Star Empire

Chapter 22 Red wanted

Breaking away from the leader of the fairy guard, the actions of the traitors became more low-key, no longer interfering in some large battlefields, but seeking some smaller wars and waiting for the opportunity to hunt some alliance officers. Both he and Modu have attracted high attention from the alliance, and even the top combat power of the alliance has been sent out to chase them, which shows how much impact several people have had on the alliance.

The war has lasted for more than two months, and there is still no sign of stopping. At this time, several days have passed since the struggle for the Zerg's throne, and several people have not rested for a moment. They either hunt the power of the alliance or quickly transfer the battlefield. Because they don't know whether the results of the other Zerg princes have surpassed them...

If it is really surpassed, the throne will have nothing to do with Chuck. Therefore, in order to ensure the throne, they have to keep killing.

"It's not a good idea to go on like this." After a lieutenant colonel of the alliance, Modu suddenly said, "It's better to hunt an important person in the alliance than to harvest these ordinary alliance strong men."

What do you mean? ..." Chi's treacherous eyes flashed and vaguely understood his thoughts.

"Kill a major general of the league!" Modu said faintly. After listening to it, Chijian and Suya did not show too much surprise, but their hearts were a little heavy. Major general, although he has the lowest rank among the league generals, who has become a league general, who is not a person with almost extraordinary strength? That is to say, the mammoth that fought with the fairy guard man before, and the power of the two fought was obvious to all and extremely horrible.

However, while thinking about it, Chi Jian also felt that this method was feasible, and ten league-level officers may not be as good as a league general.

After meditating for a moment, the three understood each other's thoughts.

"Let's go to the Hini Star Domain." With a greeting, several people moved their positions again to the alliance war. The largest battlefield, the Heani Star Domain, and almost all the main combat forces of the alliance were there. At the same time, it was also the key defensive area of the Zerg, and the two sides fought very fiercely.

After a period of time, the four traitors appeared on the largest battlefield of the alliance.

Nearly 10,000 space warships are sailing in space, and thick beams of light are constantly shooting from the warship, strangling the Zerg into a pile of meat. There are countless alliance armies and powers shuttled through the battlefield, and the ruling army, the fairy army and the sun army can be seen, and even several princes of the Zerg came here.

Prince Stu, second Prince Tony...

I think that these two princes also have the same idea as Chi raped a few people. The bigger the battlefield, the greater the danger, and the greater the harvest. At this time, Prince Tus is being attacked by a group of alliance powers. The situation is not optimistic, but looking at it, he will not be defeated for a while, but he will resist more than 20 senior officers of the alliance alone. Such strength really shocked the late traitor.

This is the strength of the great prince of the Zerg, who has lived for tens of thousands of years...

And the second prince Tony joined hands with Julie and several colonel figures.

He glanced around the battlefield and easily found a man standing on the warship. The man was wearing a black cloak, with a long scar on his face, and his face looked extremely ferocious. No matter how fierce the battle is, the man has no intention of taking action, as if there is no enemy worthy of his action on the largest battlefield of the alliance.

He wears an axe badge on his shoulders, representing the top strength of the league, the league general!

Chi Jian and Modu looked at each other, and then the figure instantly cut through the sky and instantly appeared on the top of the major general's head.


A magnificent black fog rose behind Chi's rape, and the endless undead rushed down from it and killed the man.

"The S-level wanted crime is worth my action." The man did not feel any strange about the sudden action of Chi rapist, but looked at Chi rapist faintly, and then grabbed his hands in the void. Then, the whole space, like an invisible curtain, was lifted by him.

The void was shaken, and in an instant, the late army of the dead was hanged into pieces of bones.

It's terrible. With just one move, the power gap between the two is exposed. However, the late traitor has long been prepared. If you can't hit it, the feather of the underworld suddenly appeared from behind, and the dense feathers shot out like a rain curtain and penetrated the man.

Ding Ding...

The warship under the man was punched into thousands of holes by black feathers in an instant, sparks splashed everywhere, and was scrapped. However, the sharp feather hit the man's body, but made an iron-like impact sound, which did not cause any injury to him. The late pupils shrank and his face became solemn. It seemed that the general's strength was more horrible than he thought.


