xing yu universe

Chapter 59 Refining Materials

Three elements: fire control, object identification, and magic array. After practicing fire control and object identification, Zhou Yi spent another half a month. In addition to two hours of thunder practice every day, he recited and simulated the magic array recorded in the Instrumentaling Notes. He knew that he could not learn the zodiac array construction method of Shangguan Fengyun in a short period of time, so he chose two kinds of "huli surge hammer method" and "rat spirit penetration method", which belong to the attack method and defense method respectively. However, the structure of the magic array has been recorded a lot. The magic array, including the dragon tooth sword, the black moon knife and the ice moon dragon gun, also allowed him to visit for three days.

Six treasures refining: flame, tripod furnace, hammering, anvil case, quenching, refining knife.

The knife was bought by Ao Lan from Qingyang City. She didn't have it in the rose scepter left by her mother. I guess she knew that this little girl didn't learn anything and didn't need it. The fourth-order knife, called "Tianshan Xue", is an alloy of Tianwen steel and Xuefeng steel. The blade is a Taiyue drill, and then it is quenched with a layer of Tianyin. The recording effect is good and the value is also good, with a full 367 taels of gold, which makes the little girl feel distressed for a while.

quenching water is very simple. A star spring is better than countless good springs in the mainland.

The anvil case is made by Zhou Yi using "Tianshan Snow" to carve a piece of blue stone. After careful analysis with the heart of Ao Xue, it was found that this blue stone contains extremely pure earth and water dual-attribute energy nurtured by the purple moon space.

hammering, or searching for the little girl, the collection of the rose scepter of the dragon empress dowager, a pair of 25cm long hammers, made of legendary "magic grain steel" plus sky grain steel alloy, inside a reinforced array, a lightning array, and even a flying array. The hammer handle is set with eight amethysts. After the hammer handle, there is a small closed array. After opening, it is a thin chain made of the same magic grain steel, which can be used as a chain hammer.

"Good baby! At least it's a ninth-order treasure!" Zhou Yi's eyes were full of stars, and he kept staring at Aolan's rose scepter. "How many such treasures are there in it?"

"Cut, thunder and lightning are only the ninth level? When did my collection reach the ninth level? Aolan pouted and said, "I can't give it to you! You have searched a lot! When my mother gave me the rose scepter, she said that I have been weak since I was a child and not suitable for cultivation, and I must warm up with energy. These babies are stored in the rose scepter to warm up. If I give them all to my brother, my little flower will wither!"

"stingy!" Xiuer finally grabbed the handle and gave Aolan a white look. Zhou Yi also thought that the little girl covered him and stared at her with a smile.

"Hmm, if you don't believe it, pull it down." Aolan also didn't believe these words. After all, after rebirth, she slept in Dragon Ball at night and did not feel weak.

Zhou Yi cherished the "double flare of thunder and lightning" and decided to use it to test objects in the next ten days. The tripod furnace he used was also bought from Qingyang City. The raw materials are refractory obsidian, ink waste charcoal, sky silver quenching and a small amount of red crystal powder. It looks very ordinary, about the size of a palm, and is inlaid with eight egg-sized emerald crystals. The surface of the crystal is as smooth as a mirror. Obviously, after special treatment, it can provide You can also see the scene inside.

According to the grade, green crystal is the lowest, followed by erythrite, amethyst and black crystal. Then there is the crystal diamond. Because he was going to participate in the competition, Zhou Yi did not want to be too flamboyant, so he specially instructed the little girl to buy knives and tripod furnaces below the fourth level. The little girl was very neat to follow her brother's instructions, so she bought a fourth-order tripod stove, which was worth 2503 taels of gold.

The standard for the classification of the tripod furnace, in addition to the material of the mirror crystal, is the amount of space inside. The more space there is, the more materials can be fired alone, and the better the burning effect. Like Zhou Yi's tripod, although it has a resounding name of "Black Jade King", there are only eight spaces that can accommodate eight materials to be fired at the same time.

More than 600 taels of gold were spent, equivalent to more than 60,000 taels of silver, and almost spent all Zhou Yi's money from robbing Lin Pingzhi. From this, we can also see how precious the crystal mine should be, and how much money the refining and Chenxiu are.

After familiarizing himself with fire control, object identification and array, Zhou Yi practiced with the materials in the Rongjie in the next few days, day and night until the bottom. Then he rubbed his swollen eyebrows, soaked in the warm spring, and secretly believed that his refining level should reach the level of a third-order refiner. If you want to make progress again, you can't learn by yourself, and you must compete with the master. Thinking of this, he was more excited about the upcoming refining conference. However, he must not fight an uncertain battle. Tomorrow is October 23. He must leave a few days in advance to prepare for the worst. If he can't get the ranking, he can only grab it!

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath and tried his best to calm himself down, but his fist clenched tightly.

"Brother, how's it going? Have you made any progress?" Ao Lan ran away from nowhere, and her hair was still stained with a hairy blade of grass.

Wan! With the sound of water, Zhou Yi came to the shore, instantly steamed the water, put on a group of dragons, and spoiled her hair. He smiled and said, "Where's the honeybee dragon crystal diamond? I'll help you make a pair of armor and embed it.

