xing yu universe

Chapter 69 Princess Chisui

"Fortunately, I saw the opportunity quickly, otherwise this palace would not be guaranteed!"

Huang Xian was afraid for a while, but without hesitation. The colorless and transparent Chen Li gathered around him, just as he was about to send a thunder blow--

buzz! With a huge noise, more than 100 strange black bees suddenly emerged. Each of these black bees was one meter long, the first half was like a bee, but the second half was as narrow as a snake, densely covered with yellow and black scales. What is particularly shocking is that the poisonous needle protruding in front of them is 20 centimeters long, covering the sky and roaring, shocking Huang Xian, and the maids and eunuchs screamed with fear.

The scene was chaotic. Huang Xian was angry. The star elixir in Zifu trembled sharply, and the pure energy swept away like a strong wind. When the bee dragon dispersed like smoke, he found that the enemy he was chasing was gone.

Look at the granite palace wall of Jiqing Palace, which is one and a half feet thick, has been penetrated by a large hole with a diameter of one foot, and the edge is as smooth as polished, just for one fish to jump in.

Huang Xian rubbed his eyes and looked carefully. Yes, it was a big smooth hole and couldn't help but be a little stunned: "Is this guy a mouse? Even if the refiner uses a knife, can't make such a round hole? After a long time, he understood and roared with a white face: "Protect the princess Chitose!"

The guards rushed up and were about to break into the door when Nalan Lingqi's touching voice came from the palace: "Uncle Huang, please take someone to retreat first. This little gentleman won't hurt me.

Huang Xian was self-cultivated, but he was depressed in the hands of a teenager. He was annoyed, depressed and worried, and said in a low voice, "Princess..."

"It doesn't matter, Uncle Huang. He is my... friend, just a little reckless. You all step back."

"Yes..." Huang Xian did not feel subordinate to the emperor and princess, but this time he was seriously negligent and felt guilty. Naturally, his tone to Nalan Lingqi was much weaker. He waved his hand, leaving several powerful bodyguards to guard the palace gate, and the rest dispersed.

"I really don't like the name Mr. Xiao. I knew that you must have guessed your identity. Zhou Yi looked up and drank a cup of tea on the red sandalwood table. He felt a refreshing aroma.

He just used the heart of Ao Xue to open the palace wall in an instant and entered Nalan Lingqi's boudoir, causing the guards to throw away the mouse and have to disperse. But the price paid is that the energy is completely exhausted and the hands and feet are sore and weak, so they have to try their best to pretend to be calm.

The words were a little difficult, but Nalan Lingqi understood as soon as she heard it.

"You..." After all, Nalan Lingqi has lived on the top for a long time. Seeing his casual words, she actually drank the remnants of tea she had drunk and stared at his clear eyes. With a slight anger, an inexplicable feeling rose in her heart.

"Brother Zhou Yi," Nalan Lingqi suppressed the feeling in her heart, looked at the big hole that was blown open in her boudoir, and smiled, "Because of yesterday's incident, the Risang people ran to the Tongluo Hall to make a scene, which shocked their father. Finally, they compensated 50,000 taels of silver and 10,000 pieces of green crystals. Today, you made such a big noise again. You have to be responsible for repairing my Jiqing Palace.

"Can those Japanese people be so valuable?" Zhou Yi curled his lips and muttered, "It's really like the Qing government", and changed the topic, showing his signature human and animal-free shy smile, "I have reached the limit of cultivation. I didn't disobey your princess's thousand-year-old courage. I just got some news and wanted to share it with my sister. Zhou Yi knew that Nalan Lingqi seemed to be enthusiastic about "Brother Zhou Yi". In fact, he was very protective of himself and simply came straight to the point and said it directly.

He comes from modern society. Naturally, he is not very particular about the etiquette of the court. It is natural to speak and joke. Nalan Lingqi was used to acting and flattery in the imperial officialdom. After putting aside those unhappiness, she felt very interesting.

