xing yu universe

Chapter 21 Stealing into Qingxing's Courtyard

"Little Dragon Girl?" The crisp voice repeated, as if touching, and then said, "That's right... However, I was able to speak just now. Stop, stop, stop, don't talk. I don't have time to listen to you ask so many questions, so I have to wait until I'm born! What, I haven't been born yet? This fool can see that I'm in the Dragon Ball! Don't ask too much. I'm sending a voice to your soul now, and it won't last long. I just want to help you and lend you some energy. You use the fire you practice to absorb the heat I send out.

Before her voice fell, the dragon ball body emitted a light red halo. Although the halo was light, it was full of energy and looked very concave and convex. It was faintly flying dragons, but as soon as it touched Zhou Yi's body, it drifted away.

In Zhou Yi's consciousness, he always feels a wonderful connection with this dragon ball. Now that the energy is emitted, this feeling is deeper. He did not dare to neglect, read the formula, his body was as dignified as a mountain, and his hands flexibly typed out a string of spiritual formulas. A complicated seal body "Li" was like ripples of water, wrapped towards the dragon ball with a trace of heat.

In an instant, a stream of energy, like a surging river, went straight to his unobstructed pulse along the channel formed by Zhou Yi and Dragon Ball.

Zhou Yi was impressed by this memory many years later. Not because it was the first time to receive energy, but because of fear.

He later learned that this little dragon girl has always been fearless and dared to try everything. You know, at this time, he couldn't talk about the foundation of cultivation. If it hadn't been for the accumulation of a lot of energy in his body, his body would have collapsed.

However, Zhou Yi is still very grateful to Xiaolong Nizi. Although the meridians are tingling, the melting point of the bow steel has finally been reached.

Seeing that the steel powder mixture turned into steel in the stone pot, Zhou Yi was happy and deeply felt the lack of his strength. He carefully controlled his energy and perception, and entered the second step - tem.

For a * refiner, this step is the most important and critical. However, Zhou Yi did not encounter difficulties. He could clearly feel that every grain of the molten steel mixture danced, sang and flowed freely under the flame he controlled. It was only because of the obstruction of the tripod furnace that he became regular. Zhou Yi did not expect that he would complete the construction of the long cable component at this moment and begin to enter the third step. This fully reflects Zhou Yi's understanding of the stars.

Medium-temperature and medium fire is not so easy to control, not to mention the energy used by Zhou Yi comes from Dragon Ball. As soon as I entered the third step, the temperature suddenly rose, and the steel that had just been prepared evaporated in an instant.

"Ah?" Looking at the empty furnace, Zhou Yi wanted to cry without tears, but he had no choice but to do it again.

After trying five or six times like this, Zhou Yi is fully proficient in the control of "depart from fire", and he is even more proficient in the arrangement of elements, and the skill of medium-temperature fire has also begun to have some experience.

"This is the last time!"

Zhou Yi mold silently, moved his arms and wrists, punched a few times, and then carried out the force. The energy in the meridians followed the running route of his waist, abdomen and arms, forming a lavender hazy beam of light, covering the dragon ball.

The familiar burning energy, along the meridians and along the spiritual formula, turned into the soaring purple flame in Zhou Yi's hand.

High temperature melting, low temperature fusion, medium temperature solidification... Everything is so smooth and natural, Zhou Yi's eyes are focused, and his fingers drive the flames, like jumping elves.

This process lasted for two hours, and only Zhou Yi shouted, "Yes!" The red light suddenly disappeared, and the dragon ball fell down quickly, leaving only a faint purple cloud, slowly holding something in mid-air.

"Woo--" Zhou Yi took a long breath, his whole body was as soft as mud, and sat on the ground with his buttocks, but a happy smile on his face.

I saw a silver rope with a thumb thickness of more than 600 meters suspended in the purple light, and the whole body was covered with raised green dots. As the purple light dissipated, it also slowly fell and fell to the ground.

"Haha, it worked!" Zhou Yi grabbed the rope and pulled it hard, "Look, the sleeves are very strong!"

After he finished speaking, he remembered that Xiuer had been taken away by Ai Qing and was no longer by his side. His eyes dimmed and he couldn't help clenched the long rope in his hand.

"Yue Wei, Xiuer, wait, I can see you today!"

This night, the sky is also beautiful, the moon is dark and the wind is high, and the stars are hidden in the clouds. There is only a faint skylight that can be blurred in front.

"Great! If I go on like this, I really don't know it!" While tying ropes to the sycamore tree, Zhou Yi thought proudly.

Holding the rope in his hand, pedaling on the cliff, and leaning his body, Zhou Yi only felt the sound of wind in his ears, hunting in his clothes, and the sycamore tree shook its head crazily and was about to fly into the sky.

"The wind is too strong!" Zhou Yi looked around, looked at the brilliance of Qingxing College below, and said, "But I should be able to resist!"

Thinking of this, he made up his mind, clenched the rope, jumped back and slid down to the cliff.

