xing yu universe

Chapter 55 Repair the Soul

"Yes, yes..." Zhou Yi said, but there was a layer of sweat on his body. His heart said it was a fart. What kind of logic?

"Brother, are you awake? Ah..."

It was the soul of Xiaolong Nizi, but she immediately found the embarrassing situation of the four people and couldn't help screaming.

"Ah, Sister Aoxue, why don't we wear clothes..."

" shut up! If I don't do this, your baby brother will die!" For Aolan, Di Aoxue really can't hate it, and his tone is relatively gentle.

After calming down, Aoxue said, "Close your eyes and don't have any soul fluctuations. Now it's an interval, and half an hour later, I have to have my third soul repair. After the third repair, we can put on our clothes.

"soul repair?"

"Yes. Your brother's soul is full of holes and must be repaired to survive. His soul was originally based on human beings, and he was transformed into a dragon clan. Therefore, you must have the human soul as a material, and use your dragon soul as a base material. I let you die for a short time to further materialize your soul.

Repair the soul like a device? Change your life another day, that's God's ability! Zhou Yi took a breath and further deepened his understanding of Ao Xue. However, he immediately smiled bitterly. She refused to mention her name and always replaced it with "your brother" or "little thief".

"Oh, so my sister lied to us and wasted our feelings!"

Di Aoxue snorted softly and didn't say anything, and then continued to explain, "The element in my body... can be analyzed. Therefore, my soul is the main material.

Hearing this, Zhou Yi couldn't help but be very grateful: "Sister Bing, thank you so much."

"You don't have to thank me. In the future, I will kill you with my own hands. By the way, the Soul Xi given to you by Aolan is very useful. You should carefully follow the above practice. This is very helpful for strong souls.

Is this killing or not... Women's heart, undersea needle... Zhou Yi no longer dares to answer.

"Well, in the third stage, don't think about anything, relax and hold back the pain."

The purple petals in the center of Di Aoxue's eyebrows trembled twice, and the beam of light decorated with four people immediately shone. Xiuer and Di Aolan's bodies trembled repeatedly. Zhou Yi felt that a heart seemed to be eaten by thousands of ants, painful and itchy, but unable to scratch. He opened his mouth and shouted, but could not make a sound.

This kind of suffering lasted for about two hours, but Zhou Yi felt that for a year, he heard Di Aoxue's voice in his ear: "Aolan, Xiuer, you go ashore and put on clothes with me, let your brother slowly exercise your muscles, collect spiritual knowledge in your mind, and slowly refine the energy in your body according to the monthly mind cultivation method."

"Your brother" heard this and hurriedly condensed spiritual knowledge into his mind, and his soul immediately shocked and almost fainted. The energy crystals in the body rotated extremely slowly, and the two rounds of purple moon trembled and almost stopped. A strange colorful girl is slowly flying around the energy crystal. Every time she flies, a colored light band is analyzed from her body and slowly integrates into the energy crystal, and her body becomes more and more transparent and illusory.

Gradually, Zhou Yi found that his energy crystals were round, and slender soul fibers stretched out from the energy crystals and merged into the control of the four-body meridians.

"The soul in my body can be analyzed. Therefore, my soul is the main material.

Thinking of Sister Bing's words, Zhou Yi understood that this was part of the soul she analyzed! Oh, my God, how can you put your soul out like energy! So how strong should her soul be? If it's not God, there will be no reason!

Pressing the surprised mind, Zhou Yi brought all his spiritual knowledge back to his mind and tried to stabilize the energy fluctuation of the crystal. With the help of the body, the work of the colorful girl became obviously faster. With the continuous fusion of the seven-color light bands, the slender soul fiber suddenly trembled, from one to two, two to four... The result of geometric fission is the surroundings of the energy crystal, which are densely full of soul fibers, deeply planted. Enter the meridians leading to the whole body.

"Remember that the head and mind of the Yuexiu mythical beast is the source of energy and soul, which is more important than the heart of the source of blood! Ordinary Chen practitioners protect the Purple House, and we should focus on protecting the head and brain..."

While meditating on Sister Bing's words, Zhou Yi's muscles trembled and flew rapidly in the hot spring. From the outside, the spring next to Zhou Yi formed a fast-rotating whirlpool, with starlight on the whirlpool. If you feel it carefully, you can find that the strong power on the purple moon is like a surging wind, constantly pouring in from Zhou Yi's four bodies and repeatedly refined.

