xing yu universe

Chapter 71 I want to make you regret for a lifetime

Nalan Lingqi saw Zhou Yi use a fist and dared to shake such a huge stone man. She couldn't help but open her mouth slightly. The word "ah" had not yet been exported. The big stone was like raindrops, and she had no brains to hit the two people. Especially the grinding disc with the size of the grinding disc on her head. If she hits it, with only the cultivation in the early stage of her career, it must be the end of brain bursting.

She still didn't move. Because she knows that when she is most dangerous, there is always a shadow that will block all the dangers. However, before the shadow appeared, Zhou Yi shouted loudly in the air, and suddenly burst out a hundred points of Mars. Nalan Lingqi looked carefully and saw that it was actually a dense two-inch-long steel needle, with a cluster of purple flames attached to it. Each steel needle accurately hit her and smashed all the stones that hit her. Some stone crumbs splashed on the face and hurt a little.

"Be careful, another stone man!" Nalan Lingqi reminded loudly that Zhou Yi looked back at herself and said anxiously, "Block it quickly. Don't worry about me. I'm fine!"

Zhou Yi suddenly turned around and felt that the wind was blowing on his face. A stone fist roared. He hurriedly adjusted his body and swinged in the direction of its attack. From the outside, it seemed that he had been hit, causing Nalan Lingqi to exclaim again. When the sound came out, he found that he turned diagonally, his body suddenly rose several feet, and kicked the stone man's head, stirring up another wave of stone rain and stone debris.

This guy's attack method is so direct and violent! Nalan Lingqi is used to the competition and struggle between Chen Xiu. Most of them are energy fighting with weapons as the medium, which is gorgeous. It is rare to see fists to flesh like him.

Nalan Lingqi was a little distracted and suddenly felt that the evil wind was not good. She suddenly looked up and saw a stone the size of a football, which was close to her face! Looking not far away, Zhou Yi hovered in mid-air, with a smile on his face and calm. There was no way to take action!

"This bastard, why can't he be saved?" In an instant, a feeling of irritability and anger rose in Nalan Lingqi's heart.

However, with the eternal shadow behind her, Tang Ying split the stone into two pieces with a knife, and she suddenly remembered that this guy was actually going to bring out her mysterious shadow bodyguard! Thinking about this layer, I couldn't help gritting my teeth secretly.

However, this shadow is wrapped in a black tight robe. Zhou Yi can't see her face except for her hot figure and simple, fierce and arrogant family style.

Zhou Yi shook his head in disappointment, but saw that one stone people stood up one after another, densely, and these stone people were also at the peak of their breath, but if they continue to fight like this, when will they go on? I don't want to hit a mouse in the fantasy again.

At this time, there was a louder roar in the rear, and the dark clouds were suddenly split by a colorful silver sword on the edge, revealing the long-lost sun. A figure, like a full pocket, ploped and fell in front of Nalan Lingqi's horse.

"Uncle Huang!" Nalan Lingqi's face changed and suddenly pulled Majiang. The horse roared sadly and stood up. She jumped off the horse and leaned down to look. Huang Xian's face was pale and scared, and her lips trembled and said a few words: "Just rush out of the cracks!" After saying that, I didn't know anything.

Zhou Yi looked up and saw a crack in the sky, revealing the blue sky in the afternoon, but the edge of the gap was shining a layer of dazzling white light, which was closing at a visible speed. He shouted hurriedly, "K, you take Brother Huang and the princess out first!"

"Good!" Ke did not dare to neglect. As soon as he shook his body, he turned into his original body. Regardless, he swallowed Huang Xian first, and then came to swallow Lan Lingqi.

"Get out of here!" With a cold scolding, the dazzling electric light passed by, Ke roared, and narrowly and dangerously dodged from under the blade, and two black hair slowly fell down. Scared, it jumped back two steps and shouted, "The world is unpredictable!" Why did you kill me?"

Tang Ying's hand is two machetes, which are as curved as the moon, just like her charming curves. The blade is simple, one is white and the other is black, and there is no other decoration.

Nalan Lingqi trembled all over and pointed to Zhou Yi: "Zhou Yi! So it's you? You brought us into the array and still want to kill me and Uncle Huang? Before this, she had imagined this possibility, but because of Yuewei and her belief in Huang Xian's strength, she chose to trust Zhou Yi temporarily, but she did not expect this result.

"Don't you have to show such an angry expression first?" Zhou Yi was ironic, "Brother Huang is injured. I'll ask Ke to take him away first!" He pointed to the sky and said, "He tried his best to break the magic circle. If he doesn't leave, it will be too late!"

Nalan Lingqi ignored it and just looked at him quietly, as if she wanted to see his authenticity from his eyes.

At this time, Ke suddenly retreated and almost fell to the ground. He shook his head and shouted, "Why is my head so dizzy?"

"It is poisoned, of course it will faint." Nalan Lingqi said coldly.

"Poisoned?" Zhou Yi was stunned and wanted to ask why he was poisoned. Suddenly, he remembered that Tang Ying cut off two pieces of hair with a knife and couldn't help but straighten his hair. "Is it her? Can she poison the animal hair?

