xing yu universe

Chapter 51 Dark Room Blood War

(Looking at the collection, I was speechless... Collect more clicks, code words to add vitality! :-D)

"Good horse, good horse! Ke, your transformation ability is also very strong. These two corners are too ugly!" Patting Ke's head, the little girl smiled so much that she couldn't close her mouth.

"The world is unpredictable! Don't hit me on the head..." Ke lowered his head and roared, swinging his head vigorously to express his dissatisfaction.

"Lan'er, you surprised me again today." Zhou Yi patted Aolan's little brain, "What's wrong with your 'shocking elixir light hammer'?"

"My baby!" Xiaolong Nizi proudly patted the rose scepter, "This is the treasure scepter left to me by my mother. There are many elixirs and crystals sealed in it, but my cultivation is very low, and my selection is not accurate enough. I can only find it from the suitable one, and I often have to find it for a long time. When my brother disappeared, he was afraid that I would be bullied, so he gave me this scepter. It's been many years now, woo... I miss my mother and brother..."

"Good boy, don't cry, don't cry..." Zhou Yixin softened, jumped on the horseback and gently hugged Ao Lan's shoulder, "Good sister, the eldest brother will also love you like the Dragon Emperor."


Ao Lan looked at Zhou Yi with a smile and gave him an extremely bright smile, "Brother, why do you think Lin Pingzhi killed you?"


Zhou Yi was a little speechless. This little girl's thinking jumped too strongly. Zhou Yi thought about it and said, "Lin Ping's Pike came to kill me for nothing more than two reasons. Either you want that batch of materials or have an affair with the Japanese and Sang people. In the final analysis, there is something wrong with this guy, and it's not a small problem!"

At this time, the secret room of Qingyang Military Port. Lin Pingzhi sat in front of the table and knocked on the armrest of Huanghuali Taishi's chair with his right hand. He seemed to be as calm as water, but in fact, his heart was undulating and anxious. He has heard the movement of Qingyang City, but he doesn't know whether the black dragon beast can do it.

"There is no need for greed. Tomorrow, the Qibao Linglong Tower will be sent away first. If the ore can't be transported away, forget it. This Mo Youqi, the court sent her. It seems that the status of the princess in charge of the court is not stable, but it is beneficial to our country. However, this woman is beautiful, yes, and Zhou Yi's sister, if you catch both of them..."

Lin Ping's eyes flashed with a ** evil smile on the corners of his mouth.

"Why did it take so long?" Qingyang Port is not close to Qingyang Mountain, and he can't hear the movement in the mountain. After a long time, he is a little uneasy.

"No matter how high Zhou Yi's cultivation talent is, he can't be the opponent of the dragon beast. I'm still a little nervous."

Lin Pingzhi smiled self-deprecatingly, and a burst of fatigue hit him, so he fell asleep on the chair.

Suddenly, a burst of panic surged into his heart, and he suddenly opened his eyes.

Squeak - With the sour tearing sound, the wall of the secret room reinforced with bow steel was actually torn open, and the huge figure of the dragon beast squeezed out of the mouth.

Ah? What's the matter?" Lin Pingzhi jumped up in shock.

In the secret room, he is not guarded, and the surrounding organs are dense. If there are assassins, they will turn into a sieve in an instant. More importantly, he himself is a master of the refining period, but he is well hidden.

Rumble - Squeaky! Wheops!

Ke's violent breaking of the wall actually triggered all the organs in Lin Ping's secret room, and the house was immediately full of dense poisonous smoke, flames and scattered sharp arrows.

"Ah!" No matter how calm Lin Pingzhi was, he jumped up in horror. The green light formed four thick wooden shields, blocking all the poisonous smoke and sharp arrows that attacked him. Fortunately, he reacted fast enough, otherwise, he would be bombarded by his own organs. Even so, it was shaken by a surge of qi and blood, and it took a long time to recover.

"Did you get it?"

Lin Ping's anger swallowed it again and said in surprise.

Ke looked down at Lin Pingzhi and shook his head: "I'm sorry, no. However, I brought you two old friends!"

"Friend, what kind of friend?" Lin Ping's heart suddenly sank.

"Hello, Lord Lin!"

A lavender light, Zhou Yi has arrived in front of Lin Ping.

"Zhou...President Zhou..." Lin Pingzhi opened his mouth wide and was only stunned for a while. The corners of his mouth began to turn up and turned into a smile. "Why did Chairman Zhou come here in the middle of the night? The lower official is guilty of being far away.

"Good to say, good to say. I came here to thank Lord Lin. Thanks to Lord Lin's 'Hundred Call Tripod', I have such a good mount!"

As soon as Zhou Yi's word "riding" landed, Lin Pingzhi's face immediately changed. His reaction was not slow. At a good look, his figure immediately flashed strangely, and then disappeared. The next moment, he held a long knife in his hand and appeared on Zhou Yi's side.

"Bastard! Go to hell!"


