Star Empire

Chapter 12 Each Shows its magical power

Walking in space, you can constantly see the colorful lights of the deep universe in the distance. Obviously, the battle between the alliance and the Zerg has begun.

The nearby space had already been imprisoned by the people of the alliance. They could only fly over alone. Chi and Taohua, including the owner of Liuguang City, came to the buffer belt first, while the remaining city owners joined hands to control the stars and hid the power of the Star City in the void.

Waving a star into the size of dust, almost disappearing, which is a means of great power.

After a while, Chi Rape and others finally came to the buffer zone outside the Jimo star domain, but when they arrived, there were countless hidden fluctuations in the void around them. Obviously, many forces, like them, hid and waited for the opportunity.

Chi's eyes swept, and his pupils condensed slightly. The Wuxiangmen and the galaxy royal starry sky actually locked their targets in this buffer zone. In the space not far away, a huge black pterosaur perched in the air. It is extremely large, hundreds of feet tall. The horrible dragon's eyes are almost comparable to a small star. It is the giant dragon family in the starry sky, with a total number of 30 or 40. At the same time, Chi Jian also saw a familiar figure in another direction. When he was in the solar system, the man who clashed with the Sun Army stood behind him two old men without facial features.

Tens of thousands of forces waiting for the opportunity to move like this are in the buffer zone, and even some small forces or indigenous families on the planet are involved, trying to get a piece of the pie.

"The royal family and Wuxiangmen are the biggest opponents, be careful." The peach blossoms beside him obviously also saw the other party, and Chao Chi and others reminded them. While several people found the former, other forces around them also looked at them.

In the distance, huge warships are sailing, with huge firelight, devouring the swarming insects. However, the insects in the sky are dense, as if they will never disappear, and some warships are severely destroyed by terrible insects on the spot, even if these warships are Made of the hardest metal in the universe, it is useless.

The gorgeous light burst out from the battlefield, and a group of bloody troops appeared from the huge swarm of insects, ruthlessly cutting the sea of insects covering the sky and the sun. The golden dress was extremely dazzling in space. It was the fairy guards from the outer galaxy of the Great Magellan.

These soldiers hold a huge golden blade in their hands, which is different in shape, but extremely terrible. There are countless Zerg died every time they wave.

"There are so many powers in the league?" Chijian stood quietly in the air and looked at the figures flashing left and right in the dense insect herd, and couldn't help but be a little shocked. Those figures were so blurred that even he could not see clearly. As soon as the figure flashed, countless voids burst, and hundreds of thousands and millions of insects annihilated them, which was powerful and heinous.

Chi rapist now vaguely understands why the owner of Pingjun City said that the universe was ruled by the alliance.

The unpredictable Zerg gushed out from the other end of the buffer belt. From a distance, it was like a surging black ocean. Even the place where the traitors and others stood were inevitably attacked by some Zerg, but Fortunately, everyone was not ordinary people and turned into an offensive.

The battle is getting more and more fierce, with countless Zerg and human corpses floating in space, and the blood is disgusting.

"It's coming!" Suddenly, the owner of Liuguang City whispered, listened for a long time, nodded and noticed. At the same time, other forces around him also began to move.

Boom! ...

Tens of thousands of light cannons were fired from the warship, and the alliance finally launched an overwhelming attack on the Zerg. The fierce battle suddenly made the nearby void tremble. The bodies of the Zerg floated out like a rain, and dozens of powerful people of the alliance also used all their strength to destroy the Zerg crazily.

For a moment, there was chaos in space, the consciousness could not be released outside the body, and the eyes could not see things.

"Go!" The streamer shouted loudly, and then shot up first and flew towards the smoke-filled battlefield. Chi rapist was not slow. He put his arms around her aunt's waist, hugged her and galloped away. At the same time, a grain of dust suddenly rotated, rose in the wind, burst out, became bigger and bigger, and gradually changed back to the body and turned into a star, on which there were countless children of the star city and several city owners.

Wh! Wheops! Wheops! ...

In an in an air, the sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the people and horses of major forces flew to the other side of the buffer belt one after another and crossed the battlefield, making the situation more chaotic.

"Except for the Alliance Army, everyone else will kill!" In the vast space, there was a sound of thunder, which was the power of the allied forces. How could the alliance not know the intention of these sect forces? It said with a tough attitude. It seems that it intends to kill everyone except its own people.

After all, these sects are fighting for resources with the alliance. How can they have good fruits to eat? ...

In an instant, many allied forces killed the children of the sect, and some warships clearly aimed their barrels at some sects. In the dark, they even saw a warship firing at a dragon...

