xing yu universe

Chapter 36 Peach Blossom Lily

Seeing Zhou Yi rushing over, Ao Lan was ready to turn around and protect the "Peach Blossom Lily" in her arms and shouted, "It's beautiful! This is for Sister Aoxue!"

"What are you arguing about?"

The plain tone, but with a faint smell of dust, poured a clear spring into Zhou Yi's heart like the sound of nature.

"Sister Bing!" Zhou Yi raised his head. Although he had only been separated from Ao Xue for about seven days, somehow, he had a warm feeling of reunion after a long separation. After closed practice, her temperament is more icy, with picturesque eyebrows, straight nose, perfect lip lines, black hair hanging down to her buttocks like a waterfall, and a snow-white long skirt, which is a little more noble than the moon palace fairy. Even if you look at it with your eyes, it makes Zhou Yisheng feel a little blasphemous. Thinking about just now, he was talking with the little girl about how to push her down and couldn't help wiping the beads of sweat that did not exist on his forehead.

"It's now!" Ao Lan looked up at Ao Xue coming out, but his little face was condensed. A delicate purple diamond crystal had been held in his hand, and then pinched it hard.

After the retreat, Chen Li and spiritual knowledge will have a short period of silence, which is the most vulnerable time for Chen practitioners. Therefore, even if ordinary practitioners end a long period of practice, they will have to spend half a day calm down before they get out of the customs.

For many years, Ao Xue has been alone. In such an independent world, she is not worried about being disturbed, so she does not have this habit. As a result, Ao Lan took advantage of the loophole. Looking at the two people standing there, she just said a sentence, and suddenly felt the overwhelming energy pouring in, turning into a lotus-colored silk net, covering her whole body firmly, and then banging, breaking into stars and disappearing into the air.

Ao Xuexiu frowned slightly: "Aolan, is it really used to show off your soul?"

Hearing Ao Xue call out the name of the crystal she used, Ao Lan spit out her pink tongue, grabbed her hand and took her hand, and said coquettishly, "Do you miss your sister? Was it fun just now?"

Di Ao's eyes flowed, and the corners of his mouth only raised a curvature. In an instant, the amorous feelings were like the melting snow in spring, and the whole purple moon space became bright, which stunned Zhou Yi.

"Is this still the ice sister I usually know? Although this is not a smile, this... this is so beautiful..."

Just when Zhou Yi's saliva was about to drip down, the change suddenly appeared.

Ao Lan half leaned in Ao Xue's arms and grabbed her arm with her right hand, but her left hand waved lightningly and pressed it on her forehead. Zhou Yi only had time to see a pink glow, and suddenly felt a hot airflow from the depths of his soul, and then lost consciousness.

At the moment when she fainted, Zhou Yi was puzzled: It was Sister Bing who attacked the little girl. Why was it me who fell down?

Within his not allowing him to think about it, Zhou Yi opened his eyes in another scene.

This is a crystal transparent world. There is no separation between the top and the bottom, the sky and the earth. The wisps of blue fog are just the embellishment of this fairyland. Peach blossoms or budding or blooming with different postures are all beautiful. Some of them fall like light rain, and some six or seven petals are hugged together. , quietly suspended in front of him, touched it gently with his fingers, and immediately dispersed, leaving only an ambiguous fragrance, stirred with the most fragile nerves in Zhou Yi's heart. Peach blossoms, in his sense, have already become graceful beauties. They are charming. Their tenderness is like water, and their provocative eyes turn into the ocean, almost drowning him.

An unprecedented desire surged from the bottom of Zhou Yi's heart. How long has it been since he crossed to this continent that he hasn't been close to a woman? Zhou Yi can't help but think of the scenes he has experienced. Those modern girls who have been related to him are now far away like dreams. In the Midsummer Empire, he only had contact with Yuewei and Xiuer sisters, but only had contact, and there was no deeper "communication"...

Zhou Yi walked and thought together. He didn't realize that under the influence of "Peach Blossom Lily", what he thought now was actually about men and women...

The bright flowers separated in front of Zhou Yi's relaxed and leisurely footsteps, forming a path of green fog and fragrance synthesis, leading directly to the unknown mysterious place.

I don't know how long it has been. Zhou Yi's lust has filled his heart, and his heart is full of yearning for the beautiful body, but it is just a strong energy foundation that makes him keep a little emptiness of the spiritual platform. At this time, he knew that he was trapped in a magic circle, but he couldn't see where the blindfold door of this magic array was. Of course, he couldn't break out of the array.

However, when he saw the scene in front of him, the persistence of his soul suddenly collapsed, like a boat swaying in the wind and waves, and finally could not withstand waves of collisions, drowning in the boundless sea of desire...

What did he see?

A lily with a diameter of three meters bloomed slowly, spreading her petals with shame, revealing the delicate buds inside.

And her bud is actually a graceful woman. Her high nose is small and round, her delicate neck is carved like white jade, ice skin and snow skin, autumn water is god, crystal jade is bone, and her body is only covered with a light veil, revealing the graceful curves of breasts and buttocks, and two bright red cheeks, showing her fan Chaos and shyness.

