Star Empire

Storm Star Chapter 16 Infernal Affairs

Chi's footsteps flashed past Moza's side and attacked Nadoni with lightning speed. Five fingers are raised and clasped into the latter's eyes like an eagle's claws,

Nadoni was also very shocked. He retreated and retreated nearly ten meters before he stabilized his pace. He waved his fist and hit him. He doesn't believe that a star-rated person's physical strength will be stronger than his own star.

It is true that the late body has not yet reached the level of stellar, but he does not want to confront the other party.

Just as their fists were about to collide, the treacherous palms suddenly protrude a few sharp bone spurs from under the flesh and shot out.

Perfect skill, bone control!

Doni's pupil shrank and hurriedly twisted his waist and dodged in an extremely ugly posture. However, the sharp bone spur still left a dazzling blood stain on his white face.


The bone spur finally penetrated straight into the hard metal wall, and all the long bones penetrated into it.

So powerfully made several other doormen unconsciously look at Chi Treachery's eyes unconsciously cautiously, listing him as a dangerous person, and began to re-examine this young man with only star cultivation.

"You!" Doni touched the scars on his cheek with lingering palpitation, stared at the indifferent traitor, and his heart became murderous. Today, he, who has always been elegant, lost face, and this place must be found.

"Okay!" Moza on one side shouted loudly, and he didn't expect to do it, which even he didn't expect. Sure enough, the true descendants from the sect are extremely proud.

Seeing Moza's warning, Doni angrily gave up the idea of taking action. Compared with him who is alone, it is undoubtedly more important to have the support of the clan behind him.

"Brother Chi, we are all our own people. Don't care too much." Moza turned around and smiled at Chi, but his tone was gone without the previous enthusiasm. Seeing this, Chi rapist also knew that he could no longer do anything nonsense. After all, this is someone else's territory. If he regenerated the incident, he may touch Moza's bottom line. He smiled and said, "Since Brother Moza ordered, Chi traitor naturally knows how to restrain himself."

A trace of satisfaction flashed on Moza's face. After nodding, he led the traitor to walk around the hall.

"Since Brother Chi can come to my command as a doorman, he also wants to have a certain understanding of my Mofu. As my doorman, I have a rich monthly payment every month. When I have nothing to do, I can act at will. When I have something to do, I just need to help me deal with some young people. Moza said skillfully, and the traitor beside him also pretended to be careless. After all, he came from a sect. How good the things in this small place can be compared with Xiao Luotian? ...

Moza took a panoramic view of Chi's rape's expression and confirmed the identity of Chi's rape in his heart. Suddenly, his tone turned and he asked, "Brother Chi, how long has it been since you left the sect?"

Chi was stunned. He didn't know why he asked about this, but he still said casually, "It's only been more than a month. I just came out of the sect and want to experience myself outside." Moza heard the words and nodded: "It seems that my brother doesn't know what happened to your sect."

"What happened?" Chijian vaguely guessed something in his heart and frowned.

"The branch of Guizong has been destroyed by mysterious figures, and the Fulongxing has also turned into a piece of gravel floating in the universe. I heard that only a few people such as the head of Xiaoluotian survived." Moza said this and pretended to be sorry, but his eyes paid attention to the treacherous look.

Chi rapist's face changed miserably, but his heart was very calm. Since he just saw these people's identity, he vaguely guessed something. The person who wants to destroy Xiao Luotian should be Fantu, and I don't know if Yun Feiyang has survived.

Nanduo's means were indeed against the sky, but he did not expect that Xiao Luotian would be destroyed so quickly. After a long time, the news of the destruction of the sect spread to the Storm Star.

Is Van Tuo too horrible or Xiao Luo Tian too weak? ...

"Is there such a thing?" Chi pretended to be shocked and lost his voice.

Moza seemed to say heavily, "Not only the major forces of the Milky Way, but also the indigenous forces of some planets have received the exact news." After saying that, seeing Chi Yu's stunned face, he patted him on the shoulder comfortingly and left with the others, leaving him alone.

However, as soon as their group left, the traitor returned to normal.

"Brother Chi, what should we do next?" Not far away, Mut, who was brought in by Chi Traitor in the name of a waiter, came forward and looked at Chi Traitor.

"Moza is very vigilant, and I'm afraid he will send someone to investigate me secretly. He won't really believe me until my identity is confirmed. However, it will take some time for him to investigate. I will take advantage of this time to find the person who made the Mofu as soon as possible. Chi rap took a deep breath and said lightly.

"Did you create the Mexican Mansion? Is there any other person in charge of this Mexican government? Mutt was stunned by what he said.

