Star Empire

Chapter 15 My heart is to the way, and all sentient beings suffer

Recently, the city has been very quiet. In addition to some lonely ghosts slipping into the city, they will also be sensed by the giant spirits in time and killed by them.

In front of the National Master Hall, Shunri looked at Bai Lian, who was standing at the gate of the temple and staring at the sky, and smiled, "What's wrong, what's on?" The old people in the village have been placed in the city and live quietly, which also saves him a lot of worry.

It can be said that Bai Lian has great kindness to him. He not only saved his life, but also replaced him with a cause and effect. But at the same time, it also formed a world...

"The six paths are incomplete, and the reincarnation is incomplete. If it goes on like this, won't all creatures travel to the three worlds and be unable to be reincarnated?" Bai Lian sighed leisurely. After a period of observation, he found that there were many unimaginable souls in heaven and earth, all of which were only caused by the damage of the reincarnation of hell and could not be repaired.

The evolution of the flood and famine has damaged the six paths. Although there are occasionally creatures that can be reincarnated, the cause and effect of joining the six paths is often uncertain. Obviously, he wants to enter the humane. After reincarnation, he finds that he has entered the animal path. This situation is not fabricated. Bai Lian himself is a good example.

"Alas, there is no saint to find now. In ancient times, the six Taoisms were transformed by ancestral witches and supported by the power of saints can protect the reincarnation of cause and effect. But at present, the person who can have such a means has not yet been born, and you and I can only sigh for a long time. Shunri whispered, and there was also a trace of melancholy in his words.

Bai Lian's heart is still, and today's famine is not yet prosperous. When the world of famine opens, all kinds of inheritances will emerge one after another. At that time, the world will truly usher in a great revolution.

Shaking his head, Bai Lian's thoughts returned to the method he practiced. Although he has been empty for hundreds of years, his strength has just entered the first-class demon king. In this world, he has the power to protect himself. The spiritual demon transformation is a basic formula given by the Wanping Niang at the beginning.

He can only practice to metamorphosis, simply driving some five elements of magic, but he has no magic power.

"It seems that it's time to ask for it." Bai Lian sighed slightly. What he said was that he was looking for a way to practice, but in fact, he worshipped a teacher, worshipped the famous religion in heaven and earth, or found a capable person as a teacher, both of which could increase his own vitality.

"Recently, there has been a lot of stability in the city, and Taoist friends are the righteous gods of the heavenly court. If you want him a chance, you'd better go to the heavenly court early to return to your place." Turning around and looking at Shunri, Bai Lian smiled.

At this time, the flood has not recovered its vitality. If it can enter the heavenly court earlier and lay a foundation, there must be a greater way out in the future.

"False, Taoist friends are kind to me, how can I fail your heart?" Shunri shook his head. Since he knew that Bai Lian had destroyed the Jade Emperor's gold, he knew that Bai Lian was probably standing on the opposite side of the heavenly court. Even if he did not have any complaints with the heavenly court in the future, it was difficult to guarantee that there would be some friction.

This is what he doesn't want to see.

Therefore, Shunri has made up his mind not to be governed by the heavenly court and intends to advance and retreat with Bai Lian to gain a wisp of luck in this ignorant world.

Bai Lian was stunned. The reason why he saved the other party on that day was that he hoped that the other party would be grateful to him and enter the heavenly court in the future, so that he could become a pawn in ambush in the heavenly court. Unexpectedly, this obsession of Shunri was so deep.

"That's all." Bai Lian laughed dumbly: "It's up to you."

After a while, Bai Lian summoned Zhang Liang, the Giant Spirit God and Xiao Zhang Tai to the hall.

"This is the essence of vegetation that I have formed for hundreds of years. The three of you have divided it to improve Taoism. I'm going to travel for a period of time, ranging from a few months to several years. In my absence, the three of you will take care of this city more and don't be deceived by demons." Bai Lian handed over the remaining dozen lotus seeds to the three people and told them.

"Disciples follow the teacher's orders."

"Listen to my superiors."


The three of them said respectfully and looked happy. Such natural resources and treasures are not so easy to get.

"Zhang Liang, I have passed on your whole book to you." Bai Lian took out the jade slip from his sleeve and handed it to Zhang Liang. "This method was written by the Eastern King. It must be a true biography of the immortal family. If you want to understand it well, don't let your teacher be cold."

"Disciples obey." Zhang Liang looked very happy. He was originally a mortal and stupid. Although he had the sky in his hand, he could not get the essentials. Now Bai Lian translated the immortal method to him, which was exactly what he thought.

"Giant spirit god, since you have fallen into the fairy class, you will always be your incense god in the city, absorb the wishes of all people, and then achieve positive results, but it is not difficult."

"Yes." The giant spirit god said angrily, saying that he still had a trace of hatred for Bai Lian in his heart, but after a period of polishing, his heart was much calmer.

Now he also realizes how coward he was in the heavenly court...

As for Prince Zhang, Bai Lian didn't say much. The other party has a shallow relationship with him, and he doesn't need to tell him about some matters.