The dragon tooth sword strangely drilled out from Zhou Yi's ribs in the simplest way, blocking Lin Pingzhi's long knife. At the same time, Ke's diamond-shaped long tail "popped" over and flew Lin Pingzhi, and a mouthful of blood spewed out in mid-air. Fortunately, there was Chenguang armor to protect his body, otherwise, he would have broken his bones and tendons.

"In the early days of refining gods?" Zhou Yi and Lin Pingzhi made a counterattack, and the energy fluctuation came, and the stone ground under his feet cracked. He couldn't help but be shocked.

"I have to admire that Lin Pingzhi seems to be incompetent, but his judgment is accurate, his actions are decisive, and his skills are good! However, my actual ability has reached the peak of the ordinary Chen practitioners, and coupled with the restraint in the middle of the refining of the gods, how can he escape?

Zhou Yi is still too careless. After this battle, he deeply understood that the division of practice, refining gods and aiding Taoism only shows the realm of energy, which is not necessarily related to the means of killing and the test.

With a soft sound, a more strange scene appeared, and Lin Ping's figure in mid-air actually dissipated like clouds.

"Huh, do you play ninjutsu? The spark appears!"

Zhou Yi's whole body was shocked and suddenly burst into hundreds of millions of Mars, filling every part of the secret room.

"Brother, there!"

I saw a humanoid spark less than a meter in size, clinging to the wall and his head kept spinning.

Without waiting for Zhou Yi to take action, the double-angle arc flashed and clicked, and a huge fireball flew over.

"I'll kill you! The world is unpredictable--

It hates Lin Pingzhi more than Zhou Yi and Di Aolan. Without this obscene guy, he would not have come here at all, let alone be captured. Now we can only treat people as cows and horses. Although we can escape, who makes ourselves a principled and responsible dragon beast?

squeak! Squeak! The little man was hit by a thunderball and twitched all over his body. He fell from the high wall and turned into broken jade on the ground.

"It's a jade puppet! It's a jade puppet! Brother, be careful!"

Di Aolan just reminded that he suddenly felt a chill in his spine, his hair stood up, and the sharp sound of sharp metal scratching came in an instant. The air suddenly showed the appearance of a long knife.


"Lan'er!" Zhou Yi's face turned pale with fear. Xiao Aolan and his temperament were similar and extremely cute. He was afraid of falling on his head and melted in his mouth. Unexpectedly, this momentary careless put her in danger.

"Brother!" Although the little girl is eccentric and has many magic weapons, it is also about the energy level in the middle of the air. Except for the instinct of the dragon clan, there is nothing else. Locked by the air machine of the master of the refining period, it was immediately difficult to move around. It was too late to get the baby, so I could only watch the long knife stab the chest and abdomen.

Ah - Zhou Yi roared and rushed over regardless of his body. His whole body burned with flames, and he squeezed in from the envelope of Lin Ping's energy and stood in front of Ao Lan.

confronting him head-on, Zhou Yi found that Lin Pingzhi was in the middle of refining gods, not the beginning of his own detection! The restraint of Risang ninjutsu to the breath is so exquisite!

Poo! The long blade pointed through the skin and deeply penetrated his abdomen, and a thin black needle penetrated and swam from his meridians, fiercely attacking his soul fibers.

Zhou Yi's face was unbelievable: "Why? Why didn't Tuanlong stop it? Why didn't Ziyuexin fight back? Is this..."

"Haha! You really have the courage to use your body to resist the ninth-order weapon of my soul attack!"

Soul attack! Ninth-order weapon! Tuanlong is a sharp defensive weapon against energy attacks, but it has no defensive effect on soul attacks, and the same is true of Ziyuexin.

At this moment, Zhou Yi felt boundless regret and regretted that he regarded himself too high!

However, looking at Lin Ping's proud face and Ao Lan's evil eyes, Zhou Yi felt deep regret, shock and fury: No, I can't die! Kill him to death! Never let his sister fall into his hands!

Zhou Yi bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed a few mouthfuls of blood to clear his mind. He stretched out his hands like lightning, firmly grabbed Lin Pingzhi's neck, and output energy crazily.

"Go to hell, go to hell!"

Lin Pingzhi held the knife and stabbed Zhou Yi fiercely twice. He saw that the long knife had turned into a dense black fog condensed needle. It was these souls who attacked the needles, pierced the defense of the dragon and directly penetrated his abdomen.

At this time, Zhou Yi's hands also fell deeply into Lin Pingzhi's neck. The purple light came out of Lin Pingzhi's eyes, mouth, nostrils and ears, with a roar, blood foam and burst into pieces.

"I want you to die! I want you to die!"

Zhou Yi's voice became hoarse, and his whole body seemed to be trapped in the ice cellar. His teeth could not help fighting. The energy crystals were completely wrapped in black fog, and the soul fibers were straightened and broken one after another.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The whole world was still, and the sound of soul breaking, like a heavy hammer, hit his heart, making him feel tired. He knew that the fatigue of this soul was actually the call of death, and he tried his best to fight against this feeling.


"I'm sorry, Lan'er..."

Zhou Yi finally looked at Ao Lan, who was full of tears and grief, and fell back heavily.