"Do you think a group of barbarians who only know how to practice and fight can study so many scientific and technological achievements that the alliance has not even studied?" Chijian turned around and looked at the training equipment that perfectly interpreted scientific theory in the hall, and his eyes suddenly appeared.


"Head, why do you value this person so much?"

In a closed room, Moza sat on a spiral chair made of precious fur of the best monsters, holding an expensive cigarette in his mouth, hearing the voices of other guests in the room, with a strange smile on his face.

"If this person is a disciple of other sects, it's okay, but the power behind him is Luo Tian." Moza put his feet on the table in front of him, leaned his back against the leather chair, and spitting smoke rings on his head.

"What do you mean?" Alice, with no expression on her face, said.

"You are all my confidants and know what my backer is. Nowadays, a division of Luo Tian is destroyed, which is the time when his vitality is greatly damaged, and the group behind me is looking for prey. If you can bite on the neck of Luotian at this time, it is enough to make it disappear in the Milky Way. At that time, won't this cake be cut by me?" Moza's faint laughter sounded.

"How can this be? It's a sect. No matter how down it is, it's not something we can cove." Suddenly, a man said.

"What? Are you scared? Moza put the cigarette in his mouth in his hand and looked at the man with a cold gaze.

"I..." The man squeaked for a while and didn't know how to answer.

"Chat!" Just as the former hesitated, a ghost suddenly emerged from behind Moza and turned into a demonic green wind mass, covering the man in an instant. Then, the others present only watched the dark wind, and the man's body was being eaten by an ugly monster, little by little, without any help.

It's the ghost of the river boy!

In a moment, the rest of the people's faces turned pale and their eyes were frightened.

"I, Moza, never need a coward. I hope you can think about it when you go back today."

A group of people rushed out of the room when they saw Moza's eviction order. There was no posture of a star-level strong man.

For a long time, a strange word suddenly came from the dark corner in the quiet room.

"Izanagi doesn't need these wastes. Why do you keep them?"

"Ha ha, sometimes raising a few more dogs can come in handy at critical times." After a sneer, Moza said seriously, "Please help me investigate the identity of that boy. I always feel that there is something wrong. How can a true disciple of a sect be willing to surrender his identity to me as a disciple?"

"But since it's delivered to your door, don't go out."

"God is about to wake up. You'd better pray that nothing will happen. As long as you take down the big and small Luo Tian, the spiritual vein will bloom again in a few years. At that time, whether it is the flood or the gods, they will submit to the feet of the spirit.

After the people in the dark said in a fiery tone, their voices disappeared.

After a long time, until it was confirmed that there was only himself left in the room, a trace of waves flashed in Moza's eyes and whispered to himself, "The strongest yin and yang master in Yingzhou, the bloodline of Ampei Qingming? ......”

"It's just a group of jumping clowns. The young master is right. The flood and famine of China is the real head of the ancient genre."


Unconsciously, it has been a while since he came to Mofu. Recently, he has been wandering around the building for various reasons, trying to find any clues, but strangely, he has not found any closed places such as munitions bases or scientific research, as if this kind of thing does not exist at all.

On a training equipment, Chi rape's arms tied up with only 100 catties of metal above, constantly pulling. This metal is indeed only 100 catties, but after the equipment emitted some tiny atomic materials, the magnetic field around him changed, and gravity increased with an amazing momentum.

And now, according to the indicator light on the equipment.

The gravity in the magnetic field has increased to more than 700 times, that is to say, the originally 100 catties of metal pulled by the late rape has become a horrible object with a weight of more than 70,000 catties.

For an hour, the late rape only pulled a few times.

"Haha, Brother Chi is really talented. I dare not try such a strong magnetic field easily." A middle-aged man in a black vest came over and laughed.

These days, although he is looking for the arms expert he thinks, he has also met a lot of people. This early star named Haoqiang is one of them. Like him, he is also a doorman under Moza.

However, it's a little unexpected.

He thought that after dealing with Doni that day, this person would secretly interfere with him, but he didn't. Except for noting each other when they met, there was no friction between the two, and the treachery also realized that these doormen seemed to deliberately get closer to them.

"Brother, if you are serious, how dare I compare." Chi rapist smiled, stood up from the equipment, took the towel handed to him, and said, "Looking at your happy appearance, is there anything happy?"

The man named Haoqiang laughed and said, "I'm here to take you to get the monthly payment. Don't blame me for not reminding you. When you get to the bottom later, you have to choose carefully and don't do it easily."

"Hmm?" Hearing this, he said doubtfully, "Below?"

"This is the basement of this building."

"Underground?!" When Chi treachery heard the words, a glow lit up in an instant.