xing yu universe

Chapter 81 Test Registration

After holding for a quarter of an hour, fine sweat also appeared on the tip of Liu Yu's red nose. She couldn't help shouting. She replayed a set of spiritual decisions with one hand with her right hand, as dense as drizzle, fast and urgent. Her right fingers stretched out slightly, and two flames rose, and the two crystals under the stone platform also flashed, and the red light was in The scale flashes back and forth until it is constant.

Challenge success! Liu Yuhong was overjoyed and looked around proudly. Of course, Nalan Siming and Huang Yinglong would not let the beautiful women down and applaud first.

Xiuer curled her lips and said secretly, "There are only two temperatures. What's so proud of!"

persisted for a quarter of an hour. It was not until Liu Feng nodded before Liu Yuhong wiped the sweat on her forehead with a sigh of relief. Despite her nose, her face blushed and nodded Zhou Yi with her chin: "Hey, it's your turn!" In my heart, I secretly thought that my uncle was a sixth-order refiner. The son and Gu Donghou reached the fourth level of pervert at the age of 30, and Huang Yinglong, an iron rooster, also reached the third level. It seems that I can only find my face on this good-looking rookie.

Gu Donghou and Huang Yinglong have broken through the second level of chemists in their twenties. They usually regard themselves very highly. Now when they see younger refiners, of course, they are very interested and stare at Zhou Yi sitting in front of the stone platform. However, Nalan Siming's heart was full of imagination and his eyes flashed: This boy's soul foundation value is not even accepted by Chen Xiu College. How can he be a refiner? But looking at his momentum, it is by no means comparable to three years ago, and even I can't see through it...

At this time, Zhou Yi had already done it in front of the stone platform. His clear eyes first glanced at the dense crystals, and then swept the onlookers with different looks. These people should be my opponents in the pottery competition, right? Seeing the face that was more mature than him, but also very young, and thinking about Yuewei's elegant and beautiful face, his mind couldn't help but swing, and a sense of pride slowly rose in his chest.

No matter what, you must defeat them!

"Let's begin."

With Liu Feng's words, Zhou Yi quickly stretched out his right hand and turned over. The audience's eyes only blinked and didn't see clearly. Four small flames jumped and danced in the palm of his hand, and the light of the four crystals almost stopped in an instant!

Liu Yuhong and others are not integrated with the flame, but based on the fire constitution to launch the energy in the purple mansion. Naturally, they need to use spiritual decisions, seals and spells to attract. Shangguan Fengyun's "fireout" is also this function. In this case, one more temperature flame is more difficult.

But for Zhou Yi, who has the divine fire element body "Lingzhuhuo", it is actually very simple to simply control the temperature. If he wants to, he can even make these 128 crystals flash together.

However, it is necessary to control the heat. Zhou Yi currently has a good grasp of only 8 kinds of flames. Based on the principle of low-key character, he chose to reveal four flames.

Seeing this strange scene, Liu Feng's reaction was calm, but he took a deep breath and stared at his slender eyes as never before. Liu Yuhong, Huang Yinglong and others have shouted in surprise.

"This...this is impossible! How did you do it? This is impossible!" Liu Yulong screamed like a ghost, "uncle, he... cheated!"

Everyone's ** did not affect Zhou Yi. It was not until a quarter of an hour later that he withdrew the fire, stood up slowly, lowered his eyelids, and waited for the test officer's comment.

"I can see clearly from the side that Mr. Zhou did not cheat." Liu Feng calmed his excitement and said slowly and forcefully, "Yancheng passed the test. However--" He stared at Zhou Yi and said, "Song Zhou, you can achieve four kinds of temperature constant in a minute, and your soul foundation and fire control ability are amazing. Why don't you hit 8 temperatures, or higher?

"Master Liu is flattered." Zhou Yi smiled and said, "This temperature control has always been my specialty in practice, which is not surprising. As for the 8 temperatures, it's a little difficult. I don't want to be obedient in front of everyone. I'd better stop when it's good.

Huang Yinglong originally saw that he had such cultivation at a young age. His heart was sour and astringent, and his vision was also very fierce. Zhou Yi's explanation turned to think about it. Although the instrument refining method is not as good as Chen Xiu, it is more than hundreds of thousands. Maybe there is a way to produce a spiritual decision without effort and directly produce flames. Although this little guy is very talented, it is so difficult to break through from 4 temperatures to eight temperatures. Maybe he can't break through in another 10 years. Where am I afraid of him? Thinking of this, my heart is much calmer.

However, Nalan Siming's face slowly became solemn, and the fan did not shake, and he pinched the short beard on his lips and fell into meditation. He is relatively clear about Zhou Yi's details. At the beginning, the little hat in blue, like Miss Yuewei's servant, how could he have such a high cultivation and learned to practice? Will he hide his strength and destroy my plan? Thinking to himself, he silently followed everyone and must see how Zhou Yi's refining strength is.

The "Melting City" is more than twice as large as the "Flame City", and is separated into twelve compartments with a half-person-high glazed wall. Each compartment is placed with five treasures of the six treasures: anvil case, hammering, tripod furnace, quenching, and knife refining. If you want to pass the test, except for the flame, your own refining items are prohibited. You must use the items provided by the melting city to be successfully refined before you can count.

Looking at the crowd, and then looking at Zhou Yi with a calm face, Liu Feng's curiosity also hung up. He looked at his niece first: "Honger, will you come first?"