"Remember to meet!" The owner of Liuguang City shouted softly and flew away in the other direction with the moon. When a group of people gathered together, it was easy to become an attack target.


Master Zhang Ling turned his wrist and immediately put the jade flute on his mouth and played it. The cold sound of the flute was full of killing, surrounded Chi traitors and others. Everything that wanted to get close to him, whether human or things, turned into a ball of ashes. The invisible flute protects several people from sliding to the opposite side like a boat on the river.

Inadvertently, a figure passed by several people by mistake, and Zhang Lingshi's Xiaoyin was less than half lethal.

Chi's pupils shrank, and this man was the man without a door. Every time he took a step, a door would cross in front of him. When he stepped over, he had traveled thousands of miles. Such a skill was really mysterious.

And when he passed by Chi rap, the man still looked at Chi rap, as if he recognized him.

"This person is terrible. Be careful." Peach blossoms raised their eyebrows gently and said seriously. Then, his fingertips gently clicked in the air, and countless ice crystals condensed from the air and turned into an ice road, carrying them to disappear quickly.

"Hmm?" Suddenly, Chi Jian turned around, and the huge Pluto body rose from his feet. Chi Jian stood on top of Pluto's head, his mind moved slightly, and the scepter in Pluto's hand immediately hit the west.


The void trembled, and the power of a coalition army flew from the west. He waved his hand and knocked the scepter aside. Looking at several people, he said coldly, "You are looking for death and robbing the resources of the alliance. You should know what the consequences are."

Chi sneered, "If I kill you, won't the alliance know?" With that, Pluto opened his huge mouth, and a dark whirlpool of the dead formed in his mouth, turning into a terrible black beam of light. The former's palms were together, and a terrible storm blew up in an instant, blowing away all the treacherous undead. However, as soon as he finished his move, his body was stiff, because the owner of Peach Blossom City had appeared behind him.

When the power pupil gradually dilated, the slender fingers of the peach blossom had touched his back. Then, a cold air emerged from the soles of the man's feet and froze it into an ice sculpture, which was immediately broken into a ball of ice debris under the spread of the battlefield.

Chi rapist's face was stunned. He didn't think that this seemingly weak peach blossom was so horrible. Sure enough, people can't look good...

"Let's go, it's not appropriate to stay here for a long time." Peach Blossom smiled at Chi, and then several people galloped on the icy road out of thin air and flew to the Zerg territory.

On the way, several people showed their own means to prevent the attack of outsiders or the spread of some battles, and even many people wanted to take the ice road to leave with them. However, as soon as they fell on the ice road, they had frozen into a crystal snow-colored statue.

Although there was a continuous deafening sound of gunpowder smoke, it was still surrounded by a large number of screams of death. Many children of the clan were either killed by the allied forces or reduced to the blood food of the Zerg, and the end was extremely miserable.


Suddenly, the top of the head of several people was dark, and huge shadows flew over the top of their heads. The huge wings fanned countless hurricanes in space, which was the Tianlong family.

Because Tianlong is too large, it has attracted the attention of many allies. At this time, several dragons were fighting with more than a dozen powers, and the battle was very fierce. Other dragons flew to the ink star domain at the fastest speed.


Suddenly, there was a sound of wind behind the traitors. Then, I saw a red figure rushing around. As soon as Chi was alert, he heard an urgent cry, "Brother Chi, save me!"

Seeing that the other party knew himself, he looked at it and found that he was the prince of the bloody God Dynasty and killed the sky. However, the galactic young man in front of him was very embarrassed and was being chased and killed by a man of the fairy army.

"Don't worry about him!" When he pondered a little and was about to save him, Zhang Lingshi on one side suddenly stopped him.

"Hmm?" Chi frowned and looked at him. I don't know why he didn't let himself take action.

"If you take action, you will die!" Zhang Lingshi said coldly, and then looked at the cold fairy army man with solemn eyes.


Suddenly, a beam of golden light rushed up and inserted fiercely on the head that killed the sky like thunder. In front of the treachery, he took the life of this prince.

It was a golden steel fork, like a long gun, bursting with dazzling golden light.

"Are you here?" The fairy army man lifted the golden fork that pierced the body of the sky, and then kicked the other party's gradually cold body aside. He looked at the traitor and smiled with more interest.

Seeing the man's smile, the treacherous body suddenly tightened, this familiar breath...

"You are one of the black-robed people around Fan Tuo!"

The treacherous eyes flashed and said word by word.