Moreover, she is also puzzled that ordinary practitioners are either addicted to cultivation and hide in the world without asking about world affairs, or want to glorify their ancestors and sell them to the emperor's family. He wanted to save Yuewei so much. It was when he asked himself. How could he talk and do things so unscrupulously? If killing more than a dozen Risang people yesterday is justified, then today's breaking into the palace can be convicted of a felony.

"Yesterday, Ao Lan and I went to the Guest Hall and got a piece of news..." Zhou Yi told Mo Lingqi about the important news he heard in the Guest Hall. Of course, the bridge between Gerf and Nidava has been eliminated.

"Do the Risang people have collusion with the fourth prince? Is the Charles Empire paying attention to the weapon of the national god? Nalan Lingqi's eyes flashed and her eyebrows frowned.

"What is the weapon of the national god?" Zhou Yi asked.

"The weapon of the national god..." Nalan Lingqi pondered for a moment and said, "I also heard from Uncle Huang that the weapon of the national god is composed of a national geographical mountain and river aura, which is the luck of a country. Whoever controls the weapon of the national god of this country will control the future of this country.

"Artifacts control the future of the country? Is that okay?" Zhou Yi took a breath. Although this statement was strange, he still believed it. In a world of cultivation, anything can happen.

"We must be fast!" Nalan Lingqi sat sideways on the chair and stroked her mouth with her fingers. Her beautiful eyes sparkled brightly, and her eyebrows were sometimes wrinkled and sometimes raised, like the capable and beautiful president of Zhou Yi Company in those years, and her magnificent chest was still better...

When Zhou Yi was reverie, Nalan Lingqi's voice sounded in his ear: "Do you want to see Yuewei?"

Zhou Yixin couldn't help but beat her. He knew that this woman knew how to exchange compromise and did nothing, but nodded.

"That's the same sentence. At this time, it's better not to see each other." Nalan Lingqi said, "What's more, I don't know whether your news is true or not."

"I can go with you." Although Zhou Yi was anxious, he also knew that Yuewei was not dangerous. What's more, he is very concerned about this country.

"Okay, wait for me."

Spreading out the good Shu land roll silk, Nalan Lingqi first took a light breath, and then walked away the dragon snake, and in a blink of an eye, he gave three orders.

Zhou Yi was beside him and ignored the cold eyes of the two female bodyguards. First, she poured herself a cup of tea, and then appreciated the infinite amorous feelings of Princess Nalan's condensation and calligraphy. Especially the pair on the chest is round and plump, even if it is a complicated palace suit, it can't affect their pride. It jumps easily with the up and down swing of the jade arm, which makes people fantasize.

Seeing Zhou Yi staring at the place she shouldn't have seen, a cold and rigid female bodyguard snorted coldly and wanted to go forward, but was stopped by the petite bodyguard next to her.

It was not until Nalan Lingqi blew dry the ink and turned around with silk in her hand that Zhou Yi withdrew her eyes and continued his seemingly green smile.

"Liu Jin, the commander of the five cities, personally supervised the battle and strictly guarded the residence of the Charles Empire of the guest hall. He was only allowed to enter and leave. The reason was that a killer group specifically targeted the country was found in Beijing, and at the same time, the news of other countries was strictly sealed..."

"The guards in the big interior are on first-class vigilance to prevent people from the Charles Empire from raiding the palace..."

"Third, in the name of the emperor, it is forbidden to suspend the regular transfer of the 18 battalions in the outer city..."

"The order of the 18th Battalion outside Beijing must have an imperial edict approved by the emperor. Brother Zhou Yi, wait for me here. I'll come as soon as I go." Nalan Lingqi looked at Zhou Yi, who was a little surprised, and smiled, "Don't worry, I won't send someone to arrest you. Why, don't you dare?"

"It doesn't matter." Zhou Yi shook his head and smiled, "At worst, I'll make a hole in your palace."