At this moment, the clouds in the cliff valley have long been blown away by the wind, and Zhou Yi slowly became smaller until he disappeared in the darkness.

"It has fallen hundreds of meters!" Zhou Yi looked at it. There was only a little light in the cave, and the rest was dark. On the left, the straight distance of Qingxing Bieyuan is very short, and the light inside is warm and bright as a morning star.

"It's now!"

Zhou Yi tried the force of the rope, and then found a suitable length. The heel suddenly exerted force, and the whole person took the rope and shot at the courtyard wall of Qingxing's courtyard.

It's closer, closer! At this time, the rope was also exhausted. Zhou Yi's body's energy was tight, and a violent upward force made him stop. Seizing this opportunity, he quickly let go of the rope and snapped the edge of the courtyard wall.

The wind is roaring, and this small voice is really insignificant.

Crawled into the yard and tied the rope to a big tree not far from the courtyard wall. Zhou Yi carefully groped in the direction of the light.

Although the courtyard looks very small from the top of the mountain, Zhou Yi found that there were thousands of square meters, with rockery, streams and a small bamboo forest in the middle, dividing the Qingyang courtyard into two parts, and Yuewei and Ai Qing were in one place.

This beautiful professor's status in Qingyang College is not low. Unexpectedly, he has such a large courtyard. Is there any affair with the dean?

Zhou Yi stole the belly of the beauty with the heart of ** thief while sneaking under the cover of the bamboo forest. As soon as I walked dozens of meters away, I heard a woman whispering.

"Weier, your energy increases rapidly, and the range and intensity of spiritual knowledge have been greatly improved. If I estimate it well, you are about to reach the peak of the stage of Chen's cultivation. In just a few months, he jumped three levels in a row, and there were no more than ten people in the history of Chen Xiu College.

"They are all taught by the master." A round and soft female voice replied softly.

"It's Yuewei!"

Zhou Yi's heart kept beating wildly, hiding behind a thick green bamboo and watching carefully. At a glance, he couldn't help opening his mouth and being stunned by the beautiful scenery in front of him.

The two bluestones stood opposite each other, and sat on a beautiful woman cross-legged on each bluestone. The next girl was wearing sky-blue tights, slightly thin, with eyebrows like distant mountains, clear autumn water, quiet and elegant; the upper woman's eyebrows swept lightly, and at first glance, she was only double ten years old, ** upturned buttocks, extremely beautiful, but when she looked closely, she saw that there seemed to be vicissitudes in her eyebrows. Color, an indescribable taste and a sense of dust.

A faint starlight, all around her, the two women were like fairies who were taken down to the earth, shaking Zhou Yi's eyes and couldn't control themselves. Professor Ai Qing said, "Weier, your great progress has a lot to do with clearing your heart and cutting off love recently. In the future, you have to forget the past as soon as possible. What's more, he can't afford to treat you first.

"Yes, Master." Yue Wei lowered her head and agreed, but her eyelashes trembled slightly. Obviously, her heart was in great pain.

Zhou Yi was shocked when he heard the words: "Forget it, who did she make Yuewei forget? Me? When did I apologize to her? Ah-"

Suddenly, he remembered that he was sleeping with Xiuer, and cold sweat couldn't help sweating down. Although the cave is very hidden, Professor Ai Qing has lived in Qingxing's courtyard for a long time and will definitely know that there is such a cave... Moreover, there have obviously been people living in this cave...

Thinking of this, Zhou Yixin is like a mouse and wants to rush over now and explain everything clearly.

"The full name of Shui Yuntian is called Qingxin Shui Yuntian. Later, the higher the requirements for the state of mind. If you don't cut off your love now, you will suffer a lot later. Professor Ai Qing opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't go on.

After sitting for a moment, Ai Qing slowly got up, floated through the bamboo forest, and went to the house where she lived.

"Moon Micro--"

Seeing the lonely expression on Yue Wei's face, Zhou Yi was also a little sad. He wanted to run over now and hold her tightly in his arms.

"No, not yet," Zhou Yi gently reminded herself, "Although Ai Qing looks harmless, her cultivation is very horrible and vicious. She must wait until she falls asleep before she can meet Yuewei steadily."

Thinking of this, he restrained his breath, didn't care about the moonlight, and went straight to the depths of the bamboo forest.

At this moment, Zhou Yi suddenly noticed a dark shadow not far ahead, and a man jumped out and tiptoed forward.

Who is it? Is it Professor Ai Qing's concuen? Interesting! If you can grab her handle, won't you be able to save Xiuer from the clutches of the devil? Without seeing Xiuer, Zhou Yi couldn't rest assured after all, so he had to once again eat the belly of the beautiful woman with the heart of a thief and fly over.

The man is not fast, but his body is very calm. At first glance, he is a master, and his back is also a little familiar.

After following for a moment, Zhou Yi's mind moved, and a handsome face popped out of his mind.