xing yu universe

Chapter 66 Moon's Fall

Zhou Yi took over the token and bought it. It was heavy and warm. It was actually made of black ancient jade. There were only two simple seal characters "Fenment of the country" on the front and a word "Mo" on the back.

"Thank you, Sister Lingqi." Zhou Yi put the token into Rongjie and laughed, "It's getting late, so I won't leave you."

"You're welcome." Princess Nalan's eyebrows were Xuanxuan, and her beautiful face showed a little surprise. Xiuer grabbed it and said, "It's so late. Where are you going to let Sister Lingqi go? Why don't we stay together here and talk about it tomorrow?

Princess Nalan has regained her smile, her eyes are flowing, and she feels quite charming: "It's still Zhou Yi's brother's cultivation and knows that someone is already waiting for me." After saying that, he bowed slightly and came out. His touching curves and plump waist slowly sank into the night. Faintly, only a dark shadow flashed beside her, and then disappeared, like a ghost. Zhou Yi was secretly awe-inspiring. To be honest, he didn't know when the woman in the dark was lurking there, and he couldn't see what level of master she was.

"Brother, you know someone is coming!" Xiuer said, "This man is so awesome!"

"Is it awesome? You must have known this young lady a long time ago, right? Zhou Yi glanced at her.

"Ah!" Xiuer was shocked, and his little hand couldn't help pinching the corners of his clothes and whispered, "Can you see it?"

"This noble lady disguised it very well, but you can't do it. I think Xiaobai Ruaolan can also see the look, the expression, and the little hand that has nowhere to let go, right?"

"Humph, who are you talking about, who is Xiaobai?" Aolan tried to kick, "Oh, it's really tired to listen to your pretentious words! However, this woman is really a face that harms the country and the people.

"Recruit Xiaoxiuer, is she Yuewei's close friend, the one who helped you escape?"

Xiuer glanced at Zhou Yi and didn't dare to hide it. She nodded honestly: "Uh-huh!"

Zhou Yi's heartbeat and hurriedly said, "If she is the eldest daughter of the emperor and the princess of the country, then the staff general of Qingyang Port is the second princess Nalan Youqi?"

"That's right. Xiaolan doesn't know this secret. I'm afraid Lin Ya already knows it. Xiuer confessed honestly.

"Okay, Xiaoxiuer, you just told me now!" Zhou Yi pulled his hot body into his arms and tickled her impatiently.

"Don't, big brother, don't!" Xiuer's virgin body, how could she stand this? She immediately felt sore and soft that she couldn't stand it, and hurriedly told her for mercy.

"The two sisters are much different in age." After being taught two pink fists by Ao Lan, Zhou Yi stopped his restless hand and said, "This princess of prison should be married, right?"

"Princess Youqi is only 20 years old, and Sister Lingqi is 31 years old. She married when she was 18 years old.

"What does it have been married?" Zhou Yi was surprised and secretly praised that the 31-year-old man looked only 22 or 3 years old, which was still judged from Zhou Yi's experience as a humane and her amorous figure. If you only look at that calamity-level face, you will be believed when she is ten * years old.

"Sister Lingqi is actually quite pitiful. When she was 18 years old, she married Mo Xingtian's eldest son Mo Zong. Just three days after their marriage, Mo Zong was sent to the southwest to fight against the Inca Empire and died in the jungle. She kept filial piety for her husband for three years, and then returned to the palace to live in and never married again. Last year, the emperor was seriously ill and appointed her as the princess of the country and the prime minister's government, but it aroused the opposition of Prime Minister Ye Hemeng's faction.

"Oh!" Zhou Yi nodded. This is an old bridge. There is no lack of such factional struggle in any country or court.

"What should I do?" Xiuer looked bitterly, "Sister Lingqi is very smart. She doesn't believe me when she knows that I'm with you. Now that I have confessed to you, I guess she will ignore me even more.

"Yuewei will definitely talk about the two of us." Zhou Yi said, "She doesn't believe me, and naturally she won't believe you. Even if you don't want to, can you still influence her thoughts? Let's see where she is going now. Maybe there will be a surprise!"

The sleeves still had to speak, and suddenly there was a black in front of him, and then a black and white shaking picture appeared in his mind. Zhou Yi said proudly, "I didn't expect it, did you? When I was treating Princess Nalan just now, I secretly put a small bee dragon in her collar. However, there is a master protecting her. The bee dragon can't move around and can only transmit the picture through soul contact. Take a good look. Where has Princess Nalan gone?

The small bee dragon is a soul body, and there is no strong energy fluctuation, so it is not easy to find. The picture is a little blurry, but it can also be roughly distinguished.

The first thing that came into sight was the scene on the road. Although Nalan Lingqi was not a master of Chen Xiu, she was quite basic and walked quickly.

"She entered the palace!"

I only saw Nalan Lingqi go through the palace and pass through the hall. I don't know how many patrol guards have passed along the way. I saw her all crawling and kneeling. She didn't pay much attention. She just walked quickly and came to an independent quiet courtyard in the southwest corner of the palace.

"Yuewei's sister!" Nalan Lingqi shouted softly.

"Yuewei!" Zhou Yi jumped up all of a sudden.

"Wait, brother, let's see." Xiaolong Nizi grabbed her brother's hand and calmed him down.

"Sister Qier, why are you here?" It's Yuewei's voice! Her voice was still so touching, but a little more tired. Because it is the perspective of the bee dragon, the picture is composed of a small black and white piece, and her face can't be seen clearly, but her spiritual temperament after a long-term water rhyme can even penetrate the picture, making Zhou Yi feel comfortable.

