xing yu universe

Chapter 27 World Moon Fantasy Array

"It's not good!"

The energy broke out on Zhou Yi's palm, and his arm bent slightly and then suddenly opened. His body flew 2 meters upward. A row of dense and sharp thorns seemed to run out against the palm of Zhou Yi's hand. After the attack could not work, it was immediately annihilated into particles.

"What a powerful magic array!" Zhou Yi couldn't help admiring secretly, but he felt the flow of soil energy particles. Although his speed did not improve quickly, he could be expected to be the enemy first, and his body became a little faster, and he was more comfortable in the attack of the ground thorn.

However, the attribute secret room obviously did not want to make him relax. The earthy yellow particles suddenly shook, forming countless spikes on the wall. The whistling sound of "woo" continued, and hundreds of spikes separated from the wall, flew longer and longer in the air, staggering Zhou Yi's body.

"Good luck!"

After several hours of skillful fighting, Zhou Yi's energy has recovered. Seeing the sudden change of the scene, he actually had a little more expectation in his heart. The blood boiled in an instant, and the black moon knife danced around his body into a black light and shadow, firmly protecting his body, while his feet were still jumping and dodging the ground.

The sound of metal intermingling is endless. Every long gun seems to carry a heavy earth force, which makes Zhou Yi have nowhere to unload. From time to time, his arm comes a sense of weakness of energy exhaustion, but his muscles trembled extremely quickly and immediately pressed the energy.

Every time the energy is exhausted, Zhou Yi gets a response from the abundant earth energy from the outside world. Those particles slowly enter his muscles and constantly refine his body.

The long-lost physical pleasure returned to his mind in an instant. When Zhou Yi enjoyed it, he also had some puzzled in his heart: according to Sister Bing, everyone has different attributes and physique, so what are his own physique attributes? Why can he feel the quenching of a large amount of energy in every secret room of wind, water and earth?

With puzzlement, Zhou Yi left the earth attribute secret room and entered the fire attribute secret room after fully enjoying the fun of cultivation.

The fire attribute secret room gives Zhou Yi a very intimate feeling, just like breathing in the spring breeze. However, this spring breeze-like feeling was immediately destroyed by the fierce fire.

Fire hammer, flame palm, like a flame bomb falling from the sky! All the attacks of Gangye appeared in an instant. Zhou Yi relied on the ice moon dragon gun and used all his strength to shake it. He felt that every time he suffered a heavy blow, there was a small storm in his body. The melted energy hard blocks in the meridians were tempered again, giving him a sense of pleasure of soaring power.

I don't know how long it took, Zhou Yi was practicing to a smooth place. The roaring flame energy on all sides became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared.

"What's going on?"

While Zhou Yizheng was puzzled, there was a knock on the door outside the metal door, and only heard Ming Yong shouting: "Your Excellency, the saint calls you back to the hall immediately."

"Do you want to go back to the palace?" Zhou Yi frowned and said, "I'm playing happily. I'll be back later."

"Your Excellency!" Ming Yong said urgently, "Who dares to disobey the saint's orders? If you don't go back on time, our brothers are in danger of being smashed to pieces!"

"Is Sister Bing so dangerous?" Zhou Yi stared. Suddenly thinking of the flashing fingertips of her fingertips, she couldn't help shivering.

"Okay, okay, I'll go back first." Zhou Yi had no choice but to come out and follow Mingyong and Shangda to the ground quickly.

As soon as he entered the hall, Zhou Yi saw the slender figure. His black and bright hair did not have any decoration. It spread out like a waterfall. He was still a snow-white skirt, and his waist was tied with light cyan ribbons, making his whole body more and more curved. She was turning her back to the hall door and looked at the dragon statue above.

"Sister Bing!"

Seeing the familiar figure, recalling the hard work of such a long time, as well as the thrill and pleasure in the attribute secret room, Zhou Yi was moved, and he forgot all her initial harshness. He took a few steps and shouted loudly.

Di Aoxue turned around and saw Zhou Yi's upright and free figure. His beautiful eyes flashed with a trace of surprise, but immediately regained his iceberg color.

"Sister Bing, why did you call me back so soon?"

Di Aoxue did not answer him and looked at him for a long time before saying lightly, "It's rare for you to reach this level in just more than two years."

"Two years!"

Zhou Yi was shocked and stammered, "I... I've been in the attribute room for more than two years? How is that possible? I clearly feel that it only takes a few days..."

"You can't experience the mystery of the attribute secret room. You are not just practicing, but entering a world that combines time and space. These attributes must transform your body unconsciously. If you follow the real time, you will go crazy because of the long time, or be twisted into dust by the turbulence of time and space, and you will not even leave a soul mark. It's amazing to be able to hold on without drinking or eating for such a long time.

"Ah?" Zhou Yi was shocked and sweated coldly, thinking that this woman's heart was too cruel? What if I can't get out? Moreover, more than two years, almost three years. How about Yuewei and Xiuer? Suddenly, negative emotions such as worry and loss surged up from the bottom of my heart like a tide.

Di Aoxue looked at him and asked, "Have you found any problems in your practice?"

