Star Empire

Chapter 50 If there is a eagle, give magic power

The next morning, deafening gongs and drums sounded on the streets of Wu Changguo, and there were also crackling firecrackers, waking up many people in their dreams. Many people opened the doors and looked up to the street, but they saw a group of people slowly fly down from the sky carrying bright red sedan chairs, as if they had a marriage. When they took a closer look, Suddenly, his face was bloodless. The people carrying the sedan chair were all ferocious monsters. The leader was wearing the groom's clothes, but they had a pointed pecking mouth, looking like birds and beasts.

The residents of the city were frightened by such a scene. They closed the door and hid in the house. They no longer dared to look at it. Even the soldiers guarding the wall abandoned their guns and fled.

This group of people are the Yunyan Golden Eagle and a group of little demons under him who came to win the game.

"Madam, come out quickly." When it came to the outside of Jijiayuan, Yunyan Jindiao shouted loudly. After shouting for a while, seeing that no one opened the door, he couldn't help but feel a little impatient. He reached out and pushed the door open and led the welcoming team in. But as soon as he entered the hospital, he saw that Ji Meng and Jiqi were seriously injured and fell to the ground. The courtyard was in a mess, and even the vegetable garden had traces of being trampled on...

Yunyan Jintao was stunned, looked at the still a trace of sober plan, and asked, "Where's my wife? ..."

The face was pale, and it seemed that the injury was extremely serious. He said weakly, "The king came late. When the Emperor Dongyue heard about the marriage, he took the little girl away last night."

"What's going on?" Yunyan Golden Eagle said angrily.

"The king didn't know that the little girl and the Eastern Emperor had a matchmaker earlier, but I never betrothed the little girl to him. This time, when he heard that he was going to marry the king, he became angry and took the little girl away." Ji Meng gasped.

"Well, Dongyue Emperor, how dares to destroy my marriage? I'll go to Mount Tai to see what he has to do to prevent his wife from marrying me." With that, Yunyan Golden Eagle tore the groom's clothes, rose up and turned into a hundred-foot-old eagle in the air. His wings shook, rolled up a hurricane out of thin air, and flew eastward. After a moment, it disappeared.

For a long time, when there were no outsiders in the courtyard, he blindfolded Ji Qi, who was in a coma, and sighed.

He found something strange to prevent the golden eagle in Yunyan, and deliberately injured himself and his son, so as to prevent the golden eagle from venting his anger on the two of them...

I just don't know if I can leave the Yunyan gold eagle in Mount Tai...


"Master, someone came to see you at the foot of the mountain and said that he was an old acquaintance, and his name was Ji Honger." In the hall, Bai Lian was meditating on the futon. Zhang Liang came in from the outside and whispered.

"Ji Hong'er." Bai Lian whispered, why did that girl come here? He clearly remembers the scene when the other party despised him with words...

"Bell her in." Bai Lian said lightly.


After a while, Ji Honger followed Zhang Liang into the hall.

Bai Lian saw that her hair was messy, her clothes were not neat, and her breath was also very disordered, and a faint light flashed in her eyes.

"But what's the matter?" Bai Lian looked at her indifferently and didn't know what she meant.

Since Ji Honger went to Mount Tai, she knew that the Dongyue Emperor was far more majestic than she wanted. Not only thousands of fairies served him, but also several majestic palaces for her to live, which was very magnificent.

This restrained her original arrogant mind a lot. Looking at Bai Lian Gujing's waveless look, she instinctively felt a little afraid and whispered, "I have nothing to do. I want to travel around. After passing through this place, I want to rest here." She thought that Bai Lian would be very happy to see her, but she didn't think that the latter would be a little cold.

Although Ji Honger covered up very well, Bai Lian still caught a trace of panic in her eyes. In an instant, she recognized that she was lying and did not expose it. She told Zhang Liang, "Take her to Puhong Hall..."

Puhong Hall is located at the foot of the mountain, which is a Yin Hall.

The so-called Yin Hall refers to the palace for lonely souls and wild ghosts to avoid the sun. The reason why Bai Lian asked Ji Honger to live there is to force her to speak out. Otherwise, even if he asks, she will not tell the truth.

Zhang Liang was stunned. Seeing Bai Lian's indifferent look, he could only do it and went out of the hall.

Ji Honger got up and followed. After walking for a while, she realized that something was wrong. When she went up the mountain, she saw a dilapidated palace at the foot of the mountain. At this time, she saw Zhang Liang leading her forward and seemed to be running there.

"Wait, where is the Puhong Hall?" Ji Honger stopped and asked Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang stretched out his hand and pointed to the foot of the mountain. The hall covered by dense trees was very obvious.

Ji Honger's silver teeth clenched, thinking that Bai Lian was revenge on her, and couldn't help stamping her feet angrily.

Zhang Liang was silent and continued to walk down the mountain.

Ji Honger can't do it, so she can only keep up. After all, she is here to take refuge, not enjoy it.

In my heart, I secretly cursed Bai Lian and Yunyan Golden Eagle, and both of them were injured...

"Here it is..." After a long time, outside the Puhong Hall, Zhang Liang pointed to the door full of spider webs and said lightly.

Ji Honger opened her eyes wide and looked at the three feet high in front of her, with a sense of coldness. The rusty temple body, and the hatred for Bai Lian in her heart became stronger.

