xing yu universe

Chapter 100 Detoxification

The two sides trembled again. The abyss evil snake did not expect that Zhou Yi, who was exhausted, could persist, and was also afraid that he would emit that horrible energy particles again. Tang Ying's toxins penetrated into the body again, and his movements became slower and slower. If it went on like this, he would be consumed sooner or later. For a while, it roared and became more and more crazy.

"B son of a bastard, I will never die with you today!"

"Then come on!" Seeing that Tang Ying's body was also shaky, Zhou Yi threw the bird of heaven to Tang Ying and rubbed himself and rushed to jump on it. His intention was to use the heart of Aoxue to give a fatal blow to the evil snake of the abys of the abyss, but because his body was weak and his spiritual consciousness was weakened, Ao Xue's heart did not emit, but attached to the surface of his fist, increasing the power of his attack. Every punch went down, there was flesh and blood flying, the scales shot randomly, the evil snake in the abyss screamed strangely, the body tossed and crashed, and the whole cave trembled, echoing its sound.

A snake rolled over one by one. Zhou Yi looked at its head and kept beat it for a moment. The flesh and blood were blurred, and the blood flowed, which covered its eyes. In order to break free from Zhou Yi, the evil snake kept hitting the roof and wall of the cave. Zhou Yi relied on a group of dragons and was not afraid of being stabbed by sharp bell breasts, but due to the shock, he didn't know how many pieces of bones were broken.

Every time he was hit by the abyss evil snake on the top of the cave or underground, he felt that he was going to be flatten, and only one breath had not been spit out in his chest. Every time he was swept in the air by the abyss evil snake, he was like a roller coaster, suffocating and palpitated, as if the whole person was about to explode the next moment. Later, he had lost consciousness and only knew how to hold on to the body of the abyss evil snake, and then punched it down with one punch.

Finally, after punching, Zhou Yi almost hit his fist into the head of the abyss evil snake and touched an extremely cool and extremely hot thing. The abyss evil snake roared and fell to the bottom of the cave like a broken sack and did not move. Zhou Yi exhausted his strength, and the sharp pain all over his body surged like a tide. He didn't have time to see if the python was really dead. He tilted his head and fainted.

I don't know how long it took, Zhou Yi slowly opened his eyes, but saw two pairs of concerned bright eyes, one was a human and the other was a bird, which made him feel relieved and fainted again.

In his drowsiness, he heard the beautiful song of birds, and a girl muttering to him and singing softly. Although the sharp pain came from time to end, his body slowly warmed up and his ears were particularly comfortable. This time, he finally woke up completely.

As soon as he opened his eyes, the bird of paradise immediately sang happily and rubbed his cute little head on his chest, and Tang Ying's eyebrows, which had been locked, also stretched out and bent his eyes.

"Did you laugh?" Zhou Yi looked at Tang Ying in disbelief, "How dare you laugh? Unfortunately, there is a black veil covering, and I can't see it clearly.

Tang Ying didn't seem to be used to talking to himself like this. He turned his head and said lightly, "It's good for you to wake up. I caught your bones, but I won't warm them with energy. You can do it yourself. I'm leaving..."

"Don't... wait a moment." Zhou Yi grabbed her wrist, but touched the wound and frowned in pain.

"Don't move!" Tang Ying's eyes flashed a few times, "I... just won't leave."

Zhou Yi smiled and said, "That's right. How long have I been in a coma?

"It's been a day. I only found some water. There is nothing to eat here."

"It doesn't matter." Zhou Yi stretched out his hand, took out two green crystals from the realm, held them in his hand, and the mind automatically ran slowly, allowing two wisps of fine streams to slowly relax his muscles and bones.

He once thought that he was going to die, but now he escaped from death. He couldn't help thinking of his parents and friends in his previous life. The regret that was originally suppressed in the bottom of his heart slowly eroding his heart, making him sigh.

Tang Ying looked at Zhou Yi strangely, thinking that the teenager obviously looked young, but this sigh seemed to be full of vicissitudes. I don't know what he was thinking? Young and vigorous, can't you beat the evil snake in the abyss? It's unlikely. Seeing that he participated in the pottery refining conference, Ri Sangren saved Yuewei under the knife and was calm...

"When I was attacked by the evil snake of the abyss, I felt that I was going to die," Zhou Yi's pale face smiled a few times. "Do you know what people think of when they are about to die?"

Tang Ying was stunned. The unbearable scene flashed in front of her eyes, and her heart suddenly became cramped. She snorted, stepped back a few steps, and almost fell down.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhou Yi was shocked. He couldn't see Tang Ying's face clearly, but he saw her bright eyes turn gray in an instant. He suddenly remembered that this girl seemed to be able to experience the feeling of wandering on the edge of death than himself.

