xing yu universe

Chapter 99 Pursuit

Zhou Yi held the paradise bird in one hand and the ice moon polar dragon gun in the other, stabbed, blocked, picked and twisted, and fought fiercely with the evil snake in the abyss. Helpless, the cultivation of the evil snake in the abyss is higher than his class. Even if he has seen a deep energy realm, he can't make up for this gap at present. The long gun is the treasure of the dragon clan, but the damage to the python is extremely small. On the contrary, Tang Ying constantly attacks its wound with toxins, making it scream and the whole canyon shake.

It can't hold on here, but there is a sound from the canyon from time to time, and the two thunder eagles at the peak of the refining god can't hover in mid-air. The wound of the abyss evil snake kept bleeding, dizziness and tinnitus came one after another. The jungle had to beware of other monsters plotting. It sighed in its heart. That's all. Today, I was unlucky. I didn't catch the little Qingluan and lost the little phoenix. If I put up my old life again, I would be buried with these two human beings. , what can I do?

Thinking of this, it suddenly rushed to Zhou Yi and took advantage of his opportunity to escape and rushed into his cave without looking back. He said that I would leave. As for which guy you became the food, hey, then don't care...

Zhou Yi saw the evil snake escape, slightly stunned, and then breathed a sigh of relief. He motioned to Tang Ying and was ready to leave this dangerous place. Unexpectedly, more than a dozen thunderhawks suddenly appeared in the sky, all above the level of refining gods, swooping down to the two, with shocking thunder among their strong wings. Rolling, sharp lightning came one after another, making Zhou Yi dodge one after another. He had to shout to Tang Ying: "Go to the bottom of the valley to dodge!"

Tang Ying nodded, climbed and jumped on the trees on the mountain wall, and disappeared for a moment. Zhou Yi fought for a long time, and Chen Li was a little weak. He met trees many times while dodging. When he hid in the dense forest, he was already out of breath. He couldn't help yearning for Tang Ying's ability and thinking about where did this girl usually hide?

The monsters in the canyon don't seem to give him a chance to rest. As soon as Zhou Yi calmed down, he felt that the evil wind behind his head was not good. When he turned around, he saw a huge palm covering the only light gap between the trees and hit him fiercely. Zhou Yi hurriedly turned over and jumped. With a bang, his huge palm hit the place where he used to sit and gave birth to a big pit. All the shrubs inside were broken and the juice splashed everywhere.

Zhou Yi saw that what attacked him was a three-tall giant bear, with earthy yellow fur, his body was poured like a rock, extremely hard, and his eyes radiated fierce light.

"Rock Steel Giant Bear!" Zhou Yi was shocked. Judging from its energy fluctuation, he reached the peak of refining gods. While thinking about it, a long roar came from behind the giant bear, and a gorilla bent down and turned its back. It was all dark and ten meters tall came into view.

Zhou Yi secretly complained, accidentally stepped into the miracle forest, and was in danger everywhere. He was shocked step by step! Now is not the time to show off. He turned his head and ran away without saying anything. There were thunder eagles on it, and they dared not fly into the sky, so they had to dodge with the help of big trees, shrubs and vines. However, no matter how flexible he is, he is not as good as the monster who lives on this forest. At that time, the gorilla only swung on the tree with his arms and flew dozens of meters away, which was extremely fast. He could get close to Zhou Yi and swept over with a gust of wind.

Zhou Yi saw this and held the bird of heaven tightly in his arms. His body suddenly turned with this gust of wind. Although he escaped the rapid sweep, he was the end of the crossbow. He was hit by several broken trees one after another and spewed out a mouthful of blood, especially the last thick one. The trunk of the tree was hitting his shoulder joint and making a click. A sharp and stimulating crystal suddenly contracted. The polar dragon gun flew away and hurriedly pulled it back with energy wire and put it into the realm.

One arm was fractured, and one arm was still holding the paradise bird. Zhou Yi looked down, but he saw that a pair of talking eyes were also looking at him. There was helplessness, sadness, regret and emotion in his eyes. The emotions conveyed seemed to be richer than human beings.

Zhou Yi felt a pain in his heart and was reluctant to abandon it. His left arm was clamped tighter. Looking back, Tang Ying did not know when he appeared again. His body avoided the attack of the rock bear and disappeared ghostly. When he appeared again, he had reached its head. The machete stabbed its eyes without hesitation and then quietly escaped. The huge rock steel giant bear fell down after chasing for several miles and oozed drops of black blood from his hair, which made Zhou Yi a little shocking. However, Tang Ying's flexibility and fierceness did not stop the monsters. In addition to the huge and extremely flexible chimpanzees, there were more than a dozen "human-faced magic spiders" and more than 20 "underworld fire wolves", with thorny gray-white silk masses and cold blue fireballs flying in the woods. After Tang Ying mercilessly killed several magic spiders and more than a dozen wolves, his body was also hit by two fireballs, and his left leg was swept by the chimpanzee's fingertips, bleeding like pouring. Zhou Yi saw this and hurriedly held her, and the two ran forward together.