"Hmm." Knowing that Bai Lian was making things difficult for herself, Ji Honger snorted coldly and turned her head into the hall.

Seeing this, Zhang Liang turned around and left.


As soon as he walked out of less than 100 meters, Zhang Liang heard a scream in the hall behind him. There were many dead bones in the Puhong Hall, all of which were demon kings killed by Bai Lian. Whenever the dark curtain comes, nearby ghosts will come here to spend the night...

"I don't know what kind of grudge this man has with the master..." Zhang Liang shook his head with a bitter smile, and his figure gradually disappeared into the forest...

In the dark hall, Ji Honger curled up in the corner. Not far in front of her, there were some pale skeletons piled up, and some other bodies that had not yet melted down to the ground. There was also a demon spirit that had not dissipated around. They were all the generation of the demon king before her death...

Listening to the whistling wind in her ear, Ji Honger's body couldn't help trembling and her heart was trembling. Although she is also a monster, she still feels a little scared in the face of such a scene.

"Jinglian Demon Saint, you don't want to die..."

A voice that was about to cry sounded fiercely in the hall.


Half a month later, Ji Honger, with a tired face, appeared outside the imperial palace and looked at the practice in the hall. Bai Lian, who was an old god, was not angry, but this was Bai Lian's territory. No matter how angry she was, she could only swallow it in her stomach.

Entering the hall, Ji Honger sat in front of Bai Lian. She has been afraid to sleep every night recently. She always feels as if something is sticking to her, which is very terrible...

"What's the matter with you?" Bai Lian opened his eyes and looked at her.

"I want to live in another place." Ji Honger bit her red lips, with anger on her face but did not dare to attack.

Bai Lian didn't know her expression and said lightly, "Yes. However, you have to say your intention first..."

Ji Honger's expression was a little hesitant, and finally sighed, "No need." After saying that, I'm leaving.

A strange color flashed in Bai Lian's eyes and she didn't ask again. Inadvertently, his heart beat and there was a sudden warning sign.

"Dongyue, come out and fight quickly!" Suddenly, there was a thunder sound outside the hall, as if someone had invaded.

After hearing this, Ji Honger's face turned pale, and the footsteps she had taken also stopped.

When Bai Lian saw this, he realized that this woman came to Mount Tai, which was mostly related to outsiders...

"Who is so presumptuous!" Another loud shout sounded, but it was Zhang Liang.

Bai Lian got up and went out.

Outside the hall, I watched a demon standing high in the sky and overlooking the imperial palace.

Bai Lian's eyes condensed and found that this man's Taoism not only reached the peak of the three flowers, but also showed signs that he was about to conceive five qi.

This person is the Yunyan golden eagle who came here.

Seeing Bai Lian appear, Yunyan Jindiao said coldly, "Has my wife been arrested by you?"

"Madam?" Bai Lian raised her eyebrows, and then thought of Ji Honger hidden in the hall and said lightly, "I didn't catch her. She came by herself."

"Hmm." Yunyan Jindiao obviously didn't believe it. Thinking of the seriously injured appearance of the two, he shouted, "Good emperor, you not only caught my wife, but also injured my father-in-law. Today, I will pull out your skin and let me know how powerful my grandfather is." After saying that, he turned around and became a hundred feet tall eagle and swooped down.

In an instant, the whole sky darkened.

The eagle's body covered the sky and the sun, and its sharp claws grabbed the bronze hall, lifting countless bricks and tiles, and one-third of the whole hall was destroyed.

Bai Lian's eyes were cold, and a ten-foot-long sword light suddenly exploded from the Qingyu sword at his waist and cut off the wings of the giant eagle, but only cut off a few feathers, and there were no blood marks.


The eagle looked up to the sky and shouted loudly, and the huge eagle's claws fell from the top of Bai Lian's head...

Bai Lian's eyes narrowed, and immediately, a sword light burst into the sky and hit the sky, and the horrible sword spirit enveloped the giant eagle in an instant.


The eagle feathers in the sky fell from the sky, and the big sculptures were bruised all over the body. The surface was full of dense sword marks. After a burst of circle in the air, it turned back to the human body.

Looking at his bloody body, Yunyan Jindiao was furious, and his palms suddenly tore the sky and rushed to Bai Lian.

Two golden streamer, the momentum is like a rainbow, and even the void is split into a crack...

The palm of the Yunyan golden eagle is transformed by his eagle's claws, which can break the mountain. Even if the idle demon king is caught, it will be torn into pieces, not to mention that he will do his best...


Just as Jin Hong was about to shoot on Bai Lian, Yunyan Golden Eagle suddenly saw a dark shadow rushing out of the latter's body and penetrated into his nostrils when he was stunned. Immediately, a deep pain from the soul swept over the whole body, and the magic power originally displayed also stopped abruptly.

The Yunyan golden eagle fell to the ground and kept wailing...

His body looks a little horrible from time to time.

Ji Honger, who was hiding in the hall, was stunned when she saw this scene.

She didn't expect Bai Lian to be so powerful. In a moment, she had already subdued the golden eagle...

As soon as the golden eagle flew down into the air, Bai Lian's mind suddenly thought of a person, the Golden-winged King of Dapeng.