Star Empire

Chapter 13 Alliance Headquarters

The conflict between Chi Jia and the alliance finally broke out!

However, to everyone's surprise, the outbreak of this conflict has drawn a clear line between all sects in the universe and the alliance. Several royal royal families of the Milky Way and several other top forces of galaxies, including Wuxiangmen, the Yu family and even including the demon hunting union, there are hundreds of sect forces. State, will join hands with the Chi family to fight against the alliance!

In just a few months, the war has intensified, and the whole galaxy has become a battlefield for alliance and Chi family games.

The wreckage of countless warships is floating in space, and a group of dense stars have also turned into sand stars under the destruction of the war. At this time, the Milky Way has emerged one after another, and many alliance citizens living on the Star of Life have migrated to other galaxies for safety.

The reason why the Chi family is determined to fight against the alliance is entirely because of what Bai Lian said to Chi Lingshan. Since Bai Lian told him not to worry, Chi Lingshan has nothing to worry about.

However, although many sects have helped the Chi family fight against the alliance, many forces have also turned to the alliance. The alliance has an emperor and the Chi family has terrible earth ancestors, which makes all forces in the universe have to make a choice. If they join the Chi family, they will inevitably be suppressed by the alliance. On the contrary, Then he will be retaliated by the Chi family.

In this case, no force can remain neutral...

In the garden of the Chi family, Bai Lianzheng stood quietly in the flowers, closed his eyes and meditated. Behind him stood a man and a woman. The male is Sam Dean, the contemporary owner of William Castle, the Galactic royal family, and the female is the saint of William Castle. She is also a very familiar person, Dolmus.

Not long after the Chi family became the Galactic royal family, William Castle showed the intention of defecting to the Chi family. Now William Castle and the Chi family are already a grasshopper on the rope.

Sam Dean looked at Bai Lian's back tremblingly and speculated about Bai Lian's intention to ask him to come here. Dormus on the side quietly looked at the teenager in front of him with a pair of beautiful eyes.

She knows very well that the reason why the Chi family is today is completely based on the power of the teenager in front of her...

"After the war with the alliance, William Castle will replace the Chi family and become the new Galactic Royal Family." Bai Lian whispered with his back to the two of them.

Sam Dean and Dormus were slightly stunned, and then there was a touch of joy on their faces. Since Bai Lian said so, it showed that William Castle had completely won the trust of the Chi family.

However, neither of them is very clear. Although William Castle chose to turn to the Chi family, their friendship with the Chi family does not seem to be very deep. They don't understand why Bai Lian chose William Castle. Compared with William Castle, Daluotian, the Yu family or Xingxing City, the relationship with the Chi family is far better than them.

In addition, Sam Dean also heard some meanings from Bai Lian's words. Since Bai Lian has made William Castle a new royal family, a galaxy obviously cannot tolerate the expansion of Chi's power.

I'm afraid it won't take long, and the Chi family is very likely to rule the whole universe.

Of course, the premise is that the alliance is completely destroyed first.

"Thanks to the ancestors." Thinking so, Sam Dean replied respectfully. After saying that, he spoke again just now, but his face suddenly stagnated, and a vague fluctuation came out of the void.

After feeling this fluctuation, Sam Dean's expression immediately changed greatly, and his face was a little pale for a moment. When he looked at Bai Lian again, there was a look of awakening in his eyes. He finally knew why the ancestor of the Chi family suddenly felt sorry for their William Castle.

The ancestor of William Castle has just been killed!

The obscure fluctuation is the message conveyed to William's ancestor before his death.

The murderer is the Emperor of the League!

The confrontation of the Chi family finally provoked the emperor to take action. Obviously, the ancestors of the major sects were the object of the emperor's first operation...

"In the future, William Castle will become a subordinate force of the Chi family. You are not only the owner of William Castle, but also the deputy owner of the Chi family. With Chi's family, you should keep your family for thousands of years." Bai Lian sighed gently. He had already noticed the death of the ancestors of William Castle. Nowadays, there is little that can escape his perception.

The alliance emperor did not directly find him, but began to slaughter the ancestors of major forces. There can only be one explanation for this behavior, that is, the emperor was afraid of him...

At this point, the corners of Bai Lian's mouth couldn't help raising, and it was time to clean up the emperor.

"Yes." Sam Dean answered with his head down. Without the protection of his ancestors, I'm afraid it won't be long before William Castle will become the object of other forces. Bai Lian is obviously protecting his family by doing so. How could he not know? ...

"You go down first." Bai Liandao.