Waving his hand casually to beat off the ejaculated feathers, the major general looked at the solemn traitor and said lightly, "What? No cards? In this case, I will take action." With that, when his toes were about to attack, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

I saw a terrible fluctuation in his void in all directions. The space around him suddenly turned into a vast alien time and space, gloomy and howling, and he himself was being carried into the oil pan a few meters away by two ugly hellish ghosts.

In this space, he found that his strength was weakened by nearly half...


Chijian and the demon capital stood side by side. Looking at the alliance major general who was pulled into hell, his face was not much relaxed. He constantly sent the fire of the underworld to hell to help the demon capital suppress the alliance general.


Suddenly, a Yan Luo, who was originally standing behind the magic capital, shook slightly, and the 18-story hell that trapped the general also became strange. Look, the general killed everywhere in hell, and countless hellish ghosts were destroyed by him, and even the hell torture that should have been used on him was freed from him.

After a while, the hell space displayed by the demon capital could not withstand the destruction of the other party, and it slowly cracked and was about to break.

And the major general of the alliance also flew out of the hell of different time and space, wanting to penetrate the void and return to the real world. However, how could the traitor make him wish? His figure changed into a hundred-foot green dragon. Four huge dragon claws instantly buckled on the former's body, pressing his body that originally wanted to get out of hell back into a different time and space again.

At this time, Suya on one side also showed his means. Nine huge fox tails suddenly poked out, entangled the waist of the alliance major general and threw him back to hell.

Immediately after that, the traitor used Da Yunyu to suppress the major general in hell with Su Ya. Even so, the revealed hell space was still trembling because of the other party's desperate struggle. It can be imagined how terrible the strength of the alliance general was.

"Sword Leaf Little Hell!"

"The gravel is buried in a small hell!"

"Shout for hell!"

Taking this opportunity, the nine hells standing behind the demon capital also called out the hell of all sides and suppressed the major general of the alliance, and all kinds of terrible hell punishments were put on him one after another.

After a while, the league general had been tortured to be inhuman shape, skinned and very miserable. But even so, there is still unyielding pride in his eyes.

Looking at the green dragon and six white foxes that suppressed him, the man's bloody face leaked a sneer, "It's all the inheritance of the flood and famine. Unfortunately, if you don't fight against the alliance, it's not difficult to occupy a place in the future universe with your qualifications." After saying that, his body slowly became bigger like a bulging balloon.

"It's not good!" The two treacherously were shocked and quickly withdrew from the hell space.

The devil also quickly put away the world that turned into hell, but his movements were still slow, and the major general of the league actually blew himself up...

How powerful is the self-detonation power of a first-class strong man in the universe? ...

Chi rapture realized that although he hurriedly dodged, he was still affected. After the explosion, the invisible air wave brushed his body ragingly, which not only destroyed his precious clothes, but also caused his skin all over his body to tear open and bleed.

Suya not far away is more miserable than him. After all, the body of the late rape is the bone of Pluto, which can offset a lot of damage. But she was not so lucky. A good beauty, directly like a dilapidated pocket, broke through countless stars one after another, and finally fell into the starry sky. Fortunately, there was still breath and no death...

The explosion that broke into it also made today's alliance soldiers and troops, including countless insect armies, annihilated in an instant.

Modu's face was a little pale, and he obviously suffered some injuries. "It actually exploded." He looked somewhat unhappy. He finally found a major general who was not too strong, but finally blew himself up and his bones were not left. How can they prove that they killed a league general? ...

"There's still time. Take your time." Chijian took out a magic suit from the space ring and put it on his body, and then looked at Su Ya, who was flying in surprise.

Just now he clearly saw that the latter was affected by the explosion and was seriously injured. In just a blink of an eye, he recovered as before, with a smile on his face, which did not look like he had been seriously injured at all. However, the sharp-eyed traitor saw that one tail behind her was missing.

A league general died and attracted the attention of many people on the battlefield. The Zerg naturally rose in morale, while the alliance focused its attention on several people.

As the main battlefield of this battle, not only one alliance general controls the situation on the battlefield, but also includes one* and two other major generals.

