xing yu universe

Chapter 18 Distardation

The bonfire in the room was blazing, and the two of them were held tightly together. A corner of silk was opened, revealing a piece of smooth jade arms in their sleeves, obviously without clothes.

"With your fiance's sister, this is your good husband!" Ai Qing said coldly.

Yuewei bit her lower lip vigorously. For a long time, tears only fell one by one.

"Do you still miss him again?"

"No, it's impossible!" Yue Wei seemed to have found something. A trace of excitement flashed in her eyes and whispered, "Master, it's very hot now, but they are still light a bonfire and don't move. It must be... Brother Zhou Yi's illness! ...No...I, I'm going to see him!"

"No! What do you think he is doing with such a beast?

"Master... Why are they in the cave? Master...let me go..."

"Be careful!"

Looking at the slight movement of Xiuer's body, Ai Qing hurriedly pulled Yuewei's arm and flashed behind the sycamore tree.

"Don't practice today and have a good rest. Now that they are naked, how can they meet you? I will definitely take you to see him another day."

As he spoke, Ai Qingxian's hand moved without a trace, and a little golden light sank into Zhou Yi and Xiuer'er's body.

"Thank you, Master..." Yue Wei had to nod sadly.

Zhou Yi slowly opened his eyes. In a trance, he saw a goddess with all kinds of amorous feelings. She raised her hand gently, and she was full of golden light, thousands of colors, and her body was warm. She immediately woke up.

Ah? Brother,'re awake..."

Seeing Zhou Yi open her eyes, Xiuer was almost scared. At the same time, she also felt that his body temperature recovered quickly, and a strange man's breath swarmed in, making her unable to stop her heart.

"This, sleeve, you..."

"Brother, it's not like this... Listen to me!" Xiuer blushed with urgency and did not dare to jump out of the quilt to reveal her body. More than ten days of hard work and resentment surged into her heart, simply nestled in Zhou Yi's arms and cried fiercely.

Zhou Yi regained consciousness and immediately had instinct. He only felt that the delicate body in his arms was delicate and smooth, as soft as boneless, especially the two groups of ruanrou in his chest were hot against his chest, which made him restless. A hot current slowly went up from his abdomen, and somewhere was finally furious and strong as a gun.

He endured the feeling of comfort and suffering. Zhou Yi reluctantly listened to Xiuer's crying and couldn't help but be greatly moved. He knew how brave the little girl's behavior was in this world where etiquette was more protective than floods and beasts.

"Good sleeve, don't cry. It's my fault. I can't even stand this injury, which makes my sleeve feel wronged."

"I... actually don't have anything..." Xiuer blushed, "I'm afraid of Sister Yuewei, Sister Yuewei..."

"It's okay. Didn't we do anything? When you get dressed, nothing has happened. Zhou Yi said softly.

"Thank you, big brother..."

Xiuer raised her head with a smile and stared at Zhou Yi shyly. A faint fragrance came from nowhere, warm and sweet.

Although the sleeves are not as intellectual and elegant as Yuewei, they have a kind of jasper-like smallness and game. Looking at the crystal clear and lovely person in front of him, Zhou Yi's consciousness was a little blurred. Xiuer's shy face turned into seduction and teasing, and the newly rising love for his sister suddenly turned into a request and desire for the opposite sex.

Zhou Yi, who was confused, suddenly turned over and washed away the whole silk. He completely pressed the sleeve's body under his body. His lips heavily kissed the cherry mouth on the sleeve. He held her towering jade rabbit with his right hand and gently twisted his fingers on her strong buds.


Shou'er was a little panicked at first, but with a faint golden light, her eyes were confused, her little mouth opened slightly, gently sucking cold air, and her white jade-like arms tightly wrapped around Zhou Yi's neck, and her voice seemed to moan and beg: "Brother, hurt me..."

Ow arms and jade feet, Xuefeng's buttocks, especially Xiao Nizi's soft and warm calls, Zhou Yi felt that he was about to explode. He could no longer care who the woman was, so he directly opened her hot body...

A pair of bright eyes are now covered with a layer of light fog, and her face is like a begonia after the rain, muttering love words.

No one saw it. Two strings of crystal tears drifted behind the banyan tree and floated into the boundless clouds. A heart that was warm a few days ago became particularly cold.

"Did you see it this time? Are they sick?

"How could it be like this... How could it be like this... Sleeve, do you really like him?" Yue Wei's face was dead, and she just kept talking to herself.

"Go back to practice with me."

Ai Qing glanced at the cave and was surprised to find that she had an anger rising and couldn't control it.