Sam Dean looked at the Dormus beside him and slowly walked out of the garden. In a blink of an eye, there were only Bai Lian and Dormus left in the field. Bai Lian was silent and glanced at Dormus indifferently, but he was secretly observing her changes over the years.

Dormus tried to keep his face calm, but his eyes were obviously a little flustered.

"Go down." After a few minutes, it was not until Dormus' breathing was a little disordered that Bai Lian opened his mouth.

Dormus was relieved, bowed slightly behind Bai Lian and turned away. After a few steps away, he suddenly looked back at Bai Lian, and then accelerated his pace and disappeared from sight.

"Is it good to see an old lover?" Suddenly, there was a sour voice behind Bai Lian.

Bai Lian looked back and found that her aunt was standing not far away, looking at herself with a faint smile.

"Old lover?" Bai Lian shook his head and smiled bitterly. I don't know why his aunt thought so. The reason why he left Dormus alone was just out of teasing. As early as the Long Sky College, Dolmus was a famous witch who liked to play with men's feelings. How could such a woman have a good impression on him? Even if you have a good impression, it is not credible...

"After you entered the flood, I have been inquiing about your news, but not only me, the saint of William Castle and the girl of the Chi family are searching for your news. I really can't see that these two beautiful women are worried about you?" Auntie came over step by step, with obvious jealousy in her tone.

Bai Lian was speechless. Chi Feifei had a good impression on him, and he knew it. But Dormus, forget it. As early as at the Changkong College, he had learned this woman's tricks more than once...

"Promise me that no matter how many women you have in the future, I will do the biggest one." Auntie snuggled in Bai Lian's arms and didn't know what she was thinking and said.

"Good." Bai Lian didn't know what to say, so she had to respond.


On the way back, Dormus's mind has been recalling the eyes that the ancestors of the Chi family had just looked at her. Although that look made her a little embarrassed and almost embarrassed, now when she thinks about it, she vaguely feels that the eyes are very familiar and seems to have seen them somewhere.

But I can't remember where I saw it for a moment.

Suddenly, she stopped and looked up and found that Chi Feifei was standing a few meters away in front of her, looking at herself faintly.

Speaking of which, she and Chi Feifei were both school beadies of Changkong College earlier. Although the relationship between the two is not good, it is definitely not bad. But somehow, every time the two meet, there seems to be an awkward atmosphere.

"Have you heard from him?" Dolmus is thinking about how to talk to him, and he doesn't want Chi Feifei to take the lead.

Dormus heard the sound, sighed and shook his head.

The two of her have spent countless efforts searching for late news, but they basically ended fruitlessly. Although the death of late rape has basically become a certainty, the two of them still feel that late rape is still alive in the world, and in recent years, this feeling is very strong.

Even if the ancestors have said that Chi Feifei has died, Chi Feifei still does not want to believe it.

Looking at Chi Feifei's far away figure, Dolmus laughed at herself. She didn't know why she had made up her mind after the disappearance of Chi Rape and tirelessly inquired about the news related to Chi Rape. Her relationship with Chi Rape was very vague. It is undeniable that she has a good impression of Chi Rape, but she herself does not know whether it is love. Compared with Chi Feifei's persistence, her feelings for Chi Rape are obviously not as strong as the former.

As time went by, the conflict between Chijia and the alliance continued to escalate. In just over half a year, the war has basically covered the whole universe, and conflicts have basically broken out in major galaxies.

After the death of the ancestors of William Castle, several ancestors of other forces fell, all of whom were killed by the Alliance Emperor.

Bai Lian did not take action to stop all this. After losing the support of their ancestors, these forces will inevitably be eaten by other forces or be destroyed by alliances. The only way for these forces to survive is to become a subsidiary force of the Chi family and coexist with the Chi family.

On the other hand, this also increases the strength of the Chi family.

Of course, the Chi family can't let the emperor slaughter the ancestors of the major forces so recklessly. After all, these forces are now on the same front as the Chi family. If they are really slaughtered, no one will continue to join hands with the Chi family to deal with the alliance.

In the vast space, a steel city floats quietly. Looking around, there are only cold iron blocks and flashing lights, which looks like a prison. This city, which is completely made of steel, is comparable to the size of a celestial body. It is guarded by countless warships and patrol airships, and its guards are extremely strict.

The military force around the city of steel can destroy the major sects in the universe with little effort.

Hundreds of millions of warships are like dense flies, wandering in space, and countless soldiers in alliance military uniforms enter and exit the city in and out, a chaotic scene.

Now the conflict between the alliance and Chijia has been escalating, which has also made the alliance headquarters busy.

This steel city is located in the Kanda Galaxy, the headquarters of the Confederate Army.