"Well, just wait here for me to come back." Nalan Lingqi said a word and didn't know what she remembered. Her face suddenly turned red, and the momentary amorous feelings stunned Zhou Yi. After he tasted it carefully, Nalan Lingqi had turned around, and the plump and charming lines gradually faded away in the ring.

"Brother, can you not be so impatient? If you stare at others, you should also pay attention to the appearance. Xiao Nizi has been holding back in the Dragon Ball for a long time and has been impatient for a long time. Now she has free time and can't help stimulating Zhou Yi.

"Shh! In a low voice, these two female bodyguards are all at the mid-level level of refining gods! The palace is a pervert. Thousands and tens of thousands of people can't produce a master of Chen Xiu. I have no sense of achievement at all.

"Don't change the topic!" Ao Lan said, "This Nalan princess is not only a peerless beauty, but also noble, commandable and skillful. Brother, chase her and pick her up!"

"Alas, why do I have such a sister..." Zhou Yi rubbed his temples. "You said that the guard of the mansion of the Protector is also strict. How did those Charles succeed? Can a puppet pretend to be Mo Xingtian? Moreover, Nalan Lingqi's vision was too mysterious just now, as if she had seized some opportunity... Opportunity..."

Speaking of this, he flashed, "Do you think there are any people of the four princes in the 18th Battalion of this outer city?"

"Not only the four princes, but also five, six or seven eight possibilities! Oh! I understand that she used this information to take the opportunity to control the power of the four princes in the imperial capital... Ah, it is also difficult for this princess to react so quickly. Taking advantage of the opportunity is simply perfect!"

The brother and sister were talking. Nalan Lingqi had pushed the door and entered, followed by a middle-aged man in a green robe. The man is not tall, with a sharp and thin face, and the most conspicuous is two thick eyebrows. Standing behind Princess Nalan, he is as calm as a mountain. However, after seeing Zhou Yi, his squinting eyes quietly opened, facing Zhou Yi's clear eyes, wiping out a spark.

"This is the strong man who pursues himself!" The familiar atmosphere made Zhou Yi quickly judge it.

"It's really a hero!" Huang Xian's voice was as strong as his temperament, "I didn't expect that the refining master who went straight into the princess's bedroom was such a charming man."

This sentence meant to praise Zhou Yi's youth, but Princess Nalan changed her taste in her ears, and her pretty face blushed slightly and said, "Brother Zhou Yi is indeed young and successful. This is Uncle Huang. She did not introduce Huang Xian's position, but was just a junior, obviously with respect for him.

"If you don't mind, just call me Brother Huang..." Huang Xian smiled and raised his eyebrows and disappeared solemnly. On the contrary, there was a funny taste. "It's the first time I've seen a refiner who can block my attack. Princess Chitose, don't be angry. We talk about each other.

"Brother Huang." Zhou Yi nodded with a smile.

"Good brother!" Huang Xian is naturally familiar with him, and regardless of how faceless Zhou Yi's invasion of the palace made him, he couldn't help asking, "What is your ability to make holes? It's really fast and good..."

Princess Nalan gracefully added her forehead with her hand and said, "Uncle Huang, let's talk about this later. It's not too late. Please and Zhou Yi's brother, please go to the 18th Battalion outside Beijing with me.

"Yes, yes!" Huang Xian remembered the business and raised his eyebrows again, "Okay, let's go now!"

"Thousand years old!" The stereotyped female bodyguard next to her said in a low voice, "Forgive the boldness of the maidservant - the 18th Battalion outside Beijing is in crisis, and you only take two people..."

"It doesn't matter. I'm looking to see my father-in-law as my daughter-in-law this time." A faint sadness flashed in Princess Nalan's eyebrows, "Moreover, with Tang Ying, don't worry about me."

Tang Ying! Zhou Yi's eyelids jumped gently, remembering the shadow that disappeared in the dark when he helped Zhou Yi heal his wounds that night. Is this the name of Nalan Lingqi's invisible bodyguard? Why didn't she do anything against the Risang people last time?