be proud of your ancestors, because you have the most noble blood. In today's universe, all people with magical power have nothing to do with earth people."

The late traitor's gums bite tightly and can't stand this amazing fact for a moment. What makes him most depressed is that Xuanchen is the inheritor of the flood and famine, and he belongs to the divine vein. Although he is the inheritance of the ancestors of the earth, he is the orthodox descendants of China...

"Technology has become lonely, and powerful skills can do what technology can't do. This is the true portrayal of today's universe. Citizens like you do live on a planet built by technology, but in fact, all of this is no longer important to us practicing star travelers. When you really step into the galaxy, you will understand. Yun Feiyang looked at the treachery in silence and smiled, "I know what you are thinking. If you really want to know the deeds of your ancestors, the best way is to strengthen yourself. The higher your position in the universe, the more you will know."

"Although little Luo Lin introduced you to me, I still want to ask, are you ready to worship me as your teacher?" Speaking of this, Yun Feiyang gradually put away his smile and looked serious.

When he heard the sound, he took a deep breath. In any case, he had to find the traces of his ancestors, which was the lifelong wish of their family and his greatest dream. Although Luo Tian is not the best springboard to set foot on the stage of the universe, it is the only choice at present.

"Disciples visit the master." Chi rapistly propped up his body and bowed to Yun Feiyang.

"Very good. From now on, you are my only apprentice. I have no children and no worries in my life. I also like leisure and wild cranes, and may not always protect you. But don't worry, I will teach you wholeheartedly and pass on my true life to you. Yun Feiyang's face showed a touch of brilliance, and obviously he was very satisfied with the apprentice Chi traitor. "When I return to the sect, I will ask the master to give you the thirty-seventh true disciple of this sect."

"Thank you, Master." After listening, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes: "As far as I know, there are at least 100 true places in the galaxy, regardless of the size of the power. Why are the disciples so advanced?"

"Although I have a certain position in the door, the real story is very big, and I can't decide by myself." Yun Feiyang said lightly, "There are 571 true disciples in Luo Tian. The reason why you can rank 37 is that there are my factors, and the other is that the starry sky treasure house you opened is of unimaginable value to the sect."

Chijian frowned and understood that in the final analysis, it was because he had enough use value.

Seeing that the traitor changed color, Yun Feiyang sighed softly: "Since you want to get something, you must give up something else. I believe you will understand this with your cleverness. But don't worry, the ancient scriptures on your body will not be taken away by outsiders. You should be aware that although the true disciples seem to be the same, the further forward they are, the more the sect will be willing to cultivate you, which is crucial to your future path.

"Yes." Chi rapture nodded.

"Have a good rest. I'll go first." Having said so much to Chi, Yun Feiyang knew that he needed some time to digest these things and got up and left.

"Master, wait, my disciples have something to ask for." Seeing that the former was about to leave, he quickly stopped him.

"What's the matter?" Yun Feiyang looked at the late treachery.

"Please help me remove the Feng family and Ouyang family!" Chi rapist lowered his head and said slowly. If he leaves Sky Blue Star, the Ouyang family and the Feng family will definitely be a big problem and must be eradicated. In this way, his parents will be safe. He had a grudge against Feng Miaoyi before, and he killed Ouyang crazily a while ago. Only then did the ghost know whether the two families would deal with him.

It's not that he is cruel, but that he has to eradicate the enemy, especially when he threatens his relatives.

"As far as I know, the Feng family seems to have something to do with the winner of Guanglan Mountain, and it is not easy to start. However, I can uproot the Ouyang family for you. I heard that the eldest son of their family has a master-apprentice relationship with the gut. It happens that the gulong and I still have a deal to settle. Yun Feiyang sneered, and the conversation between the master and apprentice seemed to take tens of thousands of lives of the Ouyang family seriously at all.

Killing is killing. Sometimes, power determines everything!

The elephant will not pay attention to the death of several ants when they walk...