"He comes first!" Liu Yuhong didn't want to be compared with Zhou Yi anymore. She pouted and decided to look at this guy's cultivation before deciding whether to refine it or not, so as not to be embarrassed.

"It's okay." Liu Feng couldn't wait for her to say so and immediately said, "Zhou, the second step is also very simple. As long as you refine a sufficient order of the object from the given material, you will be qualified. The material is in the world at hand.

Zhou Yi nodded. He secretly thought that the refinery was indeed rich, and he actually prepared the Chinese character world. This is nearly 10,000 taels of silver.

Looking at everyone staring at him for a moment, Zhou Yi restrained his mind, adjusted his breathing hands, waved his palms, and gently brushed them from the surface of the anvil case, tempering, tripod furnace, quenching, and refining knives. First of all, he felt their materials and functions.

The anvil case is a mountain stone of Mount Tai, which has a great addition to toughness. The quenching water is an ordinary Yuquan landscape. The tripod furnace can be called a third-order treasure. The alloy of obsidian and skyline steel is the same, but the tempering is made of soft bow-shaped steel. The five refining items are not of the same quality, but uneven and each has its own short and long length. It really takes some time to think about it.

Zhou Yi turned over the world in his hand, and his keen spiritual knowledge has seen the materials inside very clearly. 30 catties of skyline steel, 10 catties of bow steel, 5 catties of carbon powder, 3 catties of Jintian jade, 6 two days of silver quenching, 8 taels of turquoise powder, and several kinds of vine plants, that's all.

"Looking at his appearance, so casually, how can he refine a qualified treasure?" Liu Yuhong muttered softly.

"Shh!" Gu Donghou was a refining idiot. Originally, he disdained Zhou Yi, but now he was a little "sympatheting for each other". At this moment, when he saw Liu Yuhong interrupting, he couldn't help but glance at her and put his index finger on his mouth. Liu Yuhong was covered with goose bumps and hurriedly shut his mouth shut.

After about ten minutes, Zhou Yi's palm stretched flat and then flipped over. The two flames burned, and then put them on the bottom of the furnace for heating. Due to the special setting, people around did not feel hot, but the crystals showing temperature on the stone platform have stabilized the scale on 14heng.

These programs are all necessary for refining, and no one is surprised. But Zhou Yi's subsequent action made the audience's eyes wide open again.

He actually divided it without a knife, and directly put all the heavenly steel and bow steel into the tripod furnace!

"What does he want to refine and need 40 catties of steel to purify? The epee?" Everyone has general thoughts, especially Liu Yuhong, who looks at Zhou Yi like a madman.

No one could see it clearly. At the moment when the steel fell into the space of the tripod furnace, Ao Xue's heart quickly wrapped it, split it into fine particles and never restored the appearance of steel. Among everyone, Liu Feng's eyesight is the best, but he only saw a few energy dust splashed out, and he didn't expect it to be a special refining method.

At this time, the temperature in the tripod furnace has exceeded 300 constants, and four flames danced on Zhou Yi's fingers, constantly changing their size and posture. Although it is rapid, it is still clear in the eyes of insiders. Huang Yinglong and Liu Yuhong were still lamenting his proficiency and familiarity, but Gu Donghou and Nalan Siming shouted at the same time: "The rooster is white!"

Shangguan is the first refining family in Zhongxia, and the chicken singing is known all over the world. Now that this teenager is so proficient in using techniques, Liu Feng and others all show a surprised expression. Nearly four years ago, the Shangguan couple were exiled, the family was copied, and all the utensils were confiscated and transported into the palace. Ye He and Gu's family, who are responsible for the investigation, have to look around. The purpose is to refine the secrets of the Shangguan family and the twelve zodiac instruments.

General magic array structure is to use tools to refine knives and burn them before quenching. However, the Shangguan family's method is synchronized with the refining process and can penetrate through different methods during flame calcination. Therefore, with the same material, Shangguan Fengyun can refine higher or even higher-level Chenfa items.

However, no matter how they looked for it, they couldn't find this set of refining techniques, and both families thought that they had been secretly taken away by Shangguan Yuewei. Ye He's family, the fourth prince's family and Nalan Lingqi were already separated. They were very dissatisfied with the secret release of Shangguan Yuewei. At this time, they were even more resentful and even thought that Nalan Lingqi had taken this set of secret methods for themselves. Now it seems that Shangguan Yuewei should have given it to his fiance.

Thinking of this, Nalan Siming couldn't help but be very angry and secretly hated being a gentleman on Qingyang Mountain. Although Ai Qing's woman was powerful, she could secretly take down the girl. If there is a result, you don't have to take so much effort now. Instead, you will be made difficult to get off by Nalan Lingqi and have to participate in any cutting-edge refining competition.

Zhou Yi did not know what everyone thought. The whole body and mind were immersed in the refining. The steel water rolled and burned in the tripod furnace, while the sky silver quenching and green dill flowers were placed in different spaces of the tripod furnace, heated and calcined to make it into juice.

"Good! Not only can four temperatures be controlled, but also three can be used at the same time. Zhou Yi is worthy of being the best among his peers!" Liu Feng clasped and sighed, and Liu Yuhong couldn't even say anything at this time, so she could only stare. If people get angry quickly because of skills and methods, they can't catch up with the proficiency of using flames.