Spiritual knowledge is the external embodiment of the soul; spirit is the inner foundation of the soul. If the soul is strong enough, the spiritual knowledge can not only be explored, but also simulated, and even used to attack.

At this time, Zhou Yi found that his soul was ten times thicker than before. Those ever-changing soul fibers were slowly gathering together to form a long belt. The seven-color light flashed on the surface and looked extremely beautiful.

At this time, two beautiful women sat there in front of the stone table on the shore, but their bodies moved around uneasily, looking nervously at Zhou Yi in the hot spring.

"How is it? How is it?" Xiuer's face was also a little pale, and she asked Aolan anxiously.

Aolan nodded and said weakly, "There should be no problem. My brother may be blessed by misfortune."


"Didn't you see that Sister Aoxue walked and her legs were shaking? I have never seen her like this for so many years. According to my calculation, her skills have been at least 90% depleted!"

"What, 90%?" Xiuer was surprised.

"Sister, this is repairing the soul! Sister Aoxue's soul and energy are melted together. She not only used her soul as the main material to repair her brother, but also burned her soul to provide energy.

"This..." Xiuer's eyes widened and muttered, "How can the eldest brother give it back to her with such a great kindness?"

"What else? Family, you don't have to pay it back! I told you, Sister Aoxue looked cold, but her heart was good!"

The two were talking when they suddenly felt a panic, and then heard a cold female voice: "I'm not as good as you think!" Your brother, I will kill him sooner or later!"

"Sister Aoxue? What's going on? How can I still hear your soul?

"Of course, you will obey me all your life. Because in the treatment, I had to use the soul brand. In other words, you are already my slaves.

"What!" Aolan suddenly jumped up. Although she respected Sister Aoxue, her soul was controlled, which no one wanted.

"Well, I want to get benefits, but I don't want to pay. Is there such a good thing in the world?"

"What about my brother?" Aolan quickly calmed down. After all, Sister Ao Xue saved Zhou Yi's life.

"Well, take advantage of him! I repaired it equally with his soul without a mark. However, he has two closest people as collateral..."

Hearing this, Ao Lan felt cold on her back: "Sister, you won't let us accompany you and go to the forgotten city again, will you?"

Aoxue "hummed" as an answer.

At this time, Zhou Yi also slowly opened his eyes. In his mind, his energy crescent moon has run smoothly. The soul little girl left by Di Aoxue is slowly melting into the energy crystal, making him feel that his soul is getting stronger little by little. This kind of strength is not an increase in quantity on the original basis, but a qualitative leap. In the past, the soul could only combine with energy to form a spiritual search range of dozens of meters. Now, his spiritual knowledge has been able to conduct a large-scale search, and most importantly, he has a strong foundation for further cultivation and progress.

The spiritual knowledge was slightly shaken, and two rounds of solid purple moons came out and rotated around the body, forming a layer of delicate flowing armor. This is the purple moon heart left to him by the Dragon Emperor. With the strength of his soul, the edge of the purple moon has an additional layer of color halo, which can defend against soul attacks and carry out a certain degree of soul counterattack.

Blessed by misfortune! Zhou Yi was even more deeply grateful to Ao Xue.

"Brother, are you awake?" Xiuer stood up in surprise and saw Zhou Yi sitting firmly in the spring. Between his eyes opening and closing, there was a faint purple light, but he was quickly restrained. His whole body seemed to be shrouded in a mysterious light, giving people a shocking power. But this feeling was fleeting and immediately returned to normal.

Xiuer didn't know that this was a phenomenon of spiritual ability improvement. She only felt that her beloved had recovered and couldn't help but feel happy.

"I'm fine." Zhou Yi looked at the sleeves gently. This little girl like pepper has only made out with him, and after several years of grinding and growth, she has become so gentle and obedient, which he never thought of before.

However, his body has not reached its best, because... the long knife is still stuck in his body!

"Brother!" Xiaolong Nizi also noticed and shouted, "This...knife..."

Under the reminder of Ao Lan, Xiuer also noticed the abnormality of Zhou Yi's abdomen and couldn't help but turn pale.