xing yu universe

Chapter 77 Realm

Zhou Yi is based on the human body and the dragon body. He has realized a realm that most people have no chance to understand, and only a few people can understand it in the Taoist period! It can be said that this understanding not only integrates the wisdom of time travel, but also has some elements of mistakes.

According to Ao Xue, the realm is a watershed between the peak of the Tao and the saints. An Chen practitioner has a soul foundation value, physical talent, and is diligent enough to practice God and Taoism. However, if you want to go further, you must understand the realm, use the realm as a bridge to see the way of heaven and become a mortal saint.

No matter dragon or man, no matter what kind of energy, it is actually an analysis of chaos, which contains chaotic factors. Therefore, Zhou Yi named his realm Chaos.

At this moment, he saw that the energy fluctuations of everything in the world were so clear that even the twin fists of Chenfa puppets were transformed so clearly, and the movement of energy could be seen so clearly! In an instant, he felt that his strength had doubled!

External attacks of various attributes are energy, while knives, axes and fist attacks are also energy in motion. Even if a grass sways in the wind and a seed breaks out, it's all energy--

Zhou Yi stood up proudly in the strong wind like a tsunami, held up the heavy dragon gun with one hand, looked at the intertwined cracks in the power of Chenfa puppet's fist, and shot out a shot like a Thunderbolt!

With the loud golden stone and sound, the alloy gunhead drilled in from the airless fist and firmly nailed it to the chest of the Chenfa puppet.

Everyone also held their breath. According to the fighting situation just now, most soldiers believed that Zhou Yi was bound to be counterattacked by a stronger light.

However, no one could see clearly. A mass of dust-like energy burst from the place where Zhou Yi held the gun, with the barrel as the center and quickly slid towards the gun head. At the same time, like a water wave, it became bigger and bigger. Finally, together with the alloy gun head, it hit the chest of the Chenfa puppet.

Let's go!

There are a total of 206 energy joints of the Chenfa puppet, all of which are broken!

Zhou Yi's cold eyes penetrated the metal body of the Chenfa puppet and reached his inner core. The Chenfa puppet suddenly stood up, his eyes were unparalleled, and a louder sound of the spring breaking came. Suddenly, dense cracks appeared on its body, and its hair, eyes, ears and ears even fell to the ground.

Plop! The tall puppet fell to his knees, his head drooped, and he could no longer move.


"He killed Marshal Mo!"

Although most of the soldiers have seen that this is not Marshal Mo himself, some people shouted loudly at the encouragement of others, and the whole martial arts arena suddenly became a mess.

The late autumn wind lifted Zhou Yi's elegant long hair. He carried his long gun behind his back and calmly patrolled the crowd, but found that Ling Huiya's face flashed away. More than a dozen men who had reached the peak of his performance rushed to the command platform and surrounded him in the center.

"Each department quickly restrains its subordinates and surrounds the command platform. Zhou Yi killed the general of the court without permission and couldn't let him go!"

Ling Huiya's slightly cold but very stable voice came, and the noise immediately became much smaller. Now, Mo Xingtian, Kuanglong and Zhao Tianba are nowhere to be found, and he has become the master of the course.

** gradually calmed down, and tens of thousands of soldiers scattered like a tide, surrounding Zhou Yi. Although these soldiers are not the peak of their spirit, as a garrison, they are trained very scientifically and hard, and have a long-term practice of joint attack. In terms of momentum alone, they can be comparable to the strong. Zhou Yi's whole body is iron. How many nails can he twist? Even if you escape, you will become a live target for strong archers.

Ling Huiya also knew Zhou Yi's strength and did not let people attack directly, but skillfully made a few gestures. Several men around Zhou Yi quickly retreated. The people and horses below were left and right, revealing hundreds of archers in fine leather armor behind them, full of bows and strings, and the three-edged steel heads flashed cold light under the Chenfa lamp.

Zhou Yi took a deep breath and knew that today's things could not be done well. Although his whole body is full of treasures, his manpower is sometimes exhausted, and it is still not enough to look at this sea of tactics. However, this did not affect his mood. He just gently extrud the breath of his chest, lowered his eyelids, and thought about his way out.

This calm temperament like a mountain and as quiet as a lake makes the wonderful eyes hidden in the dark slowly show appreciation and doubt. What kind of practice can make a teenager reborn in three years? Will Hunter's information be wrong?

"shoot!" Ling Huiya waved his hand suddenly.

Zhou Yi is here. Where did the princess go? This is the most reassuring place for him. Now that you have shocked the snake, it's better to choose a day than to hit the sun. Just play a big ticket with the Charles. Kill the teenager and then attack the capital. If you fail, either turn south to the unwilling Sun family, or go north into the vast miracle forest. There are monsters everywhere, which are extremely dangerous, and I believe that the court does not dare to search and arrest them. With this idea, he naturally did not hesitate to kill Zhou Yi.