Thinking of this, Zhou Yi's eyes slowly became cold and said, "Since others don't appreciate it, forget it. Ke, return Brother Huang to them and let's go!"

"The world is unpredictable!" Ke complained and spit out Huang Xian without any damage, but he was still in a coma due to the wound in his soul.

Nalan Lingqi's long eyelashes beat twice and looked up. There was only a little gap left in the sky. She took a deep breath and said to Tang Ying, "Detox it."

"Yes!" Tang Ying did not hesitate, but waved his hand slightly, and Ke felt refreshed. He shook his big head, and his body bounced up from the ground.

"It's too late. Let it take Uncle Huang away first!" Nalan Lingqi said.

"Then you..."

"Hurry up!" A trace of determination flashed in Nalan Lingqi's eyes. Zhou Yi knew that he could no longer argue at this time and waved to Ke. The dragon beast roared and swallowed Huang Xian again. The lightning and thunder under his feet jumped up and disappeared into the cracks of the sky in an eye.

"You still don't believe me." Zhou Yi smiled bitterly, "If you are controlled by the enemy, Zhongxia will be finished."

"I don't believe anyone can control me."

When she said this, Nalan Lingqi showed a condescentive momentum, against her delicate appearance and more luxurious.

Zhou Yi curled his lips secretly. Do you think you are Wu Zetian? I see what you can do!

With that, he closed his eyes slightly. The gap in the sky closes, which means that someone outside controls the formation. It is a fool to keep running forward. It consumes energy. It's better to stop here to adapt to change.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

It's not a stone man or an arrow of soul. In the boundless wilderness, a million soldiers rose from the ground! People and horses all show a jade-like luster. Although their faces are expressionless, the killing atmosphere still makes people feel suffocated.

In this endless iron flow, Nalan Lingqi looked too delicate and helpless. Zhou Yi's eyes slipped from her stunning face to her shoulders, and her shoulders trembled slightly.

Absolutely not afraid, maybe it's a worry about the fate of the empire?

The array listed by Shangguan Fengyun flashed through Zhou Yi's mind like lightning. He can be sure that such a magic array construction method, as well as the use of light and earth summoning, absolutely comes from the West, and should be undoubtedly the Charles Empire.

He took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes. The power of the soul at the peak of the refining god opened, and a blue light turned into a pair of extremely beautiful wings in his eyebrows, and then expanded into infinite and infinite hazy, scattered in this seemingly boundless space.

"The five behavior bases are circular and integrated; the single system is in the same direction, and the array contains..." The magic array may be different, but the construction principle of the magic array is a little connected. Shangguan Fengyun has a deep research on this aspect. Because Huang Xian is similar to the soul of the people who operate the array. After a period of competition, the soul power of the enemy is much weaker, and he can no longer organize large-scale soul attacks. The million troops summoned seem fierce, but most of them are only at the peak level of their spirit, and they do not have the ability of soul attack.

In this case, Zhou Yi can fully open the soul detection and find out where the array is.

Tang Ying's eyes outside are beautiful and fierce. Like Zhou Yi, she did not make too fancy movements or make any sound. She just firmly guarded Nalan Lingqi, and two knives split into tough arcs, and the approaching cavalry all turned into broken jade.

However, there are too many enemies, front and right, in all directions, Zhou Yi, just like a boat in the waves. If you don't pay attention, you will be in danger of being buried in the sea.

Half an hour has passed...

An hour has passed...

Ten hours have passed...

A layer of fine sweat appeared on her eyebrows and eyelids. No matter how strong Tang Ying was, she could not single out hundreds of thousands of people alone. Everything in front of her felt more and more illusory, more and more like a dream, and her movements became more and more mechanical... Moreover, she was not alone and had to be distracted to protect Nalan Lingqi.

Wow! A sledgehammer hit Nalan Lingqi's vest fiercely. Tang Ying reflexively blocked it with his left knife and swept it flat with his right hand. Generally speaking, this one can be swept down. However, due to the loss of force and deformation of the movement, only one person was smashed and one ride, and the shoulder and back were hit by two hammers at the same time. From this moment, the banging sounded continuously. She was hit one after another, and her body swayed more violently. Instead, she no longer attacked, but opened the protective light and hugged Nalan Lingqi tightly. Even those sledgehammers hit her body, and blood spewed out, and her ribs and shoulder blades sank deeply.

"Shadow..." Nalan Lingqi screamed sadly and looked back at Zhou Yi. He stood there as if he was determined not to attack these puppets. When these puppets attacked him, a purple light radiated on the surface of his body and resisted these attacks.

"Zhou Yi, what are you doing?"

Through the battle just now, Nalan Lingqi knew that Zhou Yi's cultivation was at least at the peak of the refining god. Seeing him like this, he clearly intended to save himself, regardless of others. Thinking of this, I feel more and more hateful of this beautiful face and scolded, "Zhou Yi, if you don't take action, I will definitely make you regret it for the rest of your life!"

However, Zhou Yi didn't hear it and ignored her at all, which made her full of anger, but there was nowhere to vent.