For a long time, Bai Lian went to say goodbye to the king of Tang. Under the latter's reluctant words, she and Shunri both left the palace and went to the barren mountain not far from the city.

"Are you really going?" Shunri's face was a little solemn, "Although the king of hell did not return to the throne, it is said that the heavenly court still sent people to the hell to suppress ten thousand ghosts. That man is very good, and I heard that the six paths of reincarnation have regained some effect."

Bai Lian looked at the lonely souls wandering between heaven and earth in all directions and said softly, "I'm going on a trip. At least I have confidence to see that person." Hairy ghosts are vast between mountains and rivers. In addition to the souls of some people, there are more demons and other creatures. I'm afraid that if it goes on like this, the four major continents will turn into a ghost land.

For immortals, it's nothing. No matter how many ghosts there are, it's just a matter of turning them away, but mortals can't do it. Ghosts are heavy, and secular people's lives won't last long.

Before asking for the way, he planned to go to hell to have a look.

Immediately, in Shunri's eyes, Bai Lian turned into a white gas and penetrated into the ground, rushing to the hell.


Millions are underworld, tens of millions are underworld, and hundreds of millions are hell.

Bai Lian went deep into the ground and went deep into nearly hundreds of millions of feet before passing through the layers of ghosts and coming to the hell.

Black earth and red clouds, the soil in this hell is black condensed by countless ghosts. In the air a few meters above the ground, there is a surging atmosphere condensed by ghosts, which is as red as blood.

Because of wandering outside reincarnation for a long time, thousands of ghosts have become very irritable and easily hurt people.

As soon as Bai Lian appeared, there was a large shade of wind blowing towards him. The ghosts in the wind were endless and extremely terrible.

Bai Lian felt a fragrance all over his body, and all the nearby ghosts suddenly calmed down, and his ferocious face showed a touch of peace. Bai Lian looked around and saw that there were dense souls flying above his head, but those creatures on the ground who had just died and specially came to the hell to turn to reincarnation.

There are people, demons and immortals.

However, although a large number of souls are flying, only about one-tenth of the souls are reincarnated, and the rest are scattered in the dark or underworld, wandering aimlessly.

Bai Lian's face turned cold. He found that several immortal gods guarding outside the six paths were selfish, and only let the souls of those immortal gods devote themselves to the six paths. Other wandering souls, such as mortals or demons, were not interested.

"The heavenly court is easy to calculate!" Bai Lian sneered and went straight to the reincarnation.

The reincarnation has six holes, each of which represents a kind of living world, which is the way of heaven, Asura, humanity, beasts, hungry ghosts and hell.

The first three paths are good, which can be a causal cycle and continuous, while the last three paths are evil and have extremely heavy karma.

These immortal gods who are responsible for taking care of the six paths let the souls who were immortals devote themselves to the good way, and let those demons and mortals throw themselves into the evil way.

Some demons or people with great skills do not want to obey the orders of several people and do not vote for six ways, so they can only practice the way of ghosts and gods, otherwise there is no other way.

"Who are you?" Inadvertently, one of them found the trace of Bai Lian, frowned and walked broadly.

"A drop in the sea among all living beings, a few days ago, I suddenly felt that there were many lonely ghosts in the Yang world, so I came to hell to have a look." Bai Lian said lightly, "I don't know which immortal is guarding the reincarnation at present?"

"Where did the Mao Shen come from? This place is now ruled by the real martial arts demon emperor. Why don't you watch it if you want? Go, go!" The man said impatiently.

"Real Wu Emperor?!" Bai Lian took a deep breath, held down the coldness in his heart, and continued to ask, "I don't know where the emperor is now?"

"The emperor has gone to heaven. If you have something to do, go to the heavenly court to look for it." The impatience in this population is becoming more and more obvious, almost as if it were driving people away.

"That's easy." Bai Lian's tone suddenly turned cold, and a cold murderous intention suddenly spread.

"You!" The fairy god trembled slightly and wanted to escape.

But the cold sword light has already shot out...



In a fairy mansion, Emperor Zhenwu, who was wrapped in a dragon and stepped on a turtle, was playing chess with an old friend in the pavilion. Suddenly, Emperor Zhenwu's face changed, and the blacks in his hand fell frequently. Then he disappeared directly without even saying a word, but rushed back to hell.

The old friend on the opposite side picked up his long beard and wondered, "Is there something wrong with hell? ..." After thinking about it, he pinched his finger to deduce the sky. After a moment, he also shook his expression and hurriedly flew up.

But flew to the Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

"It's amazing, it's amazing!" On the Lingxiao Hall, the Jade Emperor was talking with Taibai Jinxing about the situation of the mountains. Unexpectedly, an eager voice came, and then he saw the imperial immortal fall in flames.

"Why are you so panicked?" The Jade Emperor's face was a little unhappy, and obviously the former was a little abrupt.

"The hell has changed, the hell has changed!" Zhang Guolao also shouted.

His shouting was not only the Jade Emperor, but also the platinum star beside him.