"Question?" Zhou Yi was stunned, woke up from his reverie, and hurriedly recalled his cultivation process. Suddenly, he had an idea and said, "It's really a problem!"

"What's the problem?" Aoxue's eyes clearly showed approval, and her speech became softer.

Zhou Yi did not notice the change of Aoxue and thought about it: "Chen Xiu's cultivation of all schools in the mainland is more likely to build a foundation according to the physique of Chen Xiu's physique, and then teach the heart method to mobilize the energy of Xingque, refine the body, and gradually practice qi, refine the gods and the Tao. And now I extract energy through the purple moon heart method and converge in my mind. But I feel that it is more often dominated by physical instinct, but there is no cohesion in Zifu.

"You're right." Aoxue nodded, "Do you know that the Yuexiu mythical beast does not have a purple mansion and will not form a heart circle. The source of energy is in the crystal in the mind."

"Then I--"

"You are a human body, but you have been transformed by the bloodline of the Dragon Emperor, so you have not formed a Taoist heart circle, and there is no crystal formed by the moon cultivation mythical beast when he was young."

"Ah?" Zhou Yi rolled his eyes and said, "Then won't I practice for nothing?"

"I can build a foundation for you with one thing. After building the foundation, it can form a dragon-like crystal. However, after all, you are different from ordinary dragons, and you still need to explore the way of cultivation in the future. I'm opening the world moon magic array now, and you still need to get the foundation treasure by yourself.

With that, she pointed a little, and the roar was endless. A crystal wall slowly divided into a slender corridor. Like the hall, the corridor was also covered with a bright red floral carpet. The dome was inlaid with a spherical crystal, and the light was crystal soft. At the end of the corridor is a small door that can only be passed by one person.

Knowing that Di Aoxue could not answer questions and could only explore by herself, Zhou Yi couldn't help saying, "What kind of foundation-building treasure is it? It looks like this road is quite scary.

"You already have the Dragon Emperor's gift to the Purple Moon Heart. You only need to move your mind to protect you, which is equivalent to another layer of energy armor. In this illusion array, there are precious elements of the dragon clan. Whether you can get it or not depends on your creation. Although it is called a fantasy array, the danger is real. If you don't pay attention, you will worry about your life. Di Aoxue said lightly.

"Is it so dangerous? Can I not go? Ouch! OK, OK, I'll just go! For three years, I still use this trick, but I'm not creative at all.

Seeing Di Aoxue's finger flashing, Zhou Yi laughed twice, turned around and walked to the small door. This girl, who has been married for three years, is still the same as when she first met. She is dry and has such a bad temper. Let's see who will marry you in the future. Especially that finger light, although his ability has improved rapidly, it is still painful to be hit once. It seems that Sister Bing's strength can only be described indescribable...

Slowly, with the growth of strength, although Zhou Yi complained, he no longer turned to those obscene thoughts. Instead, he added a lot of respect, curiosity, and even family affection and love to Di Aoxue.

Gently opened the door, and immediately there was a sound of waves.

Dajiang? Big river? Zhou Yi stepped out one step, and the door suddenly closed behind him. At the moment when the door closed, the whole space was bright. Zhou Yi hurriedly stabilized his body and his heart pounded.


is just one word, big!

The heaven and earth, the universe and the sky all do not exist here. The sky is strange red, and the whole space is empty. Below is the rapid black water, and occasionally fierce fish jump out, revealing their sharp teeth.

A 10-meter-high stone pillar protrudes from the surface of the water. The top of the stone pillar is abnormally slippery, and I stand here. As long as you are not careful, there is a danger of falling and being buried in black water.

A wire rope only one centimeter wide extends from the front of the stone pillar and extends forward until another stone pillar 20 miles away.

In addition, there is only space between heaven and earth.

Rao has a deep foundation in Zhou Yi's cultivation, and he is also swaying at the top of the stone pillar. He is trembling and doesn't know which leg to take.

At this moment, a huge dark shadow jumped out of the water and turned out to be an extremely ugly strange fish, hitting the stone pillar fiercely!

The stone pillar shook and was about to collapse. Zhou Yi shouted "ah" and took a step forward. Before his foot was firmly on the silk line, he slipped and fell into the black water.

At the critical moment, Zhou Yibingyue's polar dragon gun was picked up, and the barb firmly locked the silk thread, which avoided the danger of falling into the water and buried in the fish's abdomen.


Zhou Yi took a few breaths of breath, and suddenly a fishy wind came from his feet. Two rows of sharp teeth were like sharp arrows, closed at his legs.


Zhou Yi was shocked, but now he is not what he used to be. His muscles are as flexible snakes, and his body rolls up along the barrel of the gun. With a "chirp", half of his clothes have been torn off by a strange fish.

Just near the surface of the water, before entering the water, the clothes in the mouth of the strange fish suddenly burned by themselves and slowly turned into ashes.

His grandma, is this water or sulfuric acid?

Zhou Yi sweated coldly and climbed up the silk thread in a hurry. His whole body of energy flowed naturally with his hands and feet, and slowly stood up on the wire.