xing yu universe

Chapter 5 Middle Summer Empire

"What about you? You have the ability to urge Caifengyuan, and you must also be a Chen Xiu, right? Zhou Yi remembered the gorgeous scene of Yuewei taking him away from the shining time.

Yuewei shook her head and smiled miserably: "I can only make some simple spiritual decisions of Chen Xiu, not Chen Xiu. Moreover, I am not a fire attribute, which is not suitable for refining. In the past few years, I have only studied some medicinal herbs and occasionally help others see a doctor.

"Oh..." Zhou Yi remembered Yuewei's skillful method of healing and nodded, feeling that the girl was very modest.

"What is refining?" Hearing this, Yue Wei, who just thought Zhou Yiru could teach, had a black line in the middle of his delicate eyebrows.

Although he was speechless about this ignorant guy, Yue Wei continued: "The refiner is the most famous profession in the mainland, mainly processing and forging various materials into various Chenli appliances. These practitioners can link their own energy to the array through refining, thus generating amplitude and enhancing the power of their own attack or defense. The threshold for refiners is very high, and two conditions must be met. One is that it must be a fire constitution, so that various materials can be forged and purified. This condition is easy to achieve. After all, there are many practitioners with fire attributes, but the second condition is almost harsh.

"What conditions?" Hearing these things from different worlds, Zhou Yi felt fresh and interesting and hurriedly asked.

"The basic value of the soul must reach more than 8." Yuewei sighed gently.

"What is the soul base value?" After a pause, Zhou Yi asked weakly.

Yue Wei put his hand on his forehead and said helplessly, "A popular way to measure the potential of the soul in the mainland. The soul base value of ordinary people is about 1-3, which must be higher than 3 to have the potential of Chen Xiu.

"Ah?" Zhou Yi took a cold breath, "Isn't that too demanding? What is the base value of your soul?

"7." Yue Wei sighed, "After my father knew the basic value of my soul, he didn't say anything for three days. I... let him down."

"This number is also out of reach for ordinary practitioners, isn't it?" Zhou Yi comforted, "Isn't it good to be a Chen Xiu?

"You don't know. The formation of a refining family takes many years of accumulation. The most important thing in the refinery, in addition to materials, is the magic array. With ten catties of bow-shaped steel and half a catty of precious skyline steel, general chemists can only make third-order weapons at most. And the arsenal family with the mystery of the magic array structure can create fourth-order or even fifth-order weapons!"

Although I don't know what the order of the magic instrument is, Zhou Yi can guess that the fourth-order and fifth-order treasure tools must be very extraordinary.

The moon sighed faintly, as if she remembered her ups and downs. She gently broke away from his hand, stood by the bed, and looked up at the rising purple moon.

Yes, the starry sky of this world can be described as brilliant. At first, the moon looked like a thin layer of purple veil, but the light emitted was very bright. When it was sprinkled down, there was no color, but tenderness moistened the earth like water. And the stars in the sky become rare without the glory of the moon, and they have the same feeling. At first glance, some stars are light blue and some are light red, but they are not mottled. Their combination is very wonderful, as if it contains some kind of rules of heaven and earth, and the light sprinkled by it also makes people feel relaxed and happy.

The brilliance of the stars and the moon completely outlines the perfect lines of the moon, turning them into a faint halo, setting off the whole cabin like a dreamy fairyland.

Seeing her lonely and cold posture, Zhou Yi remembered himself. An accident on the way to work brought him to this unfamiliar place. His parents should be very sad... Fate left himself on this strange continent, but he was afraid that he was helpless, so he was the first to be intelligent and tenaciously The same lonely girl gave it to herself...

At this moment, Zhou Yi's heart was calm and lost. Especially when he saw half a round of purple moon rising to the zenith, the bright, mysterious and silent brilliance completely shocked him. The faint clouds are like fine gauze, and the palace on the moon suddenly appears. Zhou Yi seemed to see a cold shadow, with long sleeves like the wind and dancing softly.

"When will the moon be bright? Ask the blue sky about the wine. I don't know what year it is in the palace in the sky... I want to go back in the wind, but I'm afraid that Qionglou Yuyu will be cold... I hope people can live a long time and live together for thousands of miles.

"I hope people will live together for a long time." Yue Wei chanted this ancient famous sentence, turned around and stared deeply at him with bright eyes, "Yulong, are you really willing to marry me?"

"I..." Seeing her pink jade face, Zhou Yi's heart was excited and said for a while, "I... I'm really not Ximen Yulong. My name is Zhou Yi. Zhou is Zhou Yi's Zhou, and Yi is Zhou Yi's Yi."

Yuewei's eyes dimmed, and then, as if there was a happy thing, immediately glowed and said, "Are you afraid of Ximen Pu? That's right, he must still be chasing us... It's also good to change the name to Zhou Yi... I have a way. If you succeed, you don't have to be afraid of Ximen Pu.

"What can I do?" Zhou Yi wondered.

