xing yu universe

Chapter 85 Refining Conference 3

"Huang Renjie, a grassman, hold the 21st card and participate in the refining conference!" Although Huang Renjie's voice was not loud, it made the quiet Yongnian Hall fall into whispers again. Although the fourth prince, Ye Hemeng, including Gu Yunlai, knew that Huang Renjie was going to participate, he still frowned tightly.

Gu Hua saw that everyone had taken their positions and immediately said loudly, "The new weapon refining conference starts now!" Lord Luo Yu, the right prime minister, please read the rules of the game. After saying that, I was secretly relieved and thought that my mission was finally completed... At the end of the refining conference, I begged for bones. Yunlai, they love to toss, just toss around. Anyway, I don't care...

"Young talents!" Luo Yu spoke very crisply, "The most important thing in this competition is to promote the exchange of refining technology and find talents for the court. The rules have been sent to everyone, and I will emphasize a few more points. First, the materials provided by the competition official during refining. Except for refining tools, individuals must not bring any raw materials to the field. Second, it must be produced independently and cannot be discussed with each other. Third, because the energy is not easy to control during refining, the court will cover the center of the hall, that is, your area, through the crystal array, to protect the princess Chitose and the adults. However, each stone refining platform does not have special protection, so you should be careful. If there is any accidental injury, you are responsible for it. Finally, the treasures obtained from all parties are officially owned.

Although he knew that the young refiners could not have any objections, Luo Yu subconsciously stopped and continued: "There are three judges in the competition, namely, Gu Yunlai, the young minister of the Zhongxia national refinery government, Master Hidekawa Jiro of Risang, and Master Manchester of Charles Empire! In this conference, the first three can be hired as palace refiners. Among them, the first place can also get the treasure "Golden Stone" and be rewarded with ten red crystals; the second place can get the "Golden Stone Essence" written by Master Gu Hua, rewarded with 100 green crystals; the third place can get the "Refining Decision" compiled by the palace, rewarded with 100 green crystals!"

As soon as these words came out, those good hands who were addicted to refining immediately showed an intoxicated expression in their eyes. Zhou Yi frowned: "Why didn't you mention Yue Wei?" He raised his head and was about to ask questions, but he heard Roster ask in the stiff Zhongxia language, "Don't you... still have Miss Yuewei?"

Moon Micro!

The reason why the refining conference caused a sensation in the whole country is not only fame and fortune, but also the beauty Yuewei is also an important reason. Although the ministers were very concerned, they were so self-reliant that no one dared to ask. As soon as he heard the chattering Charles mention, he immediately pricked up his ears to see how Prime Minister Luo explained.

Zhou Yi saw Luo Yu smile, which was mixed with helplessness, bitterness and contempt. In a country, a weak woman was used as a gimmick, which really made this learned man very dissatisfied.

"Yes, Miss Yuewei is the daughter of Master Shangguan, and naturally she also has the intention to marry young talents. The first place to appear this time can marry Miss Yuewei!"

The Prime Minister personally admitted that there was another riot in the Yongnian Hall. Ministers of the imperial court have different morals. The upright man is like Fenglong in the imperial history area of Zuodu. Looking at the red fruit of the court fighting for power with a weak woman as a tool, he was so angry that his eyes were cracked and he wanted to leave. However, Ren Guinong, the servant of the Ministry of Officials, immediately went to the teaching department to insult his wife and daughter as soon as an official committed a crime. He once saw Yuewei in Shangguan's house, which was amazing. After learning that the Shangguan family had committed a crime, he was so happy that he didn't sleep well for several days and nights and prepared tens of thousands of silver to go to the workshop to kiss the young lady Fangze. As a result, when he heard that Shangguan Yuewei had escaped, he was so angry that he scolded the Ministry of Criminal Justice and the soldiers of the five cities for two days.

"Huh!" The teenager Du Wangxuan looked coldly at the arrogant crowd and secretly clenched his fists.