"What's wrong with me? Why do you hate seeing such a scene and the two of them? I don't want them to be like this, I don't want them to be like this!" Ai Qing's slender hands trembled slightly, and she couldn't help swinging back, and several yellow light rays shot into their bodies imperably.

"True love turns into rain and dew when it is cold. May you have a blue sky and a blue sea heart. Xiuer, you can take good care of him for the rest of your life..." Yue Wei looked deeply at the banyan tree and couldn't help it anymore. She covered her face with her hands and sobbed gently.

"Let's go." Ai Qing suppressed her emotions and pulled Yuewei's wrist.

The hot head was suddenly poured with a basin of cold water. Zhou Yi shook his head, suddenly shouted, and jumped up.

The sleeves lay flat on the white quilt, looking at him with watery eyes, half-half-sleeve and paralyzed.

"Big brother..."

"What's wrong? What's wrong with us?" Seeing the sleeve's body like a peeled egg, Zhou Yi jumped up like a ghost, but then fell to the ground softly.

"How could this happen? How could it be like this?" Zhou Yi's head was dull, his hands and feet were dressed, covered Xiuer's body with a quilt, looked at the white clouds outside the cave, and finally woke up a little: "Shou'er, where are we?"


It has been a month. Due to the rainy season, the sky is cloudy and foggy, and Zhou Yi can't see the scene below. After knowing that he can't get out, his mood has stabilized and he slowly become familiar with the life in the cave.

Although it did not break through the final line of defense, it was close contact after all! The two sides really met each other sincerely... Although Xiuer's pepper temper did not attack, she remained silent with Zhou Yi for more than ten days. Every time my eyes collided, I hurriedly avoided it, as if I was on guard against something.

Later, the two began to talk as if they had just met. There is enough food for two people in Rongjie, and there is fresh water in the cave. Among the massive refining materials alone, there are many plants that can be eaten. Xiuer is very skillful and makes a few dishes every few days. In addition to being a little stuffy, life is also comfortable. It's just that the absurdity of that day was avoided by both of them.

After a serious illness, Zhou Yi found that his body's meridians and blood flow became very **. There seemed to be many conflicting things in his body. These things wandered around, sometimes making himself as light as swallows, and sometimes making himself extremely powerful and very unpredictable. Therefore, he subconsciously condensed his mind in one place and carefully combed the energy to make his body in the best state, but there was no essentials and no progress.

And what excites him most is that his spiritual perception has become much more acute. Every time he concentrates, he finds that there is a variety of light energy floating in the air. These energies are like smoke. If you don't concentrate, you can't find it at all.

"It's really strange. It feels good." When Ziyue was born, his feeling became stronger. He can even feel that his consciousness can wrap a trace of purple energy fibers that emit light fire and then absorb them into his body.

It's just that the body... condensed consciousness into the body, but Zhou Yi's heart sank. In my body, it seems that there are a lot of purple-red sticky substances, which are slowly surging, fused with flowing blood. With each fusion, the color of the blood increases a little, and the strength of the body also increases a little. However, he has not really practiced and doesn't know how to guide them.

"Fuck, what's wrong with my body?" This hazy feeling made him very unhappy. He couldn't help roaring and raising his hands. Suddenly, there was a burst of explosion in the air. The air waves bombarded the stone wall, and the gravel fell one after another. For a moment, the dust rose everywhere, completely submerged Zhou Yi in it.

Ah? Hearing the moving sleeve run out of the kitchen with a stir-fry spoon, he found Zhou Yi crawling out of the stone pile and coughing repeatedly.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

"It's okay. It's okay. It's a small accident. Go ahead." Zhou Yi smiled bitterly and made a grimace.

Xiuer curled her lips and saw that he was really fine, so she continued to cook.

Zhou Yi looked at his hands and was shocked and happy: "How can I be so powerful?" This feeling really feels like winning the lottery. This time he didn't dare to exert any more force, but waved one hand to the stone wall.


The sound of breaking the wind came from the fist, but the expected power did not appear, and there was no stone debris splashed at all.

"What's going on?"

Zhou Yi was a little depressed and did not follow any rules. He waved his left and right fist randomly. Bang! After more than a dozen punches, an energy followed the fist wind and hit the stone wall again, and the stone crumbs flew around.

"Bah! Bah!" Zhou Yi, who was caught off guard, was once again disgraced and embarrassed.

"Can't you pass it?" The frightened sleeve ran over angrily with the pot and put it on the table with a bang, "It's not honest after eating! You, oh..."

Seeing the hole made by Zhou Yi on the stone wall, his sleeves couldn't help wide-eyed.