xing yu universe

Chapter 62 The Secret Letter of the Fourth Prince

"Ouch!" Zhou Yi was still meditating, and Ke, who had been practicing not far away, suddenly shouted, which scared him to wake up. Aolan and Xiuer turned around at the same time and shouted in unison: "Sit!"

Ke was so scared that he shrank his neck, scanned his eyes with resentful eyes and said, "The world is unpredictable! Boss, I forgot one thing!" With that, he spit out a letter from his mouth, "This is what I found in Lin Pingzhi's secret room. At that time, my aunt was angry, so I had to put it away."

High-level Warcraft generally has its own space capsules, most of which are in the mouth.

"Why didn't you say it earlier? Bring it quickly!"

Zhou Yi took the letter and opened it. He couldn't help but be surprised and his eyebrows were deeply locked.

"What did you say in the letter?" Little Dragon said impatiently.

"Hmm!" Zhou Yi's eyes spewed a cold light, "This Lin Pingzhi is actually the eldest son of the Risang Zigong family, Zigong Pingzhi! And that demon knife is the treasure handed down from the palace family.

"The eldest son, is that the future patriarch? Why did you send an undercover agent?"

The first is for exercise, and the second is for Qingyang City. The Zigong family is the power faction of the Risang navy, and its strength on land is not weak. The fourth prince wants to win the throne and wants to use the power of the Zigong family. The whole Qingyang City is the benefit he promised! And Lin Pingzhi, no, from Gong Pingzhi's official position, is also guaranteed by him!"

"What is this?" Xiaolong Nizi was stunned, "Although Risang is close to Zhongxia, it will take two days to walk on the sea. What's the use of a Qingyang city?"

Zhou Yi sneered, "The city promised by the fourth prince is not only Qingyang. According to the meaning of the letter, Risang's famous families all have a share, and they are concentrated in the coastal area. I really wonder whether these four princes are from Zhongxia or Risang? Moreover, he has explained to Zigong Pingzhi that this new weapon refining conference is a good opportunity to start. Does he mean to remove the emperor?

"Ah--" Before he finished speaking, Xiuer screamed, and his little face turned pale. Zhou Yi was caught off guard and trembled.

Looking at everyone looking at her strangely, Xiuer understood and smiled: "I'm a little worried about Sister Nalan, so..."

"Sister Nalan?" Zhou Yi was stunned, "Who is she? What does it have to do with the fourth prince? Oh, is it... Yue Wei's close friend"

Xiuer nodded: "Yes, brother, there are many powerful people in the imperial capital, and the relationship is complicated. Sister Nalan is Yuewei's close friend - Nalan Lingqi. She is the eldest daughter of Emperor Lieyang, and now she is the princess of the country.

"Princess of Supervision?" Zhou Yiyi was shocked. Yue Wei's best secret was really good. Thinking about it carefully, he said strangely, "How did Emperor Lieyang let his eldest daughter supervise the country?"

"Although Emperor Lieyang is just over 60 years old, he is weak and ill, weak in energy, and has no son, only two daughters." The sleeve said.

Zhou Yi nodded. No wonder the four princes were coveted. Emperor Lieyang had no children, which seemed to be the biggest cause.

"Does Emperor Lieyang have the intention of passing on his daughter? I'm afraid this will arouse the opposition of the court ministers, right?

"Many people are dissatisfied with Sister Nalan as the princess of the country! The Shangguan family also had some power, but because they supported Sister Nalan, they were framed by the Gu family, the Yehe family and the Huang family, and came to a failed family and the mainstream of the family. Although Sister Nalan is always in charge of the government, there are too many constraints, and Ye He's family is also her mother, so she can only keep Yuewei and me from being treated as official prostitutes..." Thinking of the sad past, Xiuer couldn't help crying. Ao Lan listened and raised her eyebrows.

"Sister Xiuer, I didn't expect you to have such an experience! Brother, we can't stand by and save Yuewei's sister and your future father-in-law and mother-in-law!"

Zhou Yixin said that no one knew this, but he was at a loss. He looked at the letter carefully and found that the handwriting was blurred. He knew that it was written in a special ink. As soon as the date was long, the handwriting would disappear. He hurriedly configured a trace glue to fix the handwriting.

Although the trace glue is not difficult, it also needs the level of a third-order refiner to achieve it. The fourth prince is still more cautious.

Zhou Yi put the letter into Rongjie and said to Xiuer, "It seems that we have to leave early. Now there are only 11 days away from the refining conference. After we arrive in Dijing, we will first report the name, and then look for the whereabouts of Yuewei and act with the camera.

"Then we have to talk to Sister Aoxue." The sleeve said.

"Of course." Zhou Yi was a little embarrassed to see Aoxue, but he had no choice but to bravely take Aolan, Xiuer and Ke to the door of the "Zizhu Bieyuan" courtyard. Since the "Peach Blossom Lily" incident, Aoxue's courtyard has been banned from entering.

Zhou Yi coughed gently and was about to raise his hand and knock on the door. The courtyard door opened first with a creak, and a cold breath came towards him. Everyone couldn't help taking a few steps back and made way for a distance.

Ao Xue is still dressed in white, with her long hair hanging down her buttocks, but the paleness rose from the ends to one-third, with a pair of beautiful eyes showing deep fatigue.