"Do it!"

With a strong scolding, the night sky was like three more dazzling suns. The dazzling light shone down, and many soldiers shouted tragically and covered their eyes. In the strong light, countless vigorous figures pierced the crowd like sharp knives. The archers were restrained before they understood, and the scene fell into chaos again.

"Put down your weapons and surrender to avoid death!" This roar was more shocking than just now. Even Zhou Yi was shocked when he heard it. Ordinary soldiers couldn't control it and fell to the ground one after another.

Zhou Yi looked up and saw countless people coming to the command platform. Although it was as fast as the wind, it was slightly messy, the energy fluctuation was not very strong, and the combat power should not be as good as the 18th Battalion outside Beijing. However, the 20 or 30 shadows that broke into the array actually had more than ten cultivations at the level of refining gods, which surprised him a little.

At this time, the sound of horses' hoofs was close, and the first two riders could also see clearly. On the left side was slightly ahead of a horse's head. It was the beautiful princess Nalan Lingqi, but there was a golden yellow spike in her arms, crystal and warm jade Ruyi. A little back on the right is a thin and dry old man, with a pair of golden eyes, full of flames when shouting, and the stars shining between his eyebrows, and he is actually a strong man.

"The princess of the prison is here, put down all her weapons!" In the old man's voice, there was a power that shocked people's souls, and the scene immediately calmed down. The soldiers of the 18th Battalion outside Beijing have adapted to the strong light. Goodbye, Princess Nalan and the old man flew to the command platform. Even if they didn't know the princess herself, they also knew the costumes in the palace and the Ruyi treasure representing the power of the country. They were shocked. They quickly threw away the blades in their hands, knelt to the ground and shouted, "See Princess Chise, Qianse!"

Zhou Yi stood not far from Nalan Lingqi. At this moment, he saw the peerless beauty caged in the light and looked at her exquisite profile, and became a little trance. She is almost in danger. She is wearing a light yellow palace shirt, with high green silk, and a pearl jade phoenix that is about to fly. The black cloak with gold silk on her back is raised under the autumn wind, and her whole body is like a fairy who is about to go to fly away. She twisted her neck gracefully like a white swan and nod her head to the old man. The old man took a step forward and said loudly, "Ling Huiya, the deputy commander of the Long Xiao Army and the general of the town, colluded with the Charles people and assassinated Grandpa Mo, General Kuang Long and General Zhao Tianba. The intention to rebel has now been exposed. The emperor has an edict, only capture Ling, and never ask!"

The old man's shocking sound came to his ears, and everyone dared not move. He searched below and frowned slowly. Zhou Yi noticed this and hurriedly unfolded his spiritual knowledge. Sure enough, Ling Huiya didn't know when it was gone.

"General Liu Chengwu, General Ou Tieyang!" The old man continued, "Let you temporarily take charge of the Xishan army and horses, restrain the troops, reorganize and investigate the troops, and wait for the next order!"

"Yes!" The new man in the front row, two middle-aged generals of about the same height but with black and white faces agreed at the same time.

Zhou Yi's real contact with Zhongxia society is not deep, and he doesn't know where he was transferred. And some of the generals of the 18 battalions outside Beijing showed an angry look on their faces. He thought to himself, "These incompetent soldiers and horses in the five cities also come to suppress us? If the princess hadn't been there..."

"...General Wu Yihua and General Ma, quickly led the people of the camp and stationed in the Forbidden Outer City on the same day..."

The old man kept talking and ordered to transfer troops one by one, and unexpectedly divided the soldiers and horses of the five cities and the seven battalions of Xishan. These generals only control the army and fight. They are relatively unfamiliar with the soldiers, and there is no objection at this time. The feeling of killing by the mountain rain made them all tighten their faces and agree loudly, and dare not neglect at all.

After only one meal, the old man ordered, and the generals dispersed, and the dark shadows hidden in the dark disappeared one by one. The lively martial arts arena just now suddenly calmed down, leaving only the night wind stirring up the flag and hunting, endlessly.

Zhou Yi silently looked at the noble and bright face of Nalan Lingqi in the light. His heart was mixed with the joy of arriving in time, but he was more surprised. Only then did he know how powerful the royal power was. In the eyes of others, my own strength is really not enough.

He is arrogant here, but others don't think so. The old man turned around and hugged Zhou Yi and said, "I'm under Chu Tianyi. I heard from the princess that Brother Zhou's cultivation is profound, and I still don't believe it. When I saw it just now, it was really extraordinary. It really made us old people ashamed.

Seeing that Zhou Yi was still a little stunned, Nalan Lingqi smiled and said, "Brother Zhou Yi, I was too scared to speak when I saw a strong man?"

Zhou Yi woke up and said with a smile, "Where, where, I've seen Elder Chu." Seeing that Nalan Lingqi did not identify as the old man, he did not want to ask. I only felt that I was far away from her, far less than being in the cave.