"Really?" After the birth, there were not many fatal dangers encountered, so it was always a simple dress. When Zhou Yi heard that she was going to build armor for her, her eyes immediately lit up, which also reminded her of something. "Brother, there are several pairs of dragon treasure armor in this scepter, but my cultivation is too low, and the spirit is basically simulated energy. It can't be refined at all.

"I'll help you refine it and then inlay the crystal diamond on it." Looking back at Xiuer's envious eyes, Zhou Yi smiled and said, "Shou'er, don't worry, there is yours. Now, I'm full of confidence and want to refine more weapons and equipment. What do you want?

"Really?" Xiuer immediately became happy, "Brother, I don't want anything else, just a pair of easy-to-use daggers!"

Xiuer's cultivation of "Hengyu Nine Swords" is different from the preference of ordinary female Chen practitioners for long-range attacks, but uses two daggers to take a close attack. Zhou Yi has also tried with her and knows that her sword moves are fast, sharp and vicious. If you don't use energy, you will have to win 100 moves.

"No problem!"

said, looking at Ao Lan, "Sister, your armor is high. I'll build it for Xiuer first. Don't hide back. What's the good treasure in the scepter? Contribute a little more.

"Huh, who is hiding!" Aolan pouted, "I'm very generous! Only what you can't say, nothing I can't take!"

"That's good!" Zhou Yi pondered for a moment, "I want 20 more black diamonds like magic grain steel, Tianjin quenching, ninth-order thunder eagle bone, thousands of grass poisonous vines, cloud bone pollen."

"You grab the money!" Aolan held the rose scepter in her arms. "You can look for such a black diamond in the Zhongxia mainland, and I want more than 3 if you can find it! Magic grain steel and Tianjin quenching will each give you half a catty, and thousands of grass poisonous vines and thunderbird bones will give you two taels.

"What else is the material that increases flexibility?"

"Hmm..." Xiao Long Nizi's eyes turned, "There is! Unspoked fish bones!"

"The undercurrent fish bone? What kind of undercurrent fish bone?

"Don't you know?" Xiaolong Nizi said proudly, "There is a deep trench under the ocean in the southern part of the mainland. There are dark currents everywhere at the bottom of the trench. There is a big fish in it. The fish is tough, fragrant and delicious!"

Ao Lan showed a look of aftertaste: "It's just that it's too dangerous, and later my brother won't let me go. The fish bones of this undercurrent fish are very fragrant, but they can't bite and can't be folded! In order to commemorate that trip, I left the fish bones. Look at it!"


A huge pure white fish bone hit Zhou Yi's feet, 10 meters long and 3 meters wide. The bones are crystal clear as jade, covered with rows of tooth marks.

"This greedy little girl!"

"What are you looking at? It's just delicious..." Xiaolong Nizi hummed.

"Good material!" Zhou Yi gushed out of his spiritual knowledge and explored the internal structure of the fish bone according to Shangguan's mental method. "It's almost the combination of arch steel and light Luo steel, and the conductivity of Chenli is also very good! Well, the plasticity and strength are worse than that of magic steel. It should be okay to add some pine grass juice.

"Okay, that's it!" Zhou Yi smiled and said, "Good sister, thank you!"

"Hmm!" Ao Lan glanced at Zhou Yi and didn't appreciate it at all.

"Okay, the refining begins!"

Magic grain steel, sky grain steel, bow steel, light Luo steel, undercurrent fish bone, five main materials arranged in the first column, thunderbird bone, thousand grass poisonous vine, red pine grass, Tianjin quench, four auxiliary materials in the second column, neatly placed on the bluestone anvil case.

Then Zhou Yiru entered the old monk, his eyes were flat, his beautiful face was not wave, and his soul gradually approached these materials to communicate and analyze. This moment lasted for half an hour.

Generally speaking, refiners are already very familiar with the characteristics of materials, especially the few good steels, just a few, and the forging process is much the same. Therefore, most refiners, after a few minutes of preliminary consideration, immediately need to control the hot tripod, first fuse and refine the steel with high heat, and then crush the auxiliary materials with another temperature.

Because the temperature required for steel is higher and the temperature required for auxiliary materials is lower. Therefore, to become a refiner, you must master at least two fire control methods. Because the materials vary greatly, the more temperature is controlled at the same time, the higher the corresponding level. After firing and fusion, it needs to be tempered with a cutting board, then quenched, ground, refined, and finally formed.

However, Zhou Yi's situation is a little different. The first difference is that the spiritual bead fire he mastered is one of the five divine fires. It has its own intelligent fire energy body, and the temperature is ever-changing. Now Zhou Yi must use it through spiritual determination. Once he reaches the holy level and merges with the spiritual pearl fire, that is, his own energy and control will be more arbitrary. The second difference is that his unique proud heart, some small and imperceptible functions can also be stimulated by it. And it can be invisible without fire and debris.

Just as Aolan's body twisted around and was about to sit still, Zhou Yi suddenly moved.


He slapped the spring, and a warm spring gushed out and was circled by his spiritual formula. The "Black Jade King" immediately flew out of the realm and was held by the spring in midair, with the ripples of water.

At the same time, he waved his robe sleeves, and the lavender fog suddenly covered all the materials on the anvil, and then involved them in the furnace.