Turning through a mountain beam, the pursuit pace of the beasts slowed down significantly, and the cold breath came to the face. A narrow cave, or an abyss, or an abys, appeared in front of them. Obviously, this is the territory of the evil snake in the abyss. These monsters are not as good as it, so they dare not cross the boundary easily. However, although the human-faced demon spider, the underworld wolf and the rock steel giant bear stopped, the chimpanzee, like human beings, seemed to know that the evil snake in the abyss would not appear, so they took a few steps and swayed on a big tree. His huge body was like a stone shot by a catapult, and rushed to Zhou Yi like lightning.

Zhou Yi took a deep breath and used his last strength to fly up with Tang Ying and threw himself straight into the abyss cave. No matter how strong the chimpanzee is, it won't hit another big monster's house.

Just entering the dark cave, Tang Ying flashed and disappeared inadvertently. Zhou Yi didn't care about her. Looking left and right, he saw the sound of dripping water on all sides. It was dark, only diagonally below, revealing a faint light. Zhou Yi has a fire attribute physique, which is a little uncomfortable. He is afraid that he will run out of energy and fall down and rush to the light.

About ten minutes, Zhou Yi stepped on the bottom of the cave with a bang, and his legs were soft, and he almost fell to the ground. Inside the cave is black water. Looking up, the top is the rocks corroded by water. The gray-brown stalactites hang down, and the large stones that appear appear, divide the cave. It is high and empty, with a maze-like feeling.

Zhou Yi is afraid of shocking the evil snake, so he is careful when walking, and the sound is not loud. He just wants to find a place to quickly connect the broken bones and restore his strength. As the treasure of the dragon clan, Tuanlong can protect his body from the damage of the split of the treasure, but it can't offset the strong blow. When he encounters a strong enemy, he still has the worry of life.

After walking for about ten minutes, Zhou Yi saw a relatively flat stone platform in front of him. The stone platform was surrounded by an empty area the size of a football field, and then there were high piles of stones. Zhou Yi nodded and took a break here for a while.

He was not in a hurry to sit on it, but first dried the stone platform with fire energy, then took out the silk and spread it on it, put the bird of heaven on it, gently took care of its smooth feathers, and whispered, "Good bird, I'm really sorry. I wanted to save you, but I didn't expect to come back again. Don't worry, as long as I can't die, I'll take you with me. All right, now show me your injury."

The bird of heaven was placed on the dry silk, and there was a little grateful light in his dark eyes. As soon as he heard that he wanted to see the wound in his abdomen, he unconsciously hid backwards and looked a little shy.

How could Zhou Yi think of so much? As soon as he saw the bird hiding backwards, he laughed and said, "You little guy, what are you hiding from? Can I still roast you and eat it?" With that, he picked it up, turned it over, exposed its soft and smooth abdomen, gently pushed it away, and saw a wound, which was obviously injured by some sharp weapon. Although it was not long, it was very deep. At this moment, it was still oozing golden purple blood.

Zhou Yixiu's insight is different from the past. After investigating, he analyzed that the wound was left by weapons above the seventh level, and has negative effects such as sealing, paralysis and tearing, which is very powerful. It's very good that this little guy can hold on until now.

He didn't know that the bird of heaven was a form of phoenix that saved his life after being seriously injured. Seeing that the bird was particularly beautiful and cute, he called it as the little guy, but he didn't know that this "little guy" was much older than his age. Most importantly, this paradise bird has a familiar atmosphere that makes him unconsciously feel close.

Zhou Yi first took out a "green elixir" and put his palm on its abdomen. The gentle spirit bead fire penetrated. This feeling of closeness was even stronger, and the energy of the two sides, such as water and milk, quickly converged together to drive away the remaining heterogeneous energy in her body.

"Little guy, I didn't expect you to be a Yuexiu mythical beast, but Aolan didn't tell me that there was a kind of paradise bird in the Yuexiu mythical beast." Zhou Yi said softly while helping him bandage the wound.

While talking, there was a sudden cold laughter next to him. Zhou Yi was shocked, but he saw the python spitting out the core not far away. Zhou Yi raised his head and said coldly, "I see where you are going this time! Son of a bitch, I'm going to skin you today!"

With that, he straightened his head, and the huge snake suddenly stood up, like a huge whip, sweeping at Zhou Yi.

Although the abyss evil snake was seriously injured, it observed for a long time and knew that Zhou Yi was also the end of a strong crossbow. As long as it cheered up, it should be able to kill him and get this God-given precious paradise bird again.

In desperation, Zhou Yi had to pick up the bird and fly up. The small stone platform was swept into pieces by the snake tail and shot around.