"A lot of things happened today, and I have a headache." Nalan Lingqi took Yuewei's hand, and the two sisters sat by the bed together and told her what happened today, but did not mention the names of Zhou Yi and others.

"The Japanese and Sang people are so rampant!" Yue Wei said coldly, "That Chen Xiu has done a good job. For this kind of ambitious person, we must resolutely get rid of him!"

"Or Yuewei knows me!" Zhou Yi looked at Ao Lan proudly.

"Bad!" Xiaolong Nizi stretched out her tongue and said, "It's not shameful to eavesdrop on other people's boudoir."

"Well, I won't listen, Bee Dragon, come back!"

"Don't, don't!" Xiaolong Nizi punched Zhou Yi on the back, "If you don't listen, they still have to listen!"

"However, Yuewei, if we deal with it improperly, it will be detrimental to my father and the refining conference. Moreover, I have always ruled the world with benevolence and righteousness..."

listened to Yue Wei continue to say, "Benevolence and righteousness also depends on who it is. Sister Qier, have those people talked about benevolence and righteousness when they arrested you? Did the Japanese and Sang pirates talk about benevolence and righteousness when they slaughtered fishermen? The Inca Empire invaded the valley and Xuanxueyu. Did they talk about benevolence and righteousness? If it hadn't been for that war, Brother Mo wouldn't... You should persuade your Majesty not to give in!" When it comes to the sadness of Nalan Lingqi, Yuewei stopped talking.

"However, now all countries are coveted, and the court is also changing. The father has no children, and his body is getting worse and worse... Once the government and the opposition are out of control, it will be a doomed place!" Nalan Lingqi sighed and only felt that her chest was like a big stone, which was stuffy.

"Two close associates only talk about small things such as national affairs together?" Zhou Yi touched his nose and said puzzled, "Can't we talk about men? For example, do you like the wild type or the gentle type?

"Brother, pay attention to the influence of what you say. I'm an underage girl!" Xiaolong Nizi protested.

"Wen Wei's sister, do you really have to think about the cutting-edge refining conference?" Nalan Lingqi continued.

When lifting the refining conference, Yue Wei's voice trembled a little: "I don't know, and I don't want to know. If you can really save your father, no matter how much you pay, it's worth it.

Is it worth it? Don't you miss your husband?"

"Husband, husband..." Yuewei smiled miserably, "He is dead, so what if he wants to? Can I kill my master and avenge him?

"What if he is still alive and comes to Dijing to find you? Do you forgive him? Will you give up this conference?

"If he is alive..." Hearing the sound, Yuewei seemed to slowly get up, look out of the window and whispered, "At the beginning, he looked at the purple moon like me - when was the bright moon, asked the blue sky with wine, I don't know what year it is in the palace in the sky - if he is still alive, he must be watching with sleeves... It's just strange My life is so hard that I can't get him... For this refining conference, you arranged it for a long time, and finally let the Dijing forces stop secretly persecute my father, but openly and openly conduct a competition. Even if it is the last chip, Yue Wei will admit it.


Zhou Yi slowly closed his eyes, tears slowly, and his previous doubts were swept away. How can this girl who accompanies her at the most lonely time forget me? Yuewei, for you, I can be the enemy of the world, not to mention a regional refining conference!

"Don't worry, Huang Renjie followed the Bo Li Sect of Daoxuanmen's 'King Kong Sect' to practice. The refining has reached the fifth level. No new sharp weapon refiners under the age of 30, including Nalan Siming, are his opponents, and they will definitely win the first place. He is about the same age as you, and after being a general, his future is boundless. Combining with him is also a good marriage, which is better than Zhou Yi, who was abandoned by the Ximen family and has no roots.

"It's just my sister... Whether the Huang family is single with you or not, and you still have to think about it seriously..." Yue Wei whispered.

"Ye He and the Gu family are too strong, and the Huang family has long been dissatisfied. What's more, the fourth prince seems to be a leisurely cloud and a wild crane, and secretly broke his connection with Ye He. The Huang family wants to maintain their current position and can only cooperate with us.

"Well... Sister, this court fight is like a hungry tiger. If you don't pay attention, you will be eaten without bones left. You must be careful. As for me... As long as I can return my father's innocence, the rest... let it be up to fate!"

Nalan Lingqi left, but her words brought Yuewei's mood to the extreme. The lover and the maid who has been with her sister for many years died under the master; and what kind of fate do you have to face?

"This bastard princess!" After listening to Nalan Lingqi and Yue Wei's words, Zhou Yi stood up angrily, but was pulled by Xiuer, "Brother, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to save Yuewei!" Zhou Yi said angrily, "This fool was sold by his close friend and helped her count the money!" Nalan Lingqi just wants to use her to catch the Golden Stone Classic and fight against dissidents. How can she consider Yuewei's feelings?

"Brother, don't be impulsive!" Xiuer said, "In order to save the master, Yue Wei will not go with you!"

"I'm just angry with her! Has she seen her father? In this way, I blindly believe in Nalan Lingqi, a woman who is as beautiful as a flower and as a snake and scorpion!"

"Sister Nalan is not this kind of person..." Xiuer muttered in a low voice.

"Do you think she would kindly help you get out of trouble? It's just for profit, for fighting! Look at what you got in the past two years. What did she get? The throne of the princess of the country! Yuewei, a stupid girl, has to rush to Dijing to find her! No, I must get her out!"