Zhou Yixin felt a slight pain. Aolan had told him that Aoxue spent more than 90% of his efforts to save him. I'm afraid that the one he owes the most in the world is Sister Bing.

"Sister Ice, we..."

"You are leaving." Ao Xue's red lips opened slightly, but her voice was as lonely as a distant mountain.

"Sister Bing, thank you for saving my life again." Zhou Yi came forward and bowed deeply to Ao Xue first. Ao Xue frowned slightly and wanted to turn sideways, but hesitated for a moment.

"Sister Bing, Yuewei was forced to marry, and the matter is very urgent... When I finish the matter, I will come to Ziyue Space and accompany you for a long time..."

Ao Xue gave him a cold look: "I save your life, but I don't want Aolan to be sad. It has nothing to do with me whether you leave or stay. But let me tell you, you can go out with this rule dragon, but Aolan and Xiuer can't.

"Why, why can't you leave?" Zhou Yi was surprised.

"They have been branded by my soul and are my slaves."

"What?" Zhou Yi was stunned.

"Brother, that's what happened..." Xiao Long Nizi spoke quickly, crackled and said what happened, and then said, "Don't worry, Sister Aoxue is the best in her heart. She won't really take us as slaves!"

" can this happen?" Zhou Yi opened his mouth wide, looked at Xiuer and Aolan with guilt, and said to Ao Xue, "Sister Bing, can't this soul imprint be untied?"

"Of course." Aoxue said lightly, "However, he must be a strong man with a higher soul level than me."

"Ah?" Zhou Yi's heart was cold, but his eyes were as clear and firm as ever. "Lan'er, Xiu'er, don't worry, when my cultivation is high, I will definitely help you erase the imprint of your soul."

"But... Sister Bing, there is a priority. Now the moon is in a slight crisis, and Xiuer is familiar with the situation of the imperial capital..."

"That's impossible." Di Aoxue turned his head and didn't look at him at all.

"You..." Zhou Yi's anger rose up, but he didn't know how to vent it. He couldn't help saying, "It's unreasonable!"

As soon as this was said, Ao Xue's shoulder trembled slightly and she didn't say anything.

"Big brother!" Xiuer frowned and said, "Why are you rude to Sister Aoxue? You and Ke go. Aolan and I will accompany Sister Aoxue and won't go to Dijing!" With that, she leaned gently next to Ao Xue and said, "Sister Ao Xue is weak and needs someone to take care of her. I... won't leave!" As he said, tears were shining in his eyes.

"Brother, that's the only way!" Aolan had no choice but to stand on the other side of Ao Xue, "You have to take care of yourself!"

"All right!" Zhou Yi smiled bitterly and said to Aoxue, "Sister Bing, I was just in a hurry to speak a little anxiously. You have a large number of people. Don't care. Xiuer, Lan'er, you have to take good care of Sister Aoxue.

"Okay, you should also be careful!" Ao Lan saw Zhou Yi turn around and leave. She was not as subtle as her sleeves, and she cried as soon as her little mouth flattened.

There is a whirlpool about two meters in diameter near the middle line between Risang and Zhongxia without warning, but this is just a small wave for the vast ocean.

Wan! A black horse with two horns appeared on the sea, sitting on the horse's back, with a beautiful face and slightly tenderness, and a pair of clear eyes with a little anxiety.

Looking around, the sky is already full of stars. In addition to the sea, wind and waves, it is the warships patrolling between the two countries in the distance, and you can only faintly see the sinking shadows. Zhou Yi took a deep breath and was about to speak when a bigger whirlpool suddenly appeared on the water under his feet. He was caught off guard and muttered two words, "The world is unpredictable". His four hoofs stepped on the thunderball arc and suspended on the sea.

Zhou Yi looked down and saw a red dragon more than ten meters long faintly under the sea. The dragon's eyes were shining and flashed with a little cunning expression, but it was the body of the little girl. And on her back, wearing a purple cloak, isn't it the sleeve?

"Lan'er!" The original lonely mood suddenly warmed up, and Zhou Yiqing couldn't help smiling, "Why, Sister Bing has changed her mind?"

"Yes, Sister Aolan's tears are the best weapon." The sleeve smiled.

"It's not!" Aolan shook her head and immediately raised a wave more than three meters high. "Sister Aoxue can't be moved by my tears. She is thinking about someone!"

Thinking of Ao Xue left in the purple moon space, Zhou Yi's heart trembled gently: "No matter what the reason Sister Bing asked you, when we save Yuewei, we will live in the purple moon space and always be with her!"

"Well, brother, I finally heard you say something." Aolan laughed.

"Little girl, do you want to fight?" The fire in Zhou Yi's hand flashed, but Ao Lan was not afraid. She just drove a big wave over and poured it down on his head.

"Okay, stop it!" Of course, Zhou Yi will not be drenched by the sea, but he has something in his heart and urges, "Lan'er, come to Dragon Ball, sleeve, let's ride the same horse."

"The world is unpredictable, and I'm so miserable..." Ke Zheng complained dissatisfiedly and was stared at by the little girl, so scared that he quickly swallowed it.

"Let's go to Dijing!"

With Zhou Yi's light drink, the dragon beast, which had already refined the peak of the god, shrank slightly, and the electric arc blue light suddenly bloomed, like a bird, disappearing at the end of the vast sea of clouds.