"Participate in the national examination." Yue slightly elegantly brushed a beautiful hair behind her ear.

"What is...national test?"

"The national examination is a major examination organized by the Central Xia Empire, which is divided into literature, martial arts and weapons. The literary examination is about articles and poems, the martial arts examination is Chen Xiu, and the instrument is the refining. If you can win the list, it will be Yuyue Longmen, and you don't have to worry about no origin. Many prominent families in the empire have grown up like this.

"It turns out that the place where I am is called the Zhongxia Empire! Fortunately, there is not much difference between language and local customs. Zhou Yi secretly continued to ask, "Which of these three exams has the highest status? Why don't you take the medical exam?"

"Generally speaking, the refiner has the highest status, followed by Chen Xiu, followed by civil servants. However, many times they cross each other. The famous civilian family is generally supported by the Chen Xiu family; the prominent Chen Xiu family also has marriage with the civil official family. As for medical skills, ordinary practitioners are very familiar with human meridians and medicinal materials. Even if there are one or two famous doctors, it will not become a climate.

"Oh, I see." Zhou Yi nodded. In fact, any society is the same. As long as you reach a certain position, it is easy to get something.

"Since Chen Xiu has a high status, why can't I learn from Chen Xiu?" Zhou Yi tried to ask.

"Although your physical endurance is good, you have no foundation at all. You don't know that the children of a large family have been learning Chen Xiu since they were very young. When they joined the college or sect at the age of 16 or 17 years old, they already have a certain foundation. You just started to learn Chen Xiu now. It's a little late. I don't know how much higher the poems you just recite are than those so-called sour literati, so it's easier to take the text..."

Zhou Yi began to listen with relish, but Yue Wei's tone became more and more wrong. A left "big family" and a right "talent" unconsciously rushed up from the bottom of her heart and interrupted her coldly: "I'm not a big family, and I don't have talent, but I don't I like to test this sour poetry, okay? Don't you just want me to have a background earlier to avenge you?

Yuewei was interrupted by Zhou Yi's anger, and his little face was covered by the pale color in an instant. His red mouth moved. Under the long eyelashes, a layer of water mist slowly covered his eyes and was stunned for a while before he said aggrievedly, "You wronged me!"

In fact, Zhou Yi regretted it as soon as he said it. Anyway, this is also a charming little beauty. Besides, if this girl is so mercenary, why does she have to come all the way to him with her capital? It's just that his little self-esteem has done something strange, and he is not willing to talk about him.

"I'm sorry, I said it wrong. Don't mind." Zhou Yi smiled and said, "Actually, I want to learn Chen Xiu."

" doesn't matter..." Although Yue Wei was aggrieved and angry, she listened to Zhou Yi's words, but her eyes showed a surprised expression, and it took half a sound to return to normal.

"Of course, it's okay to learn..." Yue replied weakly. This time, he really dare not mention the illusory thing of talent. "Generally speaking, there are two ways to learn Chen Xiu. One is to join a sect. A good sect is often the pass for a practitioner to become a strong man and a prominent guarantee of the family. However, he Our eyes are very... Uh-huh..." This time, Yuewei dared not say more, "The other is Chenxiu College established by the empire. Professors in the college are hired from different schools. There is a college in Qingyang City, 200 miles away from here. It is called Qingyang College on Qingyang Mountain near the East China Sea. But..."

Yue slightly shrugged his shoulders: "I only have 20 taels of silver here, and I don't even have enough travel expenses, let alone raise the tuition fee of 1,000 taels of silver!"

"Silver?'s money..." Zhou Yi found that he had nothing but T-shirts, jeans and casual shoes.

Seeing Zhou Yi's frown, Yue Wei's mouth raised an arc imperceptiblely. Suddenly, she thought that she was also in the same boat, and then her delicate eyebrows also frowned.

"Okay, don't think about it," Zhou Yi patted her on the shoulder. "Go to bed first. Let's talk about anything tomorrow. The money... I'll figure it out."

He said it very hard, but he knew that this was not reliable at all. Just kidding, although the middle-class white-collar workers earn a lot, this is a different world... Please, I was in a hurry when I flew out just now, and I didn't know anything about the Zhongxia Empire...

"How's it going? Did you have a good chat with Mr. Siemens?" Yuewei returned to the room, and his sleeves bounced up from the stool and almost threw himself into Yuewei's arms.

"Alas!" Yue Wei resisted her sleeve with her hand, went to the stool and sat down, put her hands on the table, with her exquisite chin on it, and how high her little mouth pouted.

"What, this guy made you angry?" Xiuer immediately looked angry and took his arms and rolled his sleeves.

"No, no, he said a few words and said sorry to me!" Yue Wei remembered Zhou Yi's slightly shy smile just now and couldn't help laughing.

Ah? Did he apologize?" Xiuer touched her chin and smiled, "Yes, Sister Yuewei, he is really good to you."

Zhou Yi never thought of a simple apology, but left a deep impression on Yuewei. After all, in Zhongxia, the status of men is still very respected.