"Ah?" Zhou Yi's eyes have been sliding from his delicate ankles to her face. When his slightly red eyes saw his face clearly, he couldn't help taking a cold breath and retreat a few steps.

"Bing... Sister Bing?" Zhou Yi rubbed his eyes and looked carefully. Yes, there was no doubt that it was Ao Xue.

However, with her ability, how could she fall into the formation and dress like this?

Impossible, impossible... Sister Bing is not like this... Zhou Yi slowly shook her head. In his mind, Ao Xue is always high, her eyes are always plain and natural, her expression is always unsmiling, and her charm is always like a snow lotus in the frost, so that there is no trace of lewdness in life. Obsulting ideas.

This shock made Zhou Yi wake up a little. He boldly walked to the edge of the petals that had been fully unfolded. Looking carefully, he saw that the flawless woman's eyes were closed, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she was still in spring sleep. She gasped between her lips and nose, and occasionally frowned beautifully, as if she had encountered some sorrow. This thing makes people feel a little pain in their hearts.

With a bang, it seemed that a cannonball exploded in his mind. The originally clear spiritual platform was chaotic, and the lust stirred in his chest swept his whole body like a tide. Zhou Yi's eyes were strange pink, and even his consciousness was blurred. Sister Bing's beautiful appearance, together with the little bits and pieces of her, The secret feelings for the beautiful sister and master in his heart became particularly clear, which made him unable to stop his heartbeat and slowly stretched out his hand.

Zhou Yi's hand slowly stroked her bright cheeks that darken the whole world, as if recalling the whole life after crossing.

She is the third alien woman she knows except Yuewei and Xiuer. If Yue Wei and Xiuer may still need his care, Ao Xue has become a turning point in his life, bringing him perseverance and strength as a master. Zhou Yi looked at her silently with gratitude and love - this jade and ice fairy finally came to the world.

A feeling of warmth that had never been seen before filled his heart, fused with the burning flames, making him unable to help but put his hands on Ao Xue's shoulders and hold her in his arms.

Her body is no longer cold, warm, and even a little hot, which makes Zhou Yi's heart hotter and makes her tighter. With a bang, the sleeping beauty actually woke up and opened her beautiful eyes as charming as stars.

"Sister Bing..." Under the accumulation of power, although Zhou Yi was passionate, his hand was still slightly loosened.

"Why are you here?" Aoxue's eyes condensed slightly. As soon as the majesty of the past burst out, a spinning peach blossom appeared on her bright forehead. Her eyes immediately looked around and then sighed, "It turned out that it was in a dream again..."

Ao Xue's eyes withdrew and froze on Zhou Yi's handsome face. Her expression was in a trance. Her cherry lips were gently squeezed, and her eyes spread, as if they were angry, angry and happy. In this way, she patrolled on Zhou Yi's face. After a while, he gently opened his red lips and sighed faintly: "It's been thousands of years..." The voice actually carried a trace of lazy and charming breath.

With this gentle sigh of loneliness, Zhou Yi's heart suddenly made waves rise again and drowned his mind. His arms suddenly tightened Ao Xue, and a big mouth contained Ao Xue's little sandalwood *.

The scorching blood breath swarmed, and the feeling of being held in her arms was so full. Thousands of years of loneliness melted like warm sun and snow in an instant. The instant's pleasure made her exposed to a large area of soft and smooth white skin in the air and trembled layer by layer.

The once cold and arrogant ice and snow beauty is now in a delicate and soft posture in her arms. Why doesn't Zhou Yi's heart beat wildly and his mood flutter?

Taking advantage of the blood and love in his chest to drown his fear, Zhou Yi forcibly pried open his proud white jade scallop-like teeth with the tip of his tongue, and enthusiastically tasted the smooth * tender tongue like Ao Xue clove. The fragrance of ice and snow further drowned his reason.

Di Aoxue fell into Zhou Yi's arms and felt that this person's chest was wide and hot, and the thousand-year-old ice in his heart was melting little by little. And her mind was also confused and clear.

Have you never felt this way? How could I have such a ** dream? Impossible, impossible - although this boy is much more interesting than those dragon descendants in the past, how can I have a good impression on him? He is just one of the disciples I have taught. What I miss day and night is Ao Lan. It should never be him, not him!

Aoxue shouted in her heart, but a picture of Zhou Yi learning and practicing flashed in her mind: a tight and handsome face, a focused look, but in the blink of an eye, it was replaced by a bad smile at the corners of her mouth, an unobstructed smile, and even an admiring look at her towering chest and upturned buttocks from time to time... These scenes made her unable to stop her inner heat...

"That's it... It's just a dream, just a dream... Besides, it's such a happy dream..."

Ao Xue's closed heart defense finally opened from a shallow gap--

(Bean sprouts are writing very carefully. I hope everyone can click more to comment, and more importantly, collect more, thank you!)