"Messi is dead." In a warship, a man is sitting in front of a light curtain and watching the situation on the battlefield. When he saw Chi and several people working together to kill the major general, the man's fingers kept tapping his knee. Then he meditated for a moment, picked up a communicator and said in a serious tone, "Call the headquarters."


"As Delaute*, I request the headquarters to elevate 7159, 7160, 7161, three S-level wanted criminals to be wanted and launch a cleanup against the forces of the three. A major general and many colonels of our side have died at their hands. Please check!"

There was a busy sound in the communicator, and a moment later, it sounded.

"It is verified that the alliance will send a large army to suppress all the forces associated with the three people's data in three days."

After hearing this, the man turned off the communicator, then stood up and slowly walked out of the cabin. At this time, Chi rapists did not know that they had become the most wanted criminals of the alliance.


On the other side, Chijian had just killed a major, and suddenly a figure flashed beside him. Chijian subconsciously wanted to attack the other party, but after seeing the other party's face, he stopped.

"Myder?" This person is none other than Mild Hitt.

"Chi traitor, go quickly. The alliance has just issued a notice requiring all military forces to carry out battlefield missions with the first order to kill you!" Myrde shouted anxiously.

At this time, without saying, Chijian also saw many alliance soldiers surrounded him. Among them, there are many Sun Army and Fairy Army.

If he is really surrounded, it will be difficult for him to fly even if he inserts his wings.

The situation was urgent, and he didn't think much about it. He immediately retreated and rushed to the distance. However, as soon as he started, someone stood in front of him, Kakarot, the boss and swornmaid.

Looking at the cold-looking late rape, Kakarot glanced at Myrd beside him, "Myrd, you actually want to protect the red wanted criminal! After I report this news, you can wait to report to Gaddafi Prison.

"Chi, go quickly, I'll hold him back." Myrde shouted and killed the former in an instant. Seeing this, Chi Jian saw the alliance army that was getting closer and closer to him and ran away in an instant.

Modu, Suya and Chuck also realized that something was wrong and fled one after another.

"Kill so many people in my league, do you still want to leave?"


Suddenly, several traitors who were fleeing stopped, because the whole starry sky had been imprisoned, and a man in a red cloak was looking down at them.

The face of several people turned white, alliance*!

The strength of this kind of person is no longer what they can speculate about. Major General, the three of them may be able to kill together, or under the premise of serious injury, and *, even if they go together, they can escape with life.

It is extremely difficult to become a general of the alliance and every time you rise to a higher level. You should not only have a brilliant record, but also have the strength to make everyone tremble. There is a huge watershed between the major general, *, the general and each rank, and the strength is also very different.

"My name is Drauerte, and I belong to the League*." The man touched the stubble on his chin and said lightly, "It seems that you like to hunt my alliance officers very much. I don't know if you can take my life?" With that, a pair of white wings suddenly spread behind his back, and a powerful sword appeared in his hand.

"Battle Angel of the Divine World, Michael!" Modu looked at the sudden changes between the other party and said coldly. Immediately, in front of him, the ancient road Huangquan Road suddenly appeared, but the bridge, the flowers on the other side, etc., the prototype of the hell. Evolution of hell to the extreme. Then, when the alliance* came with a sword, it waved away and collided with the other party.

There was no sound of impact. With a sword, the alliance * only waved a sword, and the Huangquan Bridge evolved by the magic capital broke one after another and dissipated invisible.

This is the time when the devil has practiced a lot, and the Taoist practice was destroyed by the other party in an instant.

However, with this gap, the demons grabbed several people, controlled the three-life stone born from the hell, smashed a big hole in the void, and quickly disappeared into the distance with the three people.

And after this collision, the Sansheng stone also turned into a pile of stone debris and drifted away. After all, the whole void is imprisoned by the alliance * casting spells. How can it be so easy to break it...

I'm afraid that the demon will be greatly damaged. However, although he escaped, Chi rapist was thinking about Mylder in his heart and didn't know how he was. Kakarot and Mylder had a lot of conflicts, and I'm afraid he would take the opportunity to stipple him. At this point, Chi rapist's eyes flashed with a cold light.