"Please be quiet!" Luo Yu waved her hand, and the Yongnian Hall fell silent again. "Next, I would like to invite Gu Yunlai, the chief examiner of this conference and the young minister of the government, to announce the content of the competition."

"This competition--" Gu Yunlai's hunchback did not mean to straighten up. Seeing that he had successfully attracted the attention of most people, he smiled and said, "The question is very simple, with a total of two contents. One is the strongest shield, and the other is the strongest spear! If two people are rated as the best, there will be Princess Chisui, the Fourth Prince and Lord Ye He to jointly answer the questions for the next round of tests.

These two topics are the result of repeated discussions between him and Nalan Siming and others. The original title is to choose three or two wins, only on the grade, regardless of others. Naturally, the person with high cultivation wins, and Huang Renjie has an absolute advantage as a fifth-order refiner. However, according to the current title, Nalan Siming's armor production is first-class, and Gu Donghou's weapon production level is very high. Although the two are inferior to Huang Renjie, but in real comparison, there are still two differences. They intended to be wary of Zhou Yi, but in Nalan Lingqi's view, they deliberately contained Huang Renjie. However, after all, Huang Renjie has a high grade. Nalan Lingqi did not reject Gu Yunlai's modification, but carefully refined the materials, selection and other details, and ordered strict confidentiality. Gu Yunlai felt that his goal had been achieved. In order to avoid suspicion, he did not dare to tell Nalan Siming, Gu Donghou and others that they knew.

At this time, the pre-arranged array has been launched on the periphery of the refiners. The water-blue light lit up, and Zhou Yi clearly saw one seal after another under his feet, slowly holding up a light blue dome-shaped light mask, covering the people who participated in the refining in the center. Although the refiners are not strong in their cultivation, the temperature of controlling the flames is very high, and the refining process is easy to explode. They are all important ministers of the imperial court and big merchants who are related to the economic lifeline of the empire, so the safety work must be solid and solid.

"The following is the strongest shield link, armor production, two hours! The test weapon is a fifth-order treasure weapon, a cold light sword!" Seeing the opening of the protective array, Gu Yunlai announced loudly, and at the same time, he gently wiped the sword on the table with his hand. Several cold lights were like mercury, which made people's eyes shine.

The strongest shield! Hearing what he was good at, Nalan Siming's eyes immediately glowed excitedly, and his slender fingers danced. In Zhou Yi's eyes, it was like nine yin white bone claws.

Sarge eunuchs wear flowers like butterflies and put the container refining materials on the stone platform of the contestants. The black paperweight shape is elegant and beautiful. Zhou Yi touched his fingers gently and condensed his spiritual knowledge, but found that in the large space, there were only 20 catties of ordinary steel, three or two grain steel, one catty of silver quenching, and one or two tiger bone powder.

"What! Only three or two days of steel grain, one or two tiger bone powder? Although Nalan Siming already knows some clues, he still feels bitter in his mouth. It's good to use these materials to forge second-order armor!

You should know that the hardness in it is Tianwen Steel. However, after three or two days of steel grain consumption, it is not enough to make a ring. And ring armors are mostly energy protectors. To make such protective equipment, you must burn the array. To burn the array, you must use Tianyin quenching, but how to match a catty of Tianyin quenching with one or two tiger bone powder?

Contradiction! Difficult!

Looking around, there are also many refiners with sad faces. However, Zhou Yi noticed that Hoss, the short man of the Charles Empire, did not agree, and Hidekawa Weiliang of the Japanese Sang Kingdom also showed a confident smile.

Hous saw that the raw materials were ready. With a bang in his space ring, a square iron stove six feet long and nearly three feet high suddenly appeared beside him. A black smoke spewed out, which scared the people around him. Roster, who was not far away, was caught off guard and was smoked blacker than black charcoal.