"I'm sorry..." Zhou Yi smiled apologetically, "Did I remind you of... something in the past?"

Zhou Yi saw that her hand was shaking gently and knew that the girl was too**. He wanted to ask her about her, but now he didn't dare. He sighed gently and then slowly closed his eyes.

Tang Ying knew that he had suffered a serious internal injury and his breathing was weak. If he slept at this moment, not only could the chlorite not warm the bone veins, but he was afraid that he was also in risk of life. He hurriedly said, "You... don't sleep, or, tell me about yourself!" She is not used to talking to people, so her language is a little stiff.

"I... I'm a little cold..." Zhou Yi closed his eyes and relaxed his whole body. He immediately felt a cold and spicy breath spreading around his neck. His body was like a pendulum patient, involuntarily trembling, his teeth were ringing, and his blue and black like a curtain, covering his whole face in a blink of an eye. Pang.

Tang Ying jumped and suddenly realized that he was poisoned by the evil snake in the abyss! She hurriedly bent down, turned over Zhou Yi's eyelids first, and then punched him in his heart, Zifu, Dantian and other key points. This method is not suitable for Chen Xiu, but it is the best way for her to seal the meridians. Then, she cut Zhou Yi's radial artery with a machete. When the blue and black blood flowed down, she hurriedly took out a small green bowl inlaid with soybean-like oval jade and connected a bowl of blood, and the golden jade immediately flashed alternately.

Tang Ying's eyes became very serious. She stared at the law of jade flashing, and her right hand kept taking out jade bottles of different sizes from the realm, and in a blink of an eye, it was full of her eyes.

Subsequently, a pair of slender hands, like butterflies piercing flowers, poured different doses of ** or powder from these jade bottles to reconcile them, and finally formed a dark blue transparent**, which was packed in a white jade bottle similar to Guanyin net bottle.

When she looked up, she found that the bird of paradise was snuggled close to Zhou Yi, combing his tangled hair with its beautiful yellow mouth. From one side, she could see a string of pearl-like tears hanging on her beautiful feathers, emitting a faint light.

Hearing Tang Ying's voice, the bird of heaven suddenly raised its head, and its eyes were full of wings, and at the same time, it was a little uneasy. Tang Ying saw that the bird was so cute, nodded to it and reluctantly squeezed out a little smile: "I did my best. It should work."

She walked to Zhou Yi, put his head on her thigh, and put the jade bottle close to his lips. Due to the alternation of extreme cold and extreme heat in his body, Zhou Yi had already fainted, his lips were black, his teeth were closed, and the antidote flowed down the corners of his mouth, and he couldn't even pour in a drop.

Tang Ying was busy for a long time, sprinkled a small half of the precious medicine, and couldn't help but be a little impatient. At this moment, she felt a tie in the corner of her clothes and turned her head to see that it was the paradise bird. It nodded to herself, then touched Zhou Yi's lips with its golden beak, and then nodded again.

Ah? Oh! Tang Ying suddenly understood and couldn't help hesitating. That year, after breaking free from the hellish torture, any intimate behavior between men and women was like a nightmare for her, reminding her of the unbearable past and trembling from her heart.

However, if he doesn't take this approach, he will die. I have received his favor and made an oath. Can't I break it?

After hesitating for a long time, her heart was horizontal, with a mouthful of potion, and slowly came to Zhou Yi's lips. Before it was lifted, her whole body trembled involuntarily. She didn't dare to think much and quickly pried open Zhou Yi's teeth with the tip of her tongue. After the drug came down, he couldn't help gasping loudly, as if he had experienced a life-and-death struggle.

In this way, under the complex eyes of the bird of heaven with some expectation and some acid, she drank the whole bottle of medicine for Zhou Yi, but she also lay beside Zhou Yi with her pale face and soft legs, and her plump chest fluctuated up and down.

However, in the unbearable past, in the scene of strong impact, every time he touched his lips, it seemed to be the rest of a rainstorm, which made Tang Ying feel a moment of tranquility. The feeling of his lips seems to calm himself down...

She slowly thought about it. As soon as she remembered, her right arm suddenly tightened, but Zhou Yi hugged her and muttered in her mouth, "Sister Bing, I'm so cold... You... Don't punish me, I'll practice hard... That's all..." Tang Ying struggled twice and didn't break away, so she had to lie still and let the heat of her body make Zhou Yi The stiff body softened, but he was relieved and continued to say, "Sister Bing... Don't be angry. In fact, I like you very much... I like you very much..."

His voice slowly lowered, and Tang Ying felt that his body was no longer cold, but a burning heat wave penetrated her body, which made her a little annoyed and couldn't help thinking, "This guy, he said that he likes Yuewei. It turns out that there is still a sister Bing in his heart. Who is this sister Bing?"