"You!" Ross was furious.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Hoss glanced at Roster, "But won't you be fine if you stay away?"

Roster's face was dark, but there was nothing he could do. As soon as he hooked his hand, a monster iron furnace full of iron flower technology appeared in front of him. With a loud noise, two pieces of crystalline carbon flew out of the mouth of the furnace and hit the dwarf fiercely.

Bang! The dwarf just put the steel into the furnace, and he might have been smashed and almost drilled into the furnace.

Zhou Yi smiled secretly and looked back at this side, but saw that the refiners of Zhongxia took action one after another, but they were much more delicate than those of the Western refiners.

The furnace used by Nalan Siming is a green three-legged tripod with complex lines, which looks simple, heavy and full of stars. Wang Guofeng's refining furnace is a tiger roaring to the sky, and the tiger's mouth is the mouth of the furnace, which looks very creative. Other people are also dominated by three-legged and four-legged tripods. The fire is different from the crystalline carbon in the West, but turquoise.

Crystal energy is the energy source of Chenfa practitioners, Chenfa arrays, and even large Chenfa weapons. Refiners can control a variety of temperatures, but after all, they can't be ever-changing. Using the energy of crystals, they can further extend the duration of temperature and increase temperature changes.

Crystal carbon is a kind of crystal processed product. The combustion point is higher, the combustion is fuller, and the heat is better. This also fully shows that Zhongxia has fallen slightly behind in the development of energy ores.

Seeing everyone's action, the teenager Du Wangxuan smiled proudly. The action was a ball of green energy. A dazzling pearl slowly turned below, which immediately attracted the attention inside and outside the field.

"Energy tripod furnace!"

"It should capacity!"

Seeing that the young refiner kept turning the energy tripod furnace, everyone couldn't help taking a breath. Three judges looked at this place. The white-bearded Manchester master was surprised and said, "Gu, what a magical energy mass, which actually aggregates itself into a furnace, which not only provides energy, but also can accommodate materials... Oh, there are many magical things about oriental refining!"

"Sure enough, it is the legendary energy-gathering pearl green arhat!" Hidekawa Jiro's eyes flashed and looked at the energy-gathering jewel "Green Arhat", which showed his greed.

"This is called the energy tripod furnace, Master Manchester." Gu Yunlai smiled and said, "Generally speaking, the energy tripod furnace is a natural generation of a genius treasure. It not only contains the energy contained in crystals, but also has the potential to become arong jie. Only after being polished and carved by the eighth-order refiner can it become an energy tripod furnace." He said, but his heart was quickly searching for information related to the teenager. Du Wangxuan... Jiangnan Du family, my God, is he the son of Du Chengfeng, the wife and brother of Shangguan Fengyun?

"Oh, so it is. Gu, you must teach me how to refine this kind of thing!" Manchester has a deep-rooted spirit.

Gu Yunlai grinned: "Master, my current cultivation has just reached the sixth level! I'm afraid that only Shangguan Fengyun is the refining method of the energy furnace... No, it turns out that Du Chengfeng also knows..." Thinking of this, there were a few faint sneers on the corners of his mouth.

At this time, Hidekawa Jiro's face had always been serious and smiled. It turned out that his nephew Xiuchuan Weiliang had already taken action. The refining tripod is four dark red snakes holding a semicircle. The bottom of the semicircle uses crystalline carbon*. The starlight in the tripod furnace is shining, refining tiger bone powder with ordinary steel. During the refining process, a trace of imperceptible ** was quickly injected into the tripod furnace.

As soon as he saw that**, Jiro Hidekawa knew that he would win. Because he used the family's secret "marrow washing solution". This kind of **, colorless and tasteless, has melted into the blood of their family. It can't be seen by using traditional energy detection methods. Its main function is to transform the quality of bones and greatly improve the hardness. It was by relying on this inhumane "marrow washing liquid" that the Xiuchuan family took